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YOU CAN ONLY TYPE 1 WORD AS AN ANSWER 1. Where is your cell phone? Here. 2. Your significant other? Napping. 3. Your hair? Wet. 4. Your mother? Work. 5. Your father? Uncaring. 6. Your favorite thing? Art. 7. Your dream last night? Faded. 8. Your favorite drink? Milk. 9. Your dream/goal? Euphoria. 10. The room you're in? Den. 11. Music? Guitar. 12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Hawaii. 14. Where were you last night? Home. 15. What you're not? Dumb. 16. Muffins? Blueberry. 17. One of your wish list items? Cellie. 18. Where you grew up? Minnesota 19. The last thing you did? Talked. 20. What are you wearing? Comfies. 21. TV? Muted. 22. Your pets? Dog. 23. Your computer? Old. 24. Your life? Makeover. 25. Your mood? Drab. 26. Missing someone? Always. 27. Favorite Store? Target. 30. Your summer? Quiet. 31. Like someone? Love. 32. Your favorite color? Pisces. 33. When is the last time you laughed? Today. 34. Last time you cried? Today. I am tagging: Chuckii aka Chuckiiboo Jonnie aka Jonnie Hardcore Trell aka Trell Daniel aka Living Dream Josh aka Froggystyle

Domestic Abuse: My story.

I was born into it. My mother married my father, a man who couldn't resist violence as his outlet for emotion. I remember the way he would scream at her. I remember how he would grab hold of her arm and threaten her. I remember the day, when I was two years old, and he came home. He went into the bedroom because my mother had been crying. 1982 was the year her brother, my Uncle Brian, committed suicide. It was the year my then seven-year-old sister had a tumor removed. It was not cancerous. On top of that, my mother and I were in a car accident where a Minnegasco truck sideswiped us. As a result of that accident, my mom had whiplash. She was forced to stay in bed all day because of the pain she was in. My sister had to watch me, but she was not always attentive as kids should be kids. I remember him walking into their bedroom. My mom was crying uncontrollably. He grabbed her by the neck and started choking her. She kicked him hard, grabbed him by the ear and dragged him down the stairs. She opened the door and yelled at him to get out and never come back. I don't remember everything that was said. I just remember wondering why it was happening. That was not the first nor the last of what happened in my presence. It's simply the one incident that stands out the most. In addition to that, my father was very abusive to his children as well. I still, to this day, hear the words in my head: "I'm going to kill your mother and kidnap the two of you and there's nothing you can do about it." Another one of his statements to me: "I'm going to kill your mother and your sister and take you with me. Nobody will ever find us." I was called many horrible words at a very early age ranging from bitch to racial slurs, seeing as I'm multiracial. Other things happened, but I don't speak of everything that happened to me. It's better that I don't remember some things. The impact that the violence I grew up around, had on me as a person, was (and is) quite profound. I was afraid, and I'm still afraid to a degree, of people and of life. My anxiety, agoraphobia and panic attacks probably all stem from the events that took place involving the abuse. I have overcome a great deal as a human being. As many of you know, I'm a survivor of many obstacles. I know what it's like to struggle, and I know what it's like to succeed. I know what it's like to fall, and I know what it's like to rise above all that tries to hold you down. I know what it's like to be that girl that has it all, and I know what it's like to be that girl that has nothing. When I think of how many women and men are abused by their significant others and stay, it makes me sick to my stomach. I understand you wanting to make things work. I understand you saying that you love them too much to leave them. Do they love you too much to hurt you? Is that REALLY love when they "put you in your place"? If they really loved you, if they really LOVE you, they will not try and break who you are. They will not try and kill your resilience. If they really love their children, they wouldn't dare cause you such pain. When