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Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark


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Though the story was entirely fictional. The Legend and Myths surrounding the Ark's energy are not they are taken directly out of accounts of the Old Testament.

In the 1970s and 1980s Ark researches built several small models of the original ark for testing. Out of gold and forms as discribed in the bible.

What they found was rather surprising. The Ark functioned very much like modern day electric compastiors. Storing and directing electrical energy. Also the models generated their own electrical fields (with no outside source of energy.)

In the bible the Ark was built by Moses and Hebrews at the direction of the God Yahwah to store the ten commandments and ritual items. And to store "the Voice of God".. It was also the Ark that Hebrews carried into battle and with it able to defeat impossible odds in battle.

If indeed June 26 the Ethopians (which is sound to archeological evidence)  reveal the true Ark then it will be archeological discovery of the century...

Biblically speaking: Prophecy Jewish/Hebrew:

It is was predicted that the Ark would be lost for 1000s of years (as it has) and would repair again at "The End of Days" Before the Final Battle between God and Satan (Good and Evil) At the Battle of Megedo (in Modern Day Israel) where the entire world will gather (the forces of Satan (those corrupted by Evil) and the Forces of God (the Faithful) will have gathered for war.

... if indeed Friday the Ark makes Re Appearence (June 26) hold on to your seat its going to be a bumpy ride folks right into enternity itself!

.. Oh and if that is the case do take Indy's advice and no matter what happens "Don't Look at the Light!" It is said in Hebrew scriptions only the Evil believe themselves worthy to view the face of God. But in truth we are all sinners and unworthy."

... On a related note: I have personally spoken to documented Scientists who have worked out at the Infamous Area 51 Government Lab S-4 (home of the USA Above Top Secret UFO projects) they recounted in one of their experiments for the United States Military. They were tampering with Technology which they shouldn't have (1994). And in the Government Lab. A TRUE Angel of God Appeared "Delievering a Message from GOD himself." Not to proceed with the research. If they did the Angel was instructed to 'wipe mankind out of existence. for it would be the ultimate sin against all of creation' This Being of Light not only appeared at that moment in the lab (documented on film) but across the entire globe at the same to time to everyone involved in the project. "The Warning was simple Do NOT Touch! So commands your Creator and Most High".. Of all the Scientists involved on the project (many of whom decades old athiests) and all related workers down to security maning the cameras. ALL became believers instantly after what they saw and experienced.

<a title="DanExplainsLotus.jpg" href="http://s116.photobucket.com/albums/o31/vortogon/Temp%20Evidence/?action=view&amp;current=DanExplainsLotus.jpg">
  <img src="http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o31/vortogon/Temp%20Evidence/DanExplainsLotus.jpg" border="0"/>


Photograph: Dr.Dan Burisch; Microbiologist in 2002, Formerly Majestic Twelve assigned to Area 51, S-4 explaining the basics of of Project Lotus. The Project that invoked the appearence of God's Messager Angel. Dan Burisch was the Scientific Team Leader and spent approx 20 minutes in direct contact and communication with the Angel. To this day Burisch refuses on the pain of death to reveal the full extent of project he was working on.






Ark of the Covenant Revealed this Friday June 26th?

has anyone heard anything about this? These guys are going to reveal the long, lost Ark of the Covenant THIS FRIDAY, June 26th? This is an English Google translation from Italian:

[link to www.adnkronos.com]


II Patriarch of Ethiopia: "The world will know the Ark of the Covenant"

Orthodox Patriarch, Abuna Pauolos wants to reveal secret and the millennium in an exclusive interview all' ADNKRONOS explains: ''I am ripe time to tell the truth." Axum rise to a museum for the sacred symbol.


Roma, 17 giu. (Adnkronos) - Soon the world will admire the Ark of the described in the Bible as the container of the Tables of the Law which God gave to Moses and the center, over the centuries, of research and studies.

He said in an interview exclusive video all 'ADNKRONOS, Ign visible on the site, tested on-line site Adnkronos (www.adnkronos.com), the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia Abuna Pauolos, in these days in Italy for 'G8 of Religions', and that tomorrow will meet Pope Benedict XVI for the first time and to which, "if you ask - continued the Patriarch - tell the whole of part of the current situation."

"The Ark of - reaffirms Pauolos - is in Ethiopia for many centuries. Patriarca As I saw with my own eyes and only a few very qualified people have been able to do the same, so far." According to the patriarch is kept in a church, but to defend the authentic copy of a religious symbol and 'been placed in every church in the country.

The official announcement that the Etopia give the world the keys to the secret part of the millennium, will be given next Friday during a press conference at the Hotel Aldrovandi 14 Rome from the Orthodox Patriarch of Ethiopia, along with Prince Aklile Berhan Makonnen Haile Selassie, and the Duke Amedeo D'Aosta, which will be in Rome tomorrow morning.

According to some studies, the Ark was stolen from Jerusalem by the son of King Solomon and brought to Axum, regarded as the Jerusalem of Ethiopia. It will rise to Axum Museum named to host the Ark, whose project was funded by the Foundation of the prince, heir-designate to the throne by Haile Selassie before he died, Crhijecllu, acronym of the initials of the names of the children of Prince Christian , Jessica, Clarissa, Lucrezia.

A few weeks ago had been shown around the world the news that would have been seen by a journalist in the Ark authentic Ethiopian church. It 'was then that the Patriarch has gained Pauolos the decision to "say once and for all the world the truth'" on the wooden crate and gold with the Tables of the Law of God. The Patriarch has judged the time ripe to close permanently chapter in which up to now no history, no research, no 'Indiana Jones', was able to write the word order.

The Patriarch of the ancient Ethiopian Orthodox Church has wanted to be at his side in this adventure, the grandson of the Negus, head of an important family, whose role is recognized both in Ethiopia and abroad. Prince heir who two years ago managed to reconcile the Christian and Muslim factions at the center in Ethiopia for a hard contrast.

It 'started the countdown to finally unveil the mystery of the sacred Ark of the Covenant, capable, according to legend, to release bursts of divine light and lightning can incinerate anyone who was affected, as is effectively described in the cult movie 'I lost part of the predators'. From the fiction film will now be transferred to reality.

Friday press conference with the official announcement, an event was possible thanks to the collaboration of Paul Salerno, collaborator of Prince and the journalist Antonio Parisi, who for several years following the historical events of royal families and the Ethiopian in particular, and of course part of the Alliance.

What is the Ark of the Covenant, one of the greatest mysteries of antiquity on which fantasy, legend and history have continued to interlacing for centuries? The Ark, in Jewish tradition, contained the Tables of the Law, ie the Ten Commandments, and the artefact, acacia wood, was built by Moses. Outside decorations were gold and has long been kept by the Jewish people: it has accompanied its vicissitudes, the battles and defeats, the wanderings and struggles against the Philistines and was kept in various places until the King David is not l 'was placed in the fortress of Jerusalem.

But it is Solomon, son and successor of David, to put the Ark in the Temple of Jerusalem which he himself had built. This story then interwoven with historical events and other religious and national traditions. In fact, the Ark of the disappeared in 586 BC with the conquest of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and the consequent destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem.

However it can be ruined, there is no written testimony, then l 'Arca symbol becomes eternally sought by men and found in various parts of the world, from Africa to the Middle East. Ethiopian tradition places the Ark in the kingdom of Axum, after Solomon had given to the son of the Queen of Sheba, Menelik I. Here, it remained over the centuries protected by Orthodox monks in the city 'in the holy of Lalibela to Axum, where would be today.

The Ark, which is not visible to anybody except a monaco that the guards, is preserved in the complex of the cathedral of Saint Mary of Zion, and 'therefore hidden to all and is carried in procession once a year but wrapped in a cloth .

The Ark has access to the imagination of archaeologists, writers, religious groups, seven of every kind. In fact, tradition states that it adopts a particular power but also that those who were touched fulminates. An object that given its location - the Temple of Jerusalem - has been from time to time in the middle of stories related to Masonry or Templars. However, it should be remembered that there are many churches in Ethiopia and in which 'kept un'''arca'', as well as other scholars - often moving at the edge of mystery and legend - the place in various parts of the world.



Date: Saturday, 20-Jun-2009 03:01:25 This was announced on June 17, 2009, during the exclusive video interview to ADNKRONOS, available at the site Ign, internet front of Adnkronos (www.adnkronos.com), by the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia, Abuna Pauolos, who was yesterday received by Pope Benedict XVI for the first time.

Patriarch will make official world announcement next Friday at 14:00 hours, form Hotel Aldrovandi in Rome, together with the Prince Aklile Berhan Makonnen Haile Selassie, and Duke Amedeo D'Aosta.

"The Ark of the Covenant - said Pauolos - is in Ethiopia for many centuries. As a Patriarch I have seen it with my own eyes and only few highly qualified persons could do the same, until now". According to Patriarch, it is kept in one of the churches, but to defend that authentic, one copy of this religious symbol was placed in every single church in Ethiopia.

At Axum will be build Museum in which the Arc will be exposed. It will be funded by the Foundation of the Prince, made hereditary of the throne by Haile Selassie shortly before his death.

Source: Rome, 17 June. (Adnkronos)

[link to www.adnkronos.com]

This link will take you to the video, but it isn't in English.
[link to www.adnkronos.com]

World religious leaders hold their own G8 summit (Ark of the Covenant to be Revealed)
[link to blogs.reuters.com] ^ | June 18th, 2009


They came, they prayed, they appealed.

Religious leaders from around the world held their own not-so-mini “G8 summit” in Italy on June 16-17. The “Fourth Summit of Religious Leaders on the occasion of the G8,” as the meeting was officially called, started with a visit to L’Aquila, the central Italian city severely damaged by an earthquake on April 6. That will be the venue in July of the actual summit of the G8 club of industrial nations.

Nearly 130 religious leaders and diplomats then moved to Rome where they held two days of talks under the auspices of the Italian foreign ministry. This was the religious leaders’ fourth annual meeting, following those held in conjunction with earlier G8 summits in Moscow, Cologne and Sapporo.

They were hosted by Bishop Vincenzo Paglia, the bishop of Terni who is one of the founders of the Sant’ Egidio community and a member of the Italian bishops conference commission for ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue.

Apart from the Catholic hosts, the participants including high-level Muslims, Protestants, Orthodox, Hindus, Anglicans, Zoroastrians, Jews, Shintoists and Buddhists.


Gee if the skin colors were reversed in this story there would be riotting in the street wouldn't there.

But hey there black they're the 'oppressed people' see how oppressed they really are they need to carry weapons to polling stations on election day and stand around make sure you feel the oppression!



The Washington Times
Friday, May 29, 2009
EXCLUSIVE: Career lawyers overruled on voting case

Jerry Seper (Contact)

Justice Department political appointees overruled career lawyers and ended a civil complaint accusing three members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense of wielding a nightstick and intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling place last Election Day, according to documents and interviews.

The incident - which gained national attention when it was captured on videotape and distributed on YouTube - had prompted the government to sue the men, saying they violated the 1965 Voting Rights Act by scaring would-be voters with the weapon, racial slurs and military-style uniforms.


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Career lawyers pursued the case for months, including obtaining an affidavit from a prominent 1960s civil rights activist who witnessed the confrontation and described it as "the most blatant form of voter intimidation" that he had seen, even during the voting rights crisis in Mississippi a half-century ago.

The lawyers also had ascertained that one of the three men had gained access to the polling place by securing a credential as a Democratic poll watcher, according to interviews and documents reviewed by The Washington Times.

The career Justice lawyers were on the verge of securing sanctions against the men earlier this month when their superiors ordered them to reverse course, according to interviews and documents. The court had already entered a default judgment against the men on April 20.

A Justice Department spokesman on Thursday confirmed that the agency had dropped the case, dismissing two of the men from the lawsuit with no penalty and winning an order against the third man that simply prohibits him from bringing a weapon to a polling place in future elections.

The department was "successful in obtaining an injunction that prohibits the defendant who brandished a weapon outside a Philadelphia polling place from doing so again," spokesman Alejandro Miyar said. "Claims were dismissed against the other defendants based on a careful assessment of the facts and the law."

Mr. Miyar declined to elaborate about any internal dispute between career and political officials, saying only that the department is "committed to the vigorous prosecution of those who intimidate, threaten or coerce anyone exercising his or her sacred right to vote."

Court records reviewed by The Times show that career Justice lawyers were seeking a default judgment and penalties against the three men as recently as May 5, before abruptly ending their pursuit 10 days later.

People directly familiar with the case, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity because of fear of retribution, said career lawyers in two separate Justice offices had recommended proceeding to default judgment before political superiors overruled them.

Tensions between career lawyers and political appointees inside the Justice Department have been a sensitive matter since allegations surfaced during the Bush administration that higher-ups had ignored or reversed staff lawyers and that some U.S. attorneys had been removed or selected for political reasons.

During his January confirmation hearings, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said that during his lengthy Justice Department tenure, the career lawyers were "my teachers, my colleagues and my friends" and described them as the "backbone" of the department.

"If I am confirmed as attorney general, I will listen to them, respect them and make them proud of the vital goals we will pursue together," he said.

Justice officials declined to say whether Mr. Holder or other senior Justice officials became involved in the case, saying they don't discuss internal deliberations.

The civil suit filed Jan. 7 identified the three men as members of the Panthers and said they wore military-style uniforms, black berets, combat boots, battle-dress pants, black jackets with military-style insignias and were armed with "a dangerous weapon"and used racial slurs and insults to scare would-be voters and those there to assist them at the Philadelphia polling location on Nov. 4.

The complaint said the three men engaged in "coercion, threats and intimidation, ... racial threats and insults, ... menacing and intimidating gestures, ... and movements directed at individuals who were present to vote." It said that unless prohibited by court sanctions, they would "continued to violate ... the Voting Rights Act by continuing to direct intimidation, threats and coercion at voters and potential voters, by again deploying uniformed and armed members at the entrance to polling locations in future elections, both in Philadelphia and throughout the country."

To support its evidence, the government had secured an affidavit from Bartle Bull, a longtime civil rights activist and former aide to Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's 1968 presidential campaign. Mr. Bull said in a sworn statement dated April 7 that he was serving in November as a credentialed poll watcher in Philadelphia when he saw the three uniformed Panthers confront and intimidate voters with a nightstick.

Inexplicably, the government did not enter the affidavit in the court case, according to the files.

"In my opinion, the men created an intimidating presence at the entrance to a poll," he declared. "In all my experience in politics, in civil rights litigation and in my efforts in the 1960s to secure the right to vote in Mississippi ... I have never encountered or heard of another instance in the United States where armed and uniformed men blocked the entrance to a polling location."

Mr. Bull said the "clear purpose" of what the Panthers were doing was to "intimidate voters with whom they did not agree." He also said he overheard one of the men tell a white poll watcher: "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker."

He called their conduct an "outrageous affront to American democracy and the rights of voters to participate in an election without fear." He said it was a "racially motivated effort to limit both poll watchers aiding voters, as well as voters with whom the men did not agree."

The three men named in the complaint - New Black Panther Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson - refused to appear in court to answer the accusations over a near-five month period, court records said.

Justice Department Voting Rights Section Attorney J. Christian Adams complained in one court filing about the defendants' failure to appear or to file any pleadings in the case, arguing that Mr. Jackson was "not an infant, nor is he an incompetent person as he appears capable of managing his own affairs, nor is he in the military service of the United States."

Court records show that as late as May 5, the Justice Department was still considering an order by U.S. District Judge Stewart Dalzell in Philadelphia to seek judgments, or sanctions, against the three Panthers because of their failure to appear.

But 10 days later, the department reversed itself and filed a notice of voluntary dismissal from the complaint for Malik Zulu Shabazz and Mr. Jackson.

That same day, the department asked for the default judgment against King Samir Shabazz, but limited the penalty to an order that he not display a "weapon within 100 feet of any open polling location on any election day in the city of Philadelphia" until Nov. 15, 2012.

Malik Zulu Shabazz is a Washington, D.C., resident.

Mr. Jackson was an elected member of Philadelphia's 14th Ward Democratic Committee, and was credentialed to be at the polling place last Nov. 4 as an official Democratic Party polling observer, according to the Philadelphia City Commissioner's Office.

Efforts to reach the Panthers were unsuccessful. A telephone number listed on the New Black Panthers Web site had been disconnected.

The complaint said that the three men were deployed at the entrance to a Philadelphia polling location wearing the uniform of the New Black Panther Party and that King Samir Shabazz repeatedly brandished a police-style nightstick with a contoured grip and wrist lanyard.

According to the complaint, Malik Zulu Shabazz, a Howard University Law School graduate, said the placement of King Samir Shabazz and Mr. Jackson in Philadelphia was part of a nationwide effort to deploy New Black Panther Party members at polling locations on Election Day.

The New Black Panther Party reportedly has 27 chapters operating across the United States, Britain, the Caribbean and Africa. Its Web page said it has become "a great witness to the validity of the works of the original Black Panther Party," which was founded in 1966 in Oakland, Calif.

It's time for some serious changes in America I mean radical revolutionary changes when 1 ONE individual (not Native Born to this country I might add) can under Political Correctness crush the god given right of a native born American from displaying the simple thing as a flag and show patriotism. Devlinn http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,522659,00.html Texas Woman Told to Remove 'Offensive' American Flag From Office Friday , May 29, 2009 FC1 ADVERTISEMENT Debbie McLucas comes from a patriotic family – her husband and both of her sons served in the U.S. military, and her daughter is currently deployed to Iraq on her second tour of duty as a combat medic. So when McLucas arrived at work at a Texas hospital last Friday, she was stunned to be told that the Stars and Stripes she had hung in her office in advance of Memorial Day were offensive, and that the flag had been removed. “I got into work, I was met by my supervisor and told that there had been multiple complaints, that people found the flag very offensive and it had been taken down," McLucas told FOXNews.com. "I went to the office to retrieve it and found the flag wrapped around the pole, sitting in the corner on the ground. I was speechless." McLucas, a supervisor at Kindred Hospital in Mansfield, Texas, had displayed the 3-by-5-foot flag in the office she shares with the hospital’s three other supervisors. McLucas said one of her colleagues, a woman who immigrated to the United States from Africa 14 years ago, complained about the flag to upper management, and the hospital decided to take down the flag. "I was told that as long as my flag offended one person, it would be taken down," McLucas said. She said the hospital told her that the American flag flying outside the building would have to suffice. "I was told, ‘There is a flag hanging out front, everyone can see that one. Is that not enough?’" No, she said, that wasn't enough. "It is more than I can even fathom, that you would find the American flag offensive, in America," McLucas said. A Kindred Healthcare spokeswoman did not return calls for comment. Kindred issued a press release stating, “Kindred Hospital Mansfield has a great deal of appreciation for the service that many of our employees and their families have given to their country. We honor our veterans and active military through a variety of benefits and service programs. This was an isolated incident between two employees that we are working to resolve amicably.” The statement went on to explain: “The disagreement was over the size of the flag and not what it symbolized. We have invited the employee to put the flag back up.” And it will go back up and stay up, McLucas said. "I do think they're trying to do the right thing. I have no reason to believe the flag won't remain there as long as I'm employed."

Stories like these always bring a smile to my face and fill me with great hope that one day I'll find the same type of Love one that lasts forever.

My parents were together till there 41st wedding anniversay until my dad passed away. Married in a literally bombed out Catholic Church in Bavaria Germany at the end of World War II.

My grand parents made it until their 62st.  Married the year my grand father returned from the front lines of World War I "The War to End All Wars."

Interestingly enough my Grandparents Adam and Martha gave the same exact advice as Frank Milford (in the story belowl)

Adam "If you think its going to be story book marriage happliy ever after your dead wrong. She's going to argue with you, disagree with you and times boil your blood pressure with her stubborness to see things your way. But thats the beauty of it. For in her challenging you and going up against your male ego She makes you a better person for it fore you begin to see the world therw new eyes 'her eyes' (the femine) and you see Her in a whole new light and Love. A Love stronger then that when you first saw her young and vibrent and were so taken away with her in love (and in lust. he'd used to giggle) and tripped over you feet in the open air market to ask her out to a dance."

Martha will completely agree saying the same about him but would add. "An trip he did to point nearly knocking himself out on the edge of the fruit stand. I felt a bit sorry for him and agreed to his request. But my your grandfather looked handsome in his uniform."

Said to say people today are so conditioned to the modern 'disposable and replacement' culture we live in.  When your television stops working instead of having it repaired we get a new one, if your car stops working, instead of generally repairing it we get a new one.  On top of this we live in a age of 'fast food' and 'instent gratification.  We expect satisfaction instantly; including relationships and when we don't get it we simply call it quits and move on to next, and the next and next, and the next.

Is it any wonder that in today's world that 50% to 60% of all marriages end in divorce in the first 3- 7 years and that 70% of people today are on their 3-4th marriage??

Our modern generation has lost something, something important that generation of our the Milfords or our Grandparents and Parents had in spades.  That is a willingness to see the world their (and prespective) threw the eyes of their loved ones and the greatest sacrfice of the Self in a willingness to compromise for the happiness of both!


Couple Celebrate 81st Anniversary



posted: 2 HOURS 22 MINUTES AGO

(May 27) - A British husband and wife who say a little arguing and a "happy outlook" keep them together just celebrated their 81st wedding anniversary.
Frank Milford, 101, and his wife, Anita, 100, were married on May 26, 1928. They are currently the longest-married couple in the United Kingdom, the Daily Mail said.

Frank and Anita Milford celebrated their 81st wedding anniversary Tuesday. Frank, 101, and Anita, 100, live together at a nursing home in Plymouth, England. They are currently the longest-married couple in the United Kingdom.

The couple, who met at a YMCA dance in 1926, celebrated their anniversary Tuesday at the nursing home where they live in Plymouth, southwestern England.

"We're always here for each other. It is all about give and take on both sides," Frank Milford said last year. "You need a happy outlook and to just get on with it. I don't know where the years have gone to. It's marvelous really."

The couple also credited "a little argument every day" for their long union.

"They are happy," their 74-year-old son, Frank.Jr., told the Mail. "They spend most of their time together, with dad being almost completely deaf and blind, so it's very difficult for him. Mum is a chatterbox and nothing has changed there."

In addition to their son, the Milfords have a 79-year-old daughter, Marie, as well as six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Who Created God?


Who Created God?

By Skeptic

All three Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - testify there is but one god, so the Hebrew god YHWH is often referred to simply as "God," or "Allah" (Arabic for god).

The Hebrew Tanakh (old testament) is not so clear on this point and refers to several gods and their female consorts - most notably in the versions of the Commandments given at either Mount Sinai or Mount Horeb, and detailed in Exodus 20,2 and Deuteronomy 5,6, both of which refer to plural Hebrew gods.

The Hebrew god YHWH is actually an amalgam of gods and goddesses; deities of the Mesopotamians and Hittites, the Syrians and Phoenicians, the Egyptians, and most notably, the Canaanites. Titles, powers and attributes of these deities were eventually conferred on the sky-god, YHWH-Elohim when he became the one god of the Hebrews.

Hebrew prophets and psalmists were as uninterested in the polytheistic origins of their god as the Hebrew priests (kohenim) were about practicing "heathen" rituals or using heathen temples in YHWH's service.

As political fortunes shifted with the rise and fall of various ancient Mesopotamian city-states, older gods were simply absorbed by the more powerful ruler's gods.

When Babylon wielded supreme political power, their city-god Marduk, Son of Ea, assumed the authorities, titles and attributes of at least 50 other gods. Then, when Assyria conquered Babylon and "appropriated" the Babylonian national epic Enuma Elish, they made their god Asshur the supreme protector deity of Babylon. Marduk simply joined the ranks of the other 50 lesser gods, as an avatar of Asshur.

The early Hebrews were polytheists. They worshiped many powers, with Baal (Baalzebub) and Astaroth (Astarte, Ishtar) as their major male/female deity. Baal-zebub and Astaroth were effectively demonized, as you may have read in the Bible.

But not before Baal and his "hieros gamos" Astarte were praised by Hebrews from Samaria to Judah, even after the Babylonian captivity of 605 BCE.

Eventually, Baal was renamed YHWH Elohim, with Asherah remaining as his consort. This is why Genesis sometimes uses the divine plural "We."

When the Hebrews first settled in Canaan, the local gods and goddesses' powers and titles were absorbed by the Hebrew's god Baal, who was renamed YHWH Elohim or simply El. The Bible lists numerous YHWH-Elohim titles, such as El Shaddai, El Ohim, El HaNe'eman, El Yisrael, El HaShamayim, El De'ot, El El-yon and dozens of others, all of which were originally Canaanite titles. In the Canaanite and Hebrew religion, El became the supreme god, Son of God , Father of Mankind, and loving companion of Asherah.

This is well attested by the clay tablets which date from 1300 to 1200 BCE. The tablets were discovered by archaeologists in the ruined library of Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra, Syria).

Baal(im), is Canaanite for "Lord" or "Master", and together with Baal-zebub or Beelzebub ("Baal The Prince") they became major Semitic deities. Baal, Son of El, (sometimes married to his sister Anat) was an agricultural deity, responsible for sex, fertility and propitiating the sun (Shamash). When Baal was murdered and dismembered by the god Mot, Baal's sister/wife Anat killed and dismembered Mot (the Egyptian Isis, Osiris & Set) in revenge. Somehow, this magically resurrected Baal, who was "reborn" from the parts of his own dismembered body.

Baal was eventually dropped as a distinct god in a polytheistic pantheon and even as an honorific title for the Hebrew supreme god. The Tanach/Old Testament tells of YHWH-El informing his people of his desire for exclusivity:

"On that day", said Adonai, "you will call me ishi (My Husband) you will no longer call me Ba'ali (The Baal, the god). For I will remove the names of the ba'alim (plural for the Baal, the gods) from her mouth; they will never again be mentioned by name." [Hosea 2:16-17]

In this way the Hebrew priests prevented potential rivals to their "jealous god" YHWH by dismissing the title Baal and denying the consort Astheroth altogether. They were no longer "Baals" or gods. They were pronounced "heathen" idols of wood and stone. YHWH inherited their powers.

YHWH's primeval narrative is itself an example of myth-borrowing from earlier Mesopotamian scriptures, such as Atrahasis and Gilgamesh. This reveals that Hebrew priest-scribes were intimately familiar with the mythology and traditions of their neighbors, and probably even practiced them occasionally.

The Hebrews borrowed myths from others heavily but generally added elements of their own to create a unique Hebrew primeval myth. Elements of Genesis are obviously borrowed from the Gilgamesh Epic, which describes the primal human Enkidu, who is made aware of his humanity via a sex marathon with a "kedeshah," (sacred-sex female) Discovering his nakedness afterward, he covers himself. Gilgamesh also contains the earliest version known of the great flood myth, complete with the ark and the animals.

Sumeria, in today's Iraq, was the location for many of the events and stories we know from the Old Testament. As often as Biblical apologists have tried to avoid or cloud the issue of the origin of the Old Testament, the historical frecord clearly shows that its antecedents are firmly embedded in the valley of Mesopotamia, along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, and Abraham were all Mesopotamian.

We often forget (or ignore) that the god YHWH of the Bible originated in Iraq. His first appearance to Abraham was not in the Sinai, but in the city of Ur in Lower Mesopotamia. Thus Iraq is, for the sake of biblical myth, the "birthplace" of YHWH; the place where YHWH was created.

YHWH, at least as a Creator god, was viewed very differently by early Christians, especially the gnostics:

"This gloomy ruler has three names: "The first name is Yaldabaoth (YHWH). The second is Saklas (Fool). The third is Sama-el (Blind God).

He is wicked because of the mindlessness that is in him. For he said, 'I am God, and there is no other God besides me,' since he did not know from where his own strength had come." (Apocryphon Iaonnes)

YHWH has now become the arrogant, myopic, delusional son of Sofia ("Wisdom" or "Holy Spirit") in the continuing Jewish/Christian myth.

But Christianity is another story for another day.

http://clinical-psychology.suite101.com/article.cfm/what_tattoos_say_about_who_you_are What Tattoos Say About Who You Are Antisocial Personality Disorder, & Why Women Regret Getting Tattoos © Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen Jul 23, 2008 Tattoos & Personality Traits, stock xchange jenikahycc Tattoos may reveal personality characteristics. New research shows that forensic patients with tattoos are more likely to have antisocial personality disorder. This research about tattoos and personality was recently published in the journal Personality and Mental Health. What Tattoos Reveal about Personality Psychiatrists from the Michigan Center for Forensic Psychiatry studied 36 male inpatients, and found a link between tattoos and antisocial personality disorder. Further, these psychiatrists found that suicide attempts, substance abuse, and sexual abuse may be more common in forensic psychiatric inpatients with tattoos. "Our findings suggest that forensic psychiatric inpatients with tattoos are significantly more likely to suffer from antisocial personality disorder than those without tattoos, and patients with antisocial personality disorder were also significantly more likely to have higher numbers of tattoos, a larger percentage of their body covered with tattoos, and tended to have tattoos in more visible locations" said lead researcher Dr. William Cardasis of the Michigan Center for Forensic Psychiatry. "I hope that this provides clues for clinicians to look for ASPD in forensic psychiatric patients with tattoos, and also to look for signs of suicide attempt, substance abuse, and sexual abuse." "One should keep in mind that the population studied was only a small segment of the population, and not indicative of what may or may not be relevant in the general population," added Cardasis. "Other interesting questions which this research raises include whether adolescents with tattoos are more likely to conduct disorder than those without, and what effect the meaning and subject content of the tattoo has." Antisocial Personality Disorder Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of empathy and remorse, a low tolerance for anxiety, and shallowness. People with antisocial personality disorder prefer action to thought. Lying, cheating, stealing, physical aggression and drug abuse are also linked to people with antisocial personality disorder. Why Women Regret Getting Tattoos but Men Don’t New research shows that women face more social stigma than men regarding tattoos. Women with tattoos are more likely to have them removed because of embarrassment, body image, or career concerns. Researchers from Texas Tech University found that women with tattoos are more than twice as likely to have them removed (as compared to men with tattoos). Most women are happy with tattoos when they get them, but their feelings changed within the next one to five years. In this study, women found that tattoos began to cause embarrassment, and stopped being a source of uniqueness. Women with tattoos often have to hide them, which limits clothing options and increases feelings of self-consciousness. If you found What Tattoos Reveal About Personality interesting, try: * Three Bizarre Psychological Cases * Facts About Female Killers * How Birth Order Changes Your Life Source of tattoos, personality traits, and antisocial personality disorder research: “Psychiatric Forensic Patients With Tattoos More Likely To Have Antisocial Personality Disorder.” ScienceDaily. Source of women regretting tattoos research: “Think Before You Ink: Women More Likely Than Men to Regret, Remove Tattoos.” CNN Health News. Read more: "What Tattoos Say About Who You Are: Antisocial Personality Disorder, & Why Women Regret Getting Tattoos | Suite101.com" - http://clinical-psychology.suite101.com/article.cfm/what_tattoos_say_about_who_you_are#ixzz0FWAf80Nh&A

