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Slingerland's blog: "Fubar stuff"

created on 04/19/2011  |  http://fubar.com/fubar-stuff/b340647

Lets talk pictures

Hi everyone! As Ive stated before, Im not really a blogger. But, I have been told that I write good ones and they are funny. So, I guess when the mood strikes me I will try and write a couple.

Todays topic is Fu pictures. These are the photos that we post on our pages to let people know what we look like (in case you where wondering).

Now, we all know how easy it is to go to Photobucket and copy some really hot girls photos and say thery are you. We have ALL seen it done (by guys and girls). If not, go to JohhnyDevils blogs and you will see. He usually catches them and posts them for all to see (yes, that was a shamelss promote for JohnnyDevil).

Let me give you fakes a hint. One pic does NOT make a profile and is a dead giveaway that you are fake. If you are THAT hot for real, you probably have TONS of photos that you could also post....just sayin! Attractive people usually have LOTS of photos for some reason and you only post 1? Hmmm. And dont give me that camera shy crap! Your not too shy to get on Fubar j/f/s!

Lets go to the other end of the spectrum shall we. Here we have 298 pictures of you from the waist up. You have no lower body? Its disfigured? Sitting in front of your laptop using the built in camera and taking 2000 pics of you making duck faces may be fun for you...but cmon! Id like to know your not just a head and torso! Wait...you only like yourself from the waist up? I saw a profile on here where the girl took a pic of herself from the waist up and then STOOD on her bathroom counter top in front of the mirror to show the rest of her. It was the only mirror in her place. KUDOS to her! That was very creative! And NO, they werent NSFW (get your minds out of the gutter peeps!). 

Now lets move on to the "camera over your head photos". We are not stupid! If your a little overweight or have a "pouch"...it happens....holding the camera over your head to take the pic DOES NOT WORK and I shall tell you why. Any person that is familiar with the human body can still see your neck, arms and hands. Guys are visually stimulated (duh!) so we pay attention to these things. So, unless you have a skinny neck arms and hands but a huge lower body...we notice! Also, if all your pics are the same (over the head), its a dead giveaway. It also shows that your hiding something or have low self esteem. What? Stretch marks? So you had kids and they left their marks on you forever. So what! Many women on here have no problem showing their bellies with stretch marks. At least they are being honest! I respect that! Not everybody is the skinny mini model type. Personnaly Id like to see the REAL you in your pics. Just about ALL cameras now have the auto timer feature. Set that thing and run out in front of it and lets see YOU! If you dont like it (because we are in the digital age) you just delete it and take another! I made salutes for my family by myself and it took me HOURS! LOL! I bet I took 500 photos just to get 30! 

Now we shall discuss the lack of a tripod pictures. If every photo on your profile is you holding the camera out in front of you...well...CMON peeps! Lets be a little creative here! How putting that thing on a counter top, pile of books, couch, table, bed or getting a real life person to take your pic? This pose reverts back to the "I have no lower body" paragraph and also touches on the "over the head" photo. Lets be honest....you are on here to flaunt yourself and get some attention. 4 pages of you holding the camera in front of you is just a LITTLE boring! 

On to "blurry" pics. Does this even need to be talked about? If the damn picture is blurry....dont post it! Are you hiding something? Do you work for the CIA, NSA or any of the other top secret "A" organizations? If you do, you probably shouldnt be on Fu! LOL! Would you send that pic to someone in real life? So why would you post it here? DUH!

One last thing and then Im done...I think... 

If you are really cute, attractive, or hot (and yes, you know who you are its not like you just woke up one day that way) I can respect and understand you not doing a salute. But may I suggest you at least hold a piece of paper that says Fubar on it? There are too many fakes on here and it would help eleminate some of them and probably make your lives on here a little easier. Im not saying make a salute....just prove you are real somehow. 50 pics of your modeling shoot dont quite cut it....just sayin.

Im going to wrap this up. Im not trying to offend anyone and hopefully you got a good chuckle out of reading it. Everybody is different in size, shape and personality, thats what makes us...well....US! This is intended to be funny. If I pissed on your wheaties...well...maybe you will fix your photos! LOL! 





Ok, Im good for about 2 or 3 of these a year. Im not a big blogger....Id rather just tell you how I feel in person. But every once in a while I get the "urge". 

So today class I would like to discuss Fu relationships. First, lets make it clear that this is aimed at NOBODY in particular. Once again, its just an observation that Ive made after being here for a while just like all my other blogs and stuff.

