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SHE's blog: "S.H.E."

created on 10/28/2009  |  http://fubar.com/s-h-e/b316385


Now researchers at Tulane University provide the strongest evidence yet against the use of spanking: of the nearly 2,500 youngsters in the study, those who were spanked more frequently at age 3 were more likely to be aggressive by age 5. The research supports earlier work on the pitfalls of corporal punishment, including a study by Duke University researchers that revealed that infants who were spanked at 12 months scored lower on cognitive tests at age 3.

"I'm excited by the idea that there is now some nice hard data that can back up clinicians when they share their caution with parents against using corporal punishment," says Dr. Jayne Singer, clinical director of the child and parent program at Children's Hospital Boston, who was not involved in the study.

Among the mothers who were studied, nearly half (45.6%) reported no spanking in the previous month; 27.9% reported spanking once or twice; and 26.5% reported spanking more than twice. Compared with children who were not hit, those who were spanked were more likely to be defiant, demand immediate satisfaction of their wants and needs, get frustrated easily, have temper tantrums and lash out physically against others.


Um U know, in my opinion spanking has nothing to do with a childs agrresive behavior. In this test, it were only mothers who did the spanking....and it makes you wonder why. Perhaps the fathers of theze kidz were no where to be found? Perhaps the fathers had aggrssive tendacies as well? I think they need to go back and research before concluding that spanking is such a horrid thing.

Perhaps the researchers themselves need a few good spankings.

When I was 14 my girl  friends and I loved going to the mall, but this one times I decided to stay home and watch some TV. I got bored so when 3 of my guy friends came down and asked me to come hang out with them at some old abandoned house, I thought it would be fun, We were together all the time so I felt comfortable sitting back and having a few drinks.. did I mention I was stupid? ... a few drinks led to a few more.

  The next thing I remember was one of these "friends" asked me to come talk to him about something, leading me into the other room, We were good friends and I thought nothing of it  Then next thing i know he was on top of me. I dont remember even now the events after that except being dragged out by my girlfriends. One of them had a huge crush on the boy and waz mad at me because she wouldn't believe I couldn't remember what happened.

After that I was taken to  the police station, I remember that clearly because the police were very unfriendly and made me feel about 2 feet tall.

It doesn't sound like a very big deal but I was a virgin before I went into that room and I cant remember how I lost my virginity


Posted by Kamadiva

ok i really don't mean to offend anyone, but i have to say i feel like my eyes have been offended while browsing through corsets today. Let's look at it this way, you wouldn't expect a girl who weighed 100 lbs to eat TWO supersized meals at once when dining at McDonald's would you? No! Anymore than i would expect an overweight girl to be able to satisfy her appetite with a kids meal.

It's all about knowing your role and knowing the difference between "sexy" and "ridiculously tacky". I'm not saying overweight people can't be sexy, but they have to find the correct way for themselves to look sexy instead of trying to fit into a mold that they don't belong. It would be like a petite woman tryng to look sexy in a maternity shirt when she isn't even pregnant!

If you like potatoes wrapped in velvet, THIS might be appetizing to you

When did Grimace become a sex symbol?

NorthJersey Whore

Well, imagine logging onto FUBAR tonight and finding a real PEACH [ /sarcasm ] of a guy has messaged you.  Yes, I'm well aware that this happens quite frequently.  Unfortunately.  The QUALITY of a large portion of FUBAR members is seriously lacking.  Take a look at your friends lists.  I can almost guarantee you that for every twenty males, at LEAST three are like the "man" I'm about to introduce you to.  They are sleazy.  They are cheap.  And they are DANGEROUS.  Not only to US, but to those who love them.  They have families that they don't bother to think about when they behave in this manner.  Is THIS the kind of person you want to call a friend?  Is this the kind of person you would associate yourself with?  These people are NOT friends.  Not to you, and certainly NOT to themselves.  Aside from the familial baggage they tote around, imagine what other sorts of nasties they can be carrying.  Are we SERIOUSLY going to tolerate it any longer?  Or, are WE, as WOMEN, going to put our collective foot down and put a stop to this behavior?  I have obviously made my choice.  I ask you, what is it that YOU choose to do?  Please read on.  Thank you.  (Note:  My comments are in italics and blue.)


From my shoutbox:  NorthJersey: Can I suggest you drive to atlantic city and stay with me for maybe 2 days...i will pay for everything and you can call me daddy...good idea?  (Um, yeah, no, NOT a good idea!!!)

