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Gamer Princess's blog: "Just my thoughts. "

created on 12/07/2010  |  http://fubar.com/just-my-thoughts/b338160  |  1 followers

Birthday Auction

So Dea Del Sesso has her birthday on May 31st and my 40th birthday is June 7th. We are having an auction and I'd love to know who is interested in being in it. So post here or send me a private message and let me know if you would like to be in it. I need everyone to let me know by May 30th. Love to you all and thanks to anyone who is interested!


P.S. The winner of the rating contest gets a boomer AND polisher. Also there is NO entry fee. We're doing this for fun for our birthdays! Hit me or Dea up in our SBs for questions. For entry send her or I your auction requirements. They need to be in by 9pm CST on May 30th so we can get your pictures set up. Also we will not be picking your pics so send links to the pic you want to use.


So here is a subject I’ve touched on before. I know many of you don’t know me or never talked to me. And you know what...that’s ok. It’s ok because in my world with my people I rock. And I’m sure you do in your world too. However, that is the point of today’s blog. Your world vs. mine.

In today’s society I keep in touch with 95 percent of my friends by an online means. Fubar, Facebook, IMs, or some such.  Now I’m talking about people I have met, talked to, interact with in what we will now refer to as “real life”. But wait I also correspond, message, poke, smile, bling what have you to my “online friends” What is the difference?

What is the difference indeed? I have a few “online” friends I actually physically care about. We’ve never met in person, we don’t pick up the phone and call every single day, and I don’t send them birthday gifts or Christmas presents. And vice versa. But I don’t do that for most of my own damn family. SO what makes them any different than my cousins that I barely talk to most of the time? I don’t lie to my cousin just because I haven’t talked to her in 6 months. I don’t pretend I have a better job, life, fiancé or etc. just because I only talk to her online and I didn’t see her at the last family reunion.

Because of the Catfish movie I’ve been doing some serious thinking and talking with a lot of my “real life” friends. So now I guess I wanted to talk to my “online” friends about it too. If she would have done this “in the real world” wouldn’t she have been arrested for identity theft? Impersonating too many people? Fraud? But because it’s a “virtual world” she was allowed to impersonate over 20 people and there will be no jail time. Just some poor guy’s broken heart. Why is that ok?

I hear people talk about their online persona. I realize to many of you this is a game. And in a way it is a fun game to get to know people. But where do you draw the line? At what point do you go too far and start hurting real people? Emotionally, financially, mentally you cause some serious pain to someone. And in your mind it’s ok because it’s all just a game or it’s not really you.

I don’t do or say anything on my page that isn’t me. I try to be very honest about me and what I do and who I am. I talk to real people on fubar and Facebook. Some I may never lay “real” eyes on but it doesn’t matter. They are my friends. They are my close friends and I talk to some of them more than I do my own damn family.

If you’d lie, cheat and steal in your real life then this isn’t about you I guess. But if you only do it online because the people aren’t real to you. Then you kind of suck. No you a lot of suck. People on this site have made me laugh, cry, sad, mad, curse and many other emotions. Does that mean it’s where I spend all my time? No but it is real time when I am here. And it’s real people on the other side of the screen.

So when you play your game or your “persona” remember this, on the other side of that sb, message, photo, is a real life human being. They have struggles, problems, sadness, joy, and happiness just like you do. And when they say they care some really mean that. Others don’t. But doesn’t that happen in your “real life” too?

Soldier Story

On a day in September of 2009 a soldier landed in Pittsburg, PA and was frantically trying to rent a car to get home to his parents and girlfriend. All car rental companies were out because of a convention that was in town and he finally found one that had two cars.

Of the two cars one was a brand new 2010 mustang and the other a minivan. The soldier deciding he wanted to save money for his two week R & R asked for the minivan. A gentleman in line directly behind him leans around and asked the clerk how much the mustang was for two weeks. The woman glanced at the soldier who just nodded and continued to fill out his paperwork. She gets the full price for the gentleman and he says "Please give it to this soldier on my credit card"

The soldier stops writing and slowly turns around. He thanks the man and says it's not necessary but the man grips his hands looks him in the eye and says "I myself served this country, I appreciate you, your girlfriend and your family for the sacrifice they make every day a long with you. The only thing I ask in return is to one day do this for someone else when you can afford to. I now own my own company and this is what I can do for you"

The soldier thanks the man several times before turning to take the keys from a teary eyed clerk. She says thank you to the soldier and sends him on his way. The soldier calls his girlfriend and tells her the story and when he gets home she gets the man's address, writing inside a very special thank you for what he did and for his kind words.

There is no moral to this story. There's no ending to it yet for the soldier still serves, may be deployed again and is about to marry that girlfriend. But you should know the story is true. I know it's true because it happened to my soldier.

I thank a soldier every damn day. I also thank his family for the support they give. Not only does my soldier sacrifice but so do I every time he leaves. Don't forget the many unheard masses that sit and wait and suffer everyday along with their soldeirs. There are many heroes out there. This weekend is to remember them all.


So JD posted a folder of some pictures that he (and others including myself) found pretty dang skanky. You know what? They are! From what I understand (and I may be wrong) it was for a contest for a bling. Men and women alike got naked and graphic for this thing!! Are you kidding me?? Nope it's very true.

Do you young people have any idea what you're doing? Is this stuff you want your children seeing?? Cause let me be the first to tell you once it is on the net it is never going away. Have I done or said some things I'm not proud of? Yep! Would I want my kids seeing it? Hells no!! Do you think before you do something like this? Obviuosly not! I'm not saying you should be ashamed of yourself or your bodies, however is this something you'd want your mom or dad or husband or wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or children looking at? Ask yourself that before you post some of the stuff you do.

Johnny got slammed by one person (or more) because one of the girls was classy about her nudity. REALLY?? CLASSY?? Art is classy, your tits hanging out is porn sweeties. Just a plain fact.

I realize what fubar is. And you are more than welcome to do or say whatever you like on here. I do. It's how I relax and kick back with my friends. But just know when you do your thing someone (or lots of someones) are talking trash about it. Behind your back and to your face. Have some sort of respect for yourself. Why is that one thing so hard to do? If you post your naked pics and you're happy with them and yourself and you will never live to regret it then you go! I'll respect that. But if you're selling yourself for bling, VIPs, or whatever....that makes you a whore. I have cleavage shots of myself. Damn right I do. I'm proud of what I have it's taken me 38 years to respect and love myself. And it is how the game is played around here. But I love the pics of me on here. I respect them and futhermore I'd be ok if my kids found them. Not that I want them on fu but if they did I wouldn't be ashamed of them.

If you think this post is about jealousy you're wrong. If you think it's just to slam others, well that's not true either. I just hope that maybe a few of you, even one of you, stops and thinks about how you look to others. Why lower yourself to porn or prostitution? I have bling. I haven't gotten naked for any of it. And if that was a requirement I wouldn't have any at all! Think I'm lying? Then I invite you to unfriend me. Because I don't want anyone thinking of me that way. I flirt, banter, and joke around a lot but the one thing I do for myself is have some respect. You should too. You are worth it. And anyone that says diffrently should never be a part of your life, online or outside of that.

I realize some of you think "She's an old jealous bitch", I'm not. I'm wise and probably old enough to be a mom to some of you. All I'm saying is respect is earned not given and you should demand respect. And for those of you old enough to know better. Shame on you for not setting a better example. Life isn't about who has the better toys, or bling, it's about how much love and respect you can find for yourself. Trust me I know, I've been there. There's a lot I have done and seen in my life. And hopefully a lot more to come. But at the end, during my last breath I pray that I can say I was proud of me.

Secret Admirer game

So I really suck at this game. Not a little but a lot. I will give you my reasons and probably piss a few people off. If you're offended maybe you should stop and ask yourself why....


1) If it looks like your prison picture I haven't picked it.

2) If your wife, girlfriend or other female is in the pic I probably haven't picked you.

3) If your child, grandchild or any other child is in the pic I haven't picked you.

4) If your picture morphs into something annoying as hell I haven't picked you either.

5) If I can't see your face I haven't picked you

6) If it's of something other than your face I havne't picked you (Unless it's a cool video game then possibly)

7) If I can't decide if you're male or female I haven't picked you.

8) If it's of you and a group of guys I don't know which is you so I haven't picked it in case I pick the wrong guy.

9) If you are military and I can tell you are I've picked you every time.

10) If you've picked me before I've guessed you again.

11) If you're a chick I've tried really hard to guess you and I've even paid for extra guesses.


I'm sure I have other criteria however those are the reasons why or why you haven't been chosen in secret admirer game.

At what point did this become a society distinction? I never thought on it much because well.....life is life. I even catch myself saying "In my real life...." But what does that mean? I mean when I talk to people here on fubar I talk to them about real life things. I speak to real life people. And some of them I even care about outside of fubar in my real everyday life.


People talk about online life like it's not a real world. It's just fantasy. But let's be honest, how much more real could it get? On Eharmony commercials it says one in five relationships start online. (I realize it's a commercial but I bet there's statistical facts out there to back it up) I've gotten my feelings hurt on this site. Isn't that real life? And for some who are workaholics, lazy, busy, whatever the situation may be, this is their life. Real or otherwise.


