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StOnEdWiTcH's blog: "spells"

created on 05/28/2007  |  http://fubar.com/spells/b86688


Protection Spell TIME: Full Moon DAY: Saturday, 3 hours after sunset PLANET: Saturn YOU WILL NEED: * light blue altar cloth * personal astral candle * 5 light blue candles to represent protection * 1 silver ribbon, 3 yards * working candle, small candle, any color * white candle, for thank you (all candles should be tapers) Set up the altar, using the light blue altar cloth. Place your astral in the center of the altar, and arrange the 5 light blue candles in a pentacle fashion around the astral. light blue 1 light blue 4 astral light blue 3 light blue 2 light blue 5 Take a ritual bath With working candle, light the astral candle, saying: "I light this candle that represents me, and all that I am." Light the light blue candles, starting at #1, saying: "I light this candle that represents spirit, I ask for strength, protection and guidance." Light the light blue candle #2, saying: "I light this candle that represents earth, I ask for strength, protection and guidance." Light the light blue candle #3, saying: "I light this candle that represents air, I ask for strength, protection and guidance. Light the light blue candle #4, saying: "I light this candle that represents water, I ask for strength, protection and guidance. Light the light blue candle #5, saying: "I light this candle that represents fire, I ask for strength, protection and guidance. Tie one end of the silver ribbon to the #1 candleholder then continue to #2, wrap around, then #3, then #4, then to #5, while saying: "Elements of power, Protect me in my desperate hour So mote it be." Repeat until all the ribbon is completely wrapped around the candles. Now sit quietly, focusing on the silver ribbon and candles, seeing them come alive as a brilliant electric light surrounding and protecting you. Let the candles burn all the way out. (Please take precautions.) Dispose of any leftover ashes or wax by burying them. Light your thank you candle and, THEN FORGET ABOUT IT, release the magick, and let it do it's work.


CLEANSING When I cleanse a dwelling place, first I burn a good cleansing incense, like frankincense or sandalwood in the home while I prepare for the rest of the ritual. You should have in addition to the incense, a candle, a bowl of salt water and a bowl of herbs. I particularly like to use rose buds for love, lavender for preservation, rosemary for protection, and any other sweet smelling ones that appeal to you personally. If you can get them home grown, so much the better. You should proceed around the house, widdershins( counter clock wise) and cleanse the area with the salt water. Be sure to get each corner, window, door, drain, etc. Simply sprinkle a little salt water on each and ask that any evil or disruptive influences leave the place. When this is finished, proceed around the house deosil( clockwise) sprinkling the blessing herbs and invoke whatever deities or properties you wish on the home, such as peace prosperity, tranquility, etc. In the past, I have used 3 candles on the central altar. Blue, symbolizing tranquility, green for healing and prosperity, and purple for protection. Others might be pink for love, or brown for hearth and home. You and anyone who is to share the home with you should share food and drink, and don't forget to leave a little of the food and drink to take outside and return to the Earth that which has been given. Blessed Be.

house blessing

This house blessing and protection ritual uses all participants who live in the house, or you cnn do it with one person (it just takes a bit longer!). This should be done on a New Moon for a new house, or a Full Moon for a house that you have lived in for a while, or one that has previously been blessed and protected, but needs a "refresher". I do my own house at least once every three years, or more often if I feel the need to strengthen the wards. (I strengthen the wards about once every three lunar cycles) * YOU WILL NEED: 3 herbs - rue, vervain, and Valerian, or other herbs with similar properties, enough to sprinkle your property line. * small bowl to mix the herbs in. * a gallon of sea water, or salted water that has been blessed. Do not used distilled water, as it has no energy. * a white candle, either in glass, or in a candle holder that you can carry. * a small bowl of sea salt, rock salt, or you can use table salt if you have no other options. * frankincense and myrrh, preferably in a censor with charcoal, the next best would be the self igniting powder, least best is the stick or cone incense. * one onion, sliced in half. * a small trowel or other small digging tool. Wear loose fitting clothing, or wear your ritual robes if you can do so going outside in your neighborhood. You will want to do this outside, even if you live in an apartment building. Just because it's not all your house, if anything bad happens to the building itself, like a fire, it can still affect you. This is easier to do in a new house, or apartment, before the furniture is moved in, but of course you can do it anytime. The home must be cleaned first. If you still have boxes laying around that haven't been unpacked, pick one room or area to stack them all in, so the appearance is neat. Dust all your shelves and tops of doors, clean your ceiling fans, tops of pictures, etc, because this will not only be a better blessing that way, but also it can be distracting when you are going around the house to do this, and you start noticing dirt! If you have not done this before you will want to "besom" or use a broom to sweep any unwanted energy out. This is done now on an astral level, a few inches above the floor, by a broom that has been consecrated. Start at the back of the room, and going widdershins (or counter-clockwise) and visualize and clouds or muddinesss in the atmosphere being swept away, take it all around the room, to the door, and sweep it all the way out the front doorway. If there is a lot of negative energy in the area you need to use, then go around first with sage, burning it strongly and smudging the area well prior to using the besom. There is a chant that our group uses for doing this: "Tout, tout, tout Within and without All negativity Get out, out, out." If this is a refresher for a house that has been previously blessed, and there is not any unwanted energy still in the house, than you can skip the above step. You will start with the gallon of salt water. If the water is salted water - that is water that has 3 pinches of salt added to it - then you will need to bless the water. You can do this by simply calling on the Lord and Lady in the names that you know them, and asking them to bless this water that it may be used for this ritual, and to empower this water with their love and protection. Since salt water is of the ocean, it has already been blessed, and has not been processed at all, so it's fine just the way it is. Now take the 3 herbs and mix them together in a bowl thouroughly using your hands. As you mix them you will ask for a similar blessing upon them, and also charge them with the powers of protecting your home, your loved ones, nnd yourself. Visualize energy being poured into these herbs, and them absorbing it. Next, remove a cup of the water and set it aside to do the inside of the house. The remainder of the water, the herbs, the onion and the trowel, should all be taken outside at this time. You will start at the front of the property, to the right of the entrance, whether that be the driveway, the front pathway, or whatever. Just use your common sense as to what feels like the front entranceway. Start on the right of that, and you will go deosil or clockwise around the property line, sprinkling the herbs, and pouring out the water, slowly, all along the line. Imagining that there is a line of protective energy forming where you lay the herbs and the water - that this is a barrier beyond which no negativity, or evil may enter. You will do this around the whole perimeter of the property, until you get back to the point at which you started. At this time, you should have used all the herbs and the water. Determine where the two sides of the entrance to your home is, and bury one half of the onion on each side. Just dig down a bit, doesn't have to be all that deep, and bury it so that the two cut halves are facing each other. These will form a line between the two that will only permit those who belong there or whom you invite there to enter. Now we are ready for the inside! You can either do the elements all at once, or you can take one at a time. If you have enough people, one person can each take one or two of the elements. Realistically, you can't do more than two elements at a time, because you can only hold one in each hand to be effective. To do all the elements at once, each person takes an element, and you will all follow each other. Use some common sense as this can get pretty close when doing small areas, such as bathrooms or closets. Start at your front door, and moving deosil around the house, bless the perimeter of the inside of the house with each element. For example, the salt should be lightly sprinkled in the floor and especially in the corners, the water is sprinkled also, or you could use a spray bottle for this, but I prefer to just sprinkle. The candle flame is passed close to the walls and in each corner also, and the incense is also passed in the same way. You will go all around, following the walls, going into each closet, and following the walls around the house until you get to the front door again. On the way, pay special attention to doors, windows, and mirrors or mirrored surfaces. These are entrances to your house also. Each should be blessed with an invoking pentagram drawn with the element you are carrying. Mirrors and mirrored surfaces (such as a toaster, the front of the oven, etc.) are an astral doorway into your home, and they need to have the same treatment. Dip your finger into the salt, or the water, then draw the pentagram on the surface. Pass the candle or the incense in front of the surface, drawing the pentagram also. PLEASE BE CAREFUL around curtains, rugs, etc. and your other furnishings! Use your common sense - don't set your house on fire or sprinkle salt on a valued antique desk ! Remember, it is the power possessed by you that performs the magick, not the actual candle itself, or any other tool. So please be safe and careful while performing this or any other ritual or spell. When you have reached the front door again, go over the floor where the doorway meets it, this is the main entrance to the house and needs to be blessed especially well. Go also around the doorjamb, and do the doorknob. You are now finished, end with saying "By the Grace of the Lord and Lady, and my Will, this dwelling is now blessed and protected. May all within share in this blessing and be protected. So Mote It Be." Or use your own words to that effect. Many witches also have brooms or besoms hanging or propped up in the corner next to the door, or decorated and hung over the door, as protection and blessing symbols. Some have hung herbs in a small bag over the door, or horseshoes, or the "Eye of Ra" or other similar symbols. If you have such a symbol, now is a good time to bless it and ceremoniously place it.


