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Now that we have come to the final chapter of my blogs about Romance and Relationships, or at least for now. I'll be doing a recap in the next blog on all the topics I have covered. But now, I wanted to touch base on another thing that is important in a relationship. On doing something that is sexual, you don't ever, I mean never, force your partner into doing something that that he/she don't want to do. This is actually one of my pet peeves in life. I mean, this bullshit has always pissed me off, because, first off, forcing someone to do something sexual against their will is rape, even if you are going out or married to this person, it's rape. No questions asked. Rape has got to be one of the worst things a person can do to someone. In my opinion, I think rape is worse than murder. I mean, in some situations, the victim might as well be dead than to live with that agony for the rest of their life. Anyway, I have heard numerous stories about this happening around couples. For instance, their is this girl that my girlfriend is friends with, and about six months ago she was going out with this piece of shit con and one night he decides to have anal sex with her even though she said she didn't want to. Let me mind you, not that I have anything against anal sex, but the point is that you don't force someone into that kind of situation. I was even suprised she didn't call the police on him or even kick his stupid ass out of her house! But then again, she is not one of the brightest crayons in the box. But that's another story. Anyway, the point is you just don't do that kind of shit to a person. Even if it's the woman trying to force a guy into something he doesn't want to do is wrong. Honestly, I wouldn't want my girlfriend to force anything on me. I know she hasn't, but just the point. Usually, I always consider this, if there is something my girlfriend doesn't like that I like I think of this; it wasn't ment to be done. Easy as that. And I just don't think about it. Actually how I see it is what you did before with someone else should stay with that person. I mean, that was what you shared with that person and the person you are currently with you just share something different with. I guess it's kind of a way to not remind yourself of who you had sex with before. That's just how I see it. Also, another thing, depending on sexual position or location, it's maybe good not to it for the sake of a relationship. For instance, there are some things I did before that were kind of "Outside the Box", but the people I did those things with were not into relationships at all. They were just people that were moving around person to person, so it seemed in my opinion. But they just didn't take relationships very seriously and they weren't into settling down just yet. So here's another point to go with that; If you are in a very good relationship and want to stay in one, it will have to take some sacrifices on doing so. In other words, you just have to sacrifice some things in order keep a good relationship going. At least I think so.

Ah, the joys of relationships. You're with a person that you love and you don't want to leave. But all of a sudden you find out some things about your partner that you are not comfortable with. Yes, one of those times that you wish you haven't said or asked anything about it. And when that seems to happen, you wish there was a way to turn it around. I'm talking about your partner's past. I know, I know, you say you must be honest with your partner at all times, which I could not agree with you anymore. But there are some things that I would, at least, be said as a lie. I'm sorry, but according to my past experiences with other people, it seems that telling the truth about it seems to cause a lot of problems. I actually witnessed a couple, and I mean a very good couple, go down the tubes because one of the people found out that the other was once a slut. And when I say slut, I mean it could be a male or a female, believe me, there are male sluts out there. Anyway, that is why I say it's ok to lie about when it comes to someone's past. I don't know why, but it's the most pointless and meaningless information when it comes to love and yet it can cause so much trouble. I know I'm going to get criticism about what I'm talking about, being that "Oh but if you are in love with that person, it shouldn't matter", I do agree with that, but think of it this way; what if your partner was a slut and had sex with, say, over thirty people, would you want to know about that? Would you still feel the same way about that person after you found that out? I have to be honest on this one, but if I was going out with someone that told me they had sex with over thirty people, I would cringe so bad that I would be in a tub full of hot water with some really strong soap to go with it, and scrubbing myself with a metal brush. Maybe it's just me, but I'm just afraid of getting STD's. On the other hand, however, I do go along with a rule that a girl I used to hang out with told me, “Sometimes it's just best not to know." This I do agree with totally, because if you are in a great relationship as it is, why ask? Another thing that I have experienced before, usually sometimes when you ask about something according to your partner's past, if you do ask about something what they did before, you might get your feeling hurt. I know nobody is perfect, and I definitely know I'm not perfect, but sometimes maybe it's just good to keep the little things like that out of the conversation. I just see it as a good way to stay in a relationship, that's all. But that is the only lie I will accept, nothing more.

