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I am writing this blog for my friends who would like to know more about me. And warning... lol I do 'ramble' some, hahaha. If at any time you would like to ask me anything, feel free. Photobucket I am an easy going person. I really enjoy doing things for my friends. So never hesitate to ask me for a favor. There are times when I make special things for people just because I feel like it. No! Contrary to popular belief, I am not the "Bitch that knows everything". I don't know it all yet! Lmao But I do like to try and learn something new everyday. Including learning more about my friends. I am not a Total Bitch unless provoked. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket It takes alot to piss me off 90 percent of the time. The other 10 percent "Subject To Snap" I have a severe anger disorder. And at this time it is uncontrollable by any medications I have tried so far. C'mon Smoke, we'll be late for anger management class. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I dont take my anger out on anyone personally, unless they have pissed me off. But I am an easy going person. I really enjoy doing things for my friends. It keeps me busy, and my mind occupied. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket So never hesitate to ask me for a favor. I really enjoy doing things for my friends. There are times when I make special things for people just because I feel like it. My friends are mine for a reason. If you don't like someone on my friends or family list, please don't tell me about it. Don't wanna hear it. And I will have the same respect for you. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I love my real friends, and I enjoy getting to know a little about the person behind the name. I am not prejiduced against any person. There may be some people I don't like. But I havent met many. And I will keep my opinion to myself, there is no law saying yah have to like every one. As many of you who are my friends know, my sister is on Cherrytap too. ~Dontcha™~S.B.A.B. & ~ Elite*Bombers~

@ CherryTAP And the fastest way to my bad side would be for you to mess with Dontcha. Leave my family alone... This includes everyone else on my family list too. For each and every one of them are special to me. Drama... I hate it like everyone else does. It is petty shit! Please don't bring it to me... But if I need to back up a friend, or take up for someone, I will. I can sure air dirty laundry with the best of 'em. lol Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket There's an ass in every crowd... And I can be it. hehehe I was an over the road (all 48 US states) truckdriver for 15 years, so I had plenty of time to practice. lol I would much rather be laughing with my friends or doing something constructive. My friends mean alot to me. I like to chat with as many as possible. Those who associate with me the most are in my family list or I can find them quickly by going to my comments, where most leave me a comment everyday. If you need someone to talk to, I'll lend an ear. Tho I am not the best at giving advice, if yah want it, I will try my best to give at least an opinion. If you would like to add me on Yahoo messenger- Lindalou632 or on Myspace- www.myspace.com/Justmeee0609 If at any time you feel I have wronged you in any way, please come talk to me about it. I will do my best to make it right. And if anyone tells you I said anything about you, come ask me, I am an honest person, I will be straight up and tell you. But just a heads up on that matter... If I have a problem with you, I will come to you. I do not pass messages for someone else to get involved in what is not their business. Basically, if you are my friend, and I yours, there should be enough trust to ask before letting petty shit come to harsh words between friends. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Gastro Bypass Surgery


I have decided to make a major change in my life, and I am glad my sister, Dontcha is joining me in this adventure. It is going to make major changes in our lives, and we will do it together.
 In the last three months we have been going thru all the tests, studies, meetings and Dr. appointments to have the gastric bypass done. We have one more test to do before meeting with the surgeon and scheduling the surgery.
 I am very excited about it. Only drawback so far is I have to stop smoking. 
 I know I havent been online much but now I have a little more Meee time. And I have started visiting my websites a little. Even check my yahoo mail hehehe... Sooo. I will try to keep a post on the sites as well.
 Anyone considering this surgery, visit www.obesityhelp.com I am a member there also. My screen name is justmeee0609.
Update, Thanksgiving Day 2009... I have subscribed to a wonderful site called Melting Mama, I wish some of you would check it out. It is full of all kinds of knowledge about weight loss, and weight loss surgeries. It has simple recepies even if you just are on a diet and not contemplating weight loss surgery. Here is the link     http://www.meltingmama.net/wls/archives.html
Drop by and check out her site. Its the greatest.