I understand that this is a social media site. And if you come here looking for love your probably more times then not going to be dissapointed. I get that! But after being on here almost 2 years I have become close with a bunch of people on here. True, its only a cyber type close, but still...I know your real name, I know the name of you kids, etc, etc. I think that it is only human nature that after talking to someone either online, on the phone, or by letter that eventually you would like to meet them in person. 

Now look, I know Im a guy so right away you are thinking "Oh! He wants to meet and have a booty call!". But think about this for a minute. If we have been chatting for almost 2 years and I have NEVER "hit" on you or told you I wanted to have wild monkey sex with you, what makes you think that all of a sudden I want to drive for HOURS to get in your pants (cause non of you live close to me...LOL!)? I have some GREAT cyber friends that I have made on Fu. And I am so glad that we have remained friends all this time.

Im single and my job gives me time off to travel if I wish. And I thought this year I would try and meet some of my closest friends from Fu. And yes, they are all women. And yes, you are all very pretty. But after 2 years of chatting it should be pretty obvious that I am not just "trying to get in your pants". Im 46 years old and think I can have an intelligent conversation with a woman/friend without stripping her clothes off in my mind. LOL! 

I truly enjoy the friendships Ive made here! We all have talked about very personal things with each other. I would think that you trust me and feel comfortable enough to tell me these things. Ive always shown respect to all my friends here and the things we talk about ALWAYS have remained between us. 

I just feel its the normal transgression to actually want to really meet the people that you consider your friends. 

Maybe Im wrong....who knows. But has our society gotten to the point that we dont trust ANYONE anymore? Yes, we all hear the horror stories of the Facebook killers. And you ARE women, so I understand your reluctance to allow just anyone in. But you trust me enough to have very deep conversations with me online. And for almost 2 years! Wouldnt it be nice to do it in person? 

Those of you who know me know what I do for a living. Believe me, I would never jeapordize my career, a job Ive wanted all my life, to come to your town and do nasty things to you or stalk you or whatever creepy guys do! If you know anything, you know thats NOT who I am. Im just a "dork", "nerd", "tard", "goof", that found some really nice people on this site that I would love to actually meet. And yes, I would be nervous too, but dont you think it would be cool? We only live once folks....

I realize this is just a "game", but most of would agree, we have taken our friendship outside the game. And I think that is awesome! And I truly understand if you want to hide behind the safety of the internet and dont ever want to meet in real life. But all Im saying is think about it. Think about how long we have talked and what we have talked about. I am the same person on here that I am in real life. And my friends, I know its hard to believe, but Im always 100% open with you.

Ok, Im done ranting....I love all my Fu friends!!! You are all awesome people! And like I said before, this is not aimed at any of my friends in particular! Just something I needed to get off my chest. 

About 9 months ago a friend told me about a website called Fubar. I had no idea what he was talking about but thought I would check it out. And Ill be honest, he said there where lots of "hot" women on here. Which is true! 

I set up my account and had NO idea what I was doing or supposed to do. I was very shy about talking to people on here that I didnt know. But I soon realized that was one of the purposes of the site. Almost right away I had people that wanted to be my friend (some still are!). And they where all very helpful. Ms. Flintstone was my first REAL friend here. She helped me through a lot of the stuff at the start. There were others too, but she is still my friend through all of this and she is one of my best buds here.

So, like everyone, I flew through the first bunch of levels rather quick. People told me I was going to get addicted to the game. I couldnt see that happening. Well, they where right! I quickly realized that to play this game you needed to become a VIP, which of course was not free! I dont regret buying my VIP at all. It gave me more options for the game. I was a little leary at first, but very quickly became glad I did. 

I eventually arrived at a level where I needed help from my friends. I had no idea about the friends list and had added just about anyone that chatted with me. I think we all did or will do this. NOW is when you start figuring out who your REAL friends are! They are the ones that step up and help you get through the levels. They are the ones that promote you on their site when you need rates and likes. They are the ones that go to their friends and ask them to help you. The first time it happened to me I was amazed! I couldnt believe people I hardly knew would do so much to help me. That was it! I was hooked! 

Now obviously Im a guy. And lll be honest, in the beginning I was collecting pretty women on my page. As time went by, you found out that you actually NEED to collect people. But you only need to be close with a select few and I found that I was building real friendships with some of the people I had added. I think in my whole time on here I have never had longer than a 5 minute conversation with a guy. And very rarely has a guy stepped up to help me. Im not bitching, just stating.


