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Set Me Free

A picture is worth a thousand words, at least thats what I've been told. But a picture of you is worth more to me than gold. Cause you are the spark that ignites the fire inside of me. Illuminate the dark and set my spirit free. You are the spark that ignites the fire inside of me. You have the key to my heart so set me free. With eyes like diamonds you draw me close Until your lips touch mine and were nose to nose. A million butterflies flap their tiny wings, As a chorus of heavenly angels gladly sing. You are the spark that ignites the fire inside of me. You have the key to my heart so set me free. You asked if our love will last and I think it might, If we try hard to make things right after every fight, To wipe away eachothers each and every tear, To be there for eachother year after year. You are the spark that ignites the fire inside of me. You have the key to my heart so set me free. © Brett Harper

Awake Athena!

Awake, awake oh mighty Athena, feared and honored goddess of war! Awake, awake for America has spread its legs far and wide like a whore! She has sold her soul for oil, money and power, She has set out to kill, maime, and devour. Awake, awake Athena for now is the time, To punish this nations leaders for their hellish crime! For the price of blood is cheap and the cost of oil is high! Our leaders have no honor! They allow the innocent to die! Awake, awake Athena! Show us the power of peace! Move us! Shake us! Make these wars cease! For we fight for a cause that is not just, And our country has become consumed with greed and eaten up with lust! Awake, awake oh mighty goddess and cause us to bow! Awake Athena the time is finally here! The time is now! © Brett Harper

Do You Still Love Me?

I look across the room and what do I see? A beautiful angel staring right back at me. Looking into her eyes I knew right from the start, That she had a hold on my soul and had captured my heart. Well now I'm left to sing... Well I miss you more each day, And I don't know what to say, Cause words can't explain the way we were meant to be. Well are you still in love with me? Well we walked across the beach on a stary night, And we held eachother tight till the morning's light. We passed a sea of people and stood together above the bay. Well this is how I feel inside so its only right for me to say... Well I miss you more each day, And I don't know what to say, Cause words can't explain the way we were meant to be. Well are you still in love with me? Well I still got your number written on an old bus pass, It reminds me of your smile, our love, and our golden past, And as I write this song waiting for you to one day return. The fire deep in my heart and soul begins to burn. And I sing... Well I miss you more each day, And I don't know what to say, Cause words can't explain the way we were meant to be. Well are you still in love with me? Cause words can't explain how much you mean to me. Oh darlin please tell me that you still love me. © Brett Harper

Woke Up Dead

Woke up this morning feeling cold and dead. Woke up this morning with a coffin for a bed. The day has turned into eternal night, And I can't find the switch, I can't find the light. Mirror mirror on the old brick wall, Whose the pailest one of them all? Looking into the mirror what is it I see? A souless monster staring back at me. His eyes comma white and sinking in. His soul black and dead eat from within. Cursed forever and fallen from grace. I retreat to my coffin. I run to my lonely place. Let me rest, let me sleep and never wake. Let me dream of the past, the light, and let me dream for Hell's sake. Cause dreaming is all that this broken jaded man has left... © Brett Harper


Whose that girl with the fake smile and sadly glazed eyes. Who is she underneath her mask and her ever clever disquise. Shes too afraid to let it all out. Shes too afraid to cry. She remains distant and silent. Shes obviously very shy. She just sits by her phone and waits for somoene to call, But as time passes slowly ticking by it doesn't ring at all. She trys hard to hold back her sentamental tears in a crowded city subway. Theres so much she needs to let out. Theres so much she wants to open up and say. Shes fragile. Her heart is ripped open, bleeding, and starting to ache. Shes fragile. I think shes on her way...I think shes about to break. The little boy next door just sits on his front porch all day. With his head burried in his hands he trys hard to look away, From a drunk ass dad beats him down and then up every night, And a strung out pair of parents that do nothing but constantly fight. His birth parents passed over last year in a cruel and devistating car crash. His mom was shit faced drunk and his dad had smoked just a little too much hash. So he just sits there on the front porch. He doesn't know what to say. He hates his retched life. He hates himself. He curses the light of day. Well hes fragile. I don't really know how much more this boy can take. Hes fragile. I think his hearts about to shatter. I think hes about to break. A teenage girl sits on a city park bench trying hard not to cry. Her heart is broken and she wishes she could just fall over and die. She gave her innocents and her heart to a boy that promised her the moon. She thought it would last forever. She thought it would never end this soon. Now shes sixth months pregnant with his son and hes nowhere to be found. Her heart and soul are crying out, there screaming. "Why couldn't he stick around!' Her parents disowned her and the boys just pass her by. Shes alone. Her friends call her a slut and theirs nothing but trouble at home. Shes fragile. Its not something she can hide, its nothing something she can fake. Shes fragile. I think shes juts about ready...I think shes just about ready to break. An old man sits in a rocking chair with his dog faithfully sitting by his side. Theres noene around, noene to talk to about how he feels deep down inside. His wife died last year of lung cancer and he still thinks of her often. He misses her so. His memory is fading. Who is this? Whose left of his family. He can't tell nor does he know. So he talks to himself, he talks to his dog, he talks to the air, and he cries himself to sleep at night. He gets on his knees, looks up at heaven, and then prays that the end will come and erase the daylight. Hes broken, tattered, and torn. Hes misereably lost in his old age. Hes now alone. Hes fragile. Age has caused his whole world to quiver, shift, and shake. Hes fragile. I think soon he will whither, his strength will fade, he will break. Well my dear loving mother died when I was young. When I was only four months old. The night my father killed my innocent mother to the devil his soul was tragically sold. Those who took me in and adopted me betrayed me and institutanalized me. They never understood my pain for their eyes were blind and they could not see. Once upon a time I was ready to be wed. I was ready to give her my life. Then just before our son could be born into this world our love sadly became strife. Now I miss my son Tristan. I miss him so that I cry myself to sleep most every night. I curse myself for opening up and for being so careless. I curse the retched day light! Well I'm fragile. I don't know how much more I can push. I don't know how much more I can take. Well I'm fragile. Please hold me up, sew me together, and please don't let me break. © Brett Harper


I always had a smile that I was willing to share, And there wasn't a burden that I wasn't willing to bare. Put your tears in a bottle and I'll keep it by my side. Oh run to me my children, my arms are open wide. As I say... Oh won't you hold me now while you still can Cause I'm fading fast I'm withering. Won't you save me now while you still can. Before this becomes my bitter end. Well your too late, your too late. I was always kind to you. I loved you from the start. I fought to keep us together but you tore us all apart. I was the bind, the spine, the family's binding glue. And now with pain in my eyes I turn and look up at you... And I say... Oh won't you hold me now while you still can Cause I'm fading fast I'm withering. Won't you save me now while you still can. Before this becomes my bitter end. Well your too late, your too late. Memories of holidays in a distant past, Are all I have left of my children...tell me will it last? Cause my mind is slowly slipping farther and farther away. And soon my body will wither and decay. And I say... Oh won't you hold me now while you still can Cause I'm fading fast I'm withering. Won't you save me now while you still can. Before this becomes my bitter end. Well your too late, your too late. Oh lover how could you be so very blind? I'll bet you wish you could stop and push rewind. You left me here to slowly die in the most painful way. I curse you! I hate you! You mean to say you didn't here me scream? Oh won't you hold me now while you still can Cause I'm fading fast I'm withering. Won't you save me now while you still can. Before this becomes my bitter end. Well your too late, your just too damn late! Comments are very appreciated since this is a poem about my grandmother that just died. They cut off her water supply and let her shrivel up into a prune. She was awake the whole time. What a fucked up and painful way to die eh? © Brett Harper

Stitched Up & Caged

I'm all stitched up now. I have nothing more to say. Oh well, fuck it! They didn't want to hear it anyway! All alone in my cell I sway with rage. Alone in the shadows I'm locked in a cage. My heart is black and my skin is numb. I go through times where I feel blind, deaf, and dumb, To the world around me though there it may be, Yet I find myself paralyzed but what I see. Waite! I feel something! It must have been left on the floor of my cage. A pin, a razor blade and a tattered old page. The last page of my journal or so it would seem to be. My last chance to cry out and make all you people see. That I used to sing and be happy. I had love, money, and a family. But thats all gone away now and I'm left here today. I'm stitched up in my cage what more can I say. I've stitched my heart back together and I've glued it shut. Black it still beats and it pumps despite all these cuts. Black blood flows underneath my flesh underneath my skin. And these soulless eyes are but a mirror for what lies within. So many lies, so much anger and so much hate. What did I ever do to deserve this horrible fate? So my friends I write to you from the depths of my cage. I cry as I bleed out onto this page. I cut to numb the pain of my tormented soul. I've tried everything to fill this hole. I've stitched up my life and I've stitched my mouth shut. Say what you will. Yes, I'm a drugy, dreamer, nut! Abuse me, use me, then throw me away! Hell, I don't give a damn about you anyway! What place you once had in my life has long since died! I wrote you off my list! I couldn't stand the way you lied! So I remain in my cage, safe from all of my fears. And in this jar I hold all of my tears of my many wasted years. My heart and mouth stitched together I'm silent with rage. Locked away forever. Locked away in my cage! --SlayerX-- © Brett Harper
Lying alone in this cold, dark, and lonely place, Tucked away, hiding from the world, I allow the tears to flow softly down my face. As the laughter, smiles, and good memories of distant past, Flash through my mind and dimly fade like reflections in a poorly tinted glass. I clench my pillow and hold it tight o'er my face and I cry out in pain, As a sharp pain in my chest makes me toss and turn, as a gentle flow of tears turns to rain. Little black tinted shattered shards of my broken heart lay scattered o'er the floor. As I ask myself a question I must have asked myself a hundred times before. "Will I ever love and be loved even just once, just once more?" Little shattered shards of a heart once whole, now lay scattered o'er the floor. If you see me with my head down and a hood o're my grim and sickly pale face. Its probably because I'm hiding from all the people and creating my own dark place. Where I can sit and reflect on better times and happier rhymes, Times when I had money and love...times when I didn't have to fly signs for a few measly dimes. Some say I'm a disturbed little boy with no direction left in his life. But if you were to ask me I'd say I'm just hiding from all the misery, heart ache, drama, and strife. Because... Little black tinted shattered shards of my broken heart lay scattered o'er the floor. As I ask myself a question I must have asked myself a hundred times before. "Will I ever love and be loved even just once, just once more?" Little shattered shards of a heart once whole, now lay scattered o'er the floor. --SlayerX-- © Brett Harper

See You Soon

Sitting by my computer waiting patiently for a letter. Hoping I'll hear from you and then maybe I'll feel better. Because I'm sick and lost without your love my gentle morning dove. You were given to me, sent to me, you flew down from far above. I miss you like the dry desert misses the dew and the rain, And my heart aches for you with a sharp uneasy pain. So then I hear the news that you won't be coming back. Seems you were caught up in a crash and everything went black. Well I'd give anything to have you here with me my dear, Because now I just sit here lifeless drinking year after year. Did I fail you? Was I not good enough? I'm trying my love. I promised I'd be tough. Could I have saved you if I had never let you go? Oh my dear angel please tell my my love, say it isn't so! Now my heart is black as coal, And I've given away my soul. My head is growing dumb, As my skin goes slowly numb. I shed a thoughtful tear, As I cry, "Why did you leave me here!" Alone I sit in the corner in the cold and in the dark. Its been forever since my heart felt that sweet spark, Of love, of passion, of deep and earnest desire. It's been a long, long time since my soul was on fire. Where have you gone my love and why? Why did you leave my heart on the floor to die? Come back to me my dear. Whisper once more in my ear. Say you love me still and hold me! Never let me go! Say you aren't gone forever my love! Say it isn't so! Well I hope you like these flowers. I got them just for you. There purple, white, red, and yellow with just a hint of blue. Are you happy now my love? Have you found eternal rest? I wish you were here with me my love, but destiny knows best. So as you lay there sleeping do you ever dream of me? Do you ever stop and dream about the way it used to be? Well its time for me to go now. Here I wrote you something sweet. I'll lay it here for now. Goodbye until one day we meet, In that land of perfect peace and eternal joyful song. Rest in peace my lover. I promise it won't be very long. --Love Always Your Lover-- --SlayerX--

My Heart's Only Prayer

As my tired eyes gaze ahead at the mountains set before me, As I struggle, as I fight to be all that I'm suppose to be, As the night turns to day and the day slowly fades into night, As I'm stumbling, lost in the darkness, deep in the absence of light, As I grow weary and faint, and as my skin turns deathly pale, Can you hear my heart crying out in pain? Can you hear it wail? As the tears flow from my stormy eyes like a flood, As I slice my wrists and stand over this pool of blood, As I lie here whispering and writing letters to the one who gave me life and now has tasted death, As I hold, ponder, and then cherish the little bit of strength I have left. As I grow weary and faint, and as my skin turns deathly pale, Can you hear my heart crying out in pain? Can you hear it wail? As the people praise the power of my words of poetry and song, As they stir, as they move, and as they all sing along, As they smile, as they gather closer and begin to dance, As they pretend to get me just so they can reach down my pants. As I bleed and suffer alone, as I cry out for affection, for a burning love, As I wait for a voice, a soft whisper, a word of encouragement from an angel above. As I grow weary and faint, and as my skin turns deathly pale, Can you hear my heart crying out in pain? Can you hear it wail? In the silence of the night I pray... Oh Goddess above breathe into the deepest part of me. Lift me up and hold me close, open my eyes so I can see. Guide my steps and light my way for I'm hopelessly lost in this world. My thoughts and emotions are a blur as down a downward spiral their hurled. I'm left alone yet once again. This time I'm desolate and deranged. Left alone in a world thats shifted, twisted, and rearranged. The things I hold dear always seem to disappear. Oh Goddess, will you please help me, lend me your keenest ear. As my heart begins to bleed yet once again I drop my head and shed a tear. As I grow weary and faint, and as my skin turns deathly pale, Can you hear my heart crying out in pain? Can you hear it wail? In the silence of the night I pray... Oh Goddess above breathe into the deepest part of me. Lift me up and hold me close, open my eyes so I can see. Guide my steps and light my way for I'm hopelessly lost in this world. My thoughts and emotions are a blur as down a downward spiral their hurled. I'm a muse on mute, a skipped track, a silent and sad song. I don't know how I got here and how everything went so sudenly and severely wrong. So excuse me while I sling this ink deep into my skin, Beautifully illustrating the wretched pain that dwells within. I pierce my flesh and I make a habit of spiking my hair. People are forced to stop and in shock blankly stare. The scars you see on these wrists of mine are smaller than those that lie across this man's heart. Is this where it all ends or is this just where we all have to start? As my heart bleeds, I drop my head and I shed another tear. Oh Goddess, will you please help me, hear my heart's cry, its gentle plea, Oh dear Goddess please hear my heart's only prayer! © Brett Harper
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