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created on 09/13/2007  |  http://fubar.com/erotic-stories/b128538

Home Alone Again

Obviously she can't play out her fantasy alone, so she does the next best thing she imagines that he is here watching her. She lights scented candles and places them around the bathroom as she fills the tub with steamy water and her favorite bubble bath. Then she slowly removes her clothing as though she is doing a striptease for him and him alone. Letting her clothes fall where they may in a heap on the floor as she playfully tosses them aside. She climbs into the tub and into a sitting position as she reaches for the sponge, her breasts floating just above the steaming water and bubbles. She slowly soaps her body with the scented bubbles and the sponge. Then watching as the bubbles disappeared to reveal creamy white skin tinged with pink from the heat of the water. Her sensitive nipples are erect and aching with the need to be touched, she slides down further placing her feet on the rim of the tub as she would if she were shaving her legs. Now only her breasts and the calves of her legs are visible the rest of her body is engulfed in steaming water and scented bubbles. She can feel little wavelets caressing her clit beneath the bubbles. She begins to move her hips to increase the sensation as one of her hands slides from her shoulders to her breast to tease and touch her nipples, her other hand slides down her body over her hips to the inside of her thighs and then to her slit. She spreads her lips with her first and third finger, and begins circling her clit with her middle finger. All the while imagining that he is here stroking his cock and caressing his balls as he watches her. She begins to run her finger from her clit to the opening of her vagina, increasing both the pace and the intensity as she imagines watching him. He increases his speed to match hers, this only excites her more she begins to finger her hot wet pussy with every downward stroke. She imagines watching him cum his semen spurting as his cocks jumps and jerks his semen running down to cover his hand, cock and balls. Finally she has her own orgasm. Her hips rock, her vagina spasms and her body shudders with the force of it. The once steaming water is tepid now, she climbs out of the tub and wraps herself in a fluffy bath sheet and blows out the scented candles. She dries her skin and liberally applies lotion also in her favorite scent all over her body. She goes into the bedroom to change into her nightgown, she turns on her clock radio and climbs into her bed. She drifts off to sleep thinking about her fantasy with a small smile upon her lips and wondering what her dreams will be that night.


"Oh, do I need a break," Constance Walker sighed while pushing away from her desk and stretching her aching muscles, "it's almost two o'clock, where does the time go!?!" As CEO of a large importing business, the crush of paper work and the constant pressure to keep things moving ahead would sap the strength of even the most experienced business man!!! Constance made a quick note on her note pad before donning her coat and heading out of the office for a two hour break but first, she stopped momentarily at her secretary's desk and offered, "I'm going to be out of the office for a couple of hours, Jenny, so if they're are any calls just take a message and I'll get back to them later this afternoon, and by the way make sure that the Asian invoices are on my desk for tomorrow morning's meeting!!!" Down on the street in front of her office building, Constance hailed a cab and gave the driver and address on the near north side, and while it was only a ten minute ride, for once they weren't caught in Chicago's brutal afternoon traffic!!! Even though she had visited the majestic brownstone many times, she still had her usual shiver as she climbed the stairs leading to the front door, where upon she rang the chimes and waited for and answer!!! A voice coming from a small intercom on the door jam asked evenly, "Who is it, please!?!" "It's Constance Walker," she replied into the tiny speaker, "I have a two thirty appointment!!!" The intercom went dead, but within a matter of seconds the lock buzzer in the door hand went off, which just gave Constance enough time to open the door and step inside!!! Almost immediately a young woman in a tiny French maid's outfit appeared out of nowhere and escorted her to the front desk!!! "Ahhhhh, Miss Walker," the regal looking woman behind the desk fairly gushed, "it's so nice to have you back with us, it's been how long, three months since your last, ahem, session!?!" "That sounds about right," Constance replied, "it's been so busy back at the office, you know how it is," as her voice trailed off!!! "But of course," the woman replied, "but now that you are here, how may we serve you today!?!" Feeling a little embarrassed, Constance looked down at her shoes and in a soft voice replied, "Well, uh, I think I'd like the medical room, you know, and exam with a doctor and nurse!!!" "Mmmmm, a very good choice," the woman replied softly, "let me check to see if the room is available or not!!!" Nervously Constance shifted her weight from one foot to the other while the woman spoke softly into the telephone!!! "I have good news," she replied after replacing the receiver, "everything is ready to go, so if you'll follow Mimi she'll lead the way, and please, enjoy yourself!!!" While following the same woman who had met her at the front door, Constance couldn't help but marvel at all of the detail that was put into every fantasy room in the old brownstone, so when entered the "doctor's waiting room", she wasn't in the least bit disappointed at the degree they went to make it feel like a normal medical waiting room!!! The little French maid then ordered her to sit down and wait, as the nurse would be with her shortly!!! With her nervousness growing by the second, she paged through two year old news magazines while waiting for the nurse to appear!!! Her impatience was becoming palpable, when the door burst open and a pretty blonde nurse appeared and offered, "Please come in, the doctor will be with you in a few minutes!!!"Constance followed the nurse into and examining room replete with a table with stirrups and all of the necessary instruments for a gynecological examination!!! "I'll be your nurse during the exam," the woman said a matter of factly, "and my name is Helen Jones, but I like to be addressed as Nurse Jones, now if you'll please step behind the screen and remove all of your clothing, the doctor will be right with you!!!" After she had removed her all of her clothing, Nurse Jones handed her a paper gown and said, "Put this on and then get up on the table!!!" After Constance was safely up on the examination table, Nurse Jones said, "Before the doctor checks you over we have to complete this medical form, I'll ask the questions and you answer them, okay!?!" "Uh sure," Constance replied while thinking how incredibly realistic everything was!!! "First off," the nurse asked, "How old are you!?!" "I'm forty eight," Constance replied quickly, and anticipating her next question threw in, "and I'm five feet seven inches tall and weigh 141 pounds!!!" "Mmmmmm," the nurse hummed, "those are pretty good numbers for someone your age, do you work out!?!" "I ride a stationary bike thirty minutes each morning before work and I do watch what I eat," Constance replied with a pride!!! "That's good," the nurse replied, "now do you have any problems with urination or bowel movements!?!" "Nope, everything seems just fine," Constance replied!!! "What about your nipples, any kind of discharge," the nurse continued on!?!" "No, they're just fine," she replied!!!" "I couldn't help but notice that you have very large breasts, do you perform monthly self exams," the nurse asked softly!?! "Uh, usually," Constance replied, "but I must admit that sometimes I do forget!!!" "Now you know better than to skip your monthly exams," the nurse admonished her, "so while we're waiting for the doctor we'll do a quick check, okay!?!" "Uh, you're the nurse," Constance replied softly as they were finally getting down to brass tacks, "sure, go ahead!!!" After putting down her clip board, Nurse Jones casually pulled up the thin paper dressing gown and began gently kneading her full ripe breasts!!! "Hmmmmmm, they seem to be just fine," the nurse said absentmindedly, "and by the way, what size bra do you wear, it would seem that you need a lot of support!?!" It was plainly evident that Nurse Jones was doing more than a normal breast exam, which naturally caused Constance to shudder slightly when her nipples were being tweaked, but she gamely answered, "I-I wear a size 38D, and I always wear an under wire model!!!" "That's good," the nurse replied softly, "we'd certainly hate to see them get saggy do to lack of support, and by the way, the chart requires that we check your nipples for sexual response, is that all right with you!?!" Small beads of sweat had broken out on her forehead, but in a thick voice she asked, "How do you do that!?!" "You mean what method do I use to check your response," the nurse fired back quickly!?! Without answering, Constance managed to nod her head while using the back of her hand to wipe the moisture from her brow!!! "Oh that's easy," Nurse Jones answered almost gaily, "we do it just like this," as she let her mouth engulf one of Constance's already hard nipples and greedily sucked on it!!!" It was like and electric shock had run through her, and almost involuntarily she gasped and moaned, "Ohhhh my, that feels wonderful, you don't know how longs it's been since