There are all kinds of personalities on here. There are some very sweet people (who are my family btw), and there are creeps, pervs, scammers, point whores, liars, porn stars, strippers, cam girls, general a holes, and people that need to be on some sort of mental medication. There are rich, poor and middle class here. Singles, married, divorced, married but tell you they arent...etc, etc. One thing I have noticed. Eventually, if you are lying, you will be found out here! So I decided I would not lie about who I was or what I do. 

As time wore on I figured out who my friends where and....well, who wasnt. My current family has been with me for quite a while now and I love them all! We continually help each other through the game and we chat just about every day. 

All in all, I think this is an awesome game! I met some really great people here and had a lot of fun! 

So, Ive decided to give some advice on how to get through the game from lessons that I have learned. You can follow them if you like or totally ingnore them. That is your choice. But it worked for me!

First, BE NICE! Show respect. Dont say anything on here you would not say to someone in person. Have respect for others. Everybody has feelings. Asking them to cam, or see them naked or for their YIM or just genearlly talking to them like you are some horned up 11th grade teenager does not impress! Most men on here do that. Be different! If you want to see naked women, there are free sites on the net that will show you way more than what you will see here most of the time!

Be honest! Dont lie about who you are and what you do. You WILL be found out eventually! Then any friends you HAD....well, you know. Post real pictures of you and dont put a bunch of BS in your profile. Also, most women really dont want to see your dick! So think about that as your taking that pic of your schlong to post on here. Would you show that to a woman you have just met in real life? And you wonder why your single? LOL!

Remember, its JUST A GAME! You will make friends here. But its just a game. Click to another web site and this is gone. Turn off your computer and this is gone. Its NOT real life! Dont treat it that way or act that way. The game will continue to go on whether you are here or not.

Be ready to spend money! Guys especially! As a guy you will have to buy a VIP, credits, bling etc. You wont make it through the game unless you do! So be ready! You can have as much fun on here as you can afford! Some women will charge you to see their naked photos. Its up to you if you want to do that. I never have and I can give you some website addresses that you can do the same thing for free.

Ladies? Well, you have a couple choices. You can be a total sweetheart to everyone or you can be a totall whore. Both seem to work. You might have to lay down some cash here and there. But if you are nice and flash your eyes you probably wont have to pay for much else. If you want to be sleazy, expect to be harrassed by pervs. Dont be surprised when you are! But depending how you play it out, you probably wont have to buy anything either. Skin sells ladies. You dont have to be nude! Swimsuit pics, tight dress pics, sexy but tasteful pics all do well. In a way, its like a real bar here. The ladies make out better then the men as far as attention. Need a bling? Ask for it. Need pimped, just ask. Just like real life, something here are not fair. So accept it and do the best you can!

Guys. READ THE WOMANS PROFILE! Yes, we all know that women are a little more wordy and better at expressing their feelings. But there is sometimes some very important info in the profile. Example: no salute, no add. no dick pics, i only friend other women etc. You want to look like an ass right at the start? Dont read the profile! As males we are visually driven. So the woman in the bikini at the beach draws us to the page. But if you read the profile you might find that they arent into men. And guess what? The women talk to each other on here just like real life. So, you act like an ass hole, I bet there are some other women that are going to know about that! Some will put a question in their profile that you have to answer to even add them. It proves you read the profile. And women really like when you can quote something out of their about me info. It shows that you actually might care. Talk to the women like human beings. Try and get to know them. "Hey baby! Send me naked pics!" is not going to get you far here. Call people by their screen names. Once you get to know them ask for their first name. Babe, hun, sweetie etc. are not popular and actually piss off some women on here.

Put up a damn salute! Even though you dont have to, put one up right away! There are too many fakes on here and those of us that have been here for a while have been burned by someone saying they are someone they are not. Get a damn piece of paper and write your Fu name, id number and it must say Fubar on it. Then take a pic. Even if its not accepted by Fu, POST IT! Everyone wants to think they are talking to a real person! A salute proves you are! And you will advance much faster and make more friends.

