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As many of you know, I have an ongoing love affair with fitness and health. As such, I am involved with a supportive, motivational group. My group has grown significantly over the months to include approximately sixty people or so. Well, one of the individuals I've encountered previously weighed four hundred and eighty-five pounds. Today, he weighs two hundred and forty-nine pounds. That is a loss of two hundred and thirty-six pounds. That amounts to two people. You cannot imagine how utterly proud I am of this man. His doctor encouraged him to have surgery, but he resolved to lose weight the healthy, ol'-fashioned way. He still has a bit of weight to lose, but he's doing ever so wonderfully. He doesn't even look like the same person. Even his feet are smaller. Where once he had no definition, he now possesses a fair amount of it. His energy has greatly increased. His blood pressure has lowered significantly. *I have to be off to the post office before it closes, as I have a few care packages to get in the mail for my brother and the boys. On the bright side, I've made a new friend in the post master, as I'm there so very often. :-p I'll finish this later.*

The World's Greatest...

This bit of fluff is in response to some negative remarks pertaining to our troops I received from various individuals: September 16, 2004, my brother, Chad, turned blue, the official color of the Queen of Battle. September 17, 2004, he and his comrades graduated from boot camp at Fort Benning, home to the Infantry. The graduation was held inside due to the horridly nasty weather. Families and friends poured into the auditorium, filling all available seating. Even so, people continued to pour in, lining the walls, sitting on the floor even, just to share in their soldier's moment of glory. Nobody minded the crushing crowd or the stifling stillness of the heated air. Carefully arranged hair wilted, while painstakingly applied makeup began to run. It didn't matter. After all, we were about to see our soldiers for the first time in what seemed like ages. As the ceremony progressed, our senses were filled with pride as we learned what our boys had accomplished during their journey to become the men they are today. Mothers and fathers alike shed tears of joy. We were all of one accord, no barriers were maintained. United we stood, viewing the face of our future in the faces of our loved ones. The soldiers were obviously tired, having been awake for quite some time enjoying the company of their drill sergeants, but happiness shone brightly from their faces, their bearing proclaiming their pride in self and in country. The very air was heavy with heart-felt emotion, as our soldiers gave a wonderful rendition of the Soldier's Creed. Even now, a little over two years later, I am still overcome with the emotions induced by the vividly remembered moment. The cadence of their strong voices lifted in unison still echos in my memory: I am an American Soldier. I am a Warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values. I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself. I am an expert and I am a professional. I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat. I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life. I am an American Soldier. --What a beautiful way to say "I'll stand in harm's way for you because your cause is my cause, your fight is my fight." After graduation, my brother and many others moved to Fort Polk, which is located in Louisiana, to further their training as infantrymen before ultimately deploying to Afghanistan. Through regular correspondence and visits, I have been richly blessed with the opportunity to get to know many wonderful soldiers. These soldiers have become my boys. They're simply the best! My boys are so very diverse, coming from all walks of life. Each is special in his own way. Each has proven himself worthy and deserving of respect. These men have warmed my heart and opened my eyes. I must confess that before my boys, it never hit home for me. Sure, I felt compassion and stirrings of pride when the news mentioned our service members, but to be honest, it was all so very generic. Now, when I hear about a fallen soldier, I am reminded of my brother's smile, Brandon's infectious laughter, Joe's magnetic personality, Jonathan's hilarious impersonations, and Corey's total self-confidence. Now, those soldiers mentioned on the news have faces, names and personalities. There are times I've had to grit my teeth and walk away, as my opinion is not shared by everyone. I've heard people openly ridicule my boys. Keep in mind that these people have never even passed my boys on a crowded street, yet they still try to convince me that my boys are monsters who lust after bloodshed, cruelty, and carnage. I steadily maintain that my boys are, without a doubt, the best! In the beginning, such remarks caused tears to dim my vision. These days, the irony often makes me chuckle. The openly cruel condemnation of these men who dare to serve their country is allowable. After all, we live in America, a nation known for its democracy allocating certain inalienable rights to its citizens. Men, such as Chad, Brandon, Joe and the others make awesome sacrifices to insure that we, as Americans, have the freedom of opinion. It's much easier to express an opinion when one is allowed to have an opinion. Many have told me that I am blinded by partiality, what with my brother being in the Army. This is not entirely incorrect. I readily admit that I am deeply fond of my brother and the other boys. I love and respect each one! I find myself smiling at the wonderful memories that my boys have given me. They have all succeeded in winning my heart just by being their charming selves. My mind is filled with all the silly things that have endeared each boy to my heart. Joe bought me a Batman coloring book, complete with crayons, I might add. Brandon has graced me with his wit on more than one occasion. Corey equals smiles all around. Murillo is 'King of the Grill'. Chad loves green beans and Brandon's cold pizza. Jonathan is 'tall, dark, and handsome', if he does say so himself. Morrison's sketches are fabulous! Davis yanks on the controller when playing a video game...apparently, yanking left will make your character turn left much more quickly. Joe can actually carry on a conversation while playing a video game, which is more than impressive. Chad loves my turtle jokes, or, more to the point, he loves how I can't say the punch line because I'm too busy laughing. Brandon's eyes give voice to everything he doesn't say. Corey is the man with a plan. For all this and so much more, I adore my boys. My boys aren't the monsters people believe them to be. They represent the best of America. They're your sons, your brothers, your nephews, your friends, your lovers, and your guardians. It is their blood which will blot out oppression, their feet which will blister from the many miles they will walk on our behalf, their death which will sustain our life, and their breath which will fan the fire of our freedom. Special note: Every service member of every branch of the military, both past and present, has my deep appreciation and respect. To me, you will always be the world's greatest! Thank you!