they've been sucked on, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Constance softly caressed the cheek of the young woman, and was just about to compliment her on her incredible oral technique when the door to the examining room burst open and Dr. Vixon strode in and asked, "So, how's our patient doing!?!" Nurse Jones reluctantly released the hard nipple and sighed, "She's doing just great, doctor, and from what I can tell her sexual response is outstanding!!!" "That's wonderful," the doctor said with a broad smile, "so, shall we get on with it!?!" Nurse Jones placed each of Constance's feet in the stirrups and gently spread her legs wide apart while the doctor slid between them on a rolling stool!!! "My, my, you certainly have a hairy vagina don't you," Doctor Vixon intoned while gently probing her opening, "I think for the sake of hygiene it would be a good idea if we shaved you smooth, don't you!?!" "Anything you say, doctor," Constance replied weakly, "I-I've never had it shaved before!!!" "Well don't worry about a thing, dear,"' he replied heartily, "Miss Jones and I have shaved literally hundreds of vaginas and we haven't lost one yet!!!" Nurse Jones laughed out loud at the doctor's little joke, but seconds later she appeared at the doctor's side with a razor, a pan of hot water, and a bottle of warm oil!!! "Now Connie," the doctor said smoothly, "Nurse Jones will prepare you with the oil, so just relax while she massage it in, okay!?!" Sweat drops again formed on her forehead as the soft hands of Nurse Jones worked the warm oil into the thick blanket of pubic hair that ran all the way from her navel down to her tight little ass hole causing her to stammer, "W-what ever you say, doctor, ohhhhhhhhhhh that feels so nice!!!" While the nurse continued massaging her now dripping vagina, the doctor took a soft cloth and dabbed the sweat from Constance's forehead while casually cupping her large breasts with his other hand!!! With her breathing was becoming increasingly labored, the doctor nodded to his nurse who slid out of the way allowing him to retake his position between her legs with razor in hand!!! "Now try and relax, dear," he intoned softly, "the only way you can get nicked is if you make any sudden movements, understand!?!" "Y-yes," she gasped as he gave her a quick five second fingering, "I-I understand, oh fuck does that feel good!!!" "How does that feel," Doctor Vixon asked softly while shaving away the last vestiges of her pubic fur, "you're clean as a whistle!?!" "It feels cold," Constance replied while trying to get used to her new feeling of nakedness!!! "You'll get used to it," the doctor replied, "now, lets get on with the rest of the exam, are you ready!?!" "Yes," she whispered, "anytime you're ready!!!" A shudder of anticipation ran through her as she waited nervously for the exam to begin, and her feelings of anxiety were well founded when the doctor said softly, "Look in my hand dear, I'm afraid we're going to have to probe your vagina with this," while holding up the biggest black dildo she had ever seen in her life!!! "No, please," she pleaded weakly, "it'll tear me apart, please don't hurt me!!!" "Now you know it's for your own good," he replied gently while running the head along the length of her dripping crack, "so relax your muscles and don't struggle!!!" "Oh, god," she moaned as the gigantic head forced its way inside of her, "i-it's too big, ohhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyy, I'm fucking cummmmmmmming!!!" "Please be careful, doctor," Nurse Jones said softly, "not too much at one time!!!" "Don't worry," he said with a chuckle, "just look at her, she cumming like a cheap whore with a crack habit, she can take it, now please, take care of her breasts, I'm sure they need some more oral attention!!!" The faithful nurse nodded her head in agreement before dropping her mouth onto the huge nipple and greedily sucking in!!! The invading monster that had impaled her was so thick that all Constance could do was lay quietly and let it ravage her defenseless pussy while the doctor slowly inserted it all the way up to its full ten inch length!!! "There now," he said softly, "all in, how does that feel, dear, are your orgasms good!?!" "Her head was rolling from side to side on her shoulders as orgasm after orgasm careened out of control through her incredibly packed pussy and is was all she could do to gasp, "I-it hurts so gooooooooooood, I'm fucking cumming all over the place, oh god, I'm cumming again and again!!!" Thirty minutes later back in her office.......... "So how was your walk," asked Jenny, "feel refreshed!?!" With a glow on her face that was absolutely radiant, Constance replied, "Rejuvenated, Jenny, absolutely rejuvenated!!!" THE END

Sea, Sun & Sex

I'm swimming in the sea, enjoying the cool water against my sun warmed skin. It feels glorious, and I feel as if I am one with nature. The sea never fails to turn me on with its beauty and power; my nipples are hard as rocks under my bikini top, and there's that special tingle between my thighs. At first I try to fight it, but the urge is too strong. I really want to play and get off despite the presence of others in the water and on the nearby beach. I need to come. I feel something brush my leg under the water and I jump. I look down and see his face, and my heartbeat goes into double time. He emerges from below the surface, his eyes bright with mischief. He smiles at me, and I grab him and kiss him. I want him so badly. He is so sexy without even trying, and that only increases his appeal. When our lips part, my breath is ragged. "I need you." He pulls me closer, and I can feel his hard cock rub against me under the water. So hard and thick. His cock is delicious; I want it deep in my mouth, my pussy. I want to suck it hard and fast, jack it off until the come pours down my eager throat like a river. But we're in the sea, where anyone can turn around and watch us. He squeezes my tits hard, just the way I like it, and I no longer care. I moan and bite his shoulder. I need to be fucked, pumped hard and fast. Right now. I kiss him again, bringing my hand down to cup his cock through his swimsuit. It feels so good, and I slip my hand inside. He moans into my mouth as I stroke him, his hips jerking at the contact of my fingers on his shaft. I want to make him come. We struggle to stay afloat as I continue pumping his cock with my hand. He reaches for my bikini top and pulls the cups up and away from my breasts, baring them to anyone who wants to look. The sun feels good on my exposed skin, but that's the last thing on my mind when he pinches my erect nipples between his thumb and fingers. "Oh, God. More, give me more." Pinching, tugging, rolling. It feels so fucking good. His touch is addictive, and I moan freely without even trying to keep quiet. I hear the swish of water as people turn to watch us, but I couldn't care less. All I want is for him to continue touching me. Knowing that we now have an audience, he chuckles and bends his head to suck on my tits. I groan from the pleasure and thread my fingers through his wet hair, my eyes closed. I don't want to see them. I can feel the heat of their stares, and my clit throbs. I open my eyes and look straight into his. I let him see my desire for him, and his cock twitches in my hand. I raise a leg and wrap it around his waist, never breaking the connection between my hand and his cock. Moaning, I reach down and push the crotch of my bikini bottom to the side, exposing my excited pussy to him and everyone else. A loud gasp erupts beside us, and I turn my head to see a young man staring between my legs like he's dying to feast on my hot, pink pussy. He couldn't be much older than eighteen, and he seems to be enraptured by what he's watching. I think I should give him a show. My hand moves faster on my guy's cock as I lean forward to kiss him again, and I bring the other to my aching clit. I rub it for both of them to see, the droplets of water glistening on my bouncing tits as I play with myself. I lick my lips for the stranger, and I hear him groan. My guy is very close, so he puts a hand over mine to stop my stroking. When I do stop, he brings his hand to my clit. He wants to take over, and I don't deny him. I spread wider for his large hand, silently begging for him to make me come. He circles my clit with his fingers, and I arch up to him. I rub my tits against his chest. "Suck me some more, baby. Make me come with your fingers while you're sucking me." He takes my nipple into his mouth again while he plunges his fingers inside. I moan loudly and resume my stroking on his hard cock. I look at the young stranger, and I see that both his hands are underwater. He appears to be rocking back and forth while watching my guy's mouth work on my tits, and I know he's pumping his cock. I wink at him before bringing my attention back to my guy. I squeeze him harder and move my hand faster, and he grunts against my chest. I'm almost coming; the combination of his hard sucking of my nipples and his long, thick fingers fucking me are pushing me towards the edge. It's coming, coming, coming... The orgasm hits me like a mack truck; I stiffen in his arms, crying out for everyone to hear. "FUCK! Oh fuck yes... ohh, baby..." My hand is moving so fast on his cock that I'm churning the water around us. It's his turn. He lets go of my nipple and leans forward to whisper huskily in my ear. "Christ, you're so hot... So fucking hot..." Jets of white come shoot into the water as my guy groans and shakes in my arms, and I look over my shoulder to see the stranger's face contorted in climax. Yummy. Not bad for a day at the beach.

