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A poem made on the fly

Heart pounding a thundering sound a tear shed disappointed the fans Like the ocean beating the jagged rocks the blood flows from wounds not yet healed the rope spun against the rafters counting one, two, three, The nerve lost a broken wing the angel that once flew high Like dead rose frail dark yet still hurts to touch The rain that follows clouding her head an rush of distress tired eyes close quietly surrender bound still by actions uncompleted what was once planned now an angelic accident Yeah

More info on me

*FOODOLOGY* What is your salad dressing of choice? Balsamic vinergarett or Italian What is your favorite fast food restaurant? hmmmm Taco bell What is your favorite sit down restaurant? Columbos On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? 3-5$ What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick off of? What are your pizza toppings of choice? Linguica sausage pineapple ham and pepperoni (not all on the same pizza) What do you like to put on your toast? butter or chunky peanutbutter What is your favorite type of gum? winterfresh *TECHNOLOGY* Number of contact's in your cell phone? 10 Number of contacts in your email address book? not a whole lot What is your wallpaper on your computer? http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/73/shednotearshcz2.jpg How many televisions are in your house? 2 *BIOLOGY* Are you right-handed or left-handed? right my son is left Do you like your smile? yes Have you ever had anything removed from your body? nope Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? touch When was the last time you had a cavity? idk What is the heaviest item you lift regularly? my son Slurp.gif Have you ever been knocked unconscious? no *MISCOLOGY* If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? I wouldnt my mother gave me this name What color do you think you look best in? yellow or red How long do you think you could last in a medium security prison? I wouldnt Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? not that I can remember If we weren't bound by society's conventions, do you have a relative you would make a pass at? Nope Have you ever saved someone's life?no Has someone ever saved yours? no *DAREOLOGY* Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? No never Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? yes Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? Ewww no Would you never blog again for $50,000? Sure Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? Nope not worth it Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? Nope not enough money Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for 1,000,000? as long as I got to choose the person Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000?Make it 500,000 and you got it for a life time Can I cook? when I want to What would I do if I was stuck in an elevator? I always have something with me I can occupy my time with Favorite place? Where ever my man is Favorite vegetable? broccoli Last book I read? Accident by Daniel Steel Dirty or Clean? Clean Tattoos and/or Piercings?nope Worst Habit? biting my nails Frown.gif My philosophy on life? I'm Old enough to know better but still too young to care Negative or Optimistic? depends on the day and whos asking Any dreams growing up? idk I guess just to be happy have a family One weird fact: I love to touch but dont really like being touched How do I fall asleep? Om my right side or my belly A million bucks.. ? put half in the bank buy a plot of land I can manage in my dream city/county and build a decent size house and put myself in a good position for my son What is your worst fear? That my son/dad/mom becomes deathly ill and dies Favorite thing to do in my spare time? Read or play a videogame Can I sing or dance? I'd like to think so (if anyone else wants to know anything else dont be afraid to ask)