Ah, this society we live in today. It is so polluted with sex themes and messages that even going to a restaurant you can't seem to avoid it. I've had this on my mind since Wednesday when I called off sick and I was at home with a fever. I was watching TV and I saw this show that Tyra Banks is doing. She was talking about the Girls Gone Wild videos and was going to the parties that have those cameramen around. She was interviewing some of the girls that were there. She was asking them how to they feel exposing themselves in front of a camera for a t-shirt or a hat, and how they felt if their parents saw them doing that. Now, in my opinion, I'm not a fan of Girls Gone Wild. I despise it actually. I think it's disrespectful to women and it makes them out like their just whores for males to play with. I mean, I'm sorry if they're any guys out there that read this and they do love Girls Gone Wild, but I just think it's garbage. Think about this, what's if YOUR daughter is on that video. Now how would you feel? I mean, come on, sex has so polluted our way of thinking people. I mean, there's nothing wrong with sex, but there's a time and a place for it. And it shouldn't be poised everywhere you go either, especially around little children. It's just all out of control now. It's so bad that kids are becoming more and more sexually active at younger ages. I mean, it's not a surprise now that by the time kids graduate high school, they've already had multiple sex partners. That's gross!!! I know I wasn't perfect when I was in high school, I didn't wait to get married or till I was eighteen, but I at least only had sex with one person in high school. I know, I know, I'm being old fashioned and I should just shut up, but come on, how far are we going to take this? I mean there are exceptions to that though. First off, if you were raped, because that, unfortunately, cannot be stopped. The only that could be done with that is if you cut that dude's dick off and put it in a fire. Also, if you were going out with someone and it didn't work out, but then you went out with someone new and it lasts through graduation and then some. Those I can see as exceptions. There are probably others, and of course someone is going to complain about this, but oh well, like I said, read at your own risk, as how it is with all my blogs. But I love a good debate, so bring it on! Too, there's another thing that we should always remember, people do change. Really, they do. I know guys and women alike that were whores in there past, I mean really BIG whores, like sleeping with fifty or sometimes one hundred people, that do settle down and get married and have kids and live a happily ever after kind of life. Maybe if I pay attention to that more, I won't need to worry about the harshness of what society has when it comes to sex.

For the past couple days I've been thinking about some things that people do. Mainly, it was things that people do that are completely stupid. And, of course, it deals with sex. But as always, when it comes to sex, people seem to just not think. Seriously, people literally don't think about what they did until it has already been done. They're too many idiots in this world. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one that actually thinks about what I'm doing. Maybe that's what has been keeping me out of trouble many times. Anyway, I'm going to talk to you about the people that you should never have sex with. Yes, these people should be off limits at all times. It could save your life, too. Well, at least save you some trouble. First off, the first group of people that you should never sleep with is the most important one; your coworkers. There should never be any kind of sexual relations in the place you work at. The reason why is that if the relationship doesn't work, you still have to see that particular person and it could even cause problems where it can cost your job. For personal experiences, I never had to deal with this. Maybe it's because I had friends that this happened to them; for instance, I'll tell you a story. When I was working at McDonald's(yeah), my friend was a shift manager there and it was his shift as the manager at that time. Well, he started going out with one of the workers there because she was hot, and she was hot too! Anyways, they were dating and then had some problems, but all of a sudden, the problems started to come to work. One day, they were working the same shift and I was working drive thru, his girlfriend started yelling at him during a dinner rush. He was trying to calm her down, saying that they'll talk after the rush was over with. But she didn't want to wait, she wanted to bitch now. And it got so bad, even when the rush was still going on, he brought her into the little office they have for managers they were fighting for a good ten minutes, maybe longer. Luckily for my friend, their wasn't any other managers on that shift, and if their were, it could've cost his job as his girlfriends too. There are other examples on this, but this was the one that sealed the fate of sleeping with coworkers for me. The next group of people you should never have sex with is your friends of the opposite sex. This is another common sense issue because I'm sorry, once you sleep with your friend, the relationship is completely changed. This has happened recently with one of my friends, about a year ago, actually both of them were my friends. Now, they don't talk to one another. And they were good friends for a long time, too. I should say if it's a good friend, not an acquaintance, because good friends are hard to come by. Another group of people that I see that you shouldn't sleep with is anyone that hangs out at a particular place where you hang out at. This could be bars, coffeehouses, or even gatherings where you hang out all the time and there are usually the same people at those as well. Like sleeping with your coworkers, if the relationship doesn't work out, you still have to see them, or depending upon the hang out, lose a good hang out. This kind of goes about the same for the next group of people; neighbors in your apartment complex. This usually happens among the college towns where college kids live in the same building. I got this idea at first when I saw the movie Singles, which is a very good movie made by Cameron Crowe. This movie is actually a good example on not dating anyone in the same apartment complex. I also even knew some people that made this mistake. This in a sense could be worse than sleeping with coworkers, because that person is right next to where you live. It could become a very awkward situation, which mostly results in both people moving out after their lease or semester is up. There are other groups of people that you should never have sex with, but these were kind of the original list of them. But here are some that are relatively new, mainly these are my own opinion. I would never have sex with a person that has the same name as another person I had sex with. I dated someone that had the same name as an ex-girlfriend of mine before, but that is as far as that went. I don't know, to me, that would seem kind of disturbing in some levels. It would be kind of like having sex with that person you had with before. Also, I would never have sex with anyone that my friends slept with. This, unfortunately, I am guilty of, because it almost cost me a good friendship. So I am saying this, don't ever do that, unless you are a bitch or an asshole.