Morning Glory

Some days I don't know who wakes up first, him or me, by him I mean Little Ted. Some mornings he lies in and I don't see sight nor sound of him till late on in the day, but some mornings I wake up and he's already bolt upright and ready and raring to go. This morning is one of those mornings. I stumble into my boxers and walk downstairs and into the kitchen, I start to brew a pot of tea and put some bread under the grill, if I act and behave like its just another day maybe little Ted will go back to sleep. As I sit awkwardly eating my toast I realise he's not going to going to, no, not for love nor money. He is here to stay today! He needs taking care of, then I can get on with my day. I walk into the study and switch on the computer, I give in. I connect to the Internet and open my favourites, directing my cursor to one of my favourite erotic literature sites. If that doesn’t satisfy Little Ted nothing will. Perusing the list of titles I see one that takes my fancy, Little Ted perks up at the idea too and then: "beedly-boop" "Oh crap!" I exclaim, "I forgot to switch off my messenger, bugger, bugger, bugger!" In my frustration I don't even look to see who is messaging me. "beedly-boop" there’s another. What's up this morning? Cat gotcha tongue? Its Louise, I met her at a chat site a few months back and we've been chatting on and off ever since. Grudgingly I reply, I am too polite to just turn off Messenger and disappear. I'm here sorry. Bit slow this morning. What's new? She replies We joke about like this all the time but this morning, I am not in the mood. I say nothing and get back to my tale. My messenger makes that annoying noise again and flashes at me. oooh someone’s sense of humour hasn't woken up yet I see.......hmmm well there are only two reasons that I know that make men grumpy. Number one is they're hungry. No I'm not hungry. I just had toast. I reply hastily. Then its reason number two then, I can help you with that. Sit back and enjoy, don’t look at your other windows, just read. Don’t try to reply, just read and I’ll have you in a better mood in no time I sit up and pay full attention, what on earth does she mean? So I sit and read: You are engrossed in whatever is on your screen so you don't notice the door swinging open, not until you feel my breath on your neck do you look up, I swing you round so you are facing me, your eyes stare straight at my chest. My naked breasts stare back at you. Your eye track up to my face, you look into my deep green eyes and read the lust there. Your eyes track back down my body over my breasts to my stomach down to the juncture of my thighs and down my legs. I let you take in my body before I gently lift your face in my hands till you are looking up into my eyes, never loosing eye contact I kiss your cheek, left then right. I then fit my lips over yours. Barely touching, caressing gently I lick out and part your lips with my tongue, exploring your mouth, my lips come into contact with yours, searching every contour thoroughly. I break from the kiss, watch your eyes, the desperation in their depths my lips trace down you neck and I hear you sigh, a throaty sound that comes from your very soul as my lips trace the muscles in your neck, butterfly kisses intensify till you can feel my teeth lightly grazing your skin as I follow the contours of your shoulder blades down to your chest. I can feel your heart beating resounding thru my lips, the vibrations running through my body as I continue to lick and suck at your body flicking at your nipples teasing them till they stand taut and erect. I can feel it. The tension, the frustration, the electric need in you. TENSION! I feel like shouting, you don't know the half of it woman! By now Little Ted is enthralled, drooling at this ultra sexy image in his little mind, never mind him, I’m drooling. Drooling and anticipating the next message Tracing my lips over your stomach, gently darting my tongue around and in your belly button. I place my hands on the arms of your chair, My mouth moving lower and lower, I can feel the top of your boxers now, I can feel the contents of your boxers eagerly pressing against my breasts. I move my hands to your hips and begin to roll down your pants. You lift your hips in eagerness as I slip them completely off. I can hear your breathing, shallow and expectant as my hands cling tight to your hips my mouth tantalisingly close to the centre of your desire. I look straight into your eyes and see the wild look of sheer wanton lust held within them. I smile, lick my lips then unlock from your gaze directing my eyes to your awesome cock. Every contour, every vein, I inspect minutely looking at you for ages, my lips running over my lips. You moan and groan thrusting your hips up to me. I giggle a little and still I do not touch you You might not be touching me but I am furiously touching myself. The tension and sheer sexiness of this erotic tale is too much for me, I am stroking my cock, my eyes glued to the computer screen. My heart pounds when I see another message from Louise flash up. Although watching you writhe and wriggle is such a turn on for me, I take pity on your poor straining cock and lightly I touch the tip of you with the tip of my tongue, licking up that yummy pre cum that is there. mmmmmmmmmm. My tongue flicks and licks out over and over, covering the head of your cock OH HELL YEAH! My imagination roams free, the image of a gorgeous woman licking my cock making me moan out loud for real, my hand working overtime stroking hard and fast, then slower. I don't want to cum yet. Let her finish her tale. I sit waiting. Another message! My fingers tremble as I click to see what she’s written. Mmmmmm I can't bare it anymore, I trail my tongue up to the tip of you, then slowly I engulf you in my mouth, taking you deeper and deeper, stretching my lips around you. Moaning as I take more and more of you in my mouth my tongue licking down your shaft, when I get as far as I can go I move up and then down, slowly at first then getting faster and faster and faster.... Until your sighs become moans and your moans become screams. I keep plunging my mouth up and down your hard luscious cock moaning in pleasure, tasting you, feeling you throb in my mouth. I can hear you screaming as I feel your cock begin to twitch and writhe under my ministrations. YES! YES! OH HELL YES I'M CUMMING!! I taste your tangy salty cum as it fills my mouth and slowly dribbles down my throat. Greedily I drink it down licking off every last drop. Savouring the taste I moan my appreciation. I smile at you over my shoulder as I walk out of the room. With that she’s gone. Wow. What a woman. Hmm I better go clean up and get on with my day whilst Ted is sleeping. Wow oh wow. I could do with starting my day like this every morning.