From his profile:  (last updated:January 11, 2010 @ 4:29 am)
North New Jersey guy, Married with 2 kids, Italian, 6 foot tall 215 pounds, athletic build, dark hair with some gray. born in November makes me a Scorpio(If you follow astrology, Scorpios are masters at manipulation.  Just saying.)  Very honest guy not like most of you women. (Maybe he shouldn't be so honest with in areas like his status or the shoutbox.) Love all sports, play a lot of golf when I can, love the jersey shore. Political views; I am conservative, I believe the government should protect us against people and country’s that want to harm us, and to provide a safety net for people truly in need of help, other than that leave me the fuck alone. This administration (Obama) Sucks...This so called president with his far left radical ideology will hurt our country for years to come. Anyone who thinks big government is efficient and helpful is a fucking idiot or they hate to work and they love handouts...so if you are one of those people reading this you are truly a loser. As far as this dumb site...I come here because I am sometimes bored at work so I like to chat with some nice women who are down to earth and sincere and funny(Oh, really?  Last I checked, he was wanting to spend time with a VERY willing slut.) Most women here I believe need to get guys approval of their dumb pictures to make them feel good, because women are very insecure people. (Like men aren't?  Looks like this piece of work is a bit insecure himself.)  Don't ask me to buy you anything because I am not a wimpy douche bag (could have fooled ME) like 99% of the guys on this site. Now you know a little bit about me...if you don't like it, tough shit, and if you do understand what I am saying I would love to talk with you and have a good time...Have a great day and life....ciao !



For the FU-whore who has everything but her virginity and self-respect!!!  REALLY?!?!?!?!?!


Profile or Ho File?

Recenly I Found this on someones profile and was pretty impressed by what it had to say.
It also made me wonder why there is a need here on fubar to express such things.

Top 11 Reasons A Profile Will Be Blocked By Me:

11) Profile pics that show too much skin. I'm an adult, and I'm aware that this is supposed to be an adult site, but GIVE ME A BREAK! It's looking like eHarmony or Match went the hard-core slutty route most of the time. If that's how you want to portray yourself, that's fine. But please DO NOT insult my eyes with it.

10) Having a self-deprecating name. I do NOT find it cute or funny that you call yourself a slut or MILF or some kind of whore. I find this to be offensive and rude, even if it is about yourself.

9) Blank add requests. Please say SOMETHING to me when you wish to add me as a friend. I am not here to see how many friends I can accumulate in an hour. Nor am I here to become just another face on your list of unknown friends.

8) The lack of a sense of humor. I can and will laugh at myself from time to time. I just do goofy things. I expect my friends to have the same sort of sense of humor. I'll laugh at and with them, just as they will laugh at and with me.

7) Begging. This really HAS to stop. It's irritating to see people begging for fans, rates, adds, blings, comments, fubucks, etc. If you're THAT hard up to have to beg for it, WHY ARE YOU HERE???

6) Disrespect. Yes, I FULLY expect my profile to be read. Why? Because I take the time to read yours. I don't like it when someone tries to get my information when I quite frankly state in here that I'm NOT GOING TO GIVE THAT OUT. It's rude.

5) Ignorance. If you're going to talk about something, have a conversation, please do find something you are well-versed on. Trying to have an intelligent conversation with a nitwit is NOT how I like to spend my time.

4) Conversation lacking in substance other than sex. This goes hand-in-hand with item #5. If you can't hold a decent conversation without telling me you think I'm hot, I'm sexy, or listing off things you'd like to do to me, then please file yourself in the circular file bin so the trash man can remove you from my sight.

3) Calling me "baby". There is only one person allowed to EVER call me this. YOU ARE NOT HIM! I am not your baby, so please do NOT call me that.

2) Calling me a "MILF". Yes, I have a child. And yes, I'm aware that there are those on here that find me attractive. But the term "Mom I'd Like to Fuck" does not at all appeal to me as being something positive. If all I'm worth to anyone is a FUCK, then please feel free to continue on your "ho-quest" because I'm not on that list.

1) Hitting on me. This will get you nowhere. I am IN A RELATIONSHIP. That means I'm not a slab of beef just waiting to be turned into your Porterhouse steak. I'm not in the market for someone new, nor will I ever be. I have perfection, and you can't top that. You'll only look like a bigger fool for even trying.

NOTE: For those who do message me without reading this, they WILL become blog fodder for the prevention of idiocy and ignorance. Just a warning. If they don't heed it, I know they didn't read it.

If this gets me labeled as being a prude or insecure by most of you folks, guess what. I don't care. I'm not a prude by ANY stretch of the imagination. I just DON'T want to see sluts and so-called playas scrolling across my screen. And my insecurity should be the least of your worries. You should try concentrating on your own insecurities and figure it out for yourself. I don't want any hard feelings from anyone. I'm just here to spend my time with the good friends I've made and try to make more.


They could be the death of you.  I once made a bad decision that almost ended my life.  I was young, stupid (not that THAT has changed any), and desperate for attention.  One day in my sophmore year of high school, my "best friend" and I decided to skip school.