The Book of Love.

The following song is fairly simple, though it is significant in the memory it invokes. You see, though I'm not the absolute most horrible sounding individual, I know my limits when it comes to singing. Well, there is one dudefeller who loves to hear me sing, despite my lack of excellence. He sings to me, as well. One night, he called me and this song was playing softly in the background. He started to sing along with it. He asked me to sing with him, but being aware of my own shortcomings, I declined. He asked me why I didn't want to sing with him. As I'd done before, I told him that I didn't have a great deal of confidence in my singing abilities. He simply chuckled and told me that he loved to hear me sing, as my voice poured over him, caressing and soothing away the stress of life. Then he started singing a certain part of the song. I've made it bold, so check out the lyrics, if you so desire. So, as silly as it is, I do have a romantic girly side which this individual is able to touch, even with silly little things.
Image Hosting | Video Hosting Lyrics: The book of love is long and boring No one can lift the d*mm thing It's full of charts and facts, some figures and instructions for dancing But I I love it when you read to me And you You can read me anything The book of love has music in it In fact that's where music comes from Some of it's just transcendental Some of it's just really dumb But I I love it when you sing to me And you You can sing me anything The book of love is long and boring And written very long ago It's full of flowers and heart-shaped boxes And things we're all too young to know But I I love it when you give me things And you You ought to give me wedding rings And I I love it when you give me things And you You ought to give me wedding rings And I I love it when you give me things And you You ought to give me wedding rings You ought to give me wedding rings


