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The Daily Prophet Evening Extra carried the news to the Wizarding World.

Dark Lord Defeated, on the Run

In a series of stunning developments, You-Know-Who attempted to make a statement to the Wizarding World that the second war was underway.  In a three-pronged attack, the Dark Lord's forces struck at Hogsmeade, Azkaban, and the Ministry itself.

In each case his forces were routed, led by forces from the Ministry, Aurors, and the Order of the Phoenix, and coordinated by Harry Potter himself.

Details are still emerging, but it appears that the Dark Lord's plans were known in advance, and at each location the Death Eaters walked into an ambush.

It is now rumored that the Dark Lord, shaken after this decisive and devastating defeat, has fled the country to regroup his forces.

More coverage on Pages 2-5...

Page 2

Azkaban: Dementors Revolt, Get Destroyed; No Escapes

At Azkaban, a Dementor revolt was expected and prepared for, but what no one expected was the complete and utter destruction of almost a thousand of the soul-suckers, virtually the entire number of Dementors in Britain.  Warden O'Malley, when asked about it, deferred all questions to Harry Potter, saying he had to get back to work, with the reason that the new security arrangements at the prison, along with the sudden swell in inmates, had all left him with a lot to do.

When asked about the Dementors, Harry Potter simply said, "Old magic, obscure and forgotten for a long time."  Potter himself personally supervised the ambush and it is believed but not confirmed that he led the actual attack that destroyed the Dementors.  For Potter himself this is a personal victory of sorts, since he had been attacked by Dementors four times before.

Warden O'Malley confirmed seventy Death eaters captured in the attack, with one guard killed by a Dementor's kiss.  Private services for the fallen guard are pending.

Page 3

Hogsmeade Damaged, Will Recover

In Hogsmeade, more Death Eaters attacked and tried to destroy the town, but met with stiff resistance by the villagers, Hogwarts teachers, and the Order of the Phoenix.  The resistance was coordinated by Fred and George Weasley, of Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, and designed by them, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter.  Granger, the Weasleys, and Potter have been close-knit for years, including an alleged love affair between classmates Granger and Potter.

When asked about the defenses, Granger made an obscure reference to "Muggle pinball machines" and stated "Wizards really don't know much about the Muggle world, and that was our advantage today."  While bringing Muggle practices into the Wizarding World is questionable at best, there is no doubt in this case it was effective.

Confirmed in the attack were forty Death Eaters captured and no injuries amongst the resistance.  Some buildings were damaged but repairs are expected to be made quickly.

Page 4

Treachery at the Ministry

At the Ministry itself, Death Eaters entered and attempted a mass assassination of top officials, only to have their plans thwarted.  All Ministry officials are alive and safe, although a few did suffer some minor injuries.

According to Auror Nymphadora Tonks, who sprung the trap, Death Eaters had attempted to infiltrate the Ministry in the days prior and assume positions as the assistants and secretaries of the officials, but each one was captured before they could assume their roles, and replaced with Aurors and Ministry officials in disguise.  The Death Eaters attacked, but found the tables turned on them and were quickly captured.  Several injuries were reported, but none were considered life-threatening by the healers at St. Mungo's.

During the attack, Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange attempted to assassinate the Minister of Magic himself, but was intercepted by Hogwarts Defense Association Trainer Neville Longbottom.  Lestrange fell to her death, but Minister Fudge quickly issued a statement that no charges would be sought against Longbottom, claiming that it was an accident and in defense of the Minister, and that if charges were sought by the Wizenmagot that he would immediately pardon Longbottom anyway.  Longbottom is the son of Frank and Alice Longbottom, Aurors who were tortured into insanity by the very same Bellatrix Lestrange.  Longbottom could not be reached for comment, and Harry Potter refused to comment, saying that it is best for Neville to discuss it.

In all, fifty-nine Death Eaters captured, with the lone death being Lestrange, and twenty injured Ministry workers, all of whom will recover.

Page 5

Honors to the Victors

Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge announced late today that several honors will be awarded at a future date for the key players in the successful defenses made today.

