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BRONZE x FBG's blog: "Juss Venting"

created on 03/10/2011  |  http://fubar.com/juss-venting/b340005  |  1 followers

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<br><center><a href="https://fubar.com/blingshop.php?u=3714387&ct=26" target="new"><img src="https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/3498/Ibpehc.gif"></a><br><font size="3" color="#3400D3">Click to send Bronze a Bomb and be added to the list</font></center>


     So I'm not sure if there are any members who haven't done these ach but, there is a simple way and place to find all the profiles you need to finish them.

    Go to SEARCH scroll down and in the bottom left hand corner it allows you to search by level. Start at LEVEL 1, when it appears hit PAGE 100. most of these profiles are long gone. remember they have to have a profile pic to qualify. When you finish the page Hit 99 and go backwards from there. You have less chance of hitting repeat profiles.

     By holding CONTROL and tapping each profile you can open them in new windows quickly then simply go through hitting the invite button on each profile. When you hit the last page, hold CONTROL again and tap the W button to close them. Easy as pie. good luck.55

<a href="http://fubar.com/3714387"><img src="http://i64.tinypic.com/biqw04.jpg"></a>

Dirty Family Rubdown

This for everyone who has stuggled to do this ach. For the ones who have done it several times and can't find that one or two that didn't count. I had done it all the way through, it wasn't easy several of my fam members were offline with locked bling, others had put me on a list and I wanted it done. If you don't know the exact spot you left off last time you polished them, then it's possable you polished the same bling again. Even one repolish will keep you from getting the ach.

Last night I completly cleared my fam and started from scratch. I made a folder on my bookmarks bar put each link in and removed them from family. Then I went through my friends list found 50 people who had 300 or more bling unpolished and unlocked and added them. I used a polisher so I didn't hit the daily limit and got started.

I was already polishing when I decided to look at my meter which I kept open on a seperate page and voila my meter had reset when I cleared out the previous fam. After that it was a piece of cake. I actually counted the bling I polished when I hit 250 i checked to see if the meter counted it, when I was sure it had I closed that page and opened the next one. it took me 4 1/2 hours to complete, once it was done I cleared fam again and readded my fam. It seems like a lot of work, but when you consider you can redo your own fam just so many times before there is no bling you haven't polished it's worth it.


I wish you all well and a speedy finish. Good Luck!


Inferno Hearts

OK so by now I think it's safe to say, I'm pretty good at the infernos. It has gotten to the point I wonder how everyone hasn't mastered them. I have helped a few people out by giving them my step by step instructions on how to get them and they have all figured it out. So in the interest of being helpful, I will tell all of you how I get them along with whatever little tips i have figured out along the way. Hold on to your ass cause it's about to get broken down and made easy.


                                                               INFERNOS FOR DUMMY'S (LOL)


     The first thing you need to do is make sure your net is working. Clean your browser (don't just close all tabs, clean it and restart it). Then clean your computer and restart it, yes these tips are important, this is a timed event so anything that will slow you down needs to be delt with. After you restart and sign back into FU, close your shout box and ignore your feed. This is needed because as soon as you activate people will hit your sb wanting to be bombed, if you get distracted easily you need those distractions GONE!

    People will tell you that in order to get the inferno you need to hit the top members list (poppycock) or that the folders you hit have to be previously bombed or they will not be ready (again see previous parenthesis). Any folder will do, the only requirment is that it needs pics in it. I recomend finding a set pattern for bombing to ensure you have no return pages open because they kill time. Start with the noob list because they are only on the list once after you finish the first page click on the third page it will ensure you dont hit return pages (problem solved). 

     A tip for setting up pages, hover over pic til tooltip opens, right click on the photos under the default pic, it takes you straight to the folder, if you take the time to rate and like you kill precious time.

     Now you're ready to start. Open 4 (yes 4) pages to the folders. Activate the bomb refresh the folder on the first page NOT THE PAGE.. THE FOLDER, now open the clock on your computer, usually located in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. This clock has a second hand and is digitel so it is easy to keep track. At the sec you click BOMB THIS FOLDER make sure you're looking at that second hand(number) you now have 30 sec to get next folder set up.