She and I were fifteen at the time.  We walked to her 21 year old boyfriend's house.  From there we went to the liquor store to pick up vodka, peach schnapps and orange juice.  Then we headed to his friend's house.  The first half hour was spent sitting and talking.  Then drinks were made.  I had a fuzzy navel, o.j. and peach schnapps.  Everyone else was happy with screwdrivers, o.j. and vodka.

My friend and her boyfriend went off to a back room, leaving me alone with a total stranger.  He and I talked for a bit, then he offered some of his drink to me because I had never had it before.  From that moment everything went dark.  I don't remember anything of what happened until I woke up face down on the floor.  Throwing up was what made me wake up.  My pants weren't how they should have been, and my shirt was half off.

I was barely able to get myself up and fully dressed, but I did it somehow.  It was close to the end of the school day, and I had to get home.  They took me as far as the end of my street, where I insisted they let me out to walk it off a bit.  Between that end of the block and my front porch, everything is one big, black block of forgetfulness.  I don't remember one bit of it.

I remember sitting in the chair on the porch, telling myself to just act normal and everything will be fine.  My mom, grandpa and sister pulled up to the curb, and my mom rushed up to the porch.  She quickly got the door open, and she and my sister grabbed me and helped me up the stairs to the bathroom.  The whole time, I insisted I was fine.  To let me go lay down.  I started to get violent and tried several times to punch my mom and pull myself out of her grip.

They immediately put me in the bathtub and turned on the cold water.  I screamed at them to let me go lay down, to sleep it off.  They wouldn't have any of it.  Everything still comes to me in bits and pieces.  I don't remember anything of what happened.  I try to remember, but the dark spots escape me.

I don't remember the ride to the hospital or having my stomach pumped, but I've been told that's what happened.  The last thing I truly remember from that day was the wake up call (sort of) from the doctor when he came into my room.  Blood tests were done.  I suffered from alcohol poisoning.  Suffered.  That's a funny word.  How can you suffer when you ALLOW it to happen?  Who knows what else I allowed to happen.  I've never gotten the courage to ask my mom about a rape kit being done.

On top of the alcohol, they found six drugs in my system, two of which were lethal to a certain amount anyway.  I had to deal with the idea that not only might I have been raped, but also that it was drug and alcohol induced.  I also had to face the fact that I very nearly died that day.  How close I came to doing so.  All I wanted was to sleep it off, but to think I would never have woken up from that sleep.  That was one of a handful of times my own mom showed that kind of concern for me too.  It all screwed me up terribly.

Needless to say, after that, my friend never spoke to me ever again.  I never made the effort to try to contact her.  We'd see each other in school, but never spoke a word to each other.

So, yes, please do be careful of the choices you make.  They may not be life threatening, but they are life altering.



Posted by Chelle

This is the second of my blogs.  I sincerely hope these help some of you wake up to the damage you do to yourselves before it's too late. 


Now that I got the first part out of the way, it's time to address the next part of my rant.  Why, oh WHY, do the majority of you "women" or "ladies" CHOOSE to spend your time with CRAP that isn't worth it?  I KNOW why.  Like I said before, I've been where you are.  High levels of insecurity plus low levels of self-respect equal nothing but a disaster for us.


I get neurotically insecure, I admit that.  Yes, it is a flaw.  But I never once claimed to be perfect.  Nor will I ever.  I tried to be many, many times in my life, but all efforts were wasted on people I was too blind, too stupid, or just too damned naive to see were not worth me or my time.  I grew up OBSESSED with my need for attention.  I admit that a lot went on in my life that has made me as I am.  I choose to either learn from it or die, because I certainly won't live with it as it was.


I see so many women fall into the same traps, or step into them willingly as I did, far too many times.  When are you going to wake up and tell that fuck lump in your bed to get the hell out of your life because you're better than him?  When are you going to take charge of your own life, instead of depending on others to take responsibility for you?


October 10, 2009 was my rebirth.  That was the day I stepped up and took charge of my life.  Before that day, I was involved in a BDSM relationship.  (And any of you bastards who dare try to message me because of that WILL be immediately blocked.)  It was a poly situation.  I and another female were sub to one male.  He had every horny guy's dream and abused it.  Abused me, damaged me in ways that I find unthinkable now.  BUT...  Don't think I lay blame solely at his feet.  I CHOSE to be his sub.  I CHOSE to let him do to me things I told myself I'd never allow.


I have physical, emotional and psychological scars from a relationship that lasted over a year and a half.  It left me bitter and angry as hell, because here was a guy who would sit in front of me, look me in the eye and tell me he loved me.  Yet, in the space of a heartbeat, he goes cold, emotionless, uncaring if I so choose to defy him.  Towards the end of the relationship, I defied him every chance I got.  Why?  Because sometimes paybacks can be a bitch in the disguise of a heartbroken, hurting woman.