Now I do get that some people can't distinguish fact from reality. If you're a 30 or 40 something year old guy, with no life, living in mom's basement and you think that pic of a 20 something year old hot girl is TOTALLY in love with you and you're willing to spend hundreds of dollars on her. Then you're completely shocked when she leaves you for the next hot thing. Well you deserved that. But you would deserve that "In the real world" too. It happens all the time. It happens everyday. People get taken for a ride. But why is it suppose to be less hurtful here? Why should we be more harsh on people because they take internet so seriously? When did you start caring so much about real vs internet that you lost sight of just life?

I'm not much of a girlie girl. I never have been. I hardly wear makeup, I hate shopping for clothes and giggling pisses me off usually. So tonight when I went to the store I was in my sweat shirt, sweat pants and had my hair up in a bun. Usual attire for me and the store.


Now some thing that MOST of you don't know about me is I'm a mom. I have a son about to be 20 and a daughter that's 17. Yeah I'm old enough to have kids that old. Yeah I know I don't look it. And yes I'm told that a lot. So when this young man walked past me and nodded and smiled I smiled back thinking he would be perfect for my daughter and chuckled to myself.


I get to the front of the store and he's actually a clerk there so he checks out my groceries and says, "Can I help you out with those ma'am?" I just stared at him. Huh? Who me?? Umm no I got it thanks. He smiled and nodded again and I was on my way.


Driving home I realized I LOOKED like someone's mom!! That was just too cool! It was awesome to me because for years I got the OMG no you're not that old line. But that kid realized I was someone's mother and he showed  me some grown up respect. Holy crap I reached ma'am status. Now a little of me died right there because I felt slightly stung at reaching such an age and a little of me was excited because I finally looked like I could be my own children's mother. Even their friends have always been like "That's YOUR mom??" Duh??


Moral of the story is.....I think I might be getting old LoL

So recently I just lost someone I was very close to when I was younger. I've known one of my friends since we were 12 and her mom was my second mom in life. She scolded me, loved me, yelled at me, hugged me....you know like a mom. At her memorial service me and 3 friends from high school stood around and talked of days gone by...things we'd done...stuff Mom would've yelled at us for so it was funny to us.


I look around and every single child in the room has a cell phone out typing away. Now don't get me wrong I text my ass off but at this I thought it would be rude so I shut my phone off. (It was a viewing not the funeral but still) I look at my friends and went...remember when we had to "write" notes out? They began to laugh and on my 2 hour drive home I begin thinking how horrible I was at answering said letters.


Now I have the Internet and it can be sent in a moment...no waiting....and I STILL suck at answering "letters".  I think it's because I never know what to reply to people. I have to think on it. And by the time I've thought about it I forget to answer since I already answered in my head. Then before I know it three weeks have gone by and I have a NEW email to reply to and I have to compose that one in my head as well.


Technology did nothing for me but made me a worse procrastinator than I already was!

A morning rant.

So this morning as I sit down with my first cup of coffee I begin to chat with a couple of "friends" on here. I say "friends" because on here, the internet in general, I barely know most of you. And that's ok, that is what the internet is for. Anonymous chatting with people we would never get to met in our "real" lives.

I recieve a message in my shoutbox that just says "bigins". Ok first of all LEARN to spell. Secondly, when in today's society did that become acceptable behavior? I mean honestly you would never walk up to a woman in the grocery store and say nice tits. And if you would then you have many more problems then I'm prepared to address here.

In today's circle of internet etiquette I notice that many people, men and women, say things behind the screen they would never say in the "real" world. Why is that? Is it because you feel safe? Is it because we're so sex starved and deprived we don't care? Or is it just a lack of manners? Why is it that here I'm very passive and usually ignore comments like that or block people, when in my "real" life I'd thrash your ass and so would my guy friends.

I get these messages from boys ranging from 19 to 60. Didn't your parents teach you any manners at all? And you women are just as bad! I mean honestly the stuff my guy friends send me is appauling. I sit here with my mouth agap trying to figure out why you think that's alright.

Now don't get me wrong I like sex and flirting. But when did Hi, how are you today? become obsolete? I would beat the hell out of my son or daughter for talking to anyone like that. There's no respect for people anymore. At what point does your rational brain shut down and this idiot spewing become proper for people?

The last thing I'm going to say on the matter is, if you are too unintelligent to think of something more than hey sexi nice tits wnt 2 talk I think I'll pass. And probably block you. Just show you have some brain in your heads when speaking to people. If you can't do that then I promise you will never talk to the kinds of people that you want to.


This message brought to you by too little coffee and too many idiots.

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