     Now close that page and go to the other 3 folders and refresh those folders. The trick here is, as long as you keep opening those folders in new tabs and keep extra folders open, they will always be ready to bomb when you get to them. So you have refreshed all of the folders now open a new folder by right clicking on the pics under the default and go back to first folder open your clock and wait til it's time to bomb again. I figured this out when I did the ach bombing 1000 diff members, I didn't want to give up my infernos for the ach, after all it was going to take like 9 bombs, thats a lot of infernos to just let slide by.

     I know it sounds like a lot of work, and I suggest you practice the steps without a bomb to get the timing down. If you do it correctly the bling for the inferno should show up in the last 2 min of the bomb.

Here is where I give more tips for making your bomb a success. Always make sure you have those folders open, it may not seem like a big deal but it will give you something to focus on in between bombs because trust me, staring at that clock for a full 30 sec waiting til you can do it again has it's own set of issues lol. I can't tell you how many times i have watched it and let it hit the number and keep going for 15 or more sec before I realised it.

If you click and it says you're 1 sec or whatever to early, DON'T PANIC... it happens, do not refresh because if you refresh it takes 9 sec, if you let it count down it takes 4 sec. Let it count down have your clock open, mark the new time for the bomb and adjust your timing to encorporate the new time.

DO NOT COUNT ON THE COUNTDOWN CLOCK ON THE FOLDERS!.. I can't stress this enough THEY TAKE LONGER TO COUNT DOWN THAN YOU HAVE IN ORDER TO MAKE THE BOMB ON TIME. Sorry for yelling but everytime I see someone give someone that advice I want to scream.

This last piece of advice is for the ones who don't have great net or a great processor on their comp. I bought a new lappy, I was so excited, but it was so slow loading pages was nearly inpossible. For the inferno I did use the top members list and any that weren't bombed i closed and moved on. I literally opened one page at a time, it was scary but I found I could do it. 


If anyone has any questions I have not answered here, please feel free to send me a personal message detailing the issue. if i have mastered it I will be happy to share how I did it. HAPPY BOMBING EVERYONE!

More Crap

This is a new addition to the last one I posted. Ranking on this site is a serious business (which might be why I don't take it as serious as others). Although I will have to admit that if I add someone for the purposes of running famps, I will remove them if they stop running. Here is where the funny part comes in, you can swap with someone, you know its for running purposes, they know it's for running purposes, and yet when you remove them because they stop, they will actually get pisssed lol. Twice in the last month I have has this happen. The first was someone who sometimes ran, but wasnt really a full time runner, still she ran and got good rates so we kept our arraingment going. Then she took a fu-cation. was gone for over a month, I eventually removed her. As always happens, when you eventually remove them, they come back the next day(always happens). She wanted to know why I removed her (hello you were gone, you weren't helping my rates, why would I help yours?). i added her back, she ran two more times, and then promptly left again, so guess who was removed again? You guessed it. The second was yesterday. Someone who only ever swapped on a run by run basis asked me for a swap. Ok I said. Then as soon as they made lifetime goal, left for real life stuff. OK I get that rl is more important. They were gone for a couple months, came back once when there was a big bonus ran a few famps, then promptly left again. I rmoved them 2 days ago, they came back yesterday, was curious why I removed them... really? You have built your whole fu career on running and swapping, you know how it goes. Why do people think that them getting your rates is more important than you getting theirs? Now I realise I was only red for a couple weeks more from residual rates than anything I do, I wanted the ach, and I got it but I have no interest in staying top red, or even red for that matter. I do however like to maintain a decent rank. It seems that people think its ok to collect my rates and not give in return. Well sorry, but thats not going to happen, if you don't like it, don't swap with me. I spent most of my fu years in obscurity I have no problem going back to it. Having a red name isnt my entire reason to exist as it is some peoples. I just want people to know I'm not going to keep giving all my rates away if they arent going to send some back my way. I don't expect to keep my rank by doing nothing like certain people with 3 letters in their name (does anyone actually ever see him run) but im not going to work twice as hard for someone elses rates either. OK done!