After talking to some people, mainly seeing their views and opinions on regards to this subject, I began to realize something about most people. They’re weak. The reason why I say this is because some of the people that I have talked to about not having sex for certain periods of time, they always seem to cringe in disgust for time periods that don’t even seem that long. For instance, I will admit that I went without sex for two years at one time, and when I told some people this, they got into a spew of saying “ Oh, man I would die if that ever happened to me,” or “How could I do something like that?” and so on. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me on how I think about this sort of subject, but come on, there were some people that would say it would be horrible to not have sex in just a couple months! That, in my opinion, is quite sad. I mean, not having sex in a few months isn’t going to kill you. Honestly, it might even help some people out there as well, considering how our society is when it comes to sex. Maybe those few months can kind of wind down your craving for sex a little bit. I’m not saying that sex is bad and shouldn’t be done, but it shouldn’t be someone’s mind twenty four hours of the day. If that was the case, I don’t think I would even hang out with that sort of person because to me, if sex is your number one priority in life and nothing else then you just need to be locked in a room for a while until you can get your mind out of the gutter. I mean, if you don’t have any other hobbies or any kind of priorities of life but have sex is honestly quite sad. I’m not saying sex is bad, but just doing it too much just sort of makes it boring after a while, and someone doing it all the time not interested in hanging out with. However, from looking into my past experiences on going through some abstinence periods, I began to realize that in the end, it was my choice not to have sex in those time periods. Even when I didn’t have sex for two years, I saw that I had numerous opportunities to have sex, but chose not to. I may sound a bit cocky about this, but sometimes you have to be. Mostly, it’s not being cocky, but being confident. For years, I thinking I was deprived from having sex, but in the end it was my choice. And surprisingly, there are other people that have chose not to sex as well, even if they don’t even realize it. But either way, when it comes down to it, which everyone will agree with me, nobody likes to hear someone’s sob story that they haven’t gotten laid in a week or two or any amount of time. After a while, it just sounds very stupid.

As the baseball season of 2007 comes down to a close, and seeing the Cubs waste another chance at a championship, I began to think about something that’s been really missing in baseball. I mean, to me, baseball now is too much of a big business; all money and no fun. They even figured out if a family went to a baseball game; a father and mother with two kids, get tickets and each purchase a soft drink and hot dog, along with a souvenir apiece, their tab would be a little over two hundred dollars! Just to go to a baseball game, it would cost someone a car payment’s worth. It’s nuts, what happened to going to see a game for merely five dollars or ten dollars, and programs costing only a buck instead of six or seven dollars? So that’s why I thought about a man that truly loved the fans and loved baseball at the same time; Bill Veeck Jr. Bill Veeck was born on Feb. 9, 1914 in Chicago and grew up in Hinsdale, IL. His father, Bill Veeck Sr., served as a beat writer for the Chicago Cubs until being hired as an employee then worked his way to be the president for the team. Growing up around the business of baseball, Bill Veeck was working in Wrigley Field by the age of thirteen as a popcorn vendor, groundskeeper, and ticket vendor. After his father passed away in 1933, Bill Jr. dropped out of college to become the club’s treasurer. One of his first innovations in baseball was planting the ivy that is on the outfield wall of Wrigley Field. Ever since at a young age, Bill Jr. always wanted to make the outfield wall more desirable instead of being a bare surface of bricks. So, in 1937, he ordered the groundskeepers to plant ivy onto the wall to make the field more homelier to fans and players alike. Also, in the same year, Bill Jr. started on a project to construct the hand-operated scoreboard still in use today at Wrigley Field. He would be involved with the Chicago Cubs until 1941 when he moved to Milwaukee to purchase the then minor league team Brewers. Bill Jr. was in a partnership with former Cub star and manager Charlie Grimm, and during that the team won three pennants. However, also during that time Bill Jr. served in the Marines during World War II, being part of an artillery crew. While being part of the crew, a recoiling artillery piece crushed his leg, having at first amputate his