To Attract a Lover Timing: On the New Moon Day: Thursday or Friday night Hour: 6pm, 9pm or Midnight YOU WILL NEED: * red candle (taper is fine - not in glass) - and candle holder * parchment paper and pen * sharp instrument to inscribe on the candle (such as toothpick) * rose oil, jasmine oil, or some other pleasant floral scent that you like * ashtray, or some other flameproof container Begin by taking the bath as described above. After you come out of the tub, dry off, but don't dress (unless you will be cold and that will distract you - in that case wear something loose). Prepare the red candle by inscribing on it your name, your birth date, your sun sign, and/or any symbols or vigils that you associate with yourself. If you have a secret name that you use, inscribe that as well. Next, take the parchment paper and the pen. On this parchment you will write all the qualities you want in a potential lover or mate. For example: good listener, blue eyes, patient, good singing voice or musical ability, dances well, etc. Write whatever you really would want - and give this some careful thought. Write everything down on the parchment paper. ("Likes to clean house and do the dishes" is good to ask for too!) DO NOT WRITE ANY ONE PERSON'S NAME!!! Even if you are sure that this person fits the description to a tee, you do not have the right to impose your will on them. IF they really are right for you, then this spell will bring them to you. If not, then this spell will bring the person who is. After the parchment is finished, take the oil and annoint the parchment with the oil in the corners, and over each quality you want. As you are doing this, say: "I call upon thee Aphrodite and Venus, Goddesses of Love and Beauty, hear me! I ask you to send me a lover who is: (read your parchment) I ask you to send him to me, so that I may know true happiness in love! So Mote It Be!" Now take the oil and anoint the candle, and anoint yourself on your wrists. Light the candle, and as you are lighting it be calling out to the Goddesses in your own words that you want this lover to come into your life. As the candle is burning, read your parchment again, over and over several times, you can do this aloud or silently. Impress upon your mind these qualities which you are seeking in a lover. At this time also, feel your need for this lover, let your secret desires come forth and feel them. Send the energy of these desires to the candle, and thus to the Goddesses. You can dance to raise energy, and you can dance erotically also to raise your own desires. You may also touch yourself, and please yourself at this time, as you might imagine a lover would please you and touch you. Do whatever you feel you want to do and are comfortable doing. Allow the candle to contimue burning during this time. When you are ready to end the ritual, the last thing you will burn is the parchment paper describing the qualities you want in a lover. Read it over one last time, and then consign it to the candle's flame. Let it burn completely. (Drop it into an ashtray or flame proof container to burn it safely.) The candle needs to be burned out completely, you don't have to stay right there with it the whole time, just make sure it can burn safely. Take the ashes from the parchment when you are finished, and allow the wind to take them away out of your hand, or you can scatter them in a moving river or stream. To finish the ritual, you should wear the oil you used everyday until the Full Moon. Be sure to be open to meeting new people, especially during the next two weeks to three month period. Don't turn down invitations to parties and don't just sit at home waiting for someone to call you! Make yourself visible and friendly. I have a friend who did a variation of this ritual, and she is now very happily married. This ritual will work for the sincere who don't give up! Sample Spells Menu

money spell

7 Day Money Ritual TIME: Start seven days before full moon, and ending on the Full Moon DAY: (Start on a Sunday and end Sunday, if possible) everyday at 7pm for 7 days. PLANET: Sun NUMBER: 7 YOU WILL NEED: * Personal astral candle (see Astral Candle Colors * Green 7 day candle, to represent money * Gold or yellow 7 day candle, to represent attraction * parchment paper and pen * working candle (some small candle of any color) * white thank you candle Set up the altar. Place the astral candle and gold candles to the left side of the the alter, touching each other. Place the green candle 7 inches to the right of the astral and gold candles. Take the parchment paper, and write down exactly how much money is needed and it's purpose, and place it along the right side of the gold and astral candles. gold candle parchment < < < < < < < green candle astral candle Take your ritual bath and cleanse yourself of all negativity. With your working candle, light the astral candle, saying: "I light this candle that represents me, and all that I am." Light the gold candle, saying: "I light this candle that represents the attraction for the money I need." Light the green candle, saying: "I light this candle that represents the money I need and desire." Now sit quietly, focusing on the green candle and the money it represents. Say 7 times: "Money, Money, come to me Take me out of debt, So Mote It Be. Again, sit quietly and actually SEE the money come into your life. SEE it in your hands. Use as much visualization as you can for this step. Leave the astral, gold, and green candles burning. (If letting the candles burn all day or all night concerns you, then you may extinguish them with a snuffer or pinch them out, never blow them out.) ** Repeat the ritual for seven consecutive days, at 7pm. Each time moving the green candle 1 inch closer to the gold and astral candles until they are actually touching. The green candle will be sitting on the parchment paper by this time. ** On the seventh day, after the ritual has been completed and you're focusing on your money, burn the parchment paper with the flame of the green candle, letting it burn out completely. (can use an ashtray or other safe surface) Let all the candles burn out on their own. Light your thank you candle, and THEN FORGET ABOUT IT, release the magick, and let it do it's work.
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