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RIP - Fabulous Moolah

For those who didn't know her - The Fabulous Moolah (Lillian Ellison) was one of the original Female Wrestlers, and a long time (AND the 1st) Women's Champion in both the NWA and the WWF/WWE. Sadly, she took her final curtain call yesterday, passing away at the age of 84. It's funny. Even though I knew she was in her 80's, I always imagined her alive and kicking, having a match on her 100th Birthday. She was always so full of life, and ALWAYS was able to keep up with the younger generation in and out of the ring. The single time I was able to talk with her face to face, I enjoyed a conversation that went from the old NWA days all the way to her thoughts on (then) newcomers like John Cena. As much as I like to call myself an Encyclopedia of Wrestling information, hearing stories from her about things BEHIND the scenes made me feel like I was just starting school. Moolah - You will be missed - But you will NEVER be forgotten.
I will warn you now - What I am about to write is pure speculation, and may not have ANY basis in fact. However, with everyone around the internet and "real" world coming out and convicting Chris Benoit based on the findings of the Fayette County GA Sheriff's office - I feel a need to point out some glaring inconsistencies. He may have done this terrible thing - If he did, God will judge him far harsher than any one of us can. But reports coming out could point in a direction NOBODY is looking. Let's start at the beginning. We all know that Chris Benoit called the WWE officials and called off from appearing at the event on Saturday. Further, his Plane reservations were changed by the WWE so that he could get to the PPV. That would be the last VOICE contact with Chris Benoit for anyone. Strangely, all other contact was via text Message, and not just from Chris's phone - But from Nancy's as well. Even more strange, here is a list of the messages and times as reported by WWE.com: Text Message 1 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53am)- Chris Benoit's cell phone "My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215" Text Message 2 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53am)- Chris Benoit's cell phone "The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open" Text Message 3 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:54am)- Nancy Benoit's cell phone "My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215" Text Message 4 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:55am)- Nancy Benoit's cell phone "My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215" Text Message 5 to one co-worker (sent 6/24 at 3:58am)- Nancy Benoit's cell phone "My address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215" Isn't it a bit - Weird - that these messages were sent to Friends and Co-Workers, Many of whom already KNEW where the Benoits lived? Isn't it also a bit weird that according to DA Ballard, Chris Benoit was dead Saturday night? (Ballard said Nancy Benoit was killed sometime on Friday, Daniel on Saturday morning, and Benoit killed himself Saturday night.) People are speculating that it just took time for the texts to get to their intended recipients. It DOES happen at times - But from TWO different phones, to at least 3 different people - And all are received in a short span of time? Let's also look at some things friends have said about Benoit, and his behavior. Speaking under anonymity, one person has come out and said that for the past year, Chris had been getting more and more Paranoid - To the point of not allowing Nancy to go shopping because he was afraid someone as out to get him. The same person claimed that Chris wasn't Religious, and that finding Bibles next to the bodies was utterly out of character. Now let's see - Benoit thought someone was out to get him, and now he and his family are dead. He didn't buy into religion, but Bibles were placed next to his Wife and Son. He was supposedly in the grips of a Rage, but took nearly 2 full days to kill his family methodically - Something totally NOT typical for a rage. Text messages were sent theoretically after he died. It goes on. Yes, I may just be speculating - But when facts and theory don't mesh exactly - Something is wrong.

Benoit, and the Facts.

I really just don't get it. Three people are dead, and despite quite a few inconsistencies, it's being shoved down our throats that Chris Benoit indeed killed his wife and son. Watching the Press Conference today, it was made quite clear that the decision as far as the Sheriff's office is concerned, is over. It's Steroids alright, yup - he did it. But what about the time line given by the DA? He said quite clearly that Nancy died on Friday, Daniel on early Saturday - And that Chris Benoit died late SATURDAY. First off - This doesn't gibe at ALL with what the Sheriff's representative said. HE said that Chris Benoit died late Sunday, and that there was a full day between Nancy and Daniel. If the DA is correct, and he died Saturday evening - Why are people saying that they received Text messages late Sunday with PPV references? Chris Benoit may have killed his family. That's tragic, and definitely a bad thing for Wrestling in the near future. I just want to know why there's no consistency in the information.

WWE Trims some fat

WWE has released a LARGE amount of people. A lot of industry insiders are taking this as the first hint that ECW may not be around much longer. Tatanka Sylvester Terkay Christopher W. Anderson Jazz Rodney Mack Tony Mamaluke The Bashams (Danny and Doug) Al Snow The Gymini Gangrel WWE Developmental Greg Groothius (Jack Bull), Steven Adkins (Seth Skyfire), and Ryan Reeves were most recently training at WWE's Ohio Valley Wrestling developmental territory.

RIP - Bam Bam Bigelow

On the morning of January 19, 2007, Bigelow was found dead in his home by his girlfriend at around 10 AM in Hudson, Florida. The following comes from www.wwe.com WWE.com has learned that former WWE Superstar Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow has passed away in Florida. Kevin Doll, the Public Information Director for the Pasco County Sheriff's Office confirmed that Bigelow was found dead early this morning in his home in Hudson, Fla. "We can confirm that Scott Bigelow was found in his home this morning. At this time the cause of death is unknown," Doll told WWE.com. Doll also confirmed that the Pasco-Pinellas Counties medical examiner has taken the body and an autopsy will be performed. Bigelow, 45, worked for WWE, ECW and WCW extensively throughout his 20-year sports-entertainment career. A former ECW Champion, ECW Television Champion and WCW Tag Team Champion, he is perhaps best known for his rivalry with Lawrence Taylor that culminated in the main event of WrestleMania XI in 1995.

What will Vince do?

There's rumblings around the Internet and beyond that the careers of most of the WWE's "Big Men" (Big Show, Undertaker and Kane) are contemplating retiring after Wrestlemania next year. This just leads to a LOT of questions, the biggest being - What WILL Vince do? As most of us know, Vince McMahon has always held the opinion that the fans want "Larger than life" characters. To that end, his biggest stars have always fit into that mold. Hogan, Andre the Giant, Big Show, Undertaker, Kane - They all fit his belief, and despite shortcomings, he has always stood behind them - At times even when he should have cut bait and run. However, Vince lately seems to be getting the idea that smaller guys can get the job done for the company. Look at the hooplah of bringing in CM Punk to ECW - And also his re-hiring of Jeff Hardy, the LONG reign of Gregory Helms on Smackdown, you name it. With the "Big" guys all seeming about to leave at the same time, I think it would behoove Vince to actually keep going down that road. He should think back to when he made Chris Jericho the first Undisputed Champion - It proved a smaller worker with the right charisma (And ability) could pull off the position well. The thing is - Is there such a worker in the WWE right now? I'm not talking about people like HHH, who have already had the spotlight.. I'm referring to someone new. Let's face it - Cena isn't cutting it as the Champ. Certainly he has a fan base, but at any time he has just as many jeers as he has cheers. People aren't going to accept Umaga as a long term champion either - He's all gimmick. So, I put it out there.. Who will lead the WWE in the coming year? An older Superstar - Or one of the new breed?

TNA Genesis Results

Here are highlights from TNA's 30 Minute Pre Show before the Genesis PPV: - A promo for Genesis hits. - We then go live to the Impact Zone in Orlando, FL where Jeremy Borash welcomes us to the PPV tonight. Borash then sends it to Christy Hemme outside the Impact Zone. - Christy Hemme then asks a few fans who they think will win in Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe tonight. LAX then shows up and hassles the fans and Christy. The fans chant "USA" at LAX. - Back live, Mike Tenay & Don West cover the card for Genesis tonight. - Eric Young then comes into the Impact Zone getting a big reaction from the Orlando crowd. Young also leads fans around the ring doing the "Don't Fire Eric" dance. Young gets on the mic and says tonight is the night he will make his big announcement and will let the TNA fans in on a huge secret. He is about to reveal the secret when Robert's Roode music hits. Roode gets on the mic and said it is now time for the Robert Roode Open Challenge. Roode then approaches Young and challenges him to take part in the open challenge tonight. He says Young is too scared to face him, but reminds him he might get fired if he doesn't. Roode nails Young with the mic and throws Young in the ring. - Eric Young defeated Robert Roode in the Robert Roode Open Challenge. The original finish saw Ms. Brooks distract Young and then Young hit a cross-body that Roode rolled into a pinfall using the ropes for leverage. The referee then ordered the match be re-started due to the fan reaction. When the match re-started, Young rolled up Roode in the corner using the ropes for help. After the match, Roode yelled at Ms. Brooks. - A promo for Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe airs. - Backstage, Christy Hemme is with LAX. LAX talks about how they will burn the American flag tonight at Genesis. - Christian Cage's music hits. Cage gets on the mic and says it is a load of crap that he has to fight AJ Styles tonight since he is the real #1 contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. AJ Styles then runs out and attacks Cage from behind. Security then hits the ring and breaks the two up. Really good segment to hype the match tonight. - A promo for Sting vs. Abyss for the NWA World Title airs. - Backstage, James Mitchell is with Abyss. Mitchell talks about Sting "fighting the good fight" and his good deeds outside of the ring. He asks Sting what good those things will do when he has to face his monster Abyss tonight. - Back live, Don West does a "hard sell" for Genesis tonight. - We see a shot of Kurt Angle arriving at the Impact Zone. Angle was accompanied by an "entourage" as described by Mike Tenay, which was two taller men. - A video package airs highlighting Genesis tonight. ____________________________________________ TNA Genesis PPV Results - 11/19/06 Location: Orlando, Florida Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West Report By: Adam Martin of WrestleView.com - The new TNA opening hits. A very well done video package then rolls showing footage of the NASA space program and mirroring its accomplishments with the ground TNA has covered recently highlighting Sting, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe among others. The NWA World Title, LAX trying to burn the American flag and Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe is also highlighted. - A graphic opening hits welcoming us to TNA Genesis. We then go live to the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida where a display of pyro goes off above the ring and in the entrance area. - The music of Kazarian, Bentley and Devine hit as all three men make their way down to the ring. Out next is VKM (Voodoo Kin Mafia). - Voodoo Kin Mafia defeated Kazarian, Bentley & Devine. The fans started a loud "DX SUCKS" chant at the start of the match. Kip James hit a Pedigree on Bentley, looked to hit some "Sweet Chin Music" from the corner, but stopped himself. The finish saw Kip hit his lifting reverse DDT on Devine for the win. After the match, BG James got on the mic and addressed Vince McMahon, Triple H and Shawn Michaels. He told all three that the ground game will be starting this Thursday night. - At ringside, Mike Tenay & Don West cover the Genesis card tonight. - We then see Kazarian and Bentley dragging Devine back down the ramp. Devine's head is covered. They throw him in the ring, uncover his face and Raven comes out. Raven is wearing white clothes and a leather piece of clothing around the bottom of his face. Raven then takes a singapore cane and beats Devine over the back with it a few times. They show a shot of Devine's back that is full of welts. - Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Shane Douglas and The Naturals. Douglas talks about Team 3D being beaten at their own game in a Tables Match on iMPACT! this past week. He mentions a rumor that Team 3D are in Japan because that is the only place the fans still care about them. They show the table The Naturals put Team 3D through. Douglas says since 3D isn't here tonight, The Naturals will instead face Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal. - The Naturals defeated Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal. Lots of double-teaming early on by Dutt and Lethal on The Naturals. Fans were really into this match and were hot for all the tags. Dutt did some amazing offense by himself on both Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas at one point in the match. The finish saw Dutt up on the corner and Stevens put him on his shoulders, allowing Douglas to jump off the top rope and hit a dropkick to send Dutt back down. Only problem was Douglas caught more of Stevens on the dropkick then anything. Despite the botched finish, it was a solid match. Fans showed no sympathy for the finish though. - Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with LAX. Konnan runs down American and promises to burn the American flag tonight after they defeat America's Most Wanted. Borash mentions that Jim Cornette is here tonight to prevent any such action. Konnan says "screw Jim Cornette" and that they don't take orders from any "white boy." - A video package runs highlighting the X Division Title Match tonight between champion Christopher Daniels and challenger Chris Sabin. - Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with X Division Champion Christopher Daniels. He mentions he is still friends with AJ Styles, but his career and championship comes first. Daniels says Chris Sabin's new attitude will get him no where in the X Division. He says he beat the X Division with AJ Styles and that tonight, he will show him why he was the longest reigning X Division Champion in TNA history. - Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Sabin to retain the X Division Title. Sabin really played up the heel role early on this match, bailing a few times when Daniels would take advantage. At one point, Sabin played up he was going to leap over the top rope to take out Daniels, but stopped, went through the ropes and hit Daniels with a sledgehammer. Sabin then threw a steel chair in the ring and told Tenay and West to shut their mouths. AJ Styles came out and removed the steel chair from the ring. Another big spot with Daniels dodging an attack from Sabin in the tree of woe, sitting up and then leaping off the top rope to take out Sabin. The finish saw Sabin take out Daniels with a big dropkick to the face and then attempt his flipping facebuster from his shoulder, but Daniels countered into a pinfall on Sabin to retain the title. After the match, Sabin tried to attack Daniels with the steel chair, but Jerry Lynn ran out and took the chair away from Sabin. Lynn then throws down TNA employee badge and gets in Sabin's face. Lynn tells Sabin to shake Daniels' hand. Sabin reluctantly does it, Daniels raises Sabin's hand, but Sabin grabs Daniles and hits the Cradle Shock quickly. Lynn hits the ring, but Sabin takes off. - A new Paparazzi Productions airs. Kevin Nash says Austin Starr and Alex Shelley need to win badly tonight. Nash asks for 90% from both. Starr asks Shelley for his $100. Shelley said the check is in the mail. All three throw out some "classic" names they could be like. Shelley even threw out Hector Garza's name. They put their hands in a circle and move them up and down. - Ron "The Truth" Killings & Lance Hoyt defeated Austin Starr & Alex Shelley. Kevin Nash had an arm sling on and claimed he got the injury defending his own X Division Title in Japan two nights ago. Lots of work on Hoyt's leg mid-way through the match by Starr and Shelley. The finish saw Shelley hit a big frog splash on Hoyt in the ring. Shelley then asked Starr to bring the camera closer to the ring. When Shelley does, he turns it around to face him. In the ring, Hoyt rolls up Shelley to get the pinfall. After the match, Kevin Nash leaves the announcers table and yells at Starr and Shelley.' - A promo hyping Christian Cage vs. AJ Styles airs. - Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Christian Cage. Borash asks him if he made a mistake of overlooking AJ Styles due to his obsession with the NWA World Title. Cage says he is undefeated in TNA and says he overlooks no man. He mentions Styles isn't overlooking him since he jumped him during the pre-show. Cage says he takes care of his problems face-to-face. Borash rolls his eyes and Cage tells him to never do that again. Cage says Styles will be the next on his victim list. He adds that whoever wins tonight in the NWA World Title Match, Sting or Abyss, he will be waiting for the winner. - Christian Cage defeated AJ Styles. Lots of quick offense by Cage on Styles, with Cage being very cocky on his successful attempt. Styles came right back with some quick offense, which resulted in Cage having a surprised look on his face. Cage tried to bring a steel chair into play, but the referee prevented it. One big spot saw Styles take out Cage on the outside with a big leap over the top rope. When Styles came down on Cage, he caught his ankle on the guard railing. Mike Tenay & Don West played up Styles' ankle the rest of the match everytime he would try to get offense in on Cage. Another big spot with Styles hitting Cage with a big huricanranna off the top rope. The finish saw Cage try to use a steel chair again. Christopher Daniels ran out and grabbed the steel chair. Both Cage and Daniels had a tug-of-war. Styles went under Cage to try and roll him up. Cage then let go of the chair and Cage dropped down to Styles' chest, covering him for the pinfall. After the match, Styles and Daniels started to argue. Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt hit the ring to try and break it up. Rhino came out and told everyone to leave but Styles and Daniels. Rhino said he knows what they are going through with Christian Cage. He tells both of them to put it in the past and shake hands. Styles grabs the mic and calls Rhino "Dr. Phil" and refuses to shake Daniels' hand. - Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with America's Most Wanted and Gail Kim. Chris Harris puts over the toughness of Gail Kim and the Border Toss she took from LAX. He talks about LAX trying to burn the American flag and adds that although they may not have been liked lately, they will not sit around and allow that to happen. James Storm said the only thing LAX is good at is swimming and dry walling and adds that they should hurry up and finish his garage. - A video package airs highlighting the feud between LAX and America's Most Wanted, including the Border Toss that Gail Kim took from Hernandez. - LAX defeated America's Most Wanted to retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Konnan said TNA management and Jim Cornette could not stop them from burning the American flag tonight because they were protected by the 1st Amendment. Fans were really behind AMW during the match with lots of "USA" chants. Lots of fast back and forth action between both teams. Hernandez attempted the Border Toss on Storm, but Harris hooked Storm's leg from the ring apron and pulled him down. Storm got Homicide ready for the Death Sentence, but Hernandez cut Harris off on the top rope and threw him off the top with huge force! Hernandez then took out Storm with a huge powerbomb that Homicide followed up with a big body splash from the top rope. AMW fought back with a Heart Attack on Homicide. AMW then hit the Death Sentence on Hernandez, but Konnan jumped up to the ring apron to distract the referee. The finish then saw Homicide get the blow torch and smack Storm with it on the head. Hernandez then covered Storm to get the pinfall and retain the tag team titles for LAX. After the match, Homicide looked to hit the Gringo Killer on Gail Kim. Petey Williams then ran out and attacked LAX to break it up. Jim Cornette then came out and said this "gringo white boy has something to stay to all of you." Cornette tells LAX they are all guilty of bad taste. He said he doesn't know if they are really that bitter about racism in the U.S. or if it is just some huge publicity stunt. Cornette said TNA management and the fans didn't like hearing they wanted to burn the American flag. He said others who didn't like to hear that is the veterans of the U.S. and the soldiers who defend our right to do what we want. Cornette said TNA has found that LAX is no longer fit to represent the NWA World Tag Team Titles and that they are now stripped of the titles. He said they had until Thursday to hand him those belts. The fans didn't like this decision at all and were chanting "BULLSH*T" loudly in the background as Cornette tried to talk over them. AMW put Petey Williams up on their shoulders to celebrate with the American flag. - Backstage, James Mitchell was with Abyss. Mitchell talked about Sting and how it was fitting that while he was on top in wrestling so many years ago, it was the things he despises now that he was guilty of doing. - A promo airs highlighting Sting vs. Abyss for the NWA World Title tonight. - Abyss defeated Sting via DQ to become the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Sting wasted no time and went after Abyss right away leaving Borash unable to do the normal ring introducions for World Title matches. Sting took out Abyss with his bat, sending Abyss over the top rope. The two brawled into the crowd. Abyss eventually came back with a steel chair. Abyss then put two tables together near the ramp and put two boards covered with barbed wire on top of each table. Both men brawled back into the ring with the referee stopping Abyss from putting Sting through the tables covered with barbed wire. In the ring, Sting took out Abyss with a big body splash from the top rope. Mitchell handed Abyss the NWA World Title. Abyss tried to use it on Sting, but Sting dodged it. Sting then applied the Scorpion Deathlock on Abyss, but Abyss got the ropes. Abyss then came back with a huge Black Hole Slam on Sting, covered, but Sting kicked out. Abyss got his bag of thumbtacks and Sting got his bat. Sting hit the bag away from Abyss and took Abyss out with his bat, covered, but Mitchell pulled the referee out. Sting then took the thumbtacks and put them on the ring. Sting tried to put Abyss on the tacks, but Abyss countered and gave Sting a chokeslam on the tacks! The fans went crazy in Orlando. Abyss covered Sting, but Sting found a way to power out! Sting stood up and pumped himself up. Sting then put Abyss in the Scorpion Deathlock, Abyss tapped, but Mitchell distrated the referee once again. Sting then grabbed Mitchell and put him in the Deathlock. The action spilled to the outside of the ring and Sting motioned for the repel rope. Sting hung Abyss upside down and started hitting him with the steel chair. Sting then dragged Abyss up the ramp. Sting tried putting Abyss through the tables covered in barbed wire. The referee tried to stop Sting two times. Sting then knocked out the referee and sent Abyss through the tables. The referee then called for the bell. Sting was confused and walked down the ramp. The referee went up to David Penzer and announced his decision. Penzer announced that Sting was disqualified as a result of his actions, therefore Abyss was the NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Mike Tenay mentioned how titles could change hands on a DQ finish in TNA. - A promo hyping Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe airs. - Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe. Mike Tenay mentioned that Samoa Joe has been undefeated in TNA for 17 months. Lots of intensity from both men during the ring introductions by Jeremy Borash. The fans started a "THIS IS AWESOME" chant barely a few seconds into the match. Angle hit a huge overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Joe and then took him out with a big clothesline sending Joe over the top rope. Joe then came back by tripping Angle up in the ring, grabbing him by the legs and launching him head first into the ring barricade. Joe got in more offense dragging Angle around the ring and then launching Angle into the steel steps. Angle was busted open at this point during the match. Angle attempted a comeback on Joe, but Joe quickly ended it with a quick powerslam. Fans were really behind Joe's continue attacks on Angle. Joe got Angle up on the corner. A bloody Angle locked Joe's head when Joe approached and then took that right into a big DDT. Angle then hit Joe with two big german suplexes, with a third attempt slightly connecting. Angle attempted the Angle Slam, but Joe countered and hit Angle with a big high knee in the corner. Joe put Angle up on the corner, hit a big kick to the head and then put Angle on his shoulders. Joe connects with the Muscle Buster, covers, but Angle kicks out. Angle then came back with the Angle Slam, covered Joe and Joe kicked out. The fans then chanted "MAKE HIM TAP" loudly. Angle drops his straps and applies the Ankle Lock on Joe! Joe rolls to his back to take pressure off, but Angle turns over to keep it applied. Angle then falls back and Joe applies his choke hold! Joe keeps it locked in and Angle somehow finds a way to re-apply the Ankle Lock! Angle gets back up and continues to apply pressure. Joe counters and sends Angle to the corner. Joe misses a charge and Angle hits the Angle Slam. Angle once again applies the Ankle Lock. Joe screams out in pain and reaches for the bottom rope. Joe tries to fight it...but gives up and taps out. Kurt Angle has ended Samoa Joe's undefeated streak in TNA. After the match, Samoa Joe got on the mic and screamed "ANGLE!" as the fans chanted "YOU TAPPED OUT." Joe agrees with the crowd and admits Kurt Angle was the better man tonight. He then demands a re-match with Angle. Joe extends his hand. The crowd chants "ONE MORE TIME" at both. Angle looks to shake Joe's hand, but lifts his hand and blows off Joe. Angle heads up the ramp slapping a few hands as Joe looks on with a frustrated look on his face. A bloody Angle looks back at Joe, smiles and heads to the back. Samoa Joe still has the mic and tells Angle that he will have to do things the hard way. Samoa Joe's music hits and he heads up the ramp limping from the Ankle Lock. TNA then shows highlights from the match. Back live, Mike Tenay & Don West talk about the ending of Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe and why Angle refused to shake Joe's hand and accept a re-match. - A promo for Turning Point looks to start airing, but then gets cut off and we see the send off TNA promo hit to end the event.
With the signing of kurt Angle by TNA, many pundits in the wrestling world predicted that the hiring would signal the beginning of a "Talent War" between the two companies. Today, the following announcement was made by the WWE: Monty Brown signs with WWE Nov. 15, 2006 Monty Brown, formerly of the Buffalo Bills, has signed with World Wrestling Entertainment. Stay tuned to WWE.com for more information. So it appears that indeed, it has begun. The question is, can Dixie Carter and TNA hope to keep up with the WWE's ability to offer higher paychecks?
Kurt Angle is arguably this generation's Premiere pure wrestler. It's hard to find another person with the skills he has at his disposal. And yet he lately has been exhibiting some very serious personal issues. 5 Weeks ago, he gets released from the WWE, and states on his Website that he has been battling Pain Killer addiction, and needs time to get healthy again. 4 Weeks ago, his admitting to Addiction and other health issues vanishes from his Site. 3 Weeks ago, he joins TNA. Now, with all respect to Total Nonstop Action - I'm not sure they have done the right thing in seeking his services - And at the same time, I believe Kurt HIMSELF is going to cause irreparable harm to his health. Why is Angle doing this? His place in history is already assured. He WILL be remembered as one of the greatest wrestlers ever. But is his Ego causing him to push himself into becoming like those like Freddie Blassie, whose quality of life was severely diminished? Or even worse, is he going to push SO hard he joins the likes of Spicolli, Guerrero and Rude - Who pushed so hard they went long before their time? I really do wonder at the wrestling fans who are celebrating his move to TNA. Yes, it's great for TNA. But are they considering the man himself?

RR - An intro

I've been doing the Rants for about 6 years now. I originally did it as a Columnist for a few Wrestling websites, and moved on to do it on my own. However, time passes, and I let the site go - But the Rant has been living on through Myspace. So, I've decided to bring it here as well. Most of the time it WILL be wrestling related, but at times I'll just be ranting at things like Life, Religion, Politics - You name it.
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