This is the disorder I have been diagnosed with, and it sure takes its toll at times. So if sometimes you ever wonder why I haven't been on here for days at a time, you will know I am recouping, and putting my house back together. LOL. I don't have episodes very often... but when I do, it takes me a few days to level my sanity back out. Intermittent explosive disorder Introduction Road rage. Domestic abuse. Angry outbursts or temper tantrums that involve throwing or breaking objects. Sometimes such erratic eruptions can be caused by a condition known as intermittent explosive disorder. Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is characterized by repeated episodes of aggressive, violent behavior that are grossly out of proportion to the situation. And, according to a June 2006 study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, intermittent explosive disorder is more common than once thought. Intermittent explosive disorder occurs most often in young men and may affect as many as 7.3 percent of adults in the United States. Individuals with intermittent explosive disorder may attack others and their possessions, causing bodily injury and property damage. Later, they may feel remorse, regret or embarrassment about the aggression. The cause of intermittent explosive disorder appears to be a combination of biological and environmental factors. Lives have been torn apart by this disorder, but medications can help control you or your loved one's aggressive impulses. Signs and symptoms Explosive eruptions, usually lasting 10 to 20 minutes, often result in injuries and the deliberate destruction of property. These episodes may occur in clusters or be separated by weeks or months of nonaggression. Aggressive episodes may be preceded or accompanied by: Tingling Tremor Palpitations Chest tightness Head pressure Hearing an echo Causes Most people with this disorder grew up in families where explosive behavior and verbal and physical abuse were common. Being exposed to this type of violence at an early age makes it more likely for these children to exhibit these same traits as they mature. There may also be a genetic component, causing the disorder to be passed down from parents to children. Risk factors People with other mental health problems — such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders and eating disorders — may be more likely to also have intermittent explosive disorder. Substance abuse is another risk factor. Individuals with narcissistic, obsessive, paranoid or schizoid traits may be especially prone to intermittent explosive disorder. As children, they may have exhibited severe temper tantrums and other behavioral problems, such as stealing and fire setting. Screening and diagnosis The diagnosis is based on these criteria: Multiple incidents in which the person failed to resist aggressive impulses that resulted in deliberate destruction of property or assault of another person. The degree of aggressiveness expressed during the incidents is completely out of proportion with the precipitating event. The aggressive episodes aren't accounted for by another mental disorder, and are not due to the effects of a drug or a general medical condition. Other conditions that must be ruled out before making a diagnosis of intermittent explosive disorder include delirium, dementia, oppositional defiant disorder, antisocial personality disorder, schizophrenia, panic attacks, and substance withdrawal or intoxication. People with intermittent explosive disorder may have an imbalance in the amount of serotonin and testosterone in their brains. They may also show some minor irregularities in neurological signs and electroencephalograms (EEGs). Complications This disorder may result in job loss, school suspension, divorce, auto accidents or incarceration. Treatment Many different types of drugs are used to help control intermittent explosive disorder, including: Anticonvulsants, such as carbamazepine (Tegretol), phenytoin (Dilantin), gabapentin (Neurontin) and lamotrigine (Lamictal). Anti-anxiety agents in the benzodiazepine family, such as diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan) and alprazolam (Xanax). Mood regulators like lithium and propranolol (Inderal). Antidepressants, such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and paroxetine (Paxil). Group counseling sessions, focused on rage management, also have proved helpful. Some people have found relaxation techniques useful in neutralizing anger.

