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Samael's blog: "Samael's Blog"

created on 01/20/2009  |  http://fubar.com/samael-s-blog/b272880

Vapor is the new Smoke

Some of you know I smoke and some of you don’t. Some of you wish I wouldn’t and some wish I would share. My cigarette of choice has been Newport 100’s since 1997. According to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), Newport has one of the highest concentrations of nicotine of any cigarette. In fact, only 5 brands have over 3 mg of nicotine per cigarette and Newport is one of them. Combine that with the fact that menthol is addictive by itself and you have a very hard habit to break. Well over the years I have noticed my lung capacity diminish and the occurrences of sinus infections, respiratory infections, and bronchitis increase. This has led me to seek out alternatives. The price happened to help as extra encouragement when they are well over $6 USD per pack and only 6 years ago I was paying $3 USD for them. Well on to the point… A few months ago a friend of mine from Britain sent me this url to a most interesting website. Its for an electronic cigarette. No tobacco. No tar. No carcinogens. No restrictions on where you can smoke. More effective nicotine delivery. And to add to its wonder, the main ingredient is propylene glycol. It happens to be an organic compound that is easily metabolized into carbohydrates (energy) and in a study by Dr. Oswald Hope Robertson, of the University of Chicago’s Billings Hospital in 1942, propylene glycol can prevent pneumonia, influenza, and other respiratory diseases when inhaled as a vapor. Well Blu Cigs happen to vaporize propylene glycol along with flavoring and nicotine. I recently started using them and absolutely love them. At $25 USD per a carton of cartridges (1 cartridge = roughly 15 cigarettes, 25 cartridges to a carton, 1 carton = roughly 350 cigarettes), the cost comes to about $1 USD per day. I spend around $2500 USD annually on Newports and with Blu I will spend less than $500 USD. The savings is undeniable. Once I added the fiscal savings to the health benefits of no longer inhaling tar and all those carcinogens I had no choice but to give Blu a shot. I will not go back to regular cigarettes. Whether you like the thought of electronic cigarettes or not, consider this… you are at a restaurant and just finished a hearty meal; you’d really like a cigarette but your food is still settling and the laws prohibit smoking in restaurants. Normally, you’d just stand up and waddle outside to smoke but with Blu you can stay seated and relax while enjoying a nice smoke. And you don’t have to worry about the smell or secondhand smoke. There simply isn’t any. So whether you think this is the greatest thing for smokers or a crock of shit just click the picture below and try it. Blu has a 30 day money back guarantee. So you lose nothing, yet you could gain so much more.

728x300 banner


There is something truly sick about some people.  Something that just is not right in their heads. Where they get their jollies off saying, doing or watching some really fucked up shit. For example, this asshat who calls himself stein. (http://www.fubar.com/user/2038866). He sends me the following messages in my shoutbox.

stein: wheres your left hand in that pic? you rubin yourslelf of finger banging the babies ass?
stein: hey fagot
stein: pedophile, you make me sick
stein: yeah thats what i thot you fucktard
stein: im a fucking war pimp bitch!
stein: and now i report you for child porn lol, fbi investigates all reports lol, there goes your comp for awhile

Now what makes me curious is what possessed him to not only see what he believes he saw, but to come out and make such an accusation? Is he truly just an asshat trying to be a troll and failing poorly? Or is he actually sick and desperately needs mental help? For a normal human to confuse a father lovingly looking down on his newborn daughter with pedophilia has got to mean his wires are seriously crossed somewhere. The fortunate thing about this is that the computers I use are all owned by corporations so if he actually is stupid enough to follow through with that threat, then not only will he have multiple lawsuits filed on him but also charges pressed for filing a false report. Anyways, I am just venting I guess. Hope you laughed as hard as I did at the moron tho.

Auction Block

I am up for auction until the 14th. So if you wan't in on it come and bid. 4073692447.jpg

The New Rating System

Ok so Fubar decided to make speed rating impossible but they overcompensated. At the speed with which they want us to rate we'd all need to be on dialup connections. I can load the page fully, comment, look at the picture for awhile and then rate and still get it ignored. I can have the very first picture I rate ignored. I understand they want to eliminate EZ Rate pictures. There is a much simpler solution to this. Increase the minimum pixel size of pictures you upload. That will stop the small pictures from being uploaded. Combine that with a set time to rate pictures that is less then the current setting. Fubar's premise in this action is understandable and I even agree with it. I do not agree with their method. Yes I will have to work a bit harder to level up now. Oh well. But I no longer enjoy going through other pictures and rating them. I look at pictures, I comment pictures, some I stare at even, but getting ignored then having to go back to it just to rate it is annoying. A good business seeks a compromise between their intended goal and their customers' desires. Fubar is failing to do that.

