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38 Year Old · Female · From Trenton, OH · Invited by: 221864 · Joined on February 4, 2007 · Born on July 28th
38 Year Old · Female · From Trenton, OH · Invited by: 221864 · Joined on February 4, 2007 · Born on July 28th

I bet you didnt know... that my name is Amber Nicole, That Im 21 && my b-day is in July, That I live in Middletown in my very own townhouse with my 2 beautiful children Kylie And Ethan... Let me tell ya its AMAZING to know I can FINALLY get the stability I need in life && its NICE to know I can do this "somewhat" on my own, I have a LOT of help from my family in friends KNOW if it werent for them I prolly wouldnt be here...So as you already know Im a single mommy NOT really lookin for anyone either to 2 kids. Kylie whom is going on 3 yrs in age && Ethan whom is going on 1 yr in age. They are my everything. Without them I wouldnt be the person I am today. I became a mommy at a young age of 18. I have a 24-7 job as a SAHM && Im proud of it...I had to grow up fast...Im WAY mature for my age...My kids are my everything, I lived life "somewhat" partied hard while I could && learned QUICKLY what it was like to have to mature && grow up before 21. Its NOT easy having 2 little ones, I have to admitt its tough at times but I ALWAYS tend to hold my keeps...I DONT give myself enough credit that I deserve but hey thats why I have WONDERFUL friends...My babies daddy is Kaleb, I been with him going on 4 yrs in September off and on. The 1st yr we got along WELL && planned to have our daughter Kylie, A yr hes been in prison, a yr we done nothing but fight off and on, and that one yr was just AMAZING *sigh* we had everything we wanted && it seemed to shatter right infront of us. He means the world to me, I love him with everything I have inside of me && I hope one day when all this prison shit is over with MAYBE we can move on with our lifes together as 1 and have our family back...Im not that hard to please, I love to shop && drink coffee...You will find me the most at my girl Kristens house, thats home away from home to me just as my home is hers also. we love to get wild and crazy... LoL just kiddin.. Im a complete dork, I throughly enjoy bubble baths. All girly things, tanning, doing my nails. etc...Im always doing the most random things, Im ALWAYS jamming to supercool music. Im a caffeine addict along with the BIGGEST myspace && Opendiary addict. Im the boss when it comes to everything & ppl tend to say Im the bitch all the tricks ¢¾ to hate.Im DEF a city girl ...Im a wild girl at times who can hang with the big dogs, and is a TRUE GANGSTER on the weekends. Im down for anything, Ill try something once & try it again if I like it. I dont think before I do anything...I just do it. Im a TRUE believer in KARMA what goes around comes around && thats the fucking truth...I &LOVE to have a good time. i talk shit -DEAL- with it, got a problem bitch do something...KNOW that i CAN HANDLE MY OWN SHIT. Im a nice person if your on my good side... i dont give a fuck what ppl think of me. Remeber;; the shit you hear about me could be true or as FAKE as the bitch who told ya && Also I learned something in life from MANY Of my friends 2 Date Like A Guy So U Dont Get Played Like A Bitch. && I have to admitt I LOVE this CRAZY tragic sometimes almost MAGIC awful BEAUTIFUL life of mine. ¢¾.::.CONTACT ME.::. Aim Messenger: Youngmommy2two Yahoo Messenger: youngmommy2two && Email: youngmommy2two@yahoo.com && My name is Ethan Tyler... I was born May 15th at 00:40am [[I was 40 minutes shy from being a Mothers Day baby]] I was a wopping 7lbs 13oz and 19.5 in long. My mommy had me in a short period of time infact 15 minutes. We went in the hospital one day && I came home the next. She was AMAZING at 10 cm she was sitting indian style in the bed holding my sister Kylie in her lap. I have my 2 bottom teeth now :o], I am crawling everywhere also [[now mommy can chase me everywhere]], I eat all kinds of things but my favorite would be cereal or waffles. I have a big siter && her name is Kylie. She is a pest && ALWAYS has to have her way but I love her. She helps mommy a LOT with me. I just recently had Bilateral Subduarl Surgery on my head on && Jan 30th I had my stiches removed. Im such a big boy mommy says. I and my mommy along with sister Kylie have been through a lot lately. but Im proud of my mommy... && Im also a momma's boy. && Im Miss Kylie as mommy calls me. I was born May 18th at 6:33pm making me 2 1/2 yrs old. I was a NICU baby my mommy had me 7.5 weeks early . Mommy went through a lot to keep me inside her tummy longer, she was on bed rest && even had steroid shots to strengthen my lungs. [everyone was worried about me] no need to worry though I was 3lbs 15.1 oz and 19.5 in long. I was in the NICU from May 18th - June 9th before I could go home, I had troubles keeping formula down... My mommy was strong the whole time. I have been on the little side all my life but NOTHING is wrong with that mommy says :o]. Im growing like a week daddy tells me that all the time. I now go to daycare && I love it, Miss Lindsay is my teacher and she is the best. I LOVE to color, paint, cut and paste, help mommy with dinner && with my little bubby. I LOVE bath time && story time also. ESPECIALLY watching movies. my friends are Logan, Makayla, & Savannah.<3 Kylie Marie...

38 Year Old · Female · From Trenton, OH · Invited by: 221864 · Joined on February 4, 2007 · Born on July 28th
...Things You D O N T Know... ¢¾ 000. I have 9 piercings. ¢¾ 001. I couldt EVER go without myspace ¢¾ 002. I ALWAYS have a smile on my face ¢¾ 003. I never go a day without makeup ¢¾ 004. I love scary movies,I gotta cuddle 2 feel safe. ¢¾ 005. I always pick out the pink && red starburst ¢¾ 006. I love my close friends. ¢¾ 007. Bagels = my favorite food. ¢¾ 008. I have 7 tattoo's. ¢¾ 009. Im REALLY not spoiled,PROMISE. ¢¾ 010. I sometimes cry for no reason. ¢¾ 011. I LOVE big rollercoasters. ¢¾ 012. Ive been called a tease MANY times ¢¾ 013. I get attatched way too easily. ¢¾ 014. && get hurt even easier... ¢¾ 015. Ill always be a sucker for em BAD boys ¢¾ 016. My middle name is Nicole ¢¾ 017. My favorite number is 13. ¢¾ 018. I am VERY gullible. ¢¾ 019. I ALWAYS have eyeliner. ¢¾ 020. Im a strong person. ¢¾ 021. I grew up in Trenton && Hamilton Ohio. ¢¾ 022. Im a mommy's little girl. ¢¾ 023. I havent seen my dad in 19 yrs. ¢¾ 024. Lifes too short to worry about what other people tHInk of you. I make a fool of myself, because at the end of the day I KNOW im awesome. ¢¾ 025. My shoes ALWAYS match outfits. ¢¾ 026. Get to know me, you wont regret it. ¢¾ 027. Im the biggest HYPOCRIT at times. and i wish i wasnt
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... IMPORTANT People ... ... My Close friends ... ¢¾ we walk around like complete strangers; laugh for absolutley no reason at all; have stupid fights that are over in 10 minutes I like to dance & sing like they do in music videos; have a billion "you-had-to-be-there" moments; gang up on the BITCH that has a problem with one of us; make fun of eachother when we walk into stuff; act like were all on crack; & no matter what happens were always there for each other though the good and bad times.¢¾ ... Me && My BabygirlKristen ... WoW where to begin with Kristen, LoL we go WAY back... We have been friends for more then I can remember, we have had our ups and downs through out highschool but ALWAYS stuck by one another, we even have 3 slam books from school... LMAO we look at them today and cant believe how much our lifes have changed && how we have stuck by each other. We went from living next to one another in 2 different times to her being in Fairfield and me in Middletown still... She is my best friend, I dont know what Id do without her. Together we have this bond that NO ONE can break. We have grown up together && now its time for our 4 kids to grow together also. We have went through 4 pregnancies together..Kylie, Logan, Ethan && Savannah CRAZY HUH... I Love You Girl. I wouldnt change my best friend for the life of me. Shes ALWAYS been here for me through thick and thin... ... Me && Baby Daddy ... were do i begin? well le's see here... Kaleb and I have been together 3.5 yrs we have 2 beautiful kids together Kylie && Ethan as you all already know about... Kaleb is currently in jail for child endangerment. hes looking at 2-8 yrs if found guilty... all of this is a LONG process. He is AMAZING... outside of all of this shit thats going on NO ONE really knows Kaleb like I do. So think what you want. We have so muich fun together, I overlook the bad just like everyone does when they fight in a relationship. I have to admitt we have had one hell of a bumpy road but I wouldnt change it for anything. Hes my best friend && my lover at the same time. Were currently NOT together but were "working on things" I couldnt see myself without my family together... I miss that more then anyone will EVER know. I know I can tell Kaleb anything && no matter what we will ALWAYS somehow someway work through everything¡¦ he makes me laugh && he makes me cry¡¦ I couldn¡¯t ask for a better babies daddy, without Kaleb I wouldn¡¯t