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It is time for you to go now." The Lady spoke to him in a sweet voice. "So soon?" he answered, "It seems as if I just arrived." "It always does," she smiled, "But it's time to move on to another life and another body. You'll like this one." "I hope so. Buchenwald was not pleasant...." "No, it isn't. But, like you folks say, 'that's Life!'" He laughed, and stood up on the so-green grass. "Yeah, I guess it is. See you in a while, folks." The Circle of friends waved at him, wishing him luck and good fortune, and he and the Lady moved off into a misty area. "Pretty foggy here," he remarked. "It will clear up soon," she said, and she took his hand. They walked for a long time, until he saw they were on a quiet street in a small town. It looked like a nice place. Around the corner was a park, and in it, two people, a man and a woman, were sitting on a bench, holding hands. They were deeply in love, and that love shone around them to those with eyes to see. "These are your parents. They're nobody special, but they're nice people and you'll like them," She said. "They look like nice folks," he replied. "Anything I need to know before I do this?" "I'm afraid I can't tell you. Life is one of those things that you just have to experience on your own." "OK," he said, "I guess You're right, all things considered." The Lady laughed, and touched him on the forehead. "Now forget, for a time, until you return to Me." And he did. BY: Victoria http://lostcherry.com/user/218349
Greetings all, It is almost the Witchyist season of all - Samhain (all variations of spelling allowed - LOL) The following is a classic. Also, I have not yet mentioned Witchvox on any blog, but if you are looking for information, from groups to events to most anything else Pagan, that is your #1 source. a>
Author: Peg Aloi [a WitchVox Sponsor] Posted: October 5th. 1998 Times Viewed: 124,162 Hallowe'en has its origins in the British Isles. While the modern tradition of trick or treat developed in the U. S., it too is based on folk customs brought to this country with Irish immigrants after 1840. Since ancient times in Ireland, Scotland, and England, October 31st has been celebrated as a feast for the dead, and also the day that marks the new year. Mexico observes a Day of the Dead on this day, as do other world cultures. In Scotland, the Gaelic word "Samhain" (pronounced "SAW-win" or "SAW-vane") means literally "summer's end." Other names for this holiday include: All Hallows Eve ("hallow" means "sanctify"); Hallowtide; Hallowmass; Hallows; The Day of the Dead; All Soul's Night; All Saints' Day (both on November 1st). For early Europeans, this time of the year marked the beginning of the cold, lean months to come; the flocks were brought in from the fields to live in sheds until spring. Some animals were slaughtered, and the meat preserved to provide food for winter. The last gathering of crops was known as "Harvest Home, " celebrated with fairs and festivals. In addition to its agriculture significance, the ancient Celts also saw Samhain as a very spiritual time. Because October 31 lies exactly between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice, it is theorized that ancient peoples, with their reliance on astrology, thought it was a very potent time for magic and communion with spirits. The "veil between the worlds" of the living and the dead was said to be at its thinnest on this day; so the dead were invited to return to feast with their loved ones; welcomed in from the cold, much as the animals were brought inside. Ancient customs range from placing food out for dead ancestors, to performing rituals for communicating with those who had passed over. Communion with the dead was thought to be the work of witches and sorcerers, although the common folk thought nothing of it. Because the rise of the Church led to growing suspicion of the pagan ways of country dwellers, Samhain also became associated with witches, black cats ("familiars" or animal friends), bats (night creatures), ghosts and other "spooky" things...the stereotype of the old hag riding the broomstick is simply a caricature; fairy tales have exploited this image for centuries. Divination of the future was also commonly practiced at this magically-potent time; since it was also the Celtic New Year, people focused on their desires for the coming year. Certain traditions, such as bobbing for apples, roasting nuts in the fire, and baking cakes which contained tokens of luck, are actually ancient methods of telling fortunes. So What About Those Jack-O-Lanterns? Other old traditions have survived to this day; lanterns carved out of pumpkins and turnips were used to provide light on a night when huge bonfires were lit, and all households let their fires go out so they could be rekindled from this new fire; this was believed to be good luck for all households. The name "Jack-O-Lantern" means "Jack of the Lantern, " and comes from an old Irish tale. Jack was a man who could enter neither heaven nor hell and was condemned to wander through the night with only a candle in a turnip for light. Or so goes the legend... But such folk names were commonly given to nature spirits, like the "Jack in the Green, " or to plants believed to possess magical properties, like "John O' Dreams, " or "Jack in the Pulpit." Irish fairy lore is full of such references. Since candles placed in hollowed-out pumpkins or turnips (commonly grown for food and abundant at this time of