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Fakehater27's blog: "blog 1"

created on 12/19/2006  |  http://fubar.com/blog-1/b36059
predictions of world war 3

I have many ideas of what will cause world war 3 So I will name them for sanitys sake. Lets start with the craziest lol. 1-The government really has so many nukes threw out the world because there paranoid of aliens they continually piss off with weaponizing space (Mainly america with haarp) Wanting to create a crazy automphereic type shield around the whole country. I dont know if haarp is just to throw us off from the real weapon close by to its location But I do know that they do fucked up tests that can destroy the whole planet and all life thats how fucking paranoid America is This weapon whenever used its ovious because strange weather follows They just shrug it off as global warming that bush dosint even belive in anyways Kinda like when he says he belives in god (Hes such a coke head he probably thinks he is god) Katrina was more then likely caused by Haarp So version 1=fake alien attack or real alien attack=Cause the government and weapons like haarp lol 2-Russia nukes america paranoid it wont beable to take them out as planned a long time ago by the secret government and there new world order plans (Illuminati) Due to the new shield type weapon bush has been trying to finish testing using haarp or the real haarp To destroy a sub missile So better versions of haarp can be built even on russian or ex russian soil to protect America from any threat This has angerd russia so much they wont even hand over the accused killer of the ex kgb that was killed with plutonium 210 to britan So... 2=Russia 3-china (there getting sick and tired of the world) Even tainting everything from our food supply/animal feed to our toothpaste... All they wanted to do was use the tecnology givin to them and make many pennys (One day they might just destroy some american satelightes for fun) All america seems to do is bitch about how strong chinas doller is due to the almost total collapse of the stock market a few times because bush dosint relize how much he has destroyed america and the world econimy Due to all his money is made threw oil and the drug trade Lets put it this way Im from canada and my country is in debt If 3 to 5 years ago our money was 60 something cents on an american doller and today its stands at about 92 cents on an American doller lol Bush really fucked up that country good (The worst part is the dude is now a billionare from oil and the drug trade (mostly poppys in afganistan) Its pretty much win win for him (He helps his investers he helps himself and he helps the saudis and bin ladins alqeda become more powerful to take over the middle east) In number 4 I will explain why this wont happen (alqeda and the sadies taking over the middle east) Soo... 3= China 4-Now this one is a biggy Could collapse the world econimy so fast and make money so useless that the government would have to hide in its secret bases and tunnels till they think were done killin each other or ready for there new plan for the foolish that still belive there lies Sooo Iran this is a country that america has staged false flag operations in the past just to get some control of there oil supply and oust leaders with the Cia A country so powerful yet so paranoid of world war3 and spys from america/Isreal that it stoped giving a shit what the united nations created by bushes dad says This country can not be stoped u would have a better chance fighting china or any other country then winning a battle against Iran How do I know? Because people have tryed The united states gave sadom weapons to try n defeat Iran It did not happen all it did was pissed the bush family off because there plan failed So when this bush got into the white house he went after Sadom for failing and actually strengthend Iran and Americas enemys more... They sent russians into the middle east in the past before Wars are for population control like desease nothing more Proof to this is when the Cia used osama to gather people and defeat the russians attemted take over... Yet who is americas number one enemy today? Go figure So 4=Iran These are the 4 main ways that I think could bring about world war 3 My advice is u pick a good president like obama and hope and pray for humanitys sake that he isint killed and America is not to broke to fix Like humpty dumpty sometimes u just cant put the shit back together again lol Peace to all Sorry if your offended by my warnings and facts (free speech) I cant help the way I think Seeya


Evanescense - Wher...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I am still stuck And I dont know what people are capable of.. So I seeked out someone I used to talk to and I will be teaching them all that I know. They are wise to so I continue to learn as I show. But the purpose is this If anything happens to me or I cant complete this on my own We will ensure they dont succeed in what there doing Its my last ditch effort To ensure that a kind of peace will survive No matter how bad shit gets. For the problem is this In places like the middle east we have people like osama with sex slaves do to the koran being read in a differint light... So the guy has kids popping out like rabbits. Teachin em about jihad The saddest part is osama was created by the cia basicly was used as a tool to fight the russians back in the 80s due to daddy bush wanted to help stabilze the middle east from the creation of Isreal his dad helped cause. Plus it was a dam good reason to create the united nations and start handing out forced vaccinations To help keep populations under control... Plus creating armys From poverty countrys handing them guns and finally naming them peace keepers. The truth in the world is this Following the $nakes.. will only cause problems There are no sides except for innocint and not And the only people winning this war are corperations like bushes oil companys Where if u watch fareinheit 911 its a small piece of the greater shit stain. Osamas dad helped build sadi arabia with his construction company!!! President Bushes first business partner was osamas brother... Its just like the divinci code is a small piece of the Illuminati shit stain Following people that name an asteroid after the black hole that is known as the enemy of the sun god ra and the circle snake in magick ((Apophis)) http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/apep.htm Can never be a good thing especially as they say the odds of it hitting us are slim but they still want to change its direction..Oh well guess we will see ths is my random drunkin stoned blog... LOL its been awhile peace http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070410/menu_foods_070410/20070410?hub=TopStories http://www.google.ca/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&q=Apophis+asteroid&meta=&btnG=Google+Search Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Justin Timberlake ...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting All I have is a massive hole in my soul where u once stood The one love of my life is adding darkness and anger to the void Where u were. Where part of u will always be In me Like I was in u In a way I supose my life force courses threw u Use the power u have to look out for yourself Cause Im gone and will never be the same again or probably near u... To many lies To many mind games To much control To much to much eveything but equal and love back Funny shit I see That people might actually belive u after all my old hacked spaces words Im done with dictators and control If I wanted a dictator Id vote. Soon we will all be free. Im fighting with my soul to keep my anger and hate out of reality. Im losing I thought u were my everything but now I see the things that I continue to lose My soul/My mind/My patience/My ability to love So many things..Im broken Im sure if we ended for good on ok terms and u left like I asked instead of cheating Lieing..Sayin u were beatin Shit might have been differint But mark my words Im out of sex and relationships Love sucks Men are dicks and women are cunts u get together and it equals fucked. I have a scar in my hand/heart and soul...Its all from u. You still continue to taint me as u dont talk to me but u talk to my enemys. The whole time u were plotting against me wernt u? Will see how life turns out But in my mind u can never show or feel love. Trust me I know cause I tryed I put all that I had into u and all it did was ruined me too. Darkness Black a hole that can never be filled An accident just waiting to happen and a danger to his enemys. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Free Tibet

Haha not much to say! Im out of beer Need more but Im tired! Havint smoked weed in 4 days God reality so sucks! Crazy bush is goin to get us all killed! My myspace link is in my last blog thats where I usually am atleast once a day umm thats about it! Free Tibet.... Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

blah ......new blog

1170733740647.gif hmm so whats new.. Not much Iv been bored.. Drinking smoking weed.. Tryin to fix this shit hole we live in keeping myself busy and being kept in the dark as to my legal situation! Oh well tis life n it goes on till the powers to be choose otherwise! How a coke head is in charge I will never know Its like Im cursed From em Got crazy bush out to kill us all n my stalker just out to do w/e to me lol Anyways Im usually on myspace once a day so.. add me on myspace but dont use microsoft use firefox or bill gates will fuck your shit up lol jk http://www.myspace.com/fakehater27 1170776029863.jpg

Im the type of person that dont belive shit untill I see some mother fucking proof.. Im not a conspiracy therist or any other shit.. I look for concreate facts n I put together pieces!! Iv heard rumours that satan has lizard people in charge but Iv yet to see one! Im not david ike but if u wish to check n see shoot bush video tape it and let me know if u see green! Maybe we can trade it with the middle east for peace... Say sorry N lets all be forgiven.. After all this war should make us destined for 7 years of peace anyways.. Probably be after the planets fucked and we gasp for air Start tearin your nukes down before its to late america.. For if u are ever taken over were all fucked. Over 9000 nukes in storage or make your own.. Conjoined enemys (tired of your shit) Tempted to destroy your satelites Make u a sitting duck..well your bogged down from war.. North korea or russia could easily sell chemichal weapons to alqeda that u created. You think Im stupid? You trained then to battle russia You think one day u wake up with a gun in your hand and know how to blow shit up? hahaha We truly are fucked.. That not even Iran (Where if u accuse enough n get isreal to nuke em they just might do what u say there doing) Read the bible and laugh at how stupid we were n continue to be.. Act like u dont know what global warming is till u hear it on tv.. They have u trained a tad to well to follow Gee what way do we go george what way do we go? China/Japan create all the final fantasy games based on religion (Everything is) Final fantasy 7 was about shinra sucking away the life energy of the planet! Resident evil 4 was about the illumintos (illuminati)and had giants named from the bible Eminems song mosh is about the illuminati!! Everything that can be known is right in front of your face! Look closely n u can create anything aswell! Diablo 2 Final fantasy X (talking about sin) So on so forth u must wake up!!!! Peace to all... 1170407710601.jpg 1170407708911.jpg 1170407712775.jpg 1170407712324.jpg 1170407712153.jpg
1170236412220.jpg 1170236408722.gif I was never told the truth from u! Probably never will be..But one things forsure Im still suffering from your lies.. Hopefully its fun living where u do with all the money u saved due to me. Sure u worked to make money but u never had to pay shit (Thanks to me)not to mention the using me.. Then I still dont get Thanks (I get the government trying to charge me instead) Then u disapear (Same with Jenn) I wish I new what was going on.. I cant stay in the same spot.. Im a fact finder but my intuition only goes so far.. Give me some respect n tell me the truth.. I need to know..Its my right to know... I pity this place if the rumours are true n I dont get to see u grow up. Its not right..Its not fair.. In this illusionary world.. All thats seen is money! So blind u dont see the snake...Look at your banks symbol n I bet u see a snake or something to do with the planet or zodiac.. Open your eyes your texts have missing stories n some are changed.. (Divide n conquer its what they live by) Is it not ovious? As polution kills us and causes global warming? People starve and our tax money goes towards war? The snake Fuck if u new me years ago n saw me today n see I belive! You would belive too.. Oh well *sigh* I can only try... lol it's not like I dont know the outcome anyways. Peace to all. I pity us when the zodiac calender is alligned or iran is attacked thats coming very soon! Right now were in the propaganda stage (Im sure u remember iraqs clearly) Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.com 1170297492445.jpg 1170297492756.jpg 1170297490014.gif 1170236411361.jpg 1170189614858.gif
Im a fucking crazy bastard ..Or atleast thats what the government will wish u to belive! Im far from the anti christ ..I'll wake this whole fucking planet up n make u belive! Cause I warned those mother fuckers to stay out of my life...(government) Now there trying to put me away.. Haha try n try u might but if she shows up I run n be an even bigger pain in your ass! You cant even hope to stop me! Only way is use your nukes now but your waiting for hilary! Play I hate war then set it all up! Dam satan lovers..nice evil men joke lol funny (if only people new the true meaning) It cant be true this is some fucked up shit haha wake up.. Everything created springs from thoughts of past lives n belifes! Put the mother fucking shit together... Watch the news n see past the lies! look at the symbols everywhere(the serpent) Iv done almost all that I can.. Now I seek artists If u draw or make music contact me.. Will work some mother fuckin shit out for when youtube pays for advertisements.. In Just a few short months 1170101045924.jpg 1169597013216.jpg 1170010287295.jpg 1169504593689.jpg 1156634748327.gif 1156634749121.jpg 1156634748466.png 1156634748671.jpg


Well.I hear google is going to start paying people that are creative and advertise them via youtube Within the next few months!(Has to not be copyright) So artists artists I seek lol! You create art? I make vids! You create music? (I can add music to vids lol) Maybe we can work some shit out n advertise each other! Money money it makes the world go round! So why not get paid for just fucking around?
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