Some Very Special People

I just want to say thank you to a few people for the consistent help they have been generous enough to provide to me in my quest to level. I hope everyone goes and shows them some love. These are truly beautiful people and have been a real pleasure to get to know. ღ Hollieollieoxenfree

@ fubar j-OnE©

@ fubar Å★44a☆Gir£★™

@ fubar Rachelicious

@ fubar RedneckPrincess*Owner of Red Hot*CoOwner of Ice*FuWife&RL fiance to Mad

@ fubar ~Jenn~ {R/L gf of Irishguy81}

@ fubar Cut_Up_Angel ♥ Please Help Me Get a HappyHour, Link on Profile/InBlog♥

@ fubar Ghost_in_the_Machine

@ fubar ~*NO FAN NO ADD~*Tinkergirl101*~ Owned By DarkDragoon86~

@ fubar envyME007

@ fubar ד®ÎÇk¥ÐÏÇK~ÕwñÈRs~ÇA®°£vï$ï°Ñ63 & Mϧt®É§§ Gõdȧ§~§Tà£kêРߥ ©Änðy Gi®£

@ fubar These of course were in no particular order. I am sure I missed someone and if I did let me know and I will make sure you are added to this list. These people have rated and re-rated my page, blog, stash, and pictures repeatedly and given much help with whoring me out to their friends. I obviously cannot afford to bling them all with Auto11's (I wish I could...I'd give them all a fu-pony if I could) so I did the next best thing I could. I will make a more permanent statement of thanks. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You are all great. Thanks so much, Samael {EDIT} Missed someone... ♥ ©Änðy Gi®£ ♥ OWNER AND STALKER OF ד®ÎÇk¥ÐÏÇK

@ fubar {EDIT}
Check her out and you'll see why I say she's a sweetheart. http://fubar.com/hollierachelle


Well, in his first few days of office, Obama has managed to piss off Democrat leadership in both the House and Senate. He reversed a "major" Bush policy regarding attire in the Oval Office. Obama has stated it is no longer required to wear your suit jacket. Phew and I thought he was just going to screw around with minor decisions. Of course we've all heard about him closing the Military Detention facility at Gitmo. The funny thing is that Bush has been trying to close it for years and those same countries who demand we close it refuse to accept any of the prisoners who are cleared for release. So now Obama intends to bring WAR CRIMINALS to US soil to try them in CIVILIAN courts. Last time I checked civilian courts have no jurisdiction over war crimes. War Crimes are tried by military tribunal. Always have been. The majority of these prisoners are not charged with crimes that occured on US soil. They were caught fighting overseas. Thus the US civilian court system has no jurisdiction and any first year law student will get all charges dismissed on most of these men for that very reason. So now that we have the Democrats in Congress doing what they want like they did under Bush, and Obama making his own stupid mistakes without careful analysis we are going to be in the same boat. Oh yea, last night I saw a speach Obama gave. He said, "We've tried giving back to the wealthy and letting it trickle down. That didn't work and it's time to try something else." Yet he wants a new stimulus bill pushed through to give more money to major businesses and banks and let the money trickle down. JUST GIVE THE DAMN MONEY TO THE BROKE PEOPLE. LET THE SPEND IT ON WHAT THEY WANT AND WATCH THE FUCKING ECONOMY REPAIR ITSELF. Yes businesses will still fail. That is called FREE MARKET. Its this beautiful economic model we use and it WORKS! Of course the government can't stand to be the way its supposed be by the Constitution, which is SMALL. No they have to expand their powers. Economy in trouble? Oh let's just buy a bunch of key businesses so we control the markets too. Fuck regulation! Let's just OWN them. 1982 is about to come to pass. Are you ready for this?

What my name means

Samael is not to be confused with Samuel first. Samuel means Heard of God. Samael means Venom of God. Both are Hebrew names though. Samael is one of the 7 arch angels along with Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Zadkiel, Thaviel, and Raphael. Samael is known as the angel of death. It is said that he took the first born of Egypt. It is also said the he was the one who tempted Eve in the garden of Eden. He was the first to create the nephilim (human and angel halfbreed - Goliath). He is also the first of the fallen angels. Samael is my real nickname given to me while I was in the US Army. The name is appropriate for me considering I was a sniper. That said... I do answer to both my given name and Samael in the real world but I do not take after my namesake completely.