I positively love to listen to this service. I enjoy the music, as well as the preaching.
As the title suggests, these are two different posts I made about Darrell. The first was before we started speaking "romantically" and the second was about a month into that bit off fluff. Hey, Minions! I have something that's eating away at what precious little brain cells I have left. I was sleeping, but it woke me up. Well, that and the fact that I was hungry, as I forgot to eat before falling asleep after hanging up with Michael. In any event, I'm going to apologize up front because I'm not sure if this post will make sense. As if any of my other posts make sense... A couple weeks ago, I met a boy through my younger brother, who is stationed at Fort Polk. Now, those of you who know me know that I keep up with the boys that keep company with my brother. In any event, while talking to Chad, I hear this new voice in the background. I asked my brother who the newbie was. He explained that it was "just Barney, some weird guy." Well, I'm all about getting to know the boys. In fact, I've adopted most of 'em. So, I told Chad to tell Barney hey. Chad grunted and told Barney. Barney, in turn, asked to speak with me. So, we spoke for a bit. It was quite hard to hear what he was saying, as my little brother is crazy and he started yelling that I was a virgin and that I'd remain a virgin forever and any boy that had any ideas would have to 'deal' with him. You know, just crazy stuff that brothers spout. Chad proceeded to hang up, but not before I took down Barney's phone number. Something about his manner made me think he needed a friend. As it happens, I was right. I didn't call Barney immediately. In fact, I didn't call him until yesterday, which was Sunday. I wasn't expecting him to be there when I first called. I had my little message all played out in my head, so I was surprised when he actually answered the phone. I started to introduce myself, but there was no need. Apparently, the fact that I was nice to him a couple weeks ago stayed with him and he recognized me right off the bat. So, we started chatting and we fell into this comfortable ambience. I soon found myself talking with a nice, smart young man. I asked him if he missed his friends and he sort of hedged. He told me that he didn't really have any friends back home to miss. That proved to be a shock to me, as he's a really nice kid. Funny and smart, as well. So, we continued chatting and one thing lead to another. We ended up discussing his home life. When he was younger, his mother and father would throw shoes at his head and punch him. Listening to him, I was heartily sickened. He tried to convince me that they didn't abuse him...they just gave him what he deserved. My stomach turned! I don't mind telling you that this infuriated me. NO child deserves to be treated in such a manner. I don't care if this kid is the meanest brat ever born. Why do 'parents' have children if they're not going to do right by the children? What satisfaction can they possibly derive from inflicting pain on an small, innocent child? I keep picturing this little boy, throwing his arms up to protect his face. I know that it was much more than physical pain. I fully understand that, but I can't get the image out of my head. Just thinking about this is making my stomach churn. Tears are streaming down my face, dripping from my chin. My heart aches for the countless children treated in such a sadistic, cruel fashion. Barney is a quiet boy, content to go about his business and entertain himself. He doesn't seem to mind that the other boys make fun of him. He doesn't even expect to be invited to their little gatherings. Today, the boys decided to have a barbeque and those nerds did NOT invite Barney. They said he was 'too weird'. Gag me. These boys make fun of Barney for being the quiet, accepting boy he is more than they make fun of Tyler for being a virgin. They haven't even taken the time to get to know this boy. Not one of the boys, other than his battle buddy, knows that he can play the piano. He plays so beautifully. He's even composed his own pieces, which are lovely. I asked him if he had played for his mother. He said that he'd played for her once, but it wasn't really her thing. I don't understand how she managed to fail at being a mother. It comes so easily to me. It's just natural. How does one turn away from the child who grew within her womb. His little heart started beating 19 days after conception. She felt him moving, growing, as she watched her belly swell with his little body. Her breasts swelled with a mother's milk for her babe to suckle. How could she have purposely hurt that child? How could any mother hurt their child? I don't understand. I truly cannot get beyond the fact that he believes he deserved it. He accepts it as his lot in life, his cross to bear. What a barren life to lead. I cannot imagine why the other boys will not look past his quiet nature to see the vibrant young man beneath it all. When my brother gets back from Fort Chaffee, we're going to have a stern heart to heart about the way he and the others treat Barney. I refuse to allow them to write the boy off without giving him a chance. I refuse to accept that he deserved what he got. I refuse to accept that it's okay for the other boys to ignore him and call him weird. My brother, of all people, should know better than to treat someone like that. I will not go into detail in regards to that matter, but he knows better! I think one of the reasons I feel so strongly about little Barney is because I know what it's like to feel that you're the only person who cares if you live or die. Awareness. Awareness breeds responsibility. Now, I just have to figure out what I'm going to do with this new awareness. I have at least taken a step within the right direction. I have taken Barney on as friend. I have officially adopted him and if my brother or any of the others give me any lip about it, it is NOT going to be pretty. I have to stop thinking about this. I am seriously making myself ill. --------------------------------- Barry I feel two shades of stupid and totally out of my depth. I like Darrell, but I don't know him very well at all! I mean, yeah, sure we talk about a great many things, but we've only been "talking" for twenty-seven days. Wow. Almost one month. The more I find out about Darrell, the more I want to know and it's starting to be inconvenient. When something happens or I start thinking about something, I wonder what Darrell's take would be on the situation. When I have something I need to discuss, I want Darrell's opinion. You know that I've never felt as though I couldn't walk away without looking back, other than the loss of my friendship with Michael, but the thought of walking away from Darrell doesn't strike my fancy. My head longs to rest on his shoulder and that terrifies me. I've never wanted to rely on someone. I have this horrible feeling that he's going to be the one to bring the mighty Kloey to her knees. Barry, why'd I have to meet him at this stage of my life? My Grandmother's illness is progressing more rapidly than I'm comfortable with. More often than not, she's slipping back into her long ago yesterdays. She relives her youth and forgets the present. I simply haven't the time for romantic notions to get in the way and Darrell definitely has me considering these romantic notions that I don't have time for. He's worming his way into my life and rather than trying to prevent it, I'm thinking of trying to encourage it. He's dangerous. He's entirely too witty, bright, charming, and insightful for my peace of mind. There's this level of recognition between us and I don't know what to do with it. He's able to see entirely too much of ME. And the thing is, although it's scary, I really can't be bothered to be reserved with Darrell. The ideal of Darrell is enough to knock any girl's socks right off, including mine. The reality is even more potent. As I said, he's dangerous. I don't even know what I want out of this relationship. What are we pursuing? Getting to know each other, obviously, but it seems to be transcending that... He's swiftly coming closer and closer to upsetting my equilibrium. I don't want to get involved with him unless we're both willing to make it work. He is stationed in Louisiana until the end of the cycle, and possibly longer. The cycle isn't over until 2008. Let's not forget his impending deployment. He's promised to teach me how to shoot a gun. Can you imagine someone allowing me to handle a gun? My family would be aghast! Southern ladies simply don't do such masculine things! You know, if we do decide that we're going to head in that direction, one of us will have to move eventually. Haha! I'm on the phone with Darrell while talking to you about Darrell. Isn't that funny? Anyway, I'm done here.

Jesus and Kloey.

Yes, I've argued with Jesus before... This was the conversation we, um, had when I was asked to do something that I didn't exactly want to do... Kloey: "Jesus, are You sure You want me?" Jesus: "Yes." Kloey: "But why? Surely there are hundreds of thousands of others who would be a better candidate..." Jesus: "I have spoken to you." Kloey: "Yeah, but why? Don't you realize that I'm nothing more than a girl full of silly sally?" Jesus: "You are Mine." Kloey: "Well, yeah, but I can't do what You're asking me to do." Jesus: "Yes, you can." Kloey: "No, I can't. Didn't You hear me when I said that I'm nothing more than a girl full of silly sally?" Jesus: "Yes, I heard you when you said that, but I know you, as you are My child. I know what you are capable of doing. Let Me ask you a question. Why is it that you cannot do as I ask?" Kloey: "Well, Jesus, I, um, I just can't. You know, I might mess things up. I've not been trained to handle things of that nature. What if I said the wrong thing?" Jesus: "Okay. So, you haven't been trained. There's no time like the present. Also, you won't say the wrong things if you just listen to My words. Don't you trust Me?" Kloey: "Of course I trust You, Jesus. I just don't trust myself." Jesus: "If you trust Me, why do you doubt My judgment?" Kloey: "Well, like I said Jesus, it isn't You. It's me. You know, I make mistakes all the time. Remember the other day when I was upset with Tammy? I could have ignored what she said and did, but did I? No, I didn't. So, You see, Jesus, I'm not the right girl for the job." Jesus: "You calling me a liar?" Kloey: "No, Jesus! I would never! I'm just trying to tell You that You're going to want someone else. I mean, I'm too young. I don't have time. People won't listen, Jesus. You honestly expect me to do this, even though I've told You time and time again that I'm not what You need?" Jesus: "Sarah Leigh, let Me tell you something. I knew you before you were conceived. I can tell you exactly how many strands of hair cover your head. I know everything there is to know about you. That includes your potential. So, unless you wish to continue to call Me a liar, I suggest you get your act together and apply yourself. Do you understand?" Kloey: "You're not going to relent, are You?" Jesus: "No, I'm not. I have spoken and you have listened. Now, just accept it and get on with it." Kloey: "Well, okay! If You're sure, I guess I can." Jesus: "That's what I thought." Kloey: "*sighs* Well, since I'm going to do this, I might as well be positive, right?" Jesus: "Might as well." Kloey: "Okay, I'm on it!" Jesus: "I know." Kloey: "I heart You, Jesus." Jesus: "I heart you, too."

The Promise.

Several weeks ago, I stumbled across a piece composed by Rolf Lovland and I must say that it is haunting me. There is a sadness that caresses each note as it flows, soaking one's very soul. It's beautifully enchanting, though. I've listened to it throughout the day and my mind has been full of thoughts of a certain person. The sadness of this piece is reflected in the gentle sadness of his smile. It's strange how music has the ability to stir our minds, as well as our respective emotions...
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