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created on 12/21/2006  |  http://fubar.com/story/b36636


White Slaves of Madame Cong: Elevator Humpers By Jackpot All the usual disclaimers. You must be over 18 to read this. This story is pure fantasy. You have been warned. This is for adults only! NOTE-There is a sequence in this story that very much resembles something another author recently wrote. I must apologize for this however. The ideas for this sequence were thought of and conceived well before I suddenly saw them appear in another story, such is life. I considered deleting the section but thought that it would take too much away from the story. I apologize to my readers and the author, and hope you can enjoy this story. "Is this your final decision?" The juror wiped some sweat off his forehead, "Yes Your Honor, Mrs. Sara James is upheld against Madame Lili Cong of Cong Enterprises." I was ecstatic. "Another victory in my belt," I thought, "but I'm going to bring the bitch down all the way, if it is the last thing I do." As the courtroom cleared I made my way to the restroom, a confident woman, knowing full well that I had just taken down a giant in the business world. Her case aside, Madame Cong had never lost a battle in the courtroom before, and this defeat seemed most unlikely. I was freshening up and had no idea who decided to join me in the restroom, "Well congratulations," said the ultra chic and sexy dragon lady." "I'm surprised you had the guts to show up here, Ms. Cong." "I'm not a spoiled loser, Ms. Young, may I call you Barbara?" "Sure, why not, Lili." "I prefer to be called Madame Cong, if you don't mind, Barbara." "Er, very well, Madame Cong." I was taken back as to why I so readily surrendered my name to her, especially since she declined on letting me use her own name. "Barbara, you are very good, I would like to hire you as my personal lawyer." "Sorry, you couldn't pay me enough." I gave her an indignant frown. "But why not?" She asked as she re-hooked the top button to her blouse. She wore beautiful, long, red fingernails that glistened in my face. I couldn't help but notice her exquisite fingers, so willowy and slender. I found myself lingering a bit on their image. "Is something the matter, Barbara?" She smiled. "Eh, ah, no, nothing, as I was saying you couldn't pay me enough." "I am sure I could pay you plenty for your services." She smirked. "It is not the money. I just don't trust you. I still think you are running a prostitution ring behind all your clever ventures." "For God's sake, you can't possibly believe that a fragrance made that poor, unfortunate woman act out her most lurid desires, now can you?" "Well, that was the finding of the court." It was my turn to smirk, but Lili pressed the issue again, "Courts see what they want to see and you were brilliant in there, that is why I would like to hire you." "Never, Madame Cong, and I fully intend to bring you down one day, so you'd better watch your back." I said, insolently. "I always do my dear, but since you are such a doubting-Thomas why not check out my facilities yourself and then make a judgement?" She spoke with all the confidence of a slithering snake ready to pull in its prey. "I'm sure that is exactly what you would want." I smiled. "What are you afraid of?" She chuckled, "Is the big lawyer afraid of a little perfume?" "I am afraid of nothing, especially you, Madame!" I turned back to her while running the water and splashing some of it in my eyes. "Do your eyes, burn?" "No, no, I am just a little bit tired. I haven't been sleeping that well lately, occupational hazard." I chuckled and started out. She followed me. We both headed toward the elevator. Once inside I pressed the button for lobby. There were only three floors, but who wanted to walk. We both stepped to the back of the elevator instinctively. It moved a bit and then she pressed the stop button. "I have something that is good for that." Lili said. "What are you talking about? Good for what?" "That insomnia." She went into her purse and pulled out a perfume bottle. I immediately stepped back." "Barbara, it is only perfume, my goodness." She put some on her fingers ever so lightly. She gestured to me, "Here just smell that for a second." "Why?" I said timidly. "Look, I'll smell it first." She did just that. "See no problems, silly girl." Seeing that, I consented, "All right but just a little whiff." Madame Cong put her right hand up under my nose very slowly and fluttered her fingers lightly, quite sensuously. She made sure that I got a good whiff of it, and her slender, sexy, long fingers. The smell seemed to jump from her red nails like a quivering, magic dust. I quickly felt the sensation. I brought both of my eyes together, staring closely at the tips of her beautiful fingernails. I suddenly closed my eyes and felt tired, almost like I was going to past out. I felt wonderful. It was really relaxing and gentle. I suddenly felt strangely sexy. I could even feel my nipples start to get hard, but I didn't know why. I shook off the sensation. "What is that stuff?" I shook my head a little more. "Oh, just something I extracted from Borneo, do you like it?" "Well it..." I was having trouble focusing. "It is quite relaxing, yes?" "Ummm yes." I said. "Yeeeeeees it is, isn't it." Her words sort of lilted in my ears. "Would you like a bottle? It may help you to relax at night, and sleep?" "Ah, no, no thank you." My instincts were setting in. "Free of charge, think of it as a victory prize." She laughed. I played it cool, "Very well," and she placed it in my hand. She closed her hand over mine tenderly. "It will give you sweet dreams." Her voice was very dreamy and sexy. I wondered why it made me wet. I thought to myself, "It has to be this perfume, I am not a lesbian!" She pushed my hands up to my nose. "Sniff some more Barbara, take a nice long whiff of it. The sensation was incredible. I was more relaxed than I ever felt in my life. She pulled away from me, "You can rest your arms now Barbara, put them down." Her voice reamed a beckoning I could not resist. I relaxed my arms. The bottle remained in my right hand with its cover in my left. "Now be a good girl and put the bottle down on the floor." I did as she asked. I knew something was happening to me but I sort of felt like a zombie. Her voice was reaching into something deep within my soul. My body was on fire. "Have you ever heard of an elevator humper, Ms. Young?" "Wwwwha....ssss an elevator hhhhumper?" I could barely speak. "It is a bitch that is trained by me to excite important businessmen and women in elevators. They will hump anything and anyone after proper training." I could see and feel her eyes smiling down on me. I thought, "Did she really say 'bitch'?" I wondered why I could hardly move. My panties were soaking inside. I became afraid that she was aware of it. "You want to pull down your slacks for me right now don't you Barbara?" Her voice seemed powerful and sure. "I....iiii nnnno, please..." "It is okay Ms. Young. You have had a very hard and stressful day. It would be so nice to pull down your slacks and show Madame Cong that lovely, wet pussy you have underneath them, isn't that right, Ms. Young?" "I no IIIII....emmmmmmm nice." My mind was in a complete haze. I started to pull down my slacks. I knew it was wrong and I hated it, but I could not stop myself. I felt like a puppet on a string, and Madame Cong was wielding it with perfection. Once my slacks came down I felt so funny just standing there with them around my ankles waiting for her to say something else. "Good girl. Now be a proper bitch and pull down those panties too. You know how delightful it will feel to let that wet pussy of yours do a little breathing Barbara. Pull it down!" She was so commanding and stern, and I was so wet and horny. I did as she said. Now my panties were hanging around my ankles too, and yet I was still helpless to move or stop her. "Spread your legs bitch! This is your first lesson in serving me." She came close to me. I spread my legs for her. I thought she was going to just walk right through my entire body. I could feel her voice and breath in my face. She took out her left hand and did a thumb up with it. She placed it right under my pussy. She looked right into my eyes and uttered one word, "Hump!" I wanted to stop and leave. I had to. It was wrong. I hated her and all of this, but I could not move, and my body was full of sex. I had not ever experienced this so strongly before. I humped her. I humped her dutifully like a good little girl in heat. I needed her thumb deep inside of me. I wanted to come all over her finger. "You are such a good bitch Ms. Young. You are a perfect candidate to be an elevator humper. Look at how your pussy glides and rides my finger. It is just begging for release; wanting to squirt all your hot juices all over it. The passion is exploding inside you now. I can see it in your eyes Barbara. You want to come now. You want to come all over Madame Cong's thumb, and you will. You will come now Barbara you will come now for Madame Cong!" I exploded all over her thumb. I was actually squeezing my thighs around it so I could get more of an orgasm. I found myself humping her finger up and down with my legs in unison. I was bending my knees and squatting. I felt like I could go on forever but finally after three more orgasms it seemed to subside and I started to tire from my leg movements. She removed her thumb from my pussy and uttered another single word, "Suck!" I wondered if it would ever stop. Whatever she said I was compelled to do, even if it felt against my will. My body was betraying me. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. She swirled her thumb around it and put it inside my mouth. I began to suck it like a pacifier or some small imitation cock. It rocked back and forth against my cheeks inside. I tasted my own pussy juice. I had visions of a cock ejaculating sperm inside my mouth, but I knew it would never come. Finally she took it out of my mouth. "All clean now. Very good Ms. Young, that was a fine performance. You were a perfect slut for your new Mistress." "Did she really say 'Mistress'?" I thought. "Now close your eyes and sleep, that's it, sleep. When you have awoken from your slumber you will forget all of this took place." I could feel her fingers and hands move along me as she pulled up my panties and my slacks and put them back in their proper place. I knew this was going on but I could not stop it, and then her words began to sink in, "Sleep, close your eyes and sleep...sleep, close your eyes and sleep... sleep, close your eyes and sleep..." Ms. Cong reached into her purse again and pulled out a business card and handed it to me. "Here, in case you change your mind and want a tour of my facility. You just call the number and make an appointment to see me, you are a terrific lawyer." Madame Cong sauntered her way out of the elevator. I felt strange, sort of in a daze. My knees felt week, but I quickly gathered myself and made my way out too, "What is wrong with me?" I thought, "just not getting enough sleep I guess." Later that evening, after I took a shower, I decided to open the bottle of perfume and take a whiff, I thought, "it can't really hurt me or anything. It is just very relaxing, and I am sure that bitch just gave it to me to try and get me off her back." I breathed in a nice amount of it and felt tingly all over. I couldn't help but drift back in my mind about Madame Cong's long, beautiful fingers, for some reason I was thinking about them, "damn her for doing what she does. I am really going to take her down!" I suddenly felt the need to move my fingers down, inside my panties. I started to play with myself and drifted off to sleep. It turned out to be another hectic week. I had nine cases in all and won every one of them. Still, as the days went by I continued to fiddle with Madame Cong's card on my desk. Overwhelmingly, I was becoming more and more interested in seeing her establishment. This would be the perfect way for me to gather further evidence on her. I guess my thoughts were becoming like a child's thoughts, thinking I shouldn't do it made me want to do it more and more; finally by Thursday I decided to make a call to Madame Cong's office. "Madame Cong Enterprises, Sherry speaking, how may I help you?" "Hi, my name is Barbara Young and I would like to speak to Ms. Cong Please?" "Was she expecting your call Miss?" "Yes, she was." "Hold on please." "Very well." "I'm sorry Ms. Young, Madame is in an important meeting right now, may I have your number so she can call you back?" I gave the girl my office number. "May I have your home phone number as well Ms. Young? Madame Cong could be tied up for hours in this conference." I hesitated a bit, "um, well, sure, yes, my number is..." and I gave her the num ber. I really didn't want to give out my private line too, but I was wondering if the dragon lady was backing out of it and I didn't think she would take me up on it. All day long I sat and waited for a call and then all night too. I was restless since I was anticipating it for so many hours, but the call never came. The next day I placed yet another call into Madame Cong's office, "Hello this is Barbara Young again, I really would like to speak to Ms. Cong, please." I was rather annoyed. "I'm sorry, Madame Cong isn't here right now, may I take your phone number so she can get back to you?" "You stupid bimbo! Do you know who I am?" I exploded. "Yes I know who you are Ms. Young..." I cut Sherry off, "I am one of the best attorneys in town, now put Madame Cong on this phone immediately!" I commanded. "I'm sorry Ms. Young but she isn't here right now." "Look, I have been trying for two days now." "Madame Cong will get back to you as soon as she can Ms. Young." I hung up on her. Later I waited and waited all day and night, but still no phone call. Saturday came around, and I'd be damned if I were going to wait by the phone all day so I decided to do some clothes shopping. I arrived back home at about 4:00pm. I checked my phone messages, and sure enough, there was a message from Ms. Cong, "Hi Barbara, I guess I missed you, Madame Cong here. I have had a busy week and I am sorry I could not get back to you until now, as I instructed you, you must make an appointment to see me, so talk to Sherry on Monday and she will set something up for you, bye now." I was furious, after all that, I would have to talk to Sherry again, "Who does this bitch think she is?" I vowed I would call Madame Cong on Monday, bright and early. The weekend was uneventful, not having many friends, since my work was my life; I didn't have much going on socially. I have no boyfriends to speak of, and very little family, just a brother somewhere in Europe. I did some more shopping and watched a lot of television all weekend. Sunday evening I looked at myself in the mirror and started crying, "I have beautiful, long, black hair, and a great figure, why aren't men interested in me?" I thought. Then I just went to sleep. True to my word I called Ms. Cong early in the morning, 9:00am on the dot, "Hi, I would like to make an appointment to see Ms. Cong please?" "May I ask who is calling?" "What a dummy Sherry is," I thought to myself. "Sherry it's me again, Barbara Young." "Oh, yes, Ms. Young, when would you like to see Madame Cong?" "Today if possible." "I'm sorry but she will be busy for a couple of days, she would like to see you on Wednesday morning at 10:00am, is that good for you?" I was getting pissed off again, but I played it cool, "Well...I will have to check my itinerary and get back to you. I have some cases coming up..." "Ms. Young, Madame will not be able to see you until the following week if you cannot make Wednesday, so unless you want to wait more, I suggest you clear your engagements for that day." She seemed so smug about it, almost as if she was trying to get back at me for going off on her the other night. "Why you little bitch!" I thought to myself, but I reasoned I could not play this game much longer so I capitulated to Sherry, "Uh, well, let me see, oh I guess I could cancel some things, very well then, Wednesday it is, I will be there." "Very good, Ms. Young, Madame Cong is looking forward to seeing you then." And She hung up. Inside I was furious, but what else could I do. I just had to see Cong's facilities. I decided to inform all my co-workers and my boss about this big meeting I was going to have. I felt more like a reporter than a lawyer but sometimes a lawyer has to do some snooping around to get the facts straight. I wanted to dig up more dirt on the dragon lady and this was my big chance. I wore one of my finest black suits and a very pretty, silky, white blouse. I arrived at Madame Cong's office promptly at 10:00am, "Hi Sherry, I am Barbara Young." I thought, "Yep, another blonde bimbo," as I looked at Sherry's long, blonde hair. In fact everyone I met so far was a woman and they all had blonde hair. I thought it was a bit odd. "Yes, Ms. Young, please have a seat and Madame Cong will be with you shortly. I sat down and looked at some magazines, they were all sexy magazines, and some were even lewd and demeaning to women. The wait was hardly short, it turned out to be a half-hour and I grew impatient, "Look Sherry, I haven't got all day, is Madame Cong going to see me or not?" "I am sorry Ms. Young, but Madame has many important matters to attend to. You don't just think you are her only appointment for the day do you?" I was impressed the dumb bitch asked me a direct question, "No, but I may be her most important one." I said confidently. "Well, be that as it may, you will just have to wait like all the rest do, now why don't you be a good girl and go sit down and read some more magazines." I was ready to explode again. Did she really call me a 'good girl'? I wanted to tell her off badly, but I came this far, too close to blow it now. "Um, well maybe you are right, I'll just go sit down again." "That's a girl." She smiled. I don't know why I said it so sheepishly. It was something about the way she was looking at me. I kind of felt stupid after I said it that way, but I returned to my seat. After another half-hour I decided it was now or never, "Okay Sherry, I have had enough, either she sees me now or I am leaving." I spoke real sternly. "Well there is the door Ms. Young." That was the last straw. I reached over and grabbed her by the top of her blouse and pulled her over to my face, "Look, you bitch, you either get me in now or this fine blouse is going to look ugly in one minute!" Now I felt good my power returning to me. "Remove your hand at once or I will break it!" I was shocked. I quickly removed my hand. There was something in her eyes that looked like this woman was for real, "Now go back to your seat Ms. Young and don't you dare disturb me again or you will never see her, is that clear?" "But...I...um..." I was in such shock I could hardly speak right. "I said is that clear?" She was real scary when she got her anger up. She certainly wasn't acting like a dumb blonde. I cleared my throat, "Umm, okay Sherry." "I think it is best that you call me Ms. Towers from now on since that is my last name." " Yes, Ms. Towers." I spoke meekly. Hey, I am a lawyer, which means I am a fighter, but I leave that to the jury and the courts. I am no wrestler and this woman looked ready to fight me physically, so I kind of wimped out some and went back to my seat. After waiting another half hour and a full hour and a half now, she finally called me, "Ms. Young, you can go right in now." "Well it's about time." I fumed. She just gave me an evil stare. Madame Cong's office was bizarre. I could not believe what was on her walls. There were weird pictures of women in bizarre S&M poses, "Strange stuff for a businesswoman." I thought. "Hi Barbara, sorry to keep you waiting so long, but one of my overseas shipments was giving me some problems. Oh, sorry about my strange tastes in art, just a hobby of mine my dear, please sit down." It sure was strange, and so were the sculptures and patterns on the rug. They were all bizarre images, some with women having wrap-around dicks coming from themselves and into their own asses. Madame Cong was dressed in a sexy power suit, and a really tight, short red skirt. She had velvet, smooth legs, and beautiful curves about her. All accentuated by her wonderfully long, red nails. She was the only other woman I saw with black hair, other than myself. "Well, you sure have an interesting place here, Lili. It seems strange for a businesswoman, wouldn't you say? And why no men here?" I got right to the point. "I have instructed you to call me Madame Cong, please respect my preferences." "Well, then why don't you call me Ms. Young?" "You didn't want to be called that Barbara, unless you change your mind so easily my dear, or do you just wish to copy me?" She was masterful in dialogue. "I would never copy you..." She cut me off. "Then Barbara it is, yes?" "Y...es." I said feeling defeated again. Her wit was too much. "Stand up Barbara!" Ms. Cong commanded suddenly. I did so reluctantly, "But why, what's wrong?" "Come here." I stood up and moved over to her. She placed her finger on my lips and began rubbing. She smudged my lipstick back and forth, and rubbed her fingers a few times over it. "What are you doing?" I said in shock. "Oh, sorry, dear, but you had a piece of hair on your lips and I just wanted to get it before you swallowed it." She smiled. "Oh, ah, thank you." I think I blushed. There was something about it that I did not like. I had a strange feeling of weakness when she did that to me. I got wet too. I felt ashamed because a woman made me feel that way and I was not a lesbian. I had to shake the feeling fast. My legs grew weak. "But look dear, I have smudged your cheap lipstick. I am sorry, hold on," and Madame went into her desk drawer for a matching lipstick, she moved again on me, "hold still now," and she grabbed my cheeks and applied the new lipstick over my lips." It all happened so fast. I didn't know what hit me. "There, all sweet and dolled up again." Madame Cong said with a chuckle. "Um, yes, well, thank you." I was crimson red. "Don't mention it dear. Now let me take you to one of the plants I have here." "A....ll right." I stuttered walking on wobbly legs. I hated her for the way she had just made me feel. Ms. Cong took me far across the building and into another part of the facility, it was a large warehouse type room. There were blonde haired women with masks and white robes everywhere. Inside the room there were beakers and distillery equipment everywhere. "Here is where we make all my wonderful perfumes." Madame lilted the words to my ears. The words were almost breezy sweet. "You could easily use this to make drugs?" I said questioningly. I felt lightheaded, and my legs were growing suspiciously weak. "Barbara, I have been well inspected. I run a legit business." She said firmly. "I'm sure you do." I responded with a cynical frown. "Perhaps you would love to see my testing plant?" "Yes, I would." "It is at the other end of the facility, this way." She abruptly pulled my arm and started away. The pace was getting to me, but after a while Lili began to slow down some. She really had me moving all over the place. I struggled to keep up with her long legs. "Come, come, are you tired dear, such a young woman and tired already." She said with a wry smile. I didn't like the remark but she just pressed on. When we got to the other plant it was large, and very dark with women all over the place. "Blondes, of course." I thought to myself. The women were all lined up in rows, like cabbages with headsets and tubes running into their noses. "What the hell is all this?" I asked. "This is where I test my perfumes. The girls inhale small amounts of my fragrances and relax. The relaxation technique is caused by white noise they are listening to in their headsets." "And the computers in front of them?" "Oh, those are just colorful images designed to enhance the relaxation effect." "Sounds like brainwashing to me." I sneered. "Nonsense, you see all those electrodes connected to their bodies?" "Yes." "Well they are providing feedback impulses to the computers so we can get a gauge on how the fragrances respond to their emotions. It is very useful in this business." I was staring at one of the computers. It was full of beautiful blue swirls of light and dark alternating hues. It made me feel strange. It was very hypnotic. "Are you all right, Barbara? Barbara, are you okay?" Madame Cong repeated. "Oh, er, yes, I mean, no, I mean I feel a bit dizzy." I put my hand on my forehead. "Perhaps you should sit down. I have kept you at a very brisk pace this morning and..." "No, no, I am all right. Let's continue the tour." I shook my head. "Well we still have many other sites, including a warehouse full of perfumes and specialty items, even multicolored lipsticks, but I think we should go to the salon. Sherry should be there by now." "Sherry? I thought she was just your receptionist?" "She is, but she is also a very fine hair stylist. Why don't you let her wash and style your hair for you." She suggested. I didn't like the sound of it, especially after the verbal sparing I had with Sherry earlier. "What's wrong with my hair?" I said defensively. "Nothing my dear, but I thought it would give you a chance to rest a bit, and you seem very tired. It is free you know, and you are my guest." She smiled. "I don't know, um..." I resisted. "Come on, it will be fun." "Well, I guess it would be okay and I am very tired all of a sudden." "You need to take better care of your body dear, and increase your vitamins." Madame Cong laughed, but I felt insulted. The Salon was an awesome site. It was very eloquent and roomy, even with the red carpet treatment. The chairs and sinks looked extra relaxing. They seemed to make me yearn to just put my body into the relaxing hands of a beautician. I was still worried that the beautician was Sherry, but I found myself longing to put my feet up and sit in one of those luxurious chairs and just let everything go; for the moment at least, I could ease up on my investigation. "Sherry, Ms. Young has decided to have her hair done. You will take care of her, yes?" "Yes, Madame." Sherry looked at me and smiled, but it was a very catlike smile. "Put yourself in her hands, Barbara. I will be back in a few minutes." "This way Ms. Young." Sherry said. I was so tired I couldn't wait to sit in one of those chairs. I was apprehensive with Sherry but I was too tired to care. I did look around at all the other customers and wondered why they all had blonde hair. It made me a bit nervous, "Now, Sherry, remember, I am a brunette." I said. Sherry burst out giggling, "Of course, Ms. Young. I know we got off on the wrong foot earlier, so let me make it up to you now. You just relax and let me do all the work on that pretty hairline of yours. It is so good to relax and let someone else wash your hair for a change, so soft, isn't it?" "Oh, yes." I said, as I sunk deeper and deeper into relaxation with every stroke of Sherry's hands upon my hair. I grew more and more relaxed and very, very tired. The lotion felt like silk running through all my strands. The melodious way in which Sherry continued to palm my hair and chat with me made me feel so comfortable and safe. I began to drift off to sleep but she poked me to keep me awake. She went to work on my hair. First she used a rinse and conditioner, and then she applied a special dye to my hair. It seemed very rich and bright. She let it dry. Once dry, she began to style it very differently, much less conservatively than my original style. This new look was extremely sexy. Actually it was downright sluttish. I was trying to think and I realized I was really struggling to stay awake. I also realized my hair was blonde now. The bitch was making me blonde. "Just relax Barbie." She pushed me back down from struggling. I had no strength to resist her. "That's it Barbie, by now you must realize that I am making you over to look just like Madame Cong wants you; just like a blonde bimbo!" Her emphasis on that reached into my soul. "I am sure Madame did the lipstick trick on you Barbie," she could tell I was responding to what she said with my eyes, "Yes, you do remember that. The more you licked your lips, Ms. Young, the more the chemical flushed into your system. It was designed to weaken your body and make you more pliable to my control." Her voice had a haunting touch of the macabre. Sherry did the full works on me. My fingernails were now bright pink. My lips wore a bright pink, bubbly, lipstick. My face was plucked and waxed. My legs were shaved and waxed also, but my pussy was left unshaven. She stripped off my clothing and forced something very slutty on me. It was a bright, iridescent, yellow top and a really short miniskirt in hot pink. My shoe heels were very high and another brilliant shade of pink. My eyelids were made full and lusciously thick, with plenty of eyeliner and a light shade of pink brushed on them. I looked ten years younger than twenty-seven. I already was a hot young lawyer, but now I was a hot and younger looking slut. I suddenly passed out. The chemical lipstick that was used on me earlier finally made me sleep.
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