Ok I just had to post this now since it just happened. I had a elderly black man come into my hotel and ask for a suite for a month. Upon being informed that we do not have monthly rates but we do have weekly rates and the price he exclaimed to his son, "Obama hasn't changed a mother fucking thing. I told you we'd have to pay full price for a hotel room. No one will give us any breaks just cause a brother is the the president." His son responded, "Thats bullshit, we should get the room for $300 a month not $300 a week like the honkeys." So begins the gimme gimme phase of America. May the Lord save us all. As if we don't have a bad enough entitlement complex, it has just gotten worse. No I will not treat you differently because you are black and the president is part black. No I will not treat you differently if the president is white, brown, pink, purple, or glowing nuclear blue. I will treat you the same as I treat everyone else. Your skin color does not mean you get special treatment. You earn special treatment from me. And that is the way it should be for everyone. You reap what you sow. You cannot expect people to give you anything you want just because you held your hand out. Earn what you desire. Volunteer work, a job, I don't care what it is as long as you do something to benefit yourself, your family, and your community. That is how you get things even if it is just respect you get. To those who think I am wrong about this.... Why don't you just take a long walk down a very short pier? Or maybe a swan dive from a tall building? Go play in the fast lane on the highway? Oh hell, GO FUCK YOURSELF. I am an asshole and I approve this message.

Things to know about me

First thing you should know is that I am very opinionated. I am not afraid of speaking my mind regardless of how you might feel about it. That said I will not get into the Republican vs Democrat debate. I lean Republican but I vote my conscience. No, I did not vote for Obama and no I did not vote for McCain. Both are as bad as Bush. I voted proudly for Ron Paul for the following reasons: 1. I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and as such am strongly against the recent legislation passed during the Bush administration and the legislation that Obama promises to push through. 2. I believe that we, as Americans, have a right to privacy and do not feel the government has a right to intrude on that privacy for any reason without probable cause. 3. I firmly believe that we need to go back to a gold standard for our currency instead of remaining on the debt standard that is wholly controlled by the Federal Reserve which is a privately owned bank and not run by the U.S. government. 4. Our society is being degraded to such an extent that we will implode and become a nation of crime, immorality, and corruption that has not been matched since the Roman Republic. Now that said, I do not blame Bush for his policies since he cannot control Congress and the Democrats controlled that. Thus all are to blame for what has happened and to think that blame can be placed firmly at Bush's feet is a mistake. To think Obama will be different is worse. His party was in control the last 4 years and strongly influenced the 4 before that through their power in Congress and the Senate. We as citizens have more power and authority then the entire US government and as such have a DUTY to stand up and speak our minds. Yes terrorism is bad and No that doesn't give the right to listen in on my phone calls or read my emails. Now enough about politics. If you are still reading this then either you agree with me or do not necessarily disagree with me. The rest I already pissed off and stopped reading so to them I say, "Bugger off." I am former United States Army. I served as a Pathfinder for several years before I blew out my knee. Now I run a computer consulting firm and manage a hotel. I have a wonderful, beautiful, intelligent daughter who lives in Bradenton, Florida with her mother. I talk to her regularly but unfortunately do not get to see her near as much as I'd like. Yes I am a geek and no I do not look like one. I enjoy reading and learning. I spend a lot of time researching various topics. I enjoy watching movies and do not watch a whole lot of tv unless it is the history channel, discovery channel or animal planet. I love music and favor artists from outside the United States. I love the outdoors and animals. I have a beautiful Persian that I rescued from a bad home who has only become the most perfect cat since I got her. I intend to get dogs eventually as well, but not yet. I used to have horses until I was forced to sell them. Three gorgeous Arabs. A stallion, mare, and a sweet colt. I don't hunt since its not exactly fair to the animal. I have a gun and they don't. I do fish but practice catch and release. Take a picture and let it go free. I am a pyro and have this thing about sitting by the fireplace and staring into the flames for hours. I am also a fish and am happiest in the water. As for relationships, I was married but am divorced. I am currently single and sort of looking. Well ok not looking but if someone falls into my lap I won't complain. I don't like the single life but don't want the drama of looking for a woman either. I am sure that one will find me eventually. If you want to know more please feel free to just ask me.
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