info on me

{1} What political party do you support? Do I have to? {2} Who do you support for president? no one {3} If you could date one same-sex celebrity, who would it be? angelina jolie {4} How about opposite sex? Hugh Laurie Johnny Depp {5} Could you walk to where your parents work from your house? probably on a good day {6} What's the stupidest thing you've done during the winter? Thought that 4 feet of snow would break my fall with my arms out .. Oh boy what a sight to see {7} If you could do anything with the person who posted this before you, what would you do? ummmm i dunno hang out more i guess {8} Could you date someone with different views then you? Been there done that Lets not again {9} Are you worried about someone right now? Yes {10} If you write surveys, do you tag them? Tis not my Forte` {11} Describe the last time you got hurt. idk how but I know i got this big ol bruise @ work on my inner thigh {12} Where are your best friends? in my head they never say what I dont want them too {13} Do you have more guy or girl friends? i have more guy friends {14} What's the longest story you've ever written? Story..... well gee idk I could probably write a book though {15} What was that story about? Me {16} How many times have you taken a writing test? .... there are many different ways to reply to that ... i guess in high school alot Now not so much {17} What are your views on cussing? Do I need a veiw on it to be me ??? I think not {18} Do you like to be corrected? if its worth while {19} Do you make new friends easily? I try {20} Are you taller than your siblingstop.gif? only one {21} What's one silly thing you believed as a child? that I could grow up to be Ariel {22} Are you happy with your appearance? No but who is as long as you like what you see whats true will essentially always be there {23} Do you anger easily? Nope {24} Do you like to watch fireworks? yeah {25} Name something that you should be doing? Making myself happy {26} Could you live without your computer? if I had to yeah {27} do you like to talk on the phone? No but I like to talk {28} Do you like random surveys that really have no point? yes is there something wronge with that? {29} Would you rather commit suicide or be murdered? if I had to Suicide my life is my own {30} If you could bring one person back from the dead, in perfect health, who would it be? my Pops {31} What was your last dream about? ummm.... sex<,<....<-----what she said {32} What's the worst thing about your room? Lack of space {33} Would you ever sleep with someone for money? hell no {34} What's the last thing you watched on TV? ummmm does a dvd count ? {35} What's the last thing you got in the mail? junk mail {36} If you could only talk to one person for the rest of your life, who would it be? my son {37} Name some of your fears? death, Never being happy scares the shit out of me {38} How's your day going so far? Ok I guess {39} What's the next movie you're going to watch? i have no idea {40} How do you think up titles for your blogs, and/or bulletins? how I feel {41} What time of day were you born? 11:30ish pm {42} What do you think of the phrase "Ha ha, you're dead"? an idiotic responce fairly insesitive {43} Are you getting bored of this survey? mmmm {44} Would you ever consider getting tattoos all over your body to make you look like a certain animal? if it didnt hurt I want a snow leopard {45} Do you think that immortality would be a fun thing to have? yes but only if I could spend it with the one I love {46} Do you ever write songs or poems to help you vent? yes {47} When's the last time you talked to your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend? today {48} Would you consider naming one of your children after you? idk never thought of it {49} If they made a movie of your life, what type of reviews do you think it would get? OMG uhhh not boring but not what I expected {50} If you had to choose between never talking to your friends again, or talking to them but the only things you could say was something mean, which would choose? I'd never talk to them again {51} Would you ever kiss a fish? no {52} If you have pets, do they like to be held? I have 5 and I could hold them but theres no guarentee they would want to be held {53} Do you hate it when people delete questions in surveys? I don't care really {54} When people delete questions in surveys do you re-write them? no {55} If you could get rid of your emotions, would you? No they are what makes me me {56} Finish the sentence: It's funny how...? Life can seem so cruel till you spend 5 min with the one you love and not care about anything else even if that all you would ever have {57} If you play an instrument, do you find jokes about your instrument funny or offensive? depends on the joke {58} If you had to give your dad one random t-shirt with a funny saying on it, what would the saying be? When I die I want to be buried upside down so the world could kiss my ass {59} Do you ever listen to the same song over and over for more then an hour? yeah.... {60} Do you prefer really long surveys that ask obvious questions, or short surveys that have unique questions? how about long and unique
RESPONCE!!!!!!!! 1. How many people have you had sex with in 2007?? 2007? 1 2. Weed, coke, speed, crack, heroin, oxy, acid, x, k, peyote, mushrooms, of these, how many have you done? Tried weed, not interested in the others 3. Ever been cheated on? yes 4. Ever paid for sex? Nope 5. Ever been married? Nope but i want to get married 6. Ever been divorced? N/A 7. If you had to pick one whats your fave sexual position? Doggy or ridding 8. Do you own any guns? mine brokeded 9. Ever done more than 30 days in jail? Nope i have been in a cell before though Field trip! 10. Ever been in rehab? Never 11. Have you ever had any sexual experiences with the same sex? yes once 12. Ever have sex with anyone that you met on myspace? Nope not saying i wouldnt want to F my number one though 13. Last time you masturbated? Ummmm last week in progress ....lol 14. Do you think Arnold could beat up Chuck Norris? Do you think they would ever get together so we can find out for sure 15. What celebrity would you want to have sex with if you had the chance? Johnny Depp 16. Ever been unemployed for over a year since becoming an adult? i was a stay at home mom 17. How many states have you lived in? 2 will soon be 3 18. How many countries have you lived in? 1 19. Do you keep a weapon under or next to your bed at night? Nope 20. What celebrity would you want to beat up if you had the chance?? All of them? Damn rich people!...... Agreed! 