I had a dream last night, I know not the most original of first lines but stick with me: I promise it gets better. I was walking down a long corridor with a lush red carpet and orange toned walls; people were milling all around me, entering doors or just walking like me. It was a while before I started noticing the signs on the doors I was walking past. WATERSPORTS HORSE RIDING FOOD They all seemed quite innocent at first, then the signs started to become more blatant BONDAGE ANAL RAPE I watched people as they marched confidently into these rooms until I came upon one that made me look twice. SPANKING I felt undeniably drawn to this room, as if there was a force pulling me on. I walked forward and opened the door quietly and slowly, my heart thumping and my nipples hard with excitement and curiosity. As I walked in I could see nothing ahead of me, the room was quite dark and I couldn't hear anything, my heart started to beat harder as I felt more scared than excited. Abruptly a light was switched on and I blinked at the sudden change. When I fully opened my eyes I saw someone standing in front of me: a short plump lady in a leather halter, the leather barely covered anything, her large breasts and ass overflowed over the sides. The hint of leather seeming to make you notice her nudity more than if she wore nothing at all. She said not a word but took my hand and led me to a low sofa, sitting down she left me standing in front of her, feeling self conscious as I towered above this lady. I nervously ran a hand through my brunette curls. "STRIP." The abruptness and loudness of this command took me by surprise, I jumped slightly startled by this order. "STRIP NOW" she reiterated, and as a woman in a trance I begin to unbuttoned my blue cotton blouse, dropped it to the floor, followed by my lacy bra. Letting my large breasts free, showing to all how hard and aroused my nipples were. Next I slipped out of my long black skirt, kicking off my shoes as I did so, till I was stood in only my panties, the tell tale damp spot showing to anyone who cared to look. After only a second of hesitation I began to ease the white material off my hips, slipping them over my thighs then kicking them away. Fully exposed I stood holding my head high and noticing my breath coming fast and erratically as the leather lady eyes me up and down her hand between her legs. The other hand snaked out and pulled on my nipple. "OUCH" I screamed as she pulled me towards her, angled me over her lap, pulling me down until I was resting over her legs. I struggled slightly, I am not a woman's woman if you know what I mean, but she held me fast as her hand slapped down with a resounding "CRACK" on my bottom. I gasped at the sudden impact, I barely had time to recover before "CRACK" that firm hand slapped at me again "CRACK" and again "CRACK" and again. My ass was starting to sting and my cheeks are flushed from the compromising position I am in, Somehow though I am getting a perverse thrill from this situation, It was a dream afterall So I decided I might as well go with it. After what seemed like an age the leather lady stopped hitting me and pushed me off her lap and I sprawled on the floor at her feet. I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and pull me up into a kneeling position. I looked up, twisting my head, but I couldn’t see my assailant, though from the strong hairy arms I could glimpse and feel I took an educated guess that it was a man. "Cute Ass." My assailant finally spoke, a low sonorous sound confirming his man hood. "It looks good in red, though I think a deeper shade would suit you better." I gasped as I heard something whistle through the air then land across my buttocks. “Ouch!" I exclaimed ,my bottom burning from the slap, It felt like a belt or something similar, over and over my bottom it slashed and slapped and I scream and groan with each swat of this unknown torture implement. Amazingly through the pain I felt myself getting wetter and hotter the heat from this punishment turning me on. Hearing a low guttural moan, I looked up and saw the leather lady with her fingers buried inside her sloppy pussy, the leather outfit pulled to the side as she finger- fucked herself watching my poor ass being mutilated. My eyes became glued to her crotch, those fingers plunged in and out of her wet hole, her legs spasmed as she came close to exploding. I was so engrossed in this shameless show that it took me a while to latch on to the fact that my ass was no longer being whipped. Just as I began to move, I felt those strong hands encapsulate my hips, gripping tight so I couldn’t move. I felt something rubbing up my bum, across my red sore abused skin and concentrating between my buttocks. I moaned loudly as I realised this big, faceless stranger was going to fuck me, his hard cock pressed against me and I pushed back. I was so hot and horny by that point I wasn't thinking. Suddenly that hard thick cock speared my cunt. I screamed as I felt myself filled from behind, hard hands gripped my hips and my cunt flexed around this intrusion. My eyes stayed glued on the lady in leather who was moaning loudly and stroking her clit. I could feel my orgasm building from the combination of this stranger fucking me and the sight and smell of the masturbating woman just a few inches from my face. He sensed I was close to cumming and I felt him up the pace, drilling into me even further with each stroke. I screamed as I erupted, my whole body shook with the impact of it, I felt strong hands pinching at my hips and heard a low guttural sound merging with the high pitched yelp spewing from my mouth. I felt him pumping his hot cum inside me, and opened my eyes just in time to see leather lady creaming all over her fingers. And then I woke up, Bugger.
Mmm, the condom. An invention that can be traced back thousands of years. Such a tiny, yet revolutionary item that was made from materials ranging from linen to lambskin before finally moving on to rubber. But I'm not thinking of any of that yet as I push you down onto my black leather sofa, kissing you hungrily. I want to devour you. My love, I've wanted you for so long. I take a very small moment and admire the pretty picture you make. Your golden brown eyes flashing with desire in the dim light, your red hair spread out below you, creating a striking foil against the black. The fiery locks call out to me; you make me burn. I clench my thighs together as the wet heat between them intensifies. I continue to stare at you, wondering how you managed to get under my skin so quickly. Amazed that in the two months we've been seeing each other, you worked yourself so completely into my thoughts, my heart. Making me toss and turn at night as I imagined your hands, lips and tongue caressing me all over my body. Making me cry out your name as I came hard against my fingers, loud enough for all the neighbors to hear. I didn't give a damn, because I couldn't think of anything but my need for you. Fingers and toys are no longer enough; I can't wait anymore. I want your cock. I'm dimly aware of Ravel's "Bolero" playing in the background as I settle on top of you, grinding my hips against yours. You moan and grab for me, and I chuckle softly at your impatience. I rake my nails down your chest as I lightly bite the side of your neck, my tongue soothing the ache. Your soft growl turns into a tortured groan as I move down to your sensitive nipples, and you thrust upward against me. I can feel your erection throbbing against my mound, unaware that my teasing of you is having the same effect on me. I want to take you now, but I force myself to wait a little while longer because I want to make our first time as special as possible. I trail butterfly kisses from your chest to your abdomen as I work my way down, and I can feel your rock-hard muscles quiver as my lips touch them. Your breath catches. Anticipation? God, I hope so. I can feel it too, so much so that I can feel my juices overflowing at the thought of what's coming. I leave you briefly to unbutton your fly and shove your jeans down to your ankles. I know that I'm a bit rough, but I don't care and neither do you. You kick the jeans off and watch as I strip for you. I let the music guide me as I slide my clothes off, revealing myself to you. You gaze at me as I return to the couch, my love and desire reflected in your lion's eyes. I'm so ready for you, baby. I position myself between your trembling thighs. I glance up at you and you give me that trademark grin of yours that melts my heart and makes my clit throb simultaneously. I caress your thighs tenderly before I devote my attention to what lies between them. I place my lips close and blow hot air on your cock, and I laugh when it jumps from the sensation. The laughter is short lived, and I soon grow serious. Playtime is over. Time to fuck. I climb back up to kiss your lips as I reach for my purse, which landed on the back part of the couch in all the excitement. Inside are the tools to help make tonight successful, sensual, fun and more importantly, safe. I remove the little bundle from my bag and smile as you take in the sight of the condom, the small tube of lube and the dental dam that I'm holding in my hands. You look at the condom wrapper and you smile in amusement. "'Mint Delight?'" I kiss you again, my tongue making wicked promises as it mates with yours. I break away, panting hard. "You'll see. Actually, you'll feel while I taste." You watch as I tear open the packet and remove the unlubed condom. You rub my body in all the right places and grab the dental dam as I squeeze a drop of lube into the resevoir tip for your pleasure. I stare hotly into your eyes as I bring the condom to my pouty lips. I lean over your straining cock and wrap my hand around the base, placing the flavored rubber slowly onto you. You're so excited, sweetheart. You tense and groan as I swirl my tongue around the protected head, removing any potential air bubbles. You try to push deeper into my mouth as I roll the condom down, but I hold on to your hips to keep you still. For now, this is my show. I finish and take a long swipe at you with my tongue as I come up. Mmm, minty fresh. I move to face your feet while you place the dental dam against my aching sex, and I take you deep into my mouth again as you lick me. We are locked in a circle of lust; our muffled moans echo in the room as we take each other higher. You're doing such incredible things to me with your mouth, and I'm eager to return the favor. You cry out and stiffen beneath me as I come against you, my head spinning from the explosion of pleasure and the taste of your minty passion in my mouth. I want to do it all again.