foot, and later his whole leg. It would result in his now famous peg leg, which he installed an ashtray on the bottom of it. Also, during this time he acquired to purchase the financially strapped Philadelphia Phillies and sign stars from the Negro Leagues to play on the team. However, the commissioner at the time, Kenshaw Mountain Landis, who was also a racist, vetoed the sale and arranged the National League to own the team. This would one of many deeds Bill Jr. would do for civil rights among minorities. After coming home from the war, he sold his half of the Brewers and began his project to buy a Major League team. In 1946, Bill Jr. completed it by buying the Cleveland Indians. His first moves were to get stars from the Negro Leagues to play on his team, and once the color barrier was lifted after Jackie Robinson, he signed players Larry Doby and Satchel Paige. Also, he installed a movable outfield fence that would be placed between series, depending on whether it would help the Indians or not. But once it was found out by the American League, they passed a rule that all outfield walls were to be in a permanent spot for all games and series. In 1948, the Cleveland Indians would win the pennant and the World Series, marking the only time a team owned by Bill Veeck would do both those things. In the next year, as a marketing ploy, Bill Jr. would bury the World Series flag when it became obvious the Indians were not going to repeat it’s championship. Later on in 1949, after a terrible divorce from his first wife, Bill Jr. was forced to sell the Indians, and would not be back in baseball until two years later. He would get married for the second time, and would end up buying the St. Louis Browns in an attempt to win the people over the Cardinals. It would be here when Bill Jr. would put together some of his most memorable publicity stunts. He spited the Cardinals owner, Fred Saigh, by hiring Cardinal greats Roger Hornsby and Marty Marion as managers, and Dizzy Dean to announce their games. Also, back then both teams shared the same stadium, which was called Sportsman’s Park, so Bill Jr. would decorate the park with Browns memorabilia. One of the first known publicity stunts he did was hire a midget named Eddie Gaedel to pinch hit. Standing less than four feet tall, Eddie Gaedel would become the shortest baseball player in the history of the game, and in his only at-bat, he drew a base on balls on four straight pitches. Another publicity stunt Bill Jr. did was Grandstand Manager’s Day where the attendance, which included well known managers Connie Mack and Bob Fishel, to direct the game with placards. The Browns ended up winning the game by the score of 5 to 3, ending a four game losing streak. After the 1952 season, Bill Jr. suggested to the American League for clubs to share radio and television revenue with visiting ball clubs. The notion was outvoted, as a result of the hearing, Bill Jr. refused to let Brown’s opponents to broadcast games while playing against his team. The League responded back by eliminating the lucrative Friday night games in St. Louis. Later on in 1952, Fred Saigh was convicted of tax evasion, and in an attempt to not get banned from baseball, he sold the Cardinals to Anheuser-Busch. Unable to afford the renovations necessary to bring Sportsman’s Park up to code, Bill Jr. was forced to sell his half to the beer company as well, resulting his loss of a bargaining chip and any chance of fair competition in St. Louis. He considered on moving the Browns back to Milwaukee, were the franchise first began in 1901, but the other American League owners denied him permission to do so. Then, tried to move out to the lucrative-yet-still untapped market of Los Angeles, but was denied as well. So Bill Jr. would end up selling the Browns, which ended up moving to Baltimore and became the Orioles, and went out of baseball again. He wouldn’t return until 1959 by being part of a group that bought controlling interest in the Chicago White Sox. The White Sox that year ended up winning the pennant, their first in forty years, and their attendance mushroomed up to 1.4 million people, making it the most ever in franchise history. Then, the following year, the attendance record was broken yet again, at 1.6 million. Also in that year, Bill Jr. put together a project to make the first “exploding” scoreboard, equipped with sound effects and fireworks so when a White Sox player hit a home run, the sky would light up and the ballpark would be filled with noise. Another innovation he put together was putting the player’s surnames onto the back of their uniforms. However, Bill Jr.’s first tenure with the White Sox was short-lived, as poor health made him sell his share of the team. After that, he was persuaded by his former partner in Cleveland, Hank Greenberg, to join him in being a minority partner for a new ball club in Los Angeles. However, when the Dodgers’s owner, Walter O’Malley heard about the deal, he brought it to a complete halt by invoking his exclusive right to operate a Major League team in Southern California, so he didn’t have to compete with a master promoter such as Bill Veeck. As a result, Bill Jr. would not be back in baseball until 1975 when we again bought the Chicago White Sox from John Allyn in order to keep the team from moving to Seattle. This would be the last time he would own and operate a baseball team. For the next five years, Bill Jr. would create even more memorable publicity stunts. In 1976, for one game during a double header, Bill Jr. had the players on the White Sox wear shorts. It would be the first and only time that would be done on any team. In 1977, he created what was called “Rent a Player” in order to adapt to the Free Agency by acquiring players in their option years. Oscar Gamble and Richie Zisk were the players he picked from it, and thus created the South Side Hitmen year where the White Sox won ninety games and finished in third place. And in the same year, Bill Jr. saw how well the connection was between the fans and then-announcer, Harry Carey. As a result, he had a microphone installed into his booth and would sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” during the seven inning stretch to the audience. In 1979, Bill Jr. had free admission on Opening Day. Also in that same year, teamed up with well known radio DJ, Steve Dahl, to have Disco Demolition Night. It was during a double header with the Detroit Tigers, the admission was only 98 cents and a disco record. Originally, the plan was simple, in between games, all the records that were brought to the park were to be blown up by Steve Dahl. The plan did not go well, and the result was almost 50,000 people from the stands coming out to the field and rioting, with records flying all over the place. The second game of the double header had to be cancelled. The free agency era would be the end of Bill Jr. owning a team, and at the end of the 1980 season he sold the White Sox to a partnership featuring Jerry Reinsdorf and Eddie Einhorn, ending an era of family owned franchises. After his last tenure, Bill Jr. retired to his home in Maryland with his wife, and would go to Sox and Cubs games occasionally. In 1984, he had one of his lungs removed as a result of emphysema, and then died in January 2, 1986 from a pulmonary embolism after three decades of smoking three to four packs of cigarettes a day. Five years later, Bill Veeck would be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

About two months ago, a friend of mine was in this band called An Automated Gift. Then, suddenly, I found out she was kicked out of the group, for which reasons I do not know. After I heard about this, I couldn’t really stop thinking about the situation on hand. Apparently, it was said that the bad kicked her out because the guy that owned the studio where they were recording their demos and CD’s with had a daughter that wanted to be in the band. So as the story goes the guy in charge of the studio must have told the band that if his daughter was in the group, sessions would be free of charge or at least less than before. Then, the ax fell and my friend was out of the band. It was kind of a shame too because I saw them perform and I thought they had some pretty damn good potential. But, the story doesn’t end there, and this is what really pisses me off. Not just the group dumped my friend for the guy’s daughter for cheaper rent, but they butcher the songs she fucking wrote. For instance, they took songs she wrote, changed some the lyrics but keeping the music to them, and had the new singer sing them. That was what really got to me. I mean, if I wrote some songs in a band and I was kicked out for whatever and something like that happened, I would go off, those were my lyrics with my music. What was wrong, they couldn’t think of anything original themselves to have their new lead singer sing? Also, their new lead singer in only seventeen from what I’ve been told, while the rest of the band is at least twenty-one and older, so that has to be interesting to book gigs considering they were playing all bars. But, whatever. It just makes me mad when someone just takes one’s work and butchers it after kicking them out of the band. Also, I guess they changed their name as well, now they are called A Line Between Noise. But I don’t know if I should really be saying all of this considering I don’t know their own side of the story, but I’m just mad about what they had done. As a writer and artist, I feel that they broke the code of conduct on band relations, and as creativity as a whole. Perhaps I should tend to one of their shows featuring their new singer and hear how they are. From what I’ve heard on their new demos, their new lead singer sounds like Amy Lee of Evenessence, and their new music seems to be going into that direction as well.

Just yesterday, I found out the bad news. Norman Mailer, one of the greatest writers in American history, passed away from acute renal failure after having lung surgery in New York at Mt. Sinai Hospital. He was eighty-four years old. It was an end of an era, one of the last great writers alive now gone. Just this year, Kurt Vonnegut passed away in May, another great writer, now Norman Mailer is gone. Also like Vonnegut, I never really got a chance to read anything by Norman Mailer, although I have heard much about him. He was the writer of the book, The Naked and the Dead, which is on the list of the Twentieth Century’s Top One Hundred Books. He was married six times, which to me is way too much. Also, Mailer was born in Long Branch, New Jersey, on Jan. 31, 1923 in a Jewish family. His father was an accountant born in South Africa, and his mother owned a housekeeping and nursing agency. Mailer grew up in Brooklyn, where he graduated from Boys’ High School in 1939 and went to Harvard University to study aeronautical engineering. It was in Harvard where he got interested in writing and began to publish stories for their inquiry. Also, Mailer would marry his first wife, Beatrice Silverman. When Mailer graduated from Harvard in 1943, he was drafted into the Army and served in the Philippines till the war’s end. In 1948, Mailer would publish his first novel, The Naked and the Dead, an account to his personal experiences in World War II. It would be one of the first books written in part of a new genre at the time called New Journalism, or creative nonfiction. The book would also make Mailer a star, making it on the New York Times Best Seller List. It would be a terrific start of a great writing career. Following The Naked and the Dead, Mailer would release his next book, Barbary Shore, in 1951. The book was about a surreal parable of Cold War left politics set in a Brooklyn rooming house. The following year, he divorced Beatrice Silverman, and began working as a screenwriter in Hollywood. In 1954, Mailer would marry a second time to Adele Morales. His next book, Deer Park, based on his experiences in Hollywood, was rejected by six publishers due to it’s sexual content until it was published in 1955. By then, Mailer was known for his essay work on the growing counter-culture in the US, and would help found The Village Voice, a free newspaper that would be seen much in the Greenwich Village in New York and in San Francisco. Mailer would continue into essays and would release them in his next book, Advertisements for Myself, in 1959. The next year, during a party, Mailer and his wife Adele got into a fight and Mailer ended up stabbing her with a penknife. The incident started due to an argument about Mailer’s work on sexual violence, which Adele would publish a memoir on their marriage in 1997 called The Last Party that explained the accident in detail. He would divorce her following the incident, then would remarry in 1962 to Lady Jeanne Campbell, a British heiress and journalist, then divorced her the following year. Mailer would then marry again in 1963 to Beverly Bentley. The rest of the decade saw Mailer go into many different projects; he would cover the Republican and Democratic conventions in every presidential election year, released books such as The Presidential Papers in 1963, An American Dream in 1965, which was the sequel to The Naked and the Dead, Armies of the Night in 1968, which won him a Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award. In 1967, Mailer was arrested for his involvement in Anti-Vietnam demonstrations. Also, for his reporting in the Harper Magazine, he was awarded the George Polk Award in 1968. In the late 1960’s too saw him work on a play version of his novel Deer Park, and directing a number of avant-garde films using an Andy Warhol improvisational style, which included Maidstone in 1970. In 1969, Mailer would run unsuccessfully for Mayor of New York City for the Democratic Party, proposing a succession from the state of New York to make the city into the fifty-first state. The decade of the 1970’s would see a continuation of what Mailer started in the late 1960’s, he would publish novels Of a Fire on the Moon in 1970, The Prisoner of Sex in 1971, Marilyn in 1973, The Fight in 1975, and The Executioner’s Song in 1979, which he awarded for the Pulitzer Prize. Marilyn was his first biography topic for a book, which he would later do a few more including Pablo Picasso and Lee Harvey Oswald. In 1980, Mailer spearheaded the release of convicted killer Jack Abbott, for which Abbott sent letters to Mailer about his experience in prison. Abbott was released on parole, then a few weeks later committed another murder. For his role to release him, Mailer was strongly criticized for many years. He would later say it was another moment in his life that he finds nothing to cheer about of take pride in. Also in 1980, he would get divorced to Beverly Bentley, and marry again to Carol Stevens, which they separated a day after the wedding and then got divorced later on. Mailer would yet again marry in 1980, which would be his last wife Norris Church. Mailer had a total of eight biological children, whom many of them became actors and actresses. He would adopt another child, which was Norris Church’s son from her first marriage. Mailer would still continue on writing and making films all through the 1980’s and 1990’s, with works including Ancient Evenings in 1983, Harlot’s Ghost in 1991, and Oswald’s Tale in 1995. In 1987, he adapted his novel Tough Guys Don’t Dance in a movie, which starred Ryan O’Neal. It would end up having a strong cult success. In his last years, he would co-write the novel The Big Empty with his youngest son John Buffalo in 2005, and his last novel The Castle in the Forest was published shortly before his death. Norman Mailer’s legacy as writer, director, activist and so on will live on in our society. Like Vonnegut and Capote, he questioned governmental issues and stood up when no one else would. He will be missed.

If you live in the Kankakee area in Illinois, and you’re not a religious nut, then you might understand what I’m talking about. If you’re religious, well, you might be offended on what I’m going to say, so if I were you I would get out this now. Well, too late, I’m starting the blog now. Religion, you have to believe in something, I do, most of my friends do too. What I wanted to say here is about all these Christian people, with their preaching on all the beliefs they can think of, then turn around and do the opposite of what they preach. It’s kind of funny, because almost everyday I run into people that are more “Christian” than I am but have lesser morals than I do. Especially when it comes to women, man, I don’t know about you but it seems that I tend to meet a lot of girls that are religious and have one night stands like it’s nothing. I mean, what do they do, have the one night stand and then the next day go to church and pray to God to forgive them for they have sinned? Just make sure to have the one night stand on Saturday night so then on Sunday morning it’s confession time! What convenience, isn’t it? I remember being friends with a girl like that; she had a kid when she was sixteen years old and it seemed like when after having her son she had some kind of spiritual awakening, even though when she would go in skimpy ass clothes and hang onto every guy she could find. She never wanted to admit that she just slept around with different guys, her only reason she would have was that her primary focus now is on her son, not on a relationship. Plus, she would go to church every Sunday, not only for her son being in Sunday School, but to pray to forgive her of the sins she did the previous night. What a load of crap. I think that’s the reason why a lot of people become religious is so they can do a bunch of so-called sins, then turn around and go to church and have God forgive them for doing so. It’s like having a loop hole in the system here. I’m sorry, but when someone comes up to me and say their religious and yet they have one night stands like it’s something ok’ed by God, I just what away think hypocrite. I’ll admit, I’m not Christian, I was raised a Catholic, but as I got older I began to look at other religions because I got sick and tired of Christianity saying they’re the only religion that mattered. So I checked out other religions over the years, and I feel the most comfortable being a Wiccan. To me, it’s peaceful and you feel more connected with nature unlike most denominations of Christianity. It’s not that I’m putting Christianity down, I just don’t like the people that say they’re Christians and yet have lesser morals than me, when I’m not a Christian! But then, I think all of us becomes a hypocrite at one point of our lives. At least I try hard not to be one.

Just the other day, I was reading on some of the current events that was happening in the world, when I saw an article talking about a survey done on US cities. It was on the consumption of caffeine, and Chicago has the top honors for it! Along with binge drinking, Chicago is now the most caffeinated. But what was funny with the survey is that when it came to larger cities, like ones with one million or more people, Chicago was the only one. Cities like New York, Philadelphia, Detroit, and San Francisco were among the least caffeinated, while cities like Tampa, Miami, and Atlanta were along with Chicago as the most caffeinated. Being that, is was a shock to see cities like New York or San Francisco to be the least caffeinated because they are very bustling cities as far as traffic goes. Also part of the survey was chocolate, soda, and energy drink consumption, which in all categories Chicago topped. Seattle, being home to Starbucks Coffee, was up on coffee consumption but on the other categories was very low. I wasn’t really surprised on the energy drink consumption in the Chicago area considering I know many people that drink them. Coffee I can definitely see too, considering I’m a big coffee drinker. Chocolate is also a given, because Chicago is home to Fannie May, one of the most famous candy companies in the world. Also as the survey was given, people in New York and San Francisco were most likely the say caffeine was bad for you. Now, San Francisco I can see being that they’re in California, which is the land of health conciseness, but New York? I think the folks in the Big Apple are getting pretty soft if you ask me. I thought New York was known to have some very hard edge to them, now they say caffeine is bad for you, strange. It seems like Chicago is becoming the new New York, when it comes to consuming harsh foods and drugs and having some mean attitudes. Along with having a baseball team that hasn’t won a World Series in one hundred years(at least in the North Side), much binge drinking(on both sides), Chicago can proudly say they have caffeine cornered in the marketplace.
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