21. Ever rolled into the harsh ghetto to buy drugs? Sup fool I straight up from the ghetto 22. Ever cheated on someone? Never 23. Ever been paid for sex? Why you gonna give me some? 24. Ever hired a SPY to follow someone? Fuck no ill trail ya ass 25. Ever bang your friends man/woman? nope 26. What is your IQ? I have one if you wanna know message me 27. Do you think Mr. Rogers really was a pervert or do you think he just really liked kids? I'll tell you who WAS a perv on that show...ummm hello...Mr. McFeely...speedy deliveries?!?! C'mon people. Dirty! LIKE OMG YES! 28. O.J. Simpson......did he do it? yes 29. Fake tits or real tits? Mine are real thank you very much! 30. Ever watch someone die? yeah my grandpa 31. How long has it been since you had sex? Sex to long Good sex a few years Great sex Shoot like 7 years ago 32. Name your favorite beer? dont have one 33. If you could have free plastic surgery what would you get? its the truth tummy tuck 34. Truthfully… size matter?? Only if the foreplay sucks does size mean alot
Gemini: Romantic Star Sign Compatibility Chart For Dating Gemini needs variety, so originality and versatility in a partner are the most important attractions. Also, Gemini needs a partner (or partners) who won’t require constant attention and devotion. Gemini’s restless nature is tuned into the mood of the moment, so these mentally oriented souls will often find happiness is keeping more than one person close at any given time. Gemini rarely has only one “best friend”, and has been known to love more than one person at a time. Obviously the partner Gemini bonds with will have to be able to tolerate being left alone from time to time. Gemini needs almost constant stimulation, so this is the kind of person who will almost have the television, radio or audio system on. They also like to stay connected to their network of friends, so Gemini’s partner might find that many conversations get interrupted by cell phone calls and “urgent” e mails that have nothing to do with what’s being discussed. To keep Gemini’s interest, make the effort to follow the constantly changing sea of ideas that emanates from this fascinating person’s mind. GEMINI WITH AIRES Motion and commotion will keep this easy-going relationship strong. Aries is a self-starter that wants to be the first one to try out new experiences, sometimes before they’re fully thought out. Gemini is a great thinker – so great, in fact, that it’s hard to get Gemini to DO something. Sounds potentially simpático, no? It could be. If this couple finds creative ways to spend lots of time together, they’ll have a solid union that’s based on a respectful friendship. Their possible pitfall is in having so much to do as individuals that they have to struggle to pencil one another into their respective schedules. Sexually, this relationship can be exciting as long as both people strive to provide both mental and physical stimulation. Gemini is into verbal foreplay, while Aries is very much a “Let’s Do It – NOW” kind of partner. If they can be aware of each another’s turn-ons, this pair has what it takes to hang in there for the long haul. GEMINI WITH TAURUS This couple could have some difficulty, mainly due to the way that Gemini will perceive Taurus as being too domineering and Taurus will see Gemini as being too flighty. Taurus has fixed ways of carrying out life’s little routines, and is more than eager to impose order on someone who seems to be a lot more scattered. Gemini needs a lot of freedom, so that there must be room for outside friendships within the relationship. Taurus could become upset about Gemini not “being there” at important times, while Gemini will feel confined by Taurus’ attempts to dictate what the two will do as a couple. If each of them can find ways to understand one another’s basic needs, this relationship can be successful. Taurus can steady Gemini while Gemini can encourage Taurus to try new things. The exchange of sympathy will be the key to this couple’s sex life, too. Taurus will have to listen to Gemini talk about what will be a turn-on, while Gemini will have to accept Taurus’ needs to be introduced to new and exciting ways of reaching new heights of sexual satisfaction. GEMINI WITH CANCER This relationship will take a lot of work to maintain. Although Cancer will initially take this partnership on as a challenge, Gemini will soon become cagey when it becomes obvious just how clingy and whiny Cancer can become when abandoned. Most of the disagreements in this relationship will be about how much attention Gemini focuses outside of the relationship, and how many restrictions Cancer puts on Gemini’s movement. There can be a lot of sympathy between people with these two Sun signs, but when it comes to day-to-day living, they see things in very different ways. Gemini’s resistance to staying on one place will frustrate Cancer, while Cancer’s need for familiarity will quickly bore Gemini. Sexually, these differences will have to be focused on if the relationship is to work, but if both people remain focused on their partner’s needs, this relationship can be surprisingly rewarding. GEMINI WITH LEO This relationship can be very successful if the pair focuses on how they can support one another’s efforts in the outside world. Gemini needs to have the latitude to connect with a variety of different people and make connections that suit the mood of the moment. Leo needs to have the freedom to perform to a public that lavishes large helpings of admiration. Of course, it will help if these two partners find ways to appreciate one another, as well. Gemini must make it a point to check in with Leo to ensure that the bond they want to have is still in place. Leo must be careful not to ignore or belittle Gemini’s intellectual curiosity and changeability. It can be hard for Gemini to change Leo’s mind about joint decisions and activities, so flexibility on the part of both parties is the key. Sexually, Gemini must try to give Leo the kind of constancy that Leo needs to feel gratified. Leo must give Gemini variety and excitement in order to keep Gemini’s attention from wandering off to find excitement and stimulation elsewhere. GEMINI WITH VIRGO This is a highly satisfying match. Gemini enjoys being challenged by Virgo’s analytical mind, while Virgo is enchanted by the stream of ideas Gemini brings into the relationship. Gemini easily becomes the perfect “little project” for Virgo to work on. Virgo can organize Gemini’s priorities without restricting Gemini. Gemini can enlighten Virgo with things to think about that Virgo wouldn’t have the time or inclination to pursue without Gemini’s prodding. Virgo is capable of bringing variety into Gemini’s life, yet Virgo’s ability to ground is useful when Gemini gets carried away by the mood or trend of the moment. Sex might be a problem for these two, in that they can both become so busy with their own personal schedules that they have difficulty finding time to be intimate. Once they find one another, though, there can be a meaningful exchange that is stimulating as well as satisfying. GEMINI WITH LIBRA This match is based on a deep friendship, and will work if each can give the other the kind of recognition they need. Gemini needs to know that Libra acknowledges Gemini’s intelligence and creativity. Libra wants Gemini to praise Libra’s artistic abilities, including the ability to negotiate. Problems could arise when Libra depends upon Gemini to be a constant companion, because it’s nearly impossible for Gemini to sustain that kind of focused attention on anyone. Libra will need to develop outside activities that not only provide companionship, but also give them something to tell Gemini when they get together. Gemini will have to be very sensitive to Libra’s need for togetherness, and be sure to show gratitude for all Libra does to add to Gemini’s life. Sexually, these two could talk a lot about what they want in bed, but the truth is that plenty of cuddling and listening to one another’s concerns will prove to provide the most satisfaction. GEMINI WITH SCORPIO This relationship is difficult to sustain because the two signs are so different. Gemini’s forthright honesty will often fall prey to Scorpio’s tendency to grab control of the relationship. Although Scorpio’s motivations may simply arise out of insecurity, any attempt to manipulate Gemini will result in a full retreat. Gemini needs to have the assurance that freedom will always be a strong component of a relationship. Meanwhile, Scorpio needs to have closeness and dependability to quash the fear that surrounds Scorpio’s perception of life. Scorpio finds Gemini to be incredibly sexy, however, and Scorpio is extremely attractive to Gemini. In bed, at least, the mystery these two have to explore is enough to fill up a substantial expanse of time with sexual excitement. GEMINI WITH SAGITTARIUS This is an easy match, one that seems to each of the partners like a comfortable pair of shoes. Both of these signs enjoy variety and outside stimulation, and both are secure enough to pursue outside interests without fear of betraying or losing their devotion to the relationship. Sagittarius takes Gemini’s ideas and makes them fit into a broad context of significance, while Gemini thinks through Sagittarius’ broad stroke concepts and shines light upon their relevance and usefulness. The two will never tire talking to one another, but once they discover how they can communicate on a sensual level, their sex life can provide a way for them to deepen their commitment and renew their energies. GEMINI WITH CAPRICORN This match will be difficult unless both partners make a major effort to understand the other’s needs. Gemini will seem flaky to Capricorn, while Capricorn’s traditional approach to most matters will seem to stifle Gemini’s creativity. By and large, these two will both have to really want this relationship if it is to survive. Capricorn will have to open up to ideas and accept that Gemini is available only when Gemini chooses to be. Meanwhile, Gemini will have to be willing to account for any absences and prove the relevance of any and all extraneous activities if Capricorn is to be satisfied with Gemini’s performance as a partner. It might be the sexual part of this relationship that holds these two together. Gemini’s stream of ideas is excellent fodder for Capricorn’s nearly insatiable (and surprisingly versatile) repertoire of sexual expression. GEMINI WITH AQUARIUS This couple will have a strong friendship and a mutual respect that comes rather naturally. Gemini will love listening to all of Aquarius’ ideas about how the world should be. Aquarius will be intrigued by Gemini’s ability to understand and accept a wide variety of ideas. Difficulty could arise when Gemini changes opinions and views in midstream. Aquarius’ will stay with an idea until several other people are convinced of its validity, and will not be flexible. Aquarius’ lack of an ability to admit being wrong could really upset Gemini. Sexually these two will have a lot to offer one another, but sex won’t be the focus of the relationship, at least not for the long run. True friendship and an ability to process feelings through the intellect will be the key ingredient that keeps this couple together. GEMINI WITH PISCES This can be a surprisingly good relationship, largely due to Pisces’ ability to follow Gemini’s thoughts and become engrossed in Gemini’s world of strange ideas. Gemini will be taken by Pisces’ artistic modes of expression, and will perhaps even envy Pisces’ ability to process reality in an abstract, yet emotionally deep and rewarding manner. Pisces’ compassion for the world will make it easy for Pisces to understand Gemini’s need to be around a wide variety of people. Gemini’s absences will give Pisces much-needed time to explore a private world and altruistic projects. Gemini will sometimes wonder why Pisces can’t take a more self-centered approach, but on the whole this relationship will be easy to maintain. Sexually, as long as Gemini will reciprocate Pisces’ generosity, intimacy can be extremely satisfying.


If you like techno im uploading some of my favorite songs in my stash Anyone wanna add theirs? i wanna know what my friends like!

the submissive

Submissive swift exchanges controlled glances the hips sway in rhythm the body screams hands tied pierced flesh The master stakes his claim the heart surrenders Teeth graze breath lost at his mercy begging more the submissive taken The Leash The collar her nights are now his The Days Too

hmmm love actually

Making Love to You Desire is thick and heavy My skin drinks in your touch To quench the longing- …a sacred quest for tantric fulfillment I lay my head On a pillow of clouds As your fingertips explore my body Like nomads Penetrating a primeval forest The room fills With warm mossy smells …an intoxicating fragrance Of earth and sea Fresh and moist as morning dew I hear the rush of the wind As you enter me Liquid velvet Crossing the threshold of a waterfall Passion swells Like distant rolling thunder Or the frantic chanting Of tribal monks Eternity erupts I close my eyes And taste the moon


Dont tell me Dont say you love me when you have no clue Dont come around and say you want to be with me Dont hold your breath while waiting for me Dont say you care or want to be with me Dont try to hold my hand or touch me Dont touch my shit and give whats mine back Dont play with my head and not with my heart Dont sit there and stare like you dont know why Dont try to wipe my tears you are what caused them Dont tell me your lies I dont want to hear them
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