Hog Wild Ride

Sandy stormed down the hallway in her pajamas, coffee in hand. “Up and at ‘em! NOW!” she shouted into each bedroom. Stark, Johnson, and Roush’s newest attorney wanted no more delays on her first day of work after being a stay-at-home mom for almost ten years. She’d started submitting resumes the very same afternoon she registered her youngest for kindergarten. Any apprehension about the hiatus was decisively laid to rest with four job offers inside a week. Still, starting over as an entry-level attorney and competing with a fresh crop of young go-getters would be no easy feat. Adding to the bustle, Sandy overslept. She’d lain awake the night before, going over and over the tight morning routine in her mind. In spite of her preparations, the kids missed their school bus. She’d have to drive them to school—nearly fifteen miles out of her way in heavy traffic. Sandy hurriedly donned the clothes selected the night before: a just-above-the-knee skirt with fitted jacket, silk blouse, sheer stockings, conservative pumps. Resisting the urge to primp, she settled for a glance in the hall mirror. While her wits would ultimately determine her success, Sandy liked the edge being a woman provided in a male-dominated field. She didn’t flaunt her looks but did choose clothing which accentuated her many positives. Once everyone piled into the minivan, she started a DVD and handed out the headphones. The kids watched in rapt silence, leaving Sandy blissfully alone with her thoughts. She took a deep breath, tried to release the chaos-inspired tension, and once again marveled at the direction her life had taken. Married right out of college, she’d worked for two years with a prestigious law firm and was on the fast track to partner when unexpectedly becoming pregnant. Kevin, now a successful dentist with a thriving private practice, urged her to shelve her career until their children were school-aged. The timing sucked, but she gave it her all and didn’t dwell on what-ifs. Sandy still found it ironic that she’d gotten pregnant in the first place, since their sex life—even as newlyweds—could never be considered passionate. Both virgins when they married, neither had any experience beyond some heavy petting, and they were diligent about contraception. Although they conceived three more children, she’d never been able to achieve the mind-blowing orgasms she heard about from girlfriends or read about in magazines. Her greatest satisfaction came while masturbating with a small massager that was never intended to be used for that purpose. She could never bring herself to buy a real, honest-to-goodness, sex toy. A colleague once told her he’d seen her picture in the dictionary under ‘prude.’ Sandy knew, to all appearances, the label fit. While not frigid, sex just wasn’t high on her priority list. Perhaps the lack of satisfactory experiences kept her from developing a healthy appreciation. Perhaps Kevin’s predictability jaded her. And perhaps, after exhausting days of child care and domestic duties, she simply wanted to crash. Good sex required a bit of energy and attention, after all. Beyond the sex, she’d no complaints. With a great family, a nice house in an affluent neighborhood, plenty of friends, and a dependable husband, life was—for the most part—quite good. By the time she dropped the kids off at school, it was almost eight o’clock. In order to make it all the way across town by nine, she’d have to fly. Exceeding the speed limit by more than five miles per hour gave Sandy hives. The equally unpalatable alternative, however, was to be late for her first day on a new job. She draped her jacket on the passenger seat and headed toward town. The sign for an auto body shop called "Wreck-A-Mended" reminded her of a shortcut which her friend used to bypass the worst of the traffic. The road seemed in good condition, so she decided to risk it. For Sandy, it was a walk on the wild side. Whistling along with the Dixie Chicks, her outlook brightened considerably. The route was scenic and the weather gorgeous. She had almost forty-five minutes to get to work, and it appeared she just might make it. Right on the heels of her new-found optimism, the van sputtered and stalled: out of gas with not a soul in sight on a deserted stretch of road and with no idea of her location or how far she’d have to walk to get assistance. Sandy cursed herself for neglecting such an important detail. As she reached for her cell phone, she heard an engine approaching. She put on the van’s flashers, hoping it’d be a Good Samaritan, and got the can of pepper spray from her purse, in case it wasn't. A motorcycle with a single rider came into view. A man. Sandy clutched the pepper spray, white knuckled. He pulled behind the van and stepped off his bike. Tall, with a powerful build, he wore a fitted black t-shirt, worn blue jeans, and boots. Sandy wished she’d taken that self-defense class at the YMCA with her cousin last year. She jumped when he tapped on her window. "Do you need some help, ma'am?" he asked as he removed his helmet. Okay. He's not so bad, she reassured herself. After all, rapists don't call you ‘ma'am,’ do they? "I'm outta gas," she replied, still through the glass. "And I'm gonna be late for my first day on a new job." Then, he smiled—and Sandy melted. He had short, thick, salt and pepper hair and a suntanned face. Struck by the laugh lines around his piercing green eyes, she found him mesmerizing. "Why don't you lock 'er up and lemme give you a ride, then? It's not far to town," he explained. "You can get a gallon of gas and a lift back from someone at the end of the day." In spite of her apprehension, Sandy knew she’d few alternatives. She grabbed her purse and locked the van, saying a silent prayer for her safety. Motorcycles had always seemed so noisy and dirty, as had their riders, but Sandy had to admit that his bike was immaculate. The leather seat looked very soft, and the engine didn’t sound any louder than a car's. When he reached for her purse, however, she froze—until she realized he simply meant to stow it in the bike’s storage compartment. Grinning sheepishly, she handed him her purse and he reciprocated by handing her the spare helmet. Sandy fumbled with the chin strap, and he reached to help her fasten it; his fingers brushing her neck. Did he do that intentionally? No, she convinced herself, it was just random contact—very pleasant random contact. She had to hike up her skirt a good bit in order to mount the bike. He, being quite the gentleman, pretended not to notice. "Your first time?" he asked. "I beg your pardon?" "Your first time on a bike?" "Oh,” Sandy blushed. “Yes, it is." "Well, don't be afraid. Just hold onto my waist," he advised. "You'll be fine." He started the bike, and Sandy immediately felt the vibration in the seat. As soon as she put her hands on his waist, he took off. Not expecting to go so fast, Sandy reacted by wrapping her arms all the way around his torso. He had a firm stomach and narrow waist. The bike purred between her legs. Initially, she fought the arousal, but after a few minutes of hanging onto a sexy guy, she relaxed into the sensations. She could've loosened her grip, could’ve moved her hands, could’ve stayed in control—but her body had other ideas. They passed a lush meadow, and she entertained thoughts of him making love to her amongst the wild flowers. She could feel his hands under her skirt—cupping her ass as he ground his pelvis against hers, his cock hard and hot. She could feel his tongue on her neck, working down toward her breasts. She could feel his... A low moan escaped Sandy’s lips. "What's that, ma'am?" His voice echoed inside her helmet. "Uh, nothing," she said, embarrassed. "Just enjoying the ride." He chuckled, a sensual sound that resonated between her legs. "Yes, ma'am." At that moment, they hit a pothole and Sandy’s grip slipped—right into his lap! Although she quickly moved her hands, she learned that she wasn’t the only one who found the ride stimulating. He pulled to the side of the road and cut the engine. Sandy, thinking the pothole had caused some damage, took off the helmet and was about to speak when she saw the unmistakable look in his eyes. Still sitting on the bike, with him standing alongside, she fell into his kiss. Her inhibitions evaporated as he held her face in his big hands. His tongue danced in her mouth and his hands moved down her chest to unbutton the delicate blouse. Sandy burned with a desire like none she’d ever known. When his hands reached beneath her skirt, she lifted herself to allow him to slip off her sodden panties. With his hands on her slender hips, he eased her along the seat until she lay supine upon it, pausing only long enough to run a finger through her wetness and bring it to his lips. Apparently liking what he'd tasted, he dove into her waiting sex. Sandy nearly jumped out of her skin. Kevin never kissed her there with such fervor. Her nipples ached for attention and, as her lover was otherwise occupied, she met the need with her own hands. An agile tongue worked her clit. He pushed two thick fingers into her—stroking to match the rhythm of his tongue—while his other hand worked feverishly to shed his boots and jeans. Sandy floated in a sea of sensation, barely conscious of the fact that she was outdoors being ravished by a total stranger. She’d never done anything remotely comparable, and she mentally kicked herself for the years of deprivation. In no time at all, she was riding the crest of a shuddering orgasm. Only his strong arms kept her from falling off the bike as the waves rocked her body. Sandy’s voice joined that of the birds and the frogs and the crickets, singing about the glorious day. Before she’d time to recover, he straddled the bike facing her. He lifted her feet from the foot rests and positioned them on the handlebars on either side of his torso. With exquisite care, he took her hands and placed them on the bar above her head which formed the back rest. Sandy, who’d not yet regained any voluntary muscle control, was putty. The waves were damping down, but still coming. He lifted her hips, and in one smooth thrust, fully impaled her on his cock. Instantly, she again peaked. With one arm beneath her hips and the other steadying himself on the seat at her waist, he leaned forward and drew a nipple slowly into his mouth. As he teased with his teeth and tongue, he continued to drive. He had exquisite control, maintaining a steady rhythm that matched the pulsing of Sandy’s cunt. She didn't think she could come any more, but when he moved his arm from beneath her hips and began circling her clit with his thumb, Sandy completely lost it. As she came for the third time, she felt his cock throb inside. They crested that last wave together. After sharing a long, luscious kiss, they dressed in silence and continued on their way. Sandy was very surprised to discover that only thirty minutes had passed. She could still make it to work on time—though a bit mussed. The can of pepper spray fell from her purse as he removed it from the storage compartment and handed it to her with a wink.