"Specifically, the Ministry will award Orders of Merlin, Third Class for all who defended our world today, with some exceptions.  Warden O'Malley, Auror Tonks, and Fred and George Weasley will be awarded Orders of Merlin, Second Class for coordinating and leading the defenses, as well as the capture of the Death Eaters in Diagon Alley, as well as Lee Jordan for same, Percy Weasley and Neville Longbottom will be awarded Orders of Merlin, Second Class, for their separate foiling of assassination attempts on me, and the Ministry will award Orders of Merlin, First Class, to Ronald and Ginerva Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter for their successful efforts and leadership in planning and executing these major victories.  The Dark Lord has suffered a major defeat today, and while he is still alive, he should not bother us for some time.

When asked for comments on the pending awards, Potter simply stated, "Not yet.  The Dark Lord is still alive, and until he is dead, the war is not over.  We should not be premature in our celebrations."  Weasley, Weasley, and Granger had no comment.  Molly Weasley, when asked for comment, only said, "I'm proud of my children, and that includes Harry and Hermione, too."

Harry looked up after reading all the articles.  Owls had been flooding into the Burrow all evening with notes of congratulations, marriage proposals, and everything in between.  Celebrations were everywhere in the wizarding world, and Fred and George were swamped with new orders, not to mention quite a few girls who had become taken with them.

"I hate all this publicity," Harry grimaced.

"Mate, you've had it all your life, just because of your reputation," replied Ron.  "Today you lived up to it, and you deserve it, because it's all good.  Besides, I kind of like being famous for a change."  He grinned.

"Harry, he's right," Hermione said.  "For once, try to enjoy it."

Harry looked at her and smiled.  "All right, Hermione, just this once.  But I'm not letting it go to my head.  Once this is all over, I'm just Plain Old Harry!"

Ginny looked at her husband and turned in his lap to give him a quick kiss.  "Don't worry, Plain Old Harry.  I won't let it go to your head.  We Weasley women have a way with keeping our men in line.  Don't we, Mum?"

Molly blushed as she came in the room with a tray of food.  "Yes, dear, we certainly do.  Now eat up, everyone!  You've earned it!"  She set down the tray and turned on the wireless.

Arthur came in and looked at Molly, and grinned.  "Mollywobbles, they're playing our song!"  He held out his hand, and she blushed and took it.  They came together and danced slowly, occasionally stealing a kiss from each other.

Harry and Ginny looked over at them, she wrapped in his arms, while he absently played with her hair.

:They were made for each other.  After all these years, all the kids, all the war, all the stress, they're still madly in love with each other.

:Love is a beautiful thing, Harry.  My family may have been poor in money, but in love we're the richest family in the world...

:And I'm so happy to be a part of it.  Shall we?

:Delighted, my love.

Harry and Ginny got up and joined them, dancing close, lost in each other's eyes.  The song ended and another began, and the two couples kept dancing, oblivious to everything but themselves.

Ron nervously looked at Hermione.  "Uh, 'Mione, would you like to dance?"

Hermione blushed, then nodded.  Ron took her hand and they joined in, dancing closely, Ron's arms around her waist, hers up under his arms and on his back, her head resting against his chest.  "This is nice," she whispered. Ron moved one hand up to her head, caressing her bushy hair.  "Uh huh," he mumbled in agreement.

Harry and Arthur had changed partners so he could dance with his daughter, and Molly was now with Harry.  They looked over at Ron and Hermione.  "Maybe they'll finally admit it to each other," she whispered.

"We can hope," Harry whispered back.  "It's long overdue."

"You and Ginny make such a couple.  You know that I couldn't ask for a better man for her than you," Molly ruffled his hair, not that it made any difference.

"I couldn't ask for a finer woman.  Thank you, Mum," Harry looked at her, slight tears in his eyes.

:Thank you, Daddy.

"For what, Harry?"

"For raising her to be what she is, for giving her all the love she could handle, for being a surrogate for me, and for letting me marry her."

Now it was Molly's turn for tears.  "Oh, Harry!"  She gave him a bone-crushing hug.

The conversation was similar with father and daughter.

"Ginny, do you think those two will finally get together?" Arthur asked.

"They better soon, or I'll have to hog-tie them up together in a room and leave them there until they confess they love each other!"  Ginny chuckled at the thought.

Arthur smiled at his only daughter.  "You know you and Harry are perfect for each other.  It's nice to see him happy and learning to love."

"Daddy, he's always known how to love.  He just didn't know he knew.  I couldn't ask for a finer man, you know?"  Ginny looked at her Dad, with slight tears in her eyes, too.  "Thank you, Dadddy."

:Thank you, Mum.

"For what, Ginny?"

"For all the love, for being Harry's surrogate, and for letting us be together, despite all the war and wackiness that has surrounded us."

"Anything for my girl."  Arthur gave her a tight hug.  He looked over and saw Molly doing the same thing with Harry and smiled.

Harry and Arthur changed back to their respective spouses for the next song.

:I have an idea.  Follow my lead.  Take Hermione to the bathroom so I can talk to Ron out of sight.


She went over and pried Hermione away from Ron, and the girls headed out of the room.  Ron headed over to Harry.  Molly and Arthur continued dancing.

Harry handed him a Butterbeer.  "So when are you going to do it?"

Ron blushed.  "Do what?"

"Come off it, Ron." Harry laughed.  "You two are so in love you make me and Ginny look like we hate each other!"

"Can you transform something for me?"  Ron whispered.  He pulled out a small box.  "I wanted to do more, but I couldn't afford it, and I didn't want to ask anyone for money."  He blushed, embarrassed.

"Ron, asking for money is never a problem with me.  I have so much I have no idea what to do with it.  I'm already spending it on rebuilding Hogsmeade and a new house in Godric's Hollow.  What do you want done?"

Ron showed him a simple silver ring.  "Can you turn this into gold, with a diamond with ruby accents?"

Harry waved his wand. "Done.  It looks better in white gold, so I made it that instead.  Now, when?"

Ron pocketed the ring and flushed.  "I'm not sure."

"Tell you what.  Let me dance with Hermione this next one and you dance with Ginny.  After that, you pop the question or I'll turn Ginny loose on both of you."  Harry grinned.  "Just go for it, OK?  She'll say yes."

At that moment Hermione and Ginny returned.

Harry looked at the girls.  "Hermione, may I have this dance?"

"You, Harry?  Is that all right, Ron?"  Hermione looked at him nervously and he nodded. Harry took her hand and began dancing, her hand on his shoulder, his on her waist, in a traditional style.

Ron looked at Ginny.  "Shall we?"

Ginny glanced over at Harry, who saw her out of the corner of his eye and gave a barely perceptible nod.

She took Ron's hand.  "All right."

"Harry, you never dance with me.  What's going on?"  Hermione looked at him.

"Well, I was just wondering something.  When are you going to tell Ron how you feel about him?  I mean it's so obvious you two are as much in love with each other as Ginny and I are."

"Harry, I do love him, but do you think he loves me the same way?"  Hermione looked at him closely, as if searching for some truth there.

"I know it, Hermione.  Ginny knows it, and your parents know it.  I think half the wizarding world knows it except you."  Harry grinned and dipped her.  "And I'm supposed to be the thick one, remember?"

"Oh, Harry!" she laughed.  They continued dancing.

"Well, Ron, are you going to do it or not?" asked Ginny.

"Do what?"

"Get that box out of your pocket and put what's in there on Hermione's finger, you prat!"  she grinned.

Ron blushed.  "Yeah, I think I am."

"About time.  It took ages for Harry and me to get together.  Don't make that same mistake, dear brother."

They continued dancing.

:All set here, love.  He's going for it!

:Ditto here.  Change partners before the song ends.

Harry and Hermione moved over.  "Ron, I'd like my wife back," he grinned.

"Sure, Harry.  I knew you'd miss her." Ron smiled.  The song came to an end and a commercial came on.

Molly and Arthur came over.

Aw, bloody Hell, here goes!

"Hermione, I need to tell you something."

She looked at him.  "What is it, Ron?"

He gulped.  "Hermione, I love you, and have loved you for a long time.  I was just too thick to realize it and too scared to say it."

Her eyes filled with tears.  "Ron, I love you too!  I just didn't know if you did!"

They embraced.  Harry and Ginny grinned.  Molly came over and caught Hermione in a big hug.  That gave Ron the opening he needed.

Hermione let go of Molly and turned to find Ron on one knee, with the box open in one hand, his eyes locked on hers.

"Hermione Granger, will you marry me?"

Hermione, stunned, looked around.  Harry and Ginny stood behind Ron, grinning and nodding, arm in arm.  Arthur smiled and nodded.  Molly looked fit to burst, but nodded.

As if I need any encouragement!

"Yes, Ronald Weasley, I will marry you!"  Cheers erupted from the group as Ron placed the ring on her finger and stood up, to be met with a deep kiss, followed by a group hug.

The three couples danced the night away, and in the morning the six of them went outside to watch the sun rise, lost in love and each other.


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