have Kylie nor Ethan¡¦ && I thank him for everything hes been able to give me. I just hope we can have MANY MANY more memories together && I hope we don¡¯t let our love die for one another. ... My Parents... Lori & Charlie... If it wasnt for my parents I wouldnt be here today. I really look up to my parents, when Im in the hole they ALWAYS get me out. I may not show how much they mean to me but deep down its more then I can ever say... My mom has been married for 6 yrs to my step father Charlie whom has taken my sister and I into his life and made us his own kids. I couldn't ask for a better "dad i never had!..." ... My Sister Britt && I... I realize now how lucky I am to be so close to my sister and how special our relationship is. Not everyone is close to their siblings and to have my sister be one of my best friends is so special. I can tell her everything, things I can't tell anyone else. It amazes me to think we hated each other growing up and now, we're best friends. I love every moment I spend with her, even if we are just sitting at home watching tv. I can't imagine what my life would be like without her in it. ... Me && Jenna... My Jenna, My Girl, My REALLY Close friend... I dont know where to begin Jenna and I met off Opendiary && have shared MANY yrs being friends. Her and her babies daddy Ty even moved to Ohio to be closer to me and Kaleb at one point in time, we have had our good times && even the very best of the bad times together. Our Men have put us thru some shit let me tell ya... but even though shes back in Texas She has a piece of my heart her kids are like my kids && my kids are like her kids. I couldnt imagine life without Jenna. She has a WONDERFUL family that Im so close to. They took me in as if I was their own :o] We have shared some GREAT times that I will NEVER forget && Im sure we will share MANY MANY MORE. Jenna my love you hold my heart. ... Me && Jayson... Well Jayson is/was an amazing friend, thats the first thing I can say. I will ALWAYS thank him for the rest of my life for spending the time he did with me, && being in my kids life when Kaleb was gone. I had fun when I was with him. We have these WONDERFUL memories together... They seem to flash through my head often. I was always open & I always found myself with a smile on my face around him. When he moved I was heartbroken. Were friends though. I talked to him everyday, TILL He got a new girlfriend. I couldnt see him not in my life. I have learned a lot in life from Jayson... He was there as a friend while I was pregnant & as my boyfriend in the hospital when I had Ethan till he was 3 months old... Jayson I thank you everyday for still wanting to be in my life. I hope only the best in life for you!! you deserve it...When & if you decide to come back to Ohio hit me up. I miss you tons and Ill love you ALWAYS!! ... Me && My Nicole... My Meagan Nicole...:o] we go WAY BACK... I remember when I was like 15 and she was 12 and I was getting her in trouble... LoL. We have SO many memories together, Sneaking out,Getting in trouble with guys we shouldnt of been, guys in age thats WAY older then we should be with...LoL... I believe one Ill NEVER forget is when we got in trouble... Our parents told us to hug and say our goodbyes because we was to never see each other again. We cried and cried at the end of my parents driveway... and we seen each other like a week later... Her parents are like my parents when i got in trouble the ONLY place I could go to was Meagans... I know now that Im a mommy && shes 18 doin her own thing shit isnt like it used to be, but I still love my Nicole && Always will. Ive done some stupid shit && so has she in the past but no matter what we ALWAYS find a way to come back to one another && say hey girl I miss ya...

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