.......Knowing that my wife was having threesomes and more with guys before we met I knew I would be in for a life of good sexual adventures.She dresses in sexy clothes that men wish their lady would have the guts to wear and I managed to come to be as willing as she would when it came to her ways.........hear is our latest and wildest........... I knew that my wife fancied her boss John and over a year I had enjoyed his company at social events through their work or just partying..so one night I put things together........To my enjoyment all went well and we fucked all night ..till morning.....to see her sucking his cock is so horny and we have continued our romps usually once each weekend since....Wanna hear more?

Double The Pleasure

From upstairs, I hear the front door creak open then bang shut. My husband must be home. Excitedly I jump out of bed and stick my head around the bedroom door. "Kev, come up here a minute would you love?" I shout down over the banister, catching the faint smell of my husbands musky aftershave combined with the smell of a fresh summers day. I hear his footfall upon the first stair and hasten back into the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Leaping back onto the bed I rearrange myself for the maximum visual impact. I sit holding my breath in anticipation, my heart pounding and every nerve in me tingling with excitement. Suddenly the door opens and in strides my husband, I see he's about to say something when his jaw goes slack, his eyes widen and he stops, dead in his tracks. "Happy Birthday Kev!" I shout as he walks in through the door, "This is your special birthday treat. I arranged it all for you.” Kev continues to stare at me on the bed, and his eyes dart to my best friend Kate who is lying beside me. Our bodies are so close together, moulded against each other. My hand is resting upon her pert bosom and her arm is slung round my shoulders holding me close. Her thin body is in complete contrast to my voluptuous one. Her straight long black hair contrasting against my shorter curly brown locks, her bright blue eyes filled with lust and amusement twinkle as she glances towards my husband and then back at my face, seeing a similar twinkle in my own dark green eyes. We smile at each other and I extricate myself from Kate’s sensuous grasp. I stand up and take him by the arm and guide him over to a plain wooden chair placed at the end of the bed. "You sit there my love and rest a while; you can join in once the shocks worn off." My heart is pounding, this is more fun than I anticipated, the feeling of power and sexual tension is overwhelming. I walk back to the bed smiling at Kate, looking down over her long sensuous curvy body, her skin pale and inviting, and her smile full of lust and excitement. "We we're warming up before you arrived," I call over my shoulder as I crawl back onto the bed, sliding up close to Kate "we'll just carry on from where we left off then." I let my arm wrap around her slender frame, pulling her close, letting my lips find hers, feeling her running her fingers up and down my spine as we squeeze together in a passionate embrace, our tongues entwined, our breasts rubbing against each other, our breath coming out heavy and strained as we kiss and allow our hands to roam over each others bodies. Kate's gentle fingers stroking my skin make me tingle and slowly I move my lips down to kiss and nibble her neck, she follows suit, making me groan loudly and gently rake my nails down her back. All the while I am aware of Kev's eyes upon me, my skin taut under his stare, all my sense alive. I feel so sexual. My whole body is full of sexual energy. I play the aggressor and move my mouth down to Kate's breast sucking and licking her nipple, her body arching back and a low growl emitting from her mouth. my tongue slides down over her belly licking and teasing at her belly button. My mouth travels further as Kate reclines back and I ease myself between her legs, I look back over my shoulder and give Kev a smouldering look, his eyes are wide and I can hear his breathing. I can see he is excited and this makes me hornier than I already was, if that can be possible. I turn round and gaze down upon my friend, her chest is heaving, her hands clenched beside her, her nipples straining and her hot pussy is glistening with juice. I lick my lips and slowly descend between her legs, tentatively lapping at her juices, running my tongue along her lips. I hear a muffled groan and see her open up to me, I gently lap at the centre of her. she tastes sweet and musky, my tongue probing gently at first then harder as I hear the moans of appreciation getting louder, my tongue presses inside her and I feel her cunt tighten around me, a singularly erotic experience. I can feel the heat of Kev's gaze on my raised up butt and I grin inwardly as I think of how hot this must be getting him, then I hear Kate speak: "Mmmmmm Your wife has a wonderful tongue Kev; you’re a lucky man." I listen in shock, I thought Kate was kind of shy, I had to really work hard to get her to do this in the first place. She must be loosening up! I keep lapping and kissing and tongue fucking her while I listen to her mumbled remarks. "You like watching this don't you? Watching your wife's ass wiggle as she devours my hot wet cunt." I didn't hear a reply. Kev must have just nodded. "Come on then big boy, come and join in. Get that cock out for me. That's it. Get out of those clothes." I can hear Kev's Zip going down, I can hear him panting in excitement. "mmmmmm yes that's it get naked for me, oooh you have such a gorgeous cock and its so hard. Come on, put it in your wife's pussy, fuck her hard as she eats me out, she deserves some fun too, fuck her hard and make her cum, Kev!" I felt my husband’s hot hard cock find my cunt hole and as hard as he can he slams himself into me, making me cry out into Kate's cunt. "Oh she likes that Kev, yeah give it to her hard!" The feeling of Kev hammering into my hot wet cunt combined with the sweet sensual smell and taste of Kate open pussy has me reeling in a whirlpool of sexual ecstasy. My pussy throbs with excitement with each thrust and I reply by licking harder, slurping as I guzzle down the sweet succulent juices from my best friends hot cunt. "Oh yes Kev, she's going to make me cum, oh yeah, I am gonna cum all over your wife's face, watch me Kev, watch me.....YES!" I feel her squeezing down on me, as I lap quicker and harder making her orgasm linger. Oh the feeling of that cunt squeezing my tongue, my face. Totally amazing. "Yes, yes, yes." I hear Kev’s excitement and lust come to a head, then I feel it as he shoots his hot cum into my pussy. I hear the mingled cries of ecstasy and feel so good ,so sexual.I need to cum myself. I feel Kev move then his hands push me down and turn me over. I look up and he grins down at me. "Thank you," he says, " and now it’s your turn." Kate strides into view, "Yes now its your turn, I want to taste this mans cum, and how better to sample it than straight from his wife's fresh fucked pussy." She dives on the bed and soon her face is pressed hard up against my cunt, her tongue probing deep inside me, I can hear the appreciative mmmm’s as she laps up the salty cum of my sexy husband mixed with the sweet feminine taste of my juices. I feel like she’s sucking me dry, then her tongue moves and starts to flick at my clit. I open my eyes and see Kev staring intently down on us, his cock starting to get harder, his hand gently stroking himself. As I watched his cock grows harder and harder. I begin to scream and moan as kates clit flicking intensifies even more. "yes yes, lick that pussy, eat me, eat me, mmmmm." The sight of Kev's lust laden eyes and the feeling of Kate's expert tongue took me over the edge, "yes , yes, yes!" I scrunch close my eyes and surrender to the most powerful orgasm I have possibly ever felt. Kate moves away from my cunt and moves up my body. Holding me close, she kisses me passionately on the lips, our juices mingling, the taste so sublime. We smile at each other then move up and pull Kev between us, kissing him in turn. kissing up and down his face and neck, his chest and torso, tickling his tummy, right down his legs to suck on his toes and back up the insides of his thighs. "You enjoying this Honey?" I ask as he writhes around on the bed in front of us "uh huh!" is all he can make escape from his mouth as Kate's lips touch his balls and she starts to kiss and lick them all over. My mouth finds the tip of his hard cock and slowly I swallow it. slowly, slowly I move my lips and take him into my mouth. Loving the feel and taste of him, loving the moans of sheer delight I hear as I begin to move my mouth up and down, my tongue teasing at the vein along the underside of this throbbing hard, ready to explode cock. I feel Kate's lips as they move up from the base of this cock and reluctantly I release it. so she can have her taste, I move down and gently kiss my husbands full and straining balls, running my hands down his thighs, making his legs buck and shiver. We take it in turns sucking and I can hear my usually quiet lover getting more and more vocal till he shouts, "Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" We move our mouths away and watch as a shot of cum squirts out to land on my face. Kate pushes me away and the next blast hits her. The sticky, smooth substance rolls down our cheeks onto our lips. we eagerly kiss it off each other tasting this sweet elixir, before each giving Kev a big Happy Birthday kiss. "Happy Birthday, my love. I hope you've enjoyed your present." I whisper in the ear of my now softly sleeping husband. Snuggled between the two of us he slumbers peacefully and we watch and wait for him to wake, we can't wait for round two to commence!

Enchanted Forest

The sun slowly rose over the horizon as the men entered the forest, their confident strides taking them deeper into the trees until they could no longer see the world they'd left behind. As they walked, the men observed the lush green of their surroundings and realized that besides the contents of the heavy backpacks they carried, there were no signs of civilization. No car horns to break the peaceful silence, no telephone poles to ruin the awe-inspiring view of the sunrise over the trees, not even a signal for their cell phones. They were alone in nature, and they were content. The feeling didn't last. The men were lumberjacks, assigned to clear a large section of trees near the river by the day's end. They paused for a moment to take a deep breath of the fresh air, the smell of wood and earth enticing them, calling to them. Their leader released a quiet sigh as they looked around at the delicate, tranquil beauty of the trees, knowing that they were meant to destroy them. The foreman of the group, Bill, cleared his throat before addressing the men in a gruff voice. “All right, guys. We'd better get moving if we want to fulfill our quota. Can't get paid if the bosses don't see results, right? Let's hustle up, the site's still a long way off.” The rest of the men muttered in agreement, and silence fell again as they continued hiking through the woods, the chainsaws growing heavier on their backs with each step. Hours later, the team of loggers reached the river and the trees beyond. The sun was high in the sky as they approached the site, its rays filtering through the canopy of branches and leaves and creating a shimmering glow that covered everything it touched. The effect was magical. Bill ran a hand over his face as a pang of regret pierced his heart, but he quickly recovered. “Come on! The sooner we get the job done, the sooner we can go home!” The men detached their chainsaws from their packs as they each took position at a tree, the serrated blades shining in the light. In unison, they reached out for the cord to start the motor... and the faint tinkle of female laughter made them stop in their tracks. Startled, all ten heads whipped around as they tried to find the source of the noise. They saw nothing but birds fluttering around the surrounding trees. No women were in sight. Bill frowned, his wary eyes scanning the terrain. His hand instinctively tightened on his saw. “What the hell? I don't like this. Let's hurry and get this over with.” The men nodded in agreement and returned to their posts. The chainsaws whirred loudly, disturbing the natural flow of the forest as the frightened birds took flight to escape the awful noise. Before they could bury their saws into the tree trunks, a slender hand closed on Bill's muscled shoulder. He jumped at the intrusion, swinging his large body around and barely missing the woman with his still running chainsaw. Bill gasped as he realized what he'd almost done, and he rushed to turn the machine off before lowering it to the ground at his feet. The other men did the same, staring in disbelief at the sight before them. Bill's eyes widened at the sight of the mysterious woman, and he knew that he should ask if she was all right. But he was too entranced by the softness of her skin, the vividness of her emerald eyes. The color of rich, dark earth, her hair fell like a waterfall down her shoulders and back, skimming the gentle swells of her naked breasts. The long tresses were adorned with leaves that matched her eyes. She was the most beautiful thing that he'd ever seen. What was she doing in the middle of the forest? It was a long moment before Bill noticed that the chainsaws had stopped completely, and it took another moment for him to find his voice. He couldn't stop staring at her incredible eyes. “You all right, Miss? Are you hurt?” Her moist lips parted, and he couldn't resist imagining them enveloping his cock. He squirmed as he grew hard in his jeans, his erection pressing against the confining denim. Silently, the woman stepped closer, pressing her full breasts against his taut chest. He could feel their heat through the layers of jacket and shirt that he wore, and he grit his teeth at the sensation. She gently cupped his cheek with one hand, her eyes mesmerizing. “Why are you here?” From the corner of his eye, Bill saw a multitude of women emerge from the bushes to surround the remaining men. They were as diverse as they were beautiful; all shapes, sizes, all colors of the rainbow. He watched as they embraced the loggers, who gave only a token resistance before succumbing to their charms. The sounds of masculine groans of pleasure floated on the wind. Bill returned his eyes to the enchantress, torn between desire and fear. “We are... we need to...” He couldn't complete the sentence under her gaze. “W-who are you?” Her laughter was like music to his ears, and she stood on tiptoe to whisper seductively in his ear. “I am your every wish, every desire. Give yourself to me, Bill. Let me love you.” He closed his eyes, fighting the rising lust that he felt. His cock strained with the urge to bury itself deep inside her body, and they had barely touched. What was this strange hold that she had over him? Bill felt the last shred of his reason falling away, and his eyes locked on hers again. “How did you know my name... ohh...” The woman was stroking the rock-hard bulge in his jeans, and he was already close to coming. Just when he was about to explode, she stopped her hand and smiled wickedly at his hoarse groan. “Not yet, lover. I've got plans for you...” With a strength that surprised him, she shoved him down into the soft grass before climbing over him. The sunlight shone on her beautiful body as she ripped off his clothes with growing urgency, and he couldn't do anything but stare up at her. Amidst the sounds of groans and giggles, he cupped her lovely breasts in his hands, raising his head to take an erect nipple into his mouth. She gasped in pleasure, running her fingers through his thick black hair and anchoring him to her. He alternated between the straining peaks, his mouth watering from the taste of her skin. She was a heady combination of woman and fresh spring water. She took his throbbing cock into her hands and gently pumped it, her thumb spreading his pre-cum along the crown. Moaning, he arched against her hand as she picked up the pace, causing him to toss his head from side to side in ecstasy. He'd never been touched quite like this before. Of course, he'd had his share of women, but none of them could possibly compare to... “What's your name, beautiful?” Bill managed to ground out the words as he felt the come rising up his shaft. His