But did I REALLY love him?  That's a question I cannot truly answer.  Part of me says yes, part of me says no.  Either way, he had a lasting effect on me.  Just as every bad decision YOU make in regards to men effects you for a long time.  There are good, positive, bright sides to every horror story.  You just have to CHOOSE to make it so.


Earlier this month, I found myself falling head over heals for Xavier Acorea.  I'm learning a lot about him, about myself, about life in general.  He's the second most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me after the birth of my son.  Will I eventually stop learning from him?  God, I hope not.  And the things he makes me think and feel make the last two years seem more like a very rude dream.  Yes, good things CAN come to you if you choose to let them.


I took the time to let him in, and in my heart is where he will forever stay.  I didn't go looking for him, but he found me.  I'll be forever thankful to him for that.  So, LADIES, if you want to be ladies, stand up straight, look at yourself in the mirror and defiantly tell yourself "I love you".  Keep repeating it until you DO love yourself, because all this bullshit you're going through isn't out of love.


Drop the loser who's humping your leg.  Find someone who IS worth your time.  BE A WOMAN AND FIND YOURSELF!



Posted by CHELLE 

Who takes you seriously?


If I sat here all day, watching all the "women" scrolling by...  If I sat here all day and actually paid attention to any of the statuses...  I really have to be honest and tell you that I most certainly wouldn't take any of you "ladies" seriously.  There are few exceptions, of which I've had the privilege to meet.  But other than them, the rest of you are just sirloin, t-bone and prime rib ready to be eaten by the next slobbering idiot that comes your way.


I've seen far too many pretty women on here who put far too much on this site.  Yes, I am aware that this is a supposedly adult site.  But considering the level of drama that goes on in here, I'm wondering how many of you are truly adults and not juvenile personalities in adult bodies.


Do you REALLY feel the need to post T&A shots for someone to "respect" you?  Does it REALLY make you feel better about yourself when a drooling dog of a male humps your leg at the get-go and begs to see your NSFW pics?  In all honesty, a lot of you are rather "mature" women who have a kid or two, or more.  I use "mature" as a kind word, but face it.  Some of you are just too damned old to be having your junk hanging out.


Newsflash!  MILF is NOT a compliment.  If someone just wants to fuck you, then what else is there for you?  Flat on your back with another mouth to feed if you continue down the road of self-destruction.  And that's the GOOD side.  The bad side of it is a whole hell of a lot worse.


Do you respect yourself?  If so, then HOW MUCH?  Take a stand dammit.  Quit being the proverbial brood mare and grow a fucking spine for once.  Use the word "NO".  Trust me, it works.  Otherwise, you just end up lonely (except for your kids surrounding you) and lacking a hell of a lot of self-respect.


An attractive woman is a woman capable of standing on her own when she wants to, but able to lean on someone else when she needs to.  She is intelligent and oh so very vulnerable.  We fall for the tricks that life plays on us because we fail to see the lessons to be learned.  People will always come and go as they please, more than ready to use and abuse every willing body that's made available to them.  Do you REALLY want to be available, knowing that it's most likely just a one-nighter and you'll never hear from him again?


How many attention whores must we tolerate before we start standing up for ourselves?  I get so sick and tired of seeing beautiful women, possibly smart women, BEG for blings, rates, comments, fans, adds, etc.  I see it scroll by in the marquee and in the ticker.  I see it in the blast and spotlight boxes.  Enough is enough.  Show YOURSELF the love and grow the fuck up.  Quit trying to be the most popular girl in school.  We all know where THAT gets you.


I'm sure you noticed that I put the words "women" and "ladies" in quotations earlier in my little rant.  There are reasons for it.  One, I use the two terms very loosely when talking about the females around here.  What I would really like to call the majority of you isn't very nice at all, so I go with a more tactful route.


Secondly, how many female profiles are actually females here anyway?  I've seen plenty enough on here to ignore those profiles that don't have salutes, simply because most of the "hot chicks" were really guys getting their rocks off.  The lesson to be learned, all in all, is be careful with yourself, how you put YOU out there.


Do you REALLY want to be another notch on the headboard?  Or do you want to mean SOMETHING to someone?  You have to start somewhere.  Try being SOMETHING to yourself first.  Everything else will fall into place the way it should in a positive world.


Just quit whoring yourselves for shit that doesn't mean a god damned thing.  But I'm not your mother, I'm not your sister, I'm not your friend.  I'm not YOU.  I'm only me.  And I once was where you are.  I'm sick of being on my back, and decided to stand on my own two feet.  If the boys around here think I have my head up my ass when I say no...  All I have to say is...  SOMEONE has to do it.  If they don't like it, they can move on to someone else more willing to be their slut or whore.


WOMAN up god dammit!  Say no for once in your miserable life.  Stand up for what's right, not lay down for what's easy.  Respect yourself.  LOVE yourself.

Posted by CHELLE

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