ALL of my Photos will be set to my family and friends only. I enjoy making things for everyone. But I am having pics marked, that are used for comments everyday, from some of the graphics sites that we use. So any other of my pics that are marked in the future, will be promptly deleted. The same as they all have been. I do not have
for a reason...
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I like for my friends and family to be able to enjoy what I do for them. And if I see someone uploading an nsfw pic, I dont go look at it. Because if it is marked I can pretty much understand that it is prolly none of my business. And I dont need to see it. I want everyone to feel welcome to look at my pics. Therefore not safe for work, is a no for Meee.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
And there are lots more where these come from. I edit things for enjoyment. It is my escape from reality. But I guess there also has to be a reality check. lol
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~X~Just Meee™~X~S.B.A.B.~ Œlìte Bõmber§~Œnfôrçer~X~

@ CherryTAP

Comments and Ratings

Since I have been involved in getting settled in my new place, and trying to get my yard together, I have fallen behind in getting you good folks pics, blogs, and stash rated. But I still work on it when I can. I will get caught up soon I hope. Or at least caught up to where I feel comfortable. lol I plan to start getting some done every day here soon. If I have told you I would rate yours and I didnt get to it, I apologize, and feel free to remind me. I am only human, and I wont get mad. Same goes if I have said I would make you something, or if you have messaged me about making something for you. please remind me because mail gets deleted, and my stickey notes get lost. At times I have several things going at one time, on Tap and my home life, and get sorta lost. Then I have to sit back and recoup. lol
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Daily comments... I love leaving comments to my friends. And I would be lying if I said I didn't like getting the comments you all leave me. They help to make my page what it has become. Thank you. You all Rock!!! I start leaving my daily comments to those who left me one, then I move to my family list and get all that are online. Then I go to my friends I see on the Bulletin Board, and those I see active in the alerts box. I try to keep my eye on the alert box for activity when I can. But sometimes it just dont work out right for Me. So I have been known to, on occasion go thru my whole list of family, friends, etc... and leave everyone a comment. I realize that there are those of you who dont leave many comments, but that you are on every pic I upload, or blog I post. It doesn't go unnoticed. And I appreciate you all very much.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Please don't leave tastless and lude comments on my page. For I do not care for them. If you are in a contest, and need help, I don't care to help you if and when I can. But please mail me the link, don't leave it as a comment. If you mail it to me, I will blog it. I have contest blogs that I make sometimes, and post bulletins out of it too. also my wonderful friend Hellcat, has a daily hitlist. And if yah ask really nicely... In a cmail, you may be added if she choses to add you. Please do not shout her about it in the box nor put contest links on her page as a comment.

@ CherryTAP
I do not rate anyones profile or pics anything less than a 10. Unless the page moves and I do it by accident. Then I will rerate it a 10 or 11, if I still have some left for the day. I accept most friend requests, and I fan, rate, and comment as I accept them. When I am leaving comments I always look to make sure you are still rated and fanned. Sometimes we have ~~Glitches~~ on Tap... And things come undone. lol I have even had family members removed by the dreaded Glitches.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Online Status

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
My online status reflects alot about me. Some of you who know me and my sister Dontcha, already know this. I am not sure how many of you actually have Dontcha for a friend also, but about 90 percent of the time, she and I will have some crazy ass status up. There are a few who ask to join in the goofin... The more the merrier I say!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Here is Dontchas link, add her if you like.
~Dontcha™~S.B.A.B. & ~ Elite*Bombers~

@ CherryTAP
Some times tho, we'll fk up and it looks stupid. But you see, that is just another reflection of Meee. Because sometimes stupidity can be hilarious! And if you are laughing at me, that means someone else is getting a break. lol If I am working on something either on, or away from the computer, I will set my status to where 99.999 percent of most normal people can tell what I am doing.
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During this time, please dont shout me, I may not get your message. Cmail me. Because sometimes I get quite a few shouts while I may be outside working in the yard, or cleaning, and yours may disappear. And it may be important to you. At anytime you see me 'In the closet', or 'On the Crazy Train', I am here lurking around somewhere. Possibly loading someones page up with dancing Bananas in Pajamas. lmao Ask Dontcha!!! I got her a couple nights ago, now she says she owes me one. Yeah... ok. Get me Sissy. I gotcha girl! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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