time was almost up. She positioned herself above his aching cock, rubbing her shiny wet lips against the tip before pressing down. “My name... is Dawn.” Bill groaned loudly as he slid into Dawn's unbelievably tight pussy, and he felt the dam burst inside him. In the cool stillness of the forest, the grunts of his explosive passion mingled in the air with those of his men. “Ohh, Dawn... fuck... Jesus Christ!” He came hard, his hips bucking as he slammed his cock into her over and over. His orgasm was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before, more powerful and longer lasting. He shuddered repeatedly as he emptied his burning hot seed into his wild forest woman, into Dawn. Moments later, he opened his eyes and found her watching him with a smile on her face. He then realized that she hadn't come, and guilt set in. He flushed with embarrassment, cursing himself for not being able to last as long as he'd wanted with this wonderful creature. “I'm really sorry, babe. I just lost control...” Dawn leaned forward and silenced him with a finger to his lips. “Shhh, my love. I'll take care of it.” Bill frowned, unsure of what she was talking about. “But it'll take me a while to...” She smiled wider, cupping his head and turning it until he could see the rest of his men with their female companions. They were also naked amongst the trees, sweating and panting with lust. Dawn began to move her hips against his spent cock. “Just watch them for a minute.” He couldn't look away; the sight of so many plunging cocks and sopping, hungry cunts were impossible to ignore. The couples were gyrating wildly to an unknown rhythm, punctuated with keening cries and guttural moans. He saw many sets of fingers teasing and invading various holes, warm wet tongues flicking at nipples, cocks, pussies and assholes. Every combination imaginable for fucking was being used in full force, and in every conceivable position. But he had just come; it was impossible for him to get hard again so soon. Bill turned his head back to Dawn just as she blew the golden powder into his face. He coughed in surprise as the shiny dust filled his mouth and nose, making his entire body tingle pleasantly. “What did you do to me?” Dawn continued to ride his softening cock, never losing her smile. “You'll see soon enough.” She turned her head towards her fellow forest women, muttering something that Bill didn't understand. It sounded exotic and ancient, like a forgotten language from long ago. With each syllable that was spoken, he felt tiny electric shocks travel over his skin, making him more sensitive to every touch. His vision sharpened, and he could see every tiny detail of the orgy around him; both men and women fucking in wild abandon, bodies bathed in sweat and spilled come. The freshness of the air was replaced by the scent of sex, and the sounds of pistoning cocks and ravenous holes filled Bill's ears. The next thing he knew, two identical women were standing beside their joined bodies. They looked down at Bill's naked form, observing him like a starving lion does its prey before they addressed Dawn. “Leave it to you to snatch up the best specimen for yourself, dear sister.” Dawn's laughter echoed off the trees, and Bill's cock was stiff and aching inside of her. She looked down at him, her eyes promising more pleasures to come as she rode him harder. “Bill, meet the twins: Robin and Raven. Girls, meet Bill.” The women lowered themselves to the ground, immediately pouncing on Bill and taking turns kissing him. He moaned at the heat of their mouths, the motion of their tongues. “Hello, Bill. Would you mind if Dawn sat on your face while we take turns riding that magnificent cock of yours?” Since they asked so nicely, what else could he have said but yes? “Hop on, ladies.” Dawn climbed off his cock, straddling his face as Robin sank onto him and Raven took position between his legs to lick and suck at his balls. Bill groaned from the simultaneous stimulation that the three gorgeous women gave him, determined to enjoy every single moment of the encounter. Bill licked at Dawn's pussy and was amazed at her strong, earthy scent and taste of sex. He flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue as he dipped his fingers inside, and was rewarded by her moans as they grew in frequency and intensity. He felt her inner muscles clenching around his fingers as she came. “Oh, Bill! Oh yes, I'm coming...” Dawn's thighs trembled from the strain as she lifted herself off his face, collapsing onto the grass. Robin rode him hard, her tits bouncing with each movement of her hips. As she slid her tight pussy up and down his pulsing shaft, she expertly massaged them with her hands, pinching the stiff nipples with her fingers and pulling at them hard before releasing them. “Bill... my sweet man! Oh yes! Your feel so good inside of me!” While this was going on, Raven was lapping furiously at Bill's balls, which felt like they were about to boil over. At her sister's passionate shouts, Raven grabbed Robin's arm. “Hey, it's my turn now.” Robin reluctantly abandoned her post and moved up to Bill's waiting tongue, enjoying the feel of it on her clit while Raven used the pooled moisture at the base of Bill's cock to lubricate her asshole. Raven grinned wickedly. “Ready for my tight ass, baby? I'm going to drain you dry.” Bill exhaled shakily as Raven turned her back to him and straddled his legs, slowly lowering her creamy asshole onto his waiting cock. Together they moaned as the head wedged into the crinkly skin of her rosebud, and they sighed as Bill slid deeply into her ass. He grabbed her ass cheeks and rammed his shaft into her, his voice muffled by Robin's steamy pussy. “Jesus Christ, you're tight!” Raven didn't reply, she was so overcome with pleasure. She shoved her ass down to meet his thrusts, her fingers tangling in the grass beside them as she used her arms to raise and lower herself on him. Robin shuddered with the force of her orgasm, leaning over to lock lips with Dawn, who was fingering her pussy on the grass. Raven cheered Bill on, her sultry voice making his balls tingle. “Bill, fuck me hard. Ram my ass! Give me your come, you bastard!” Looking between Robin's still trembling thighs, Bill watched his swollen cock disappear between Raven's luscious ass cheeks. The sight pushed him over the edge. He lost control again, feeling the come explode from his cock into her willing asshole as Raven's climax milked him for all he was worth. He saw stars exploding behind his closed eyelids. “Give it to me, baby. Spill it all...” Bill grunted as Raven released his cock and walked away, followed by Robin. Dawn leaned over him and kissed his sweaty brow, still smiling. “Enjoy yourself, lover?” Still in awe of what was happening to him, he murmured in agreement before closing his eyes. Hell yes, he'd enjoyed himself a lot. He wanted more, but he was exhausted. First, he needed to rest his eyes, and later he would... * * * The sun was setting when Bill awoke and found himself fully dressed once again, his body aching deliciously even as his mind was puzzled over what had happened. Was it all a dream? He heard a groan and looked to see his men stretching and rising from the ground, frowning with confusion. Someone shouted out to him. “Hey, Bill! What the hell happened, man?” He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. “I don't know, but we've got to get back before it gets too dark to get around. Let's pack up and move out.” Bill rose, his hand automatically reaching for his chainsaw before he paused. For a long moment, he stared at the instrument of destruction and came to a decision. His hand dropped the machine as if it was a hot coal. One of the men tapped him on the shoulder. “What about the job, man? What's going to happen when we get back without clearing the trees?” He pulled away from the logger and walked to a nearby tree, staring at it. He touched a brilliant green leaf, the same color as Dawn's eyes. The same leaves that were in her hair. Bill's voice was rough with emotion. “We'll manage. Now let's get out of here.” The men abandoned their saws and followed Bill's lead, leaving the river and its trees untouched.
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