Ring Around the Family

I'm not really a blog writer, but every now and then I like to share insight on something I have learned. From the time I came to Fubar I have heard people going on and on about how when someone makes RED the first thing they do is remove all of the family they had before and fill the spots with other red names. For the most part this is true, I have learned something though. It doesn't matter if you're going for red, or working on a lifetime rank, if you start 'running' people notice. Some will work out a trade with you, others simply add you knowing that if you have any manners at all you will return the run. I am not going for RED, first of all the cost of such an endeavor is way beyond what I can ever afford, secondly, I am a top level my name would remain yellow anyways so why bother. However it is widely known if you add me I will return the favor (with an exception, people who have screwed me over after giving their word). To fit all of the people who have done this I have two choices, run more famps, in which case not only would I attract more attention and thereby more swaps, and more spent money that I do not have, or remove people who either I have not spoken too in a very long time, or people who do not bother to even rate me when I do run. I am sorry if people are angry that they were removed, It was nothing personal, I have to return runs and I am not going to run nonstop to this end. If you only noticed you were removed when you no longer  were recieving rates from my famps, we might not have been that close anyways, but if being removed from an imaginary family makes you angry then we might not have been very good friends to begin with. I have had some amazing friends, who could care less about the rates they aremissing and were simply worried they had done something wrong, trust me it doesn't matter if you're in my family or not, if we are friends we are friends as far as I am concerned, if you had done something wrong I would have removed you from friends. So don't hate on all of the friends you have wh have their family full of reds, it doesnt mean they don't like you simply that they play a different side of this game we all love.

Fu Hores

I have been on FU for juss over a year now, and I've met some really, unscrupulous people. People who are mean, not that bright, and frankly some were juss a waste of space. whom do i find the most offencive? the Fu Hore!

Right now all the people who show the goodies for bling, and credits r getting pissed. Calm down, ur off the hook, i mean the other hores. with the bling and credit hores, u know where u stand "here's muh bewbs, gimmy some bling/credits.

I'm talking about the other ones, the ones that talk it to a whole diff level. From the chatter of the lounges and the prying eyes of the bouncers in sb, to yahoo where they can spin webs that will tie u up as tight as any rope, or cuffs. 

The ones, who insinuate themselves into ur very life. some r content to keep it juss casual, a lil naughty on the phone late at night, doesnt really hurt anyone right? Well some go much further, talking to peoples family members, involving children, paying visits, all in the name of love.

Except, its not real, someone told me, after my first lil puppy love on here, 'it's juss fu, its not rl'. No truer words were ever spoken. I personally know of one couple who met here, that has made it on the outside, they r truly in love, and I hope they stay that way, for the rest of us... some get off easy, some tears and a broken heart for awhile, then healing, and hopefully a wiser thought process next time.

For the others.... I know of someone who became physically ill, the persons health fell into decline, even signing into fu for more than 5 min, had the hands shaking and the anxiety kicking in, all because someone convinced them that they were the love of their life. Working overtime to make the money to fly to the other person so they could be together, only got them cheated on, because they weren't getting enough attention. of course not fkknuts, being at work, losing sleep, and spending their money so u could be a red name, kinda bit into spare time, how callous of them not to see that!

I've lost a few friends from here over the last year, most because someone convinced them they were in love. 'of course I love you baby, ur my whole world, but damn, if I could juss get one Godmode, I could level, and spend more time with you' sound familiar? I bet a lot of you have heard something similar. and trust me, when the money stops, or someone with more money comes along, your gonna be celebrating your broken heart, all over a fu hore.

I know this all sounds bitter, not true, although more careful now, I'm still open to a relationship, its juss harder for the asshat to fool me. but I get so angry when I hear that someone I care for on here has fallen prey, and prey is the right word, when u r singled out, not for ur personality, or ur goodness, but because u can spoil a person, some of which not only dont work, but are to lazy on fu to do their own work, then they r prey. u all want to be treated as adults, wanna show the pics u wanna show, talk the way u wanna talk, act the way u wanna act, well maybe u need to try acting like adults.

Online*sigh* Anyone want to buy me a god mode?
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