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A tear in my beer.

Namaste FuBarBarians: I usually never get so EMO to as write about the sadness that I feel. However, a lot has happened since my last blogs that I finally feel I can share. Super Bowl Sunday: I was at the jewelry store buying my girlfriend at the time, an engagement ring. I get home and we chat online and she told me that she had just cheated on me. She cheated on me with her ex boyfriend whom she told me she still has feelings for. I dumped her of course; however, I had second thoughts that night. I thought about how wonderful she was for the two years we dated and all the small things I would give up. Her honesty should be rewarded and her guilt was punishment enough. So I decide to take her back. Where she tells me not to because she knows I no longer trust her, besides some of the things I said when I dumped her she felt tho deserved were too hateful to forgive. I have never been a clingly or a lonely person, but like most pathetic fools, I overly tried to win her back, only to push her farther away. When I went to collect my stuff, she was drunk, and we had sex at her insistence. I missed my guitar lesson, cause she was so drunk I had to make sure she did not drown in the toilet or get a concussion or break her neck. I was there for her, despite all that was said and done. Yet, as much as I was there for her, she was not there for me when I needed a home cooked meal and a cuddle and snuggle session on the worse Valentines day of my life. We ended up not talking to each other for a few weeks. We made up and we are friends, but it will never be the same. I wanted to marry her. I knew who I wanted and what I wanted and where I wanted to go. Now I do not know myself, much less what I want, who I want and where I want to go in life.

Single! Yet Again.

I am upset that there was no way to work things out with my current girlfriend. We love each other, but in this economy, love is not enough. Her friends did her a favor in letting her move to North Carolina next week. I am not welcome simply because ther is no room. When I told her I was wiling to do the long distance thing she said she wasn't and that I need to find someone more stable and that she needs to find stability and quit being a nomad. WOW. We were neighbors, saw each other everyday. We helpped each other find work and better jobs. However, that is not enough to keep a relationship going I guess. I guess I just need to be single. (Stay Intoxicated Nightly, Get Laid Everyday).

Yes I was in love, still am, and that is why i doubt I could ever be in a relationship beyond sex. I had it all and it was perfect. Guess my timing is off as always. The relationship I was in before this one, I was going to pop the question. The day I was going to do it was the day she cheated on me.

Guess just like my newest ex is destined to be a nomad, I am destined to be single, but I dont want to be. I want to loved and be in love. It just seems to never be that way for me. She hates up rooting her life, but if she hated doing it so much why does she have to do it when she has love. I have takin my fair of the blame in all my breakups, and have dished out blame where it was warrented. This time the only persons to blame are those who caused m e to lose my job, my parents for not wanting to help out the woman I love who loves me, her uncle for throwing her out on the streets. My ex before her for making my life miserable and making me sick. I deserve better and so does my soon to be ex.


It hurts so much more to lose the ones you love knowing that you both still love each other.

Namaste FuBarBarians: It is I, The Norse Viking and boy am I upset. I posted a blog about blogging before, but I feel it is time to really rant about blogs yet again. I feel that if they allow a blog section on a website as they do allowing pics on a site for ratings, WHY IS IT NO ONE IS READING AND RATING ANY BLOGS> This site is not playboy magazine. There are more here than just pretty pictures to look at. People share thoughts, dreams, ideas, tears in their beer or just to rant and rave about trivial bullshit. You get points for rating blogs too, it wouldn't hurt to do it once and while. Hell it might be nice if people actually commented more on blogs. I am not just saying to bomb pretty chicks who talk about how to look in their private folders and such, I mean actually look around at your Friends and fans blogs and read rate and comment. Give those that don't have massive albums a reason to blog besides sheer boredom.
Namaste My FuBarBarians: Your Viking has had one hell of a few days back tio back I would like to share. I set up my friend for a Blind Date with this sweet lady. He lied to her and to my date. They exchanged numbers. She was looking forward to the call she will never receive. As he lied to her and us saying he was having a good time, he was thinking about how repulsed he was at her and how he felt I was pulling a bad joke on him. I honestly thought they were a good match. I felt he was over his shallow streak. He is a 38 year old virgin, bi-polar but someone I have been friends with for over 20 years. he turned out to be less than half the man I gave him credit for. He had his mom call me the day after the date, to tell me that he was appalled that I set him up with a BBW, that he was repulsed and that he never wanted to have anything to do with me. My friend of 23 years has his mom do all the dirty work. I called up my lady friend that I set him up with and she sincerely thought he was a gentleman til she found out what he and his mom thinks. She took it very well and She is a great woman, and more of a friend than my Former best friend ever was. I realize I am not Superman, I can not make all my friends happy. I would love if every last friend of mine was happy. However, I know this is a logistical impossibility and is in the control of my friends not I. What my former friend said and did was cowardly and to have his mom fight his fights for him to his age, no wonder he will always be a virgin. As sad as it is, I am glad no woman has allowed him to sink his torpedo in her boat. He will be a virgin for life living with his folks til they die. What I learned these 23 years with him as my friend is that no matter how good natured he seemed, you can never save a charity case. Namaste
Greetings and Salutations all my wonderful FuBarBariaians. You know it is kinda sad that Blogs on this site get so few readings unless they are about how you can see people naked or remove the private settings on photos for the pervs on the site ( i will admit I am kinda pervy my self, but what man isn't) Unless you are popular;ar in some or talk about something lame and childish, no owe wants to read or comment on blogs. Sure I know this is not Live Journal or My Space, but I am sure that there are a lot of people here with a lot more on there minds than just leveling up. Furthermore,It can only help you to level up if you post blogs and have people rate them and comment on them. You could make real friends rather than just Acquaintances you like to peek at. It does not hurt to read a blog and rate it. Just like it dont hurt to post pics to have rated.
Greetings and salutations all my fellow FuBarBarians: I must say, There have been quite a few white power and white pride folks that automatically think I am one with them on some level. After all I did write an article about Why if you are living with in the greater united states you should Speak the language of the land. This has to do with communication not racism. I am talking about life and death communication, not "how was your day today?" conversations. I get a lot of flack because I refer to my self as the Norse Viking, and that I am White and Male. I do not hate racists and hate mongers. In fact I love them because they are human beings, and as a secular humanist, I love all human beings, I just happen to dislike the acts on the parts of certain individuals. I do not even hate criminals, for wouldn't that make me no better than they are. I dislike the fact that despite the fact you have a great intelligence ( or at least the capacity to be quite intelligent) that your ignorance speaks volumes. I dislike that your upbringing and /or experiences with other races has soured you and made you bitter. You would rather date an ugly white person than a beautiful black or Asian or any ethnic group, simply because you equate skin color with beauty and intelligence. The reason I dislike this ignorance is because I love it when Racists align them selves with Odinists, Who were not racist whatsoever. In fact To use your vernacular, ( not mine), The vikings probably did more to "mongrolize" the races than anyother race on this planet before or since. Think about it. The trips to Turkey and Asia minor and Major, and To the Americas. Do not tell me the Vikings weren't fornicating. If you want to hate people, have the courage to stand by your lonesome and be a true separatist. Do not indoctrinate impressionable youths to join you and poison the minds of others. Be a man ( or woman) and stand by your convictions and be a separatist survivalist on your own terms. If it gets too lonely for you , you can always come back to the real world after dropping your fear. that is what this is all about. Your fear of the unknown. The Xenophobia in racists is what drives them to instill fear in others. You fear but in your macho or pseudo-macho bravado, you pick on, cut down, steal from, torture, rape, beat and kill those that are different than yourselves. You like to Call people of mixed races Mongols, or half breed or Hinze 57. I prefer the terminology of Hybrid. Taking the best features of other races as opposed to making something more inferior. This is where you call me the Race traitor for sticking up for the human race. This is where you call me a fag for showing feelings of an almost human nature. How can I betray a race that betrays it self? What is wrong with dating people for the nature of their virtue and strengths, regardless of skin color or ethnicity? What is wrong with having friends and even family that come from different racial backgrounds? Go look at your own family tree, you may be shocked at what falls out of it. Saga once performed a song ( i do not know the title or whom did it first) Where she utters the words " Is this how it ends, is this how my race ends, then I can not bare to see no more!" Despite the fact that the song was about the last white man dying and giving up, I see it as a song about the end of the human RACE as a whole. I can not stand to see the division and derision that is causing violence and descent. We need to band together as a nation and eventually a world, or we will not have a world to live on. Think about that for a moment before speaking out with your hatred and anger.This world you want to protect for your white, or black, or Hispanic, or Asian Children, gone. you still want to hate then do it privately. Let all of us free thinkers , be happy and play in the sun. Stay in the dark ages. However, I will pity you and feel sad that you wont come out and play. You may say do not pity me. Still, I will even more if you say that.
To be more than fair, I must say that after the every last metallica album Since "THE BLACK ALBUM" I uttered the same refrain ...Never Again! Having said so since 1986's Master of Puppets I have bought every new Metallica album on the day of it's release, WITHOUT FAIL! Does this make me a fair weather Metallica Fan. NO It makes me a Highly cynical, Critical and skeptical fan...Who ever hopes they could recapture the LIGHTNING they had for 4 short years and 3 short albums in the 80's. For me Metallica essentially ended Sept of 1986 with the death of Cliff Burton and the long dry spells between overly anticipated albums that failed to meet each of the expectations one would expect from the GREATEST THRASH BAND EVER. In 22 years since the release of Master metallica has only had 5 albums with Death Magnetic becoming number 6 and a2 live dvds A box set and a cover tune cd. I know that perfection is a wonderful thing to obtain, but 3-5 years per album is a little much. Presidential terms have come and gone between many waits between albums. The worst part is... With the Exceptions of and Justice for ALL and St. Anger in my opinion... And ok maybe the BLACK ALBUM...Metallica has become Alternica or Mediocerca . Sure Metallica were growing up and sure appeasement of fans is something no band should ever do...After all, you get into a band for your own selfish reasons. To make the Music you want to hear. That is what Metallica was doing, to an extent. Howeve,r not only did they not apease many of the old fans, they went as far to alienate fans in the quest to grow and to atain newer fans. Metallica was becoming Madonna. So after doing what they should have done 17 years ago and fire Bob Rock. They turned to Rick Rubin, the mastermind behind many of my favorite Albums ( SLAYER SOUTH OF HEAVEN AND REIGN IN BLOOD for example) to produce what Many were proclaiming this to be "METALLICA"S BIG COME BACK" and "METALLICA"S BEST ALBUM SINCE, MASTER OF PUPPETS". Needless to say I have heard this all before. Before every alkbum since the Black album. So what Makes this turn out so much different than all the other hoaxes. RICK RUBIN and Robert Trujillo. or so I thought. This was supposed to be the perfect marriage of everything I could have hoped for. Great Band, Check, Revamped with new Bassist check, Reigned in by the greatest producer on earth..CHECK CHECK AND CHECK. So why am I less than thrilled? THE COMPLAINTS. 1) this does not sound like a Rick Rubin production. It sounds very polished for an album made at the INFAMOUS HQ. a studio set up for live recording. Where is the the thick and Heavy Bass,Where are all the lush Harmonies. Where oh where is the crisp clean Rubin Sound. 2. I can not hear Roberts BASS. Why on earth would you hire one of the greatest bassists if you practically cut him out of the mix. I could hear Bob Rock's BASS ON fRANTIC. 3. wHERE WAS THIS ALBUM HMMM..LET ME SEEE. 10 YEARS AGO? This would have been a better follow up to the Black album than LOAD or RELOAD. This is almost too little too late. THE ACOLADES 1) The band has never sounded tighter. This Sounds like a band that has been playing together for several years. 2) I must say that as a whole I like this album better than the black album but I prefer and Justice for all to it. it is on par with St. Anger But Reminds me of what They were like when Master came out. This is a Unified Metallica Playing some of it's best material, yet I am not as inspired by it as I would like. Maybe I am an ol' skool fan who misses the greatness they were back in the mid '80's. Maybe this album is what metallica should have put out when Most ol skool fans like me still gave a damn. Sadly I still do a give a damn or else I would not have bought this Album. This is a great album...dont get me wrong But just like I have said in the past ...What is a greatr album for some unknown band...is mediocre at best for the likes of Metallica. Even Load is a great album and So is ReLoad..but too me they should have been by somone,anyone else but metallica. Metallica are icons in my eyes and What I concider great about them can be found on 4 albums that made up the classic 1980's Metallica sound. Death Magnetic comes so close to this sound and for that I am Proud. What it lacks however, is that foir all the Hype and all the years waiting , this was not Master of Puppets part 2...This was just a great Metal Album,, by a great metal band, that I may like to get to know. It is Not METALLICA and this album should be by someone else.
Hey FuBarBarians: How aren't you doing? I am not unwell thank you kindly. Where we last left on in my rants and tirades about the things I would do if I were the president ( barring all logic about how I am unqualified and far too independent to get enough votes) For this edition I'd like to address certain things that really should be done in spite of what I would do as president. First off as I am sure the few that read these previous blogs would know. I do not like either candidate ( But Obama is less scary in my opinion, and McCain will do anything to get into office, so that is why he should never make it there. Rather than put my name in the hat ( despite my laundry list of things I put in the two previous Presidential blogs on how to fix our economy) I think we should examine what a president needs to be and who should fill those shoes. 1) The President is the head of the Executive branch..There for it has to be a successful Executive. That being said lets look at Executives instead of politicians. Why not look at people Like Warren Buffet, Or Bill Gates. Alan Greenspan comes to mind and he was treasurer of the FED. he was both a successful executive and successful politician. 2) The President has to be a publicly respected Icon...someone who will lead us! Ok so we know that executives are all well and good..vbut it has to be a famous ( not infamous) Executive. Someone who Is smart and popular...Ownsa there own business that is a sucess but is also notshy of the public Eye. ..i give you ...DREW BERRYMORE! She is a CEO for Flower productions as well as a few of its related interests ( i.e. Clothing companies, Charities, independent film as well as her own company, music etc, ETC) Besides she is is a Woman and has more experience than Sarrah Palin...Forget that she is an actress and played lots of ditsy roles...Forget that she was an alcoholic and drug addict before many of us had our first drink or even first kiss...Forget ..WHO THE FUCK AM I KIDDING. The problem we have is we can not look past anything. We know there is a man behind the curtain and that the face on tv scaring us is fake. (besides I am sure she is not a tough negotiator) So even using my logic Maybe we need to look inward instead of outward. One thing I think we need rather than a President is An Efficiency Expert...You know the guy. The reason many of us are out of work now. Corporations hire them to "TRIM THE FAT" We are a Cooperation..Why not hire one as head of not only Immigration and Deportation, but also to look at Government agencies and Departments. The Efficiency Expert can Not only fix our leaky borders, but also cut out tax wasting jobs and offices that were set up by the liberals, but also help to combine offices that are doing what they should be doing already. I do not think we should close down all of the liberal offices of departmentalized government, but I think we need them to become bigger and less of them to help out the way they were intended to be ran. Not to be ran as a an easy job giving out tax dollars to those with out qualifications whilst keeping some in their own pocket. Just a Thought!

Work Just plain Sucks.

I am not a liberty to disclose where I work so do not ask. I work in a small winery for harvest right now and I must say...I hate how I am being treated. To preface what I am about to say, I am not a racist or an intolerant person, just seeking proper communication. The problem I am having is that I am but a few fluent English speakers on a team that is mostly Spanish only speakers, or those with only a small grasp on the English language. My cellar master will give directions in Spanish and only upon my constant requests give me directions in English and they are never what the rest of the crew are doing. It is always shit work Like I am some idiot. I have worked in the cellar before many times. I know my shit. I know stuff that is privy to wine makers as well, so I am far from being an idiot. I am being treated like an idiot for knowing my language fluently, and mi espenol no bueno, para englase por favor. In my opinion, I was born here and raised here. 90-99% of all tv, radio and news publications, signs and business are English speaking business. Shouldn't you know the language if you are a citizen. Furthermore. I do not like the attitude that because I can not speak Spanish that good that I must be treated like a retard. I learned how to work in a winery and have years of experience. I should have the respect I deserve. I treat others with respect, why cant I get the respect I deserve. I am learning Spanish, but it is depriving me of learning more about the industry I so love.
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