I saw the pain my father caused my mother, it brought me to tears. That was my mother. That was the woman that brought me into this world. That was the woman that carried me for nine months. That was the woman that cooked meals for the man she "loved" without a complaint. That was the woman that walked the ends of the Earth every damn day to make her husband happy. How did he repay her? How did he show her his love? He broke her. She has not found it in her heart to be with another man since my father hurt her. It's been far too difficult for her to overcome the wounds that he caused her and her children. After that incident, my mom and dad made up once again. They tried counselling, but he never admitted he had a problem. He always pointed the finger at my mother. That's what they do, isn't it? She struggled to find a way out of the marriage, but the Catholic church refused to let people divorce back then. It was a sin to divorce. I personally think it's MORE of a sin to abuse somebody. I personally think it's more of a sin to stay in a relationship where you never feel safe! Perhaps that's just MY input, huh? I suppose there's a reason why my name isn't Pope. My mom seperated from my dad, with her father's permission, in 1986. In 1987, they were officially divorced. There were times he stopped by the house unannounced numerous times a day. He didn't change. She couldn't protect us. She was working. Sometimes we had to climb out the bedroom windows with a bed sheet to avoid him. We'd land on the driveway, barefoot.. and run through neighbor's lawns to a friend's house so my sister and I weren't hurt. I remember how hot the pavement felt on my feet at times. I also remember when we had to hide under our mother's bed so he wouldn't find us. We'd be in a complete panic, hanging on to eachother for dear life. My sister turned her anger toward abusing me. I turned my anger toward abusing myself. I turned to drug use, alcoholism, self mutilitation and internalized my hatred for my father. I cut myself to draw his blood from my veins as a child. I wanted so badly NOT to be a part of him. I remember how I struggled with anorexia and bulimia as well. I could never keep friends because I was afraid of how he might hurt them. Some witnessed his terrible temper tantrums and never spoke to me again. My sister herself got involved in drug use and other self destructive tendencies. She ended up in a relationship for eight years from the time she was a teenager until she was in her twenties... with a man who abused her. I remember him throwing a Carmex jar at her eye once. I called the police, but not before he came after me for telling him to leave her alone. His fist almost met the skin on my face. I slammed the door on him, hearing every word you never want to hear. Thankfully she got out of that. Thankfully she realized HER worth before it was too late and she became yet another statistic. I believe there is hope for all of us. I don't believe that the people who hurt us, create us. I believe that the experiences we endure, shape us. They inspire us to be better people. For me, I have found that I am much more compassionate toward others because of what I went through. I have found that I am much more aware of who I let into my life. I have found that I don't take shit from anybody. I have found that I am more resilient than most people I know. To the women who choose to stay I say: I cannot live your life for you, but I can't be that person that stands by and does nothing. Did my father really love my mother so much that he had to beat her? Did my father really love me so much that he had to abuse me? You have to ask yourself if it's really worthy staying for. Are you sacrificing your need to feel safe for their "happiness"? If your lover were really happy, they would NEVER hurt you the way they do. You are not responsible for what they do to you. You are responsible for finding the strength to get out of your cell. You are not a prisoner. You deserve to live a good life. There ARE ways out. I do not by any means believe that you are a victim of fate. You are stronger than that. You are worth more than that. You deserve to be happy. Draw strength from your dreams. Are you living your dream by being a