Love Is....






Love takes time. It needs a history of giving and receiving, laughing
and crying...
Love never promises instant gratification, only ultimate fulfillment.
Love means believing in someone, in something. It supposes a
willingness to struggle, to work, to suffer, and to rejoice.
Satisfaction and ultimate fulfillment are by-products of dedicated
love. They belong only to those who can reach beyond themselves; to
whom giving is more important than receiving.
Love is doing everything you can to help others build whatever dreams
they have.
Love involves much careful and active listening. It is doing whatever
needs to be done, and saving whatever will promote the other's
happiness, security, and well-being. Sometimes, love hurts.
Love is on a constant journey to what others need. It must be attentive,
caring, and open, both to what others say and to what others cannot
Love says no with empathy and great compassion.
Love is firm, but when needed it must be tender.
When others have tried and failed, love is the hand in yours in your
moments of discouragement and disappointment.
Love is reliable.
Love is a choice and commitment to others' true and lasting happiness.
is dedicated to growth and fulfillment. Love is not selfish.
Love sometimes fails for lack of wisdom or abundance of weakness, but it
forgives, knowing the intentions are good.
Love does not attach conditions....Genuine love is always a free gift.
Love realizes and accepts that there will be disagreements and
emotions...There may be times when miles lay between, but love is a
commitment. It believes and endures things.
Love encourages freedom of self. Love shares positives and negatives
reactions to warm and cold feelings.
Love, intimate love, will never reject others. It is the first to
encourage and the last to condemn.
Love is a commitment to growth, happiness, and fulfillment of one


True Love





True love never leaves the heart, so if you dont love me now, you didnt love me then.

It is impossible to fall out of love, love is such a powerful emotion,
That once it envelops you, it does not depart.
True love is eternal.
If you think you were once in love but fell out of it, than it wasent love you were in





About Me Turn On's

Thursday, March 19, 2009 About Me: Turn On's and Turn Off's Turn On's: ... To Battle and the Clashing of Swords ... The spring dew rowing off of the petal of a Rose catching the spark of the sun before it falls off the edge to a charous of Morning Doves. ... In my youth ripping of imprisoning clothing an dashing off nake into forest for midnight moons run, fast and faster dodge branches and debre, felling the slap of branches against my flesh and falling muddied and exhusted heathing out of breath into a bed of wild bosten fern to hoot of owls.. It was only then in those werewolf runs did I feel Spiritual ONESS with the Universe. --- Sitting before the crackling of bonfire with a circle of good friends with Pagan Drum and Ale singing the Old Songs. ... The glow of a naked lover as she crosses the candlelit room her sweaty back to me catching the candle glow as she moves. ... The first heavy snow fall of the season and to greet it by walking out barefoot threw the yard seeing how long I can withstand the cold. ... The how of wolves. --- The deadly silence of the Great Horned Owl Flying Over the Moon and casting shadow upon me. ... Bats in flight. ... A Witches Sabbat Circle ... Norse Song ... The feel of Fur Against my bare skin as my lover and I cuddle before the fire at a weekend restort and watching fireplace reflected against the Red Wine glass. ... Dragon's Blood and Frankincense incense with a dash of Gonesh #2 Oils and Spices. ... "The Quest" a challenge or quest be it to win a friends or lovers heart, or a secular day challenge. ... Standing on hilltops as a Summer's Thunderstrom breaks in full force and becoming drenched in the down pour. ... 'The Battle of Evermore' - Led Zepplinn ... The first intimate touches between a lover and following a deep painful arguement. ... A Good Old English Middle Ages Play or Chamber Music. ... Dragons, and Satyrs. ...
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