ASK FOR HELP! You are not going to make it through the game if you dont ask for help! There are so many "tricks" or things that can make your journey easier if you just ask for help. LOTS of people are willing to help you. You just need to ask and be NICE about it! If someone doesnt help you, dont get hung up on it, just move on to another person. There are almost 50,000 people on here at a time. Im sure you can find someone to help you. If you get stuck and nobody can help you go to the support lounge. There are some really great people in there that can get you pointed in the right direction. If you still get no help, send an email to Fu support. Be respectful and nice! They answer A LOT of questions every day. And remember, its their game that you are playing so why it may not always seem "fair" they can totally get rid of you! 

Dont fight with people on here! Really? This is a game! You are on a computer. You will probably never meet anyone from on here. So if someone pisses you off, move on! Dont make an issue. You look like an ass and a couple of screen shots of you fighting with them on thier pageis not going to help you progress. I look at the ass hat folders and the stuff that is said totally AMAZES me! Just move on! Your not proving anything.

As you progress through the game you will eventually start to see who your real friends are. Those will be the ones you want to keep in your family. They are the ones that help you unconditonally and you help them. They run blings like famplifiers and boomerangs. There will be dead wood in your family. Weed them out. Dont go to them and threaten them to do something for you. Just remove them! If they really want to be your friend they will get the hint and ask to be back in. Dont piss your friends off! You are going to need them as you get closer to the end of the game and they are going to need you! 

Try not to get caught up in drama! I say this, but if you play this game hard it is going to happen! Some of the biggest drama causes are, Fu marriage, Fu owned, and where you have someone listed in your family. Try to avoid drama as much as possible, but you are eventually going to get caught up in some. I almost quit and walked away from the game because of my bout with drama. But my REAL friends/family talked me into staying. And Im glad they did! It made our bond that much tighter! 

Help others! That is a big part of what this game is about! You scratch my back, Ill scratch yours. We all were newbies at one time and people helped us. We owe it to do the same! For example, once I figured out who my family was, I always leave a couple open spots. Ill then go to the newbie section and pick one or two newbies that Im fairly sure are real and add them to my family. That way they can buzz up through the first bunch of levels fairly quick if Im running bling. It makes me feel good that Im helping someone and it could turn into a real good friend. Once they change to white, if we havent really got to be friends, I give them a smack on the butt and set them out on their own. Some of the people Ive done it for dont even know. And that is ok with me. Dont expect everyone to pay you back! Most will, some wont. If they dont? Just move on. Dont make an issue! 

You make and play the game the way you want to. If you want your name to be light green or red there is nothing wrong with that. We all have our own reasons and goals. But be warned! To maintain those statuses requires a TON of work EVERY day! You could just decide to make friends and not really worry about color or leveling. And that is ok too. I chose to make friends and level when I could. Its up to you how you play. 

In closing, Id like to say that this game can be a bunch of fun! Ive made friends with some truly amazing people! Check my family list. The top ones are staying there. They have been with me for a LONG time and arent moving! Most of them I know by first name and some I have talked to outside of Fubar. They have been there for me and I have been there for them. It took me MONTHS to establish my family. I added and removed a bunch of people. But here at the end, the ones that are there are staying! 

So thank you Sarah, Jen, Sue, Melissa, Carol, Paulette, Carol, Lori, Lorraine, Sheila, Jo, Alexis, Lady, Infarred, Mia, Kim, Alicia, Bubbles, Sky, Kendra and anybody else in my family that I missed. I love all of you very much! Your the reason I keep coming back! 

If after reading this you have any questions, or need any help. Just ask me! Ill get you pointed in the right direction, or Ill help you get to the next level. It was done for me. Its the least I can do for you!

Have a great Fubar experience! Its what you make it!


Im trying to reach level 50 and I need 1000 likes in 24 hours which would be 3 am EST. Please stop and like me. Its free! This is a VERY hard level up requirement for men. 


Thank you so much


What do you want? Really!

So, this is my first blog. Ive never done this before because I dont feel the need to broadcast my personal shit all over the world. BUT, I feel I need to bring up a subject that confuses me to no end.


Ive been single for over 5 years now. Was married 10, divorced, no kids. I don't smoke or drink, am in decent shape and take a shower every day and I have all my teeth. Everyone tells me I am a great person and cant figure out why I haven't found someone.

SO! This leads me to ask...What are you ladies looking for?????

Here are some things I have heard:

I want a man who is strong and mature emotionally.

I'm looking for a man that has a job and likes kids.

Im looking for a man that has goals in his life and is secure in himself.

I want a man that will treat me like a lady.

I'm looking for a guy that has a great sense of humor.

Looking for a guy that will place me on a pedestal.

Etc, etc, etc.

Lets take a look at this shall we.

First, I want a man who is strong and mature emotionally. So your not looking for a 21 year old guy who still has oats to sow. Got it! But there are some 40 year olds that have never grown up either! On one hand you want someone who is mature, but on the other you want someone who will act like a kid sometimes. Hmmm. You want that Harley riding bad ass who has an executive job but still heads to the biker bars on the weekends.

I'm looking for a man that has a job and likes kids. OK, most of us have jobs. I find having a job very important when it comes time to pay my bills. IF you date someone that doesn't have a job or a car, well, shame on you. When I read this in a profile all I can think is that you don't do allot of homework about someone before you go on a date with them. As for kids. I'm at an age in my life where just about all the single women my age have children. If I didn't like kids, I wouldn't have responded to your profile. Thank you for letting me know you have them. What if I hate kids but I still respond? I guess if I have a Harley and a good job you will overlook the kids part.

I'm looking for a guy that has a great sense of humor. This is a good one! Everyone has a sense of humor. But does your match the other persons? What do you want, a stand up comedian, a practical joker, an immature 35 year old that acts like he is 16? But wait! You stated before that you want someone mature. How mature? Very confusing!

Looking for a guy that will place me on a pedestal. Well now. I think it is safe to say that most of us don't beat women and have tons of respect for them. If you truly like someone, you will admire them and show them respect. You want to be on a pedestal? Be a model! In today's world women are expected to carry their fair share of the load too in a relationship. I'm not saying that you need to do everything. But in a relationship you are a team. You need to share responsibilities and communicate. We should both be on the same level. If one is placed on a pedestal, then they are being worshipped. Unless the other person is being worshipped too, this is a very bad thing! I once told someone I was dating as we where breaking up "You are not the queen, who put you in charge? It doesn't always have to be your way. You don't dictate to your partner!". That relationship did NOT go well! LOL!

Im looking for a guy that likes to snuggle, but isnt too clingy. What???? What the hell does that mean?

No players! Really? Once again, if you cant filter people out, well..... Some simple questions would let you know if he was a player. Do some investigating. Just because his profile pic shows him in leather with tattoos does not mean he is the bad boy of your dreams. And while I'm on that subject. You want the bad boy. So you go out with him and he treats you like shit. No respect for you at all. Smokes, drinks, never spends time with you. Well DUH! Hes a bad boy for a reason ladies!

What I find is women go out with these idiots who embaress the male population and we all get lumped in together. WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME!!!! There are some decent men left in this world! There are some of us who do not want to get in your pants as soon as we meet. Who will open a door for you. Will either order for you or let you go first. Will let you have the window seat on the plane.

I notice on the Internet dating sites I belong to that its the same women over and over again. Some have been on for years! And they are still active! What are you looking for? How can you tell if you have met the right person over a profile pic and a short blurb about who they say the are? Every date you go on is blind. You have never seen this person in real life. Some people (me especially) are not good at inflecting what they really feel or want to say in a email or chat. You cant get a sense of someones personality over the Internet. Sure, Ill tell you that I'm a nice guy, you might even sense it in the emails I send. But you will never know how amazing I am until you meet me.

So, after all this ranting what am I looking for?

Someone who is attractive to me. I have found that age is just a number. You youngins will understand that as you get older! LOL!

Someone who gets me and I get them.

Someone who is my best friend and I can talk to them about anything and they don't judge me.

Someone who shares in the relationship. The glass is half full, not full on your side or mine!

Someone who understands I'm a guy. We do dumb guy things like forget stuff. Don't judge me based on that. Venus and Mars ladies! HA HA!

Someone who tells me what they want and doesn't feel I should just know! Please see above!

If you have kids I understand they are a priority, but so am I. And yes, I like kids or I wouldn't have started talking to you in the first place!

Non smoker! Big time turn off for me!

Someone who takes care of themselves. Look, I know we all have the sweat pant, t shirt days. No big deal. But not every day! Sheesh!

No slobs please! I know how some of you ladies live......lol!

That's some of what Im looking for. You have to agree that you can usually get a feel for someone the first 5 minutes you meet them. Id like to meet someone that meshes with me when I meet them.

That's enough for now. Holy Jesus, I almost wrote a book!

Dame blogs anyway!




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