victim? I think not. Don't give up, and don't give in. Where there's a will, there IS a way out. I choose to share my story with you, in hopes of making a difference. I have healed greatly from my childhood, but every day is a struggle for all who have endured struggle. I want you to know there is no one ending. You have the power to write your own story. You hold the power to change your life. Nobody is holding you back but you. There is never a reason nor an excuse for abuse. There is never any justification in it. Feel free to share this blog with others. My life story is meant to teach others, not be held in a capsule. Blessings to all of you. May your angels be with you. In Love&Light, 3G aka Meg
Subject: FW: 4 Favorite Things questionaire 1) Four places I have lived : 1. Burnsville, MN... shit. I need to venture out some more. LOL... 2. 3. 4. 2) Four TV shows I love to watch: 1. Paranormal State 2. Everyday Italian. 3. Paula's Party. 4. America's Psychic Challenge when it's on air. :P It's a WONDERFUL show. I so way dig it. 3) Four of my favorite foods: 1. Organic fruits such as apples and grapes. 2. Pizza from Punch Neapolitan or Target's Archer Farms product line. 3. Organic cheeseburgers. 4. Anything Greek or Italian. I LOVE spanikopita. Spinach makes me hot like Popeye!!!! RAWR!!!! 4) Four places I would rather be right now (in no particular order): 1. Washington so I could hug my angel Jeffy. 2. California so I could be in my favorite sunshiney state and paint by the ocean. 3. Oregon so I could be surrounded by big trees and pretend I was a fairy lost in the forest. 4. Ireland, Greece, Italy... cos I am adventurous deep down within. 5) Four people that will respond: 1. Rebecca. 2. Dave. 3. Tiffany. 4. You. 6) Four favorite past-times: 1. Talking to ghosts. 2. Reading. 3. Cooking. 4. Painting. Laughing is closely tied with this. Return Directions: Here's what you're supposed to do... and please do not spoil the fun. Hit forward, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you. "The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible." - Anon

Survey: Meg 101.

101. Do you want to be in a relationship? Not at the moment, but I wouldn't be opposed to it if the right guy comes along. 100. What's your profile song and why? My first profile song is "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong because it's a beautiful song that reminds people of what is beautiful about the world. We need those reminders, you know? :P I just love his voice too! 99. Do you have a job? Nope. I'm just getting back on my feet socially. I'm about to volunteer this Spring. 98. Last person you were in a car with? I was with my sister and nephew in her trizuck. 97. Do you have a crush on someone? Maybe. 96. Talking to anyone right now? if so who? At this very moment I am silent. 95. What is your current ring tone? Tamacun by Rodrigo y Gabriela. 94. Where was the last place you took a plane to? Arizona. My sister, nephew and his daddy are heading there tonight. I am seriously going to miss them for the next four days. 93. What is the last movie you watched, with who? Umm.. No Reservations... by myself. I'm a foodie. 92. What makes you mad? Manipulation, authority, ignorance, discrimination, racism, sexism, injustice, bullying , Republicans, cheaters and short tempers. 91. What is your middle name? Moira. 87. What are you doing? This. 84. Are you afraid of growing old? I'm afraid of never being fearless more than anything else. 83. Are you happy right now? I am in an okay state of mind. I have a lot on my mind. 82. What is sitting to your right, right now? My nephew's fire chief hat. 79. Do you have a favorite stuffed animal? My dog isn't stuffed. :P 76. What song are you listening to? Unchained Melody.... I absolutely love this song. 75. Do you sing in the shower? I do sometimes. 72. Last time you listened to country music? Today. Some good old fashioned Johnny Cash. 67. How many drugs are in your system? Zilch. 65. What are you wearing? My Geek Squad tee, my black leather jacket and my black jeans with the gems on the sides... and some jewelry. 64. Last person you commented? Tesa. 63. Do you sing? Yes. I have to. It's my thang! 62. Screamo or country? Country I suppose considering I'm a screamo tardo. I have no idea what screamo izzo? 61. Rock or rap? I love both. I dig beats. I dig music. 60. Do you like cheese? I effing love it. 59. List the last 5 missed calls : I don't keep track. Life is bigger than that. 56. List the last 5 people you called? Uhhh...... Dr. Jim, my sister and my mum.... 55. List the last 5 people who called you : Stupid questions don't deserve answers. 51. What do you smell? My armpits when I'm nervous? 50. Is anything bothering you right now? Yeah. 49. Where did you take your profile picture. In the bathroom at the spa where I got my hair done.... lol... I loved my new haircut that much that I didn't want to risk it being messed up when I stepped outside... so I took a photo in the pee pee room. 48. What are you doing today/tomorrow? I'm wearing my Irish hat and shaking my thang to rap music I guess... and cleaning and doing laundry and being a caterpillar cos I'm socially inept momentarily speaking. 34. What toothpaste do you use? Jason's Natural Toothpaste. I like everything natural or organic. 33. What do you want right now? A hug. 32. Jeans or sweatpants? Jeans, babeh!!!!! 31. What should you be doing? Eating dinner, but I have a hard time eating when I have things on my mind.... :sighs: 30. Are you going to do it? In time...... 28. Do you own sunglasses? I sure do! I love glammy sunglassies! 27. Have you ever cried so hard, you made yourself sick? Oh have I ever..... 26. Do you like techno? I do indeed. I like the rump shaking beats. 19. Favorite TV show? Paranormal State, of course. They make me feel sane. :P 18. Do you like '80s movies? I like a lot of them. The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, Lean On Me and oh my I could go on forever really.. I don't remember all of them sadly cos boy oh boy my brain went through Hell last year so it's still recovering lol.... 17. Do you like "Pour some sugar on me" by Def Leppard? Mmhmm. I sure do! That's a great song! 16. What's your favorite food? Italian or Greek..... hands down!!!!!!!! I love 'em and I can never leave 'em! 15. Where do you live? Burnsville, Minnesota... 10 minutes from Mall Of America. 14. What makes you laugh? A wide variety of things and people..... I have an extraordinary sense of humor I've been told. 12. Been to London? No... but I've seen your underpants. :gasps: OH MY GOD DID I JUST TYPE THAT?!?!! I'm mething with you. Chillax, aight? 11. Can you lick your toe? I love my body too much to cause it such pain, but I might be able to. Perhaps I'll attempt it when I'm bored off my booty. 10. Favorite subject at school? I'm not in school, but I loved art. 9. Been to college? I was there for a month perhaps? Brown College in Mendota Heights. I attended DCTC in high school, too. 6. Ever licked someone's cheek? Not yet? Is it fun??????? 5. What are you looking forward to? Spring. 4. Do you know who you are gonna marry? I need to date before I know that, but I do know a lot about my future intuitively speaking. 2.Wheres' your phone? Right here looking at me and serenading me with it's silent profession of love.... or maybe not. 1. Do you miss someone? Yep. I sure do.

The History of Meg

The History of....Meg 1. Raised: Burnsville, Minnesota. 2. Planned baby: I was God's plan. ;o) 3. Birth date: 02-27-80. I just turned 28. 4. Any siblings: 1 sister that I know of, yip yip. 5. Younger or older: I am younger. 6. Hair color: Blackish brownish reddish. 7. Hair length: Mediumish kinda longish. 8. First school: River Hills Nursery School or.... Gideon Pond Elementary School. 9. Eye color: Brown green gold gray..... they vary, but lately they're mostly green. 10. Shoe size: 11w. 11. Mood: Eagar. 12. Smell: Clean air..... 13. Height: 5"11 without boots, 6 ft with. 14. Lefty/righty: Rightums! LOVE LIFE: 1. Do you remember your first real relationship? I've yet to experience a REAL relationship. I had a two month long relationship when I was 19. :P He was a !!^$$%&&$$!!!! MMKAY? lol... 2. Do you believe in love? I sure do! 3. Shortest relationship? A couple of days, LOL...... oh teenager years<3 4. Have you ever been heartbroken? Yes..... 5. Are you liking someone now? Maybe..... 6. Have you ever fallen for a friend? Yeah. Isn't that the curse of humanity? 7. Are you afraid of commitment? I'm afraid of a lot! lol..... 8. Do you believe in love at first sight? I do! 9. Longest relationship? A little over two months. THIS OR THAT: 1. Love or money? Love. 2. Coffee or alcohol? Neither. I celebrated my ninth year of sobriety February 22, 2008! YAY ME!!!!!!!!! 3. One night stands or relationships? Relationships, naturally. 4. Television or internet? Tinternet? I like both! 5. Pepsi or coke? I'm not fond of either. 6. Fun night out or romantic night in? I'd like both. :P 7. Phone or in Person? In person!!!!!!!! HAVE YOU EVER: 1. Have you ever been caught sneaking out? Yuh huh I'm sure back in the dizay, yo. 2. Have you ever skinny dipped? As a baby maybe?!? lol 3. Have you ever done something you regret? I feel like I'm sitting across the room from a shrink... lol... YES!!!!!!!!! 4. Have you ever been on a house boat? I'm not sure, but it seems like it'd be fun! 5. Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? I probably did! 6. Have you ever colored your hair? Mmhmm. I've had orange hair, green, purple, blue, gold, blackish blue and....... red. 7. Have you ever been streaking? As a toddler I was THE streaker! lol... ARE YOU: 1. Are you missing someone right now? Nahhh. 2. Are you "talking" to anyone? Nahhh. 3. Are you German? Yes! Uber! 4. Are you Italian? Yes, mildly so. 5. Are you French? Yes! Quite a bit of French Indian. 6. Are you Russian? Nope. 7. Are you Norwegian? Yes, mildly. 8. Are you American Indian? Yes! Indeed I am. 9. Are you Irish? VERY! I'm mostly Black Irish! 10. Are your parents still married? No, thankfully. DO YOU: 1. Get depressed easily? Nahhh....... I'm pretty happy these days. 2. Do you live life to the fullest? I am learning to do so. 3. Are you comfortable with the way you look? I don't like my scars. I don't like that I'm not in perfect shape, but I am beautiful anyhow...... so I tell myself.... and so I hear. lol... 4. How do you dress? I frequent thinkgeek.com a lot when it comes to my tees. I dress mostly like...... somebody comfortable. 5. Are you scared of growing old alone? I won't be, thanks very much.... so I WON'T worry about that. 6. What do you want to be when you grow up? I have to grow up?! PSHHHT! Umm... I am interested in becoming a photographer perhaps, but I have many interests... one of which involving being a professional psychic, medium, healer, empath and animal communicator... and another with being an artist...... and another with being a veterinary assistant perhaps. 7. Favorite season? Spring or summer. 8. Are you a vegetarian? I can be for a while, but I seem to always want meat again.... 9. Current song you're listening to? Alice In Chains, Rooster...... OK YOUR TURN

10 random ooh ahhs!

Instructions... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1~ "I have a thing for things" such as lamps, butterflies, candles, food, books, photos, music and jewelry. 2~ I love odd numbers because I'm odd. The only exception is 8 seeing as it's a number that symbolizes eternity. 3~ I dance in public for no reason at all. 4~ I make funny faces just because I can. My favorite is when I am faking being gangsta. 5~ I get sick to my stomach when I'm around somebody with negative energy, sometimes resulting in my having to puke. Even upon seeing a picture of somebody with negative energy I have such a reaction. 6~ I love gems. I have a thing for hematite, amethysts, aquamarine and turquoise. 7~ I was born with black hair, black eyes and red skin. I am very Native in appearance. 8~ I used to rap when I was a kid, often locking myself in the bathroom and indulging in my obsession, because I wanted to be like the blingy gangsta stars a'rappin away. 9~ I'm related to Audrey Hepburn, Elvis Presley, Richard Gere, Elder William Brewster (my 16th grandfather), Einstein, Isaac Newton, Julia Child, Grover Cleveland, George W. Bush, Nostradaumus and... many more famous people. 10~ I see myself as being like Holly Golightly, Audrey Hepburn's character in Breakfast At Tiffany's which happens to be my favorite movie in tie with Under The Tuscan Sun. ok im tagging Jester51500, Lord Ðèýgèñ£å¿è:=-,Joey BagaDonutz, !!Popsicles!! and... (drumroll please) I'm not what you want aka Tony.
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