year) would produce flickering flames, especially on cold nights in October, this phenomenon may have led to the association of spirits with the lanterns; and this in turn may have led to the tradition of carving scary faces on them. It is an old legend that candle flames which flicker on Samhain night are being touched by the spirits of dead ancestors, or "ghosts." Okay, What about the Candy? "Trick or treat" as it is practiced in the U. S. is a complex custom believed to derive from several Samhain traditions, as well as being unique to this country. Since Irish immigrants were predominantly Catholic, they were more likely to observe All Soul's Day. But Ireland's folk traditions die hard, and the old ways of Samhain were remembered. The old tradition of going door to door asking for donations of money or food for the New Year's feast, was carried over to the U. S. from the British Isles. Hogmanay was celebrated January 1st in rural Scotland, and there are records of a "trick or treat" type of custom; curses would be invoked on those who did not give generously; while those who did give from their hearts were blessed and praised. Hence, the notion of "trick or treat" was born (although this greeting was not commonly used until the 1930's in the U. S.). The wearing of costumes is an ancient practice; villagers would dress as ghosts, to escort the spirits of the dead to the outskirts of the town, at the end of the night's celebration. By the 1920's, "trick or treat" became a way of letting off steam for those urban poor living in crowded conditions. Innocent acts of vandalism (soaping windows, etc.) gave way to violent, cruel acts. Organizations like the Boy Scouts tried to organize ways for this holiday to become safe and fun; they started the practice of encouraging "good" children to visit shops and homes asking for treats, so as to prevent criminal acts. These "beggar's nights" became very popular and have evolved to what we know as Hallowe'en today. What Do Modern Witches Do at Hallowe'en? It is an important holiday for us. Witches are diverse, and practice a variety of traditions. Many of us use this time to practice forms of divination (such as tarot or runes). Many Witches also perform rituals to honor the dead; and may invite their deceased loved ones to visit for a time, if they choose. This is not a "seance" in the usual sense of the word; Witches extend an invitation, rather than summoning the dead, and we believe the world of the dead is very close to this one. So on Samhain, and again on Beltane (May 1st), when the veil between the worlds is thin, we attempt to travel between those worlds. This is done through meditation, visualization, and astral projection. Because Witches acknowledge human existence as part of a cycle of life, death and rebirth, Samhain is a time to reflect on our mortality, and to confront our fears of dying. Some Witches look on Samhain as a time to prepare for the long, dark months of winter, a time of introspection and drawing inward. They may bid goodbye to the summer with one last celebratory rite. They may have harvest feasts, with vegetables and fruits they have grown, or home-brewed cider or mead. They may give thanks for what they have, projecting for abundance through the winter. Still others may celebrate with costume parties, enjoying treats and good times with friends. There are as many ways of observing Samhain as there are Witches in the world! Peg Aloi Bio:: Born 10/23/63, Peg is a freelance writer and artists' model, and a Witch of Celtic/Sicilian heritage. She has taught classes in film, literature, writing, herbalism, and calligraphy, and is also a singer, actress, astrologer and perfumer (gotta love that Libra/Scorpio cusp). As a performer, she has made music with a number of Pagan artists, including MotherTongue(tm), Urban Myth, and bard Olvardil Prydwyn. She reviews films for the Boston Phoenix, and is Associate Editor of Obsidian Magazine. She loves single malt scotch, apple orchards, Xena, Jethro Tull, and her three grey kitties, Ziggy, Zeus and Trivia. Witches' Voice Duties: As Media Coordinator, Peg helps with public relations and outreach involving various media, both Pagan and mainstream. 3.jpg

There is probably more misinformation circulated about these festivals than about any other yearly celebration.  Read the following information and then go to the links designated, to arm yourself with true information.


Nos Galon Gaeof, Halloween or Samhain (pronounced 'Sow-en'), is the time when black cats, orange pumpkins, and winter begins to occupy our minds. Nos Galaon Gaef is one of the four Great Welsh Sabbats celebrated by Witches, Wiccans and many other Pagans, and is the dark twin of the Sabbat of Beltane.  Samhain: (people differ on how to pronounce this, in most traditions, it is pronounced sow-en. Also known as All Souls Night*), October 31- November 1. The New Year. All the crops have been harvested and now the womb of the mother is lying dormant. Now is a time for introspection and understanding your inner self. It is the time of the Crone, filled with wisdom and quiet illumination from within. Colours for this sabbat are: Black and red.

This is also the final harvest ritual of the Celtic year.   Ripe fruits and nuts are gathered.  Some are prepared for the feast and others are stored for future use.   Many vegetables and fruits are canned and preserves prepared to put away in the cupboard.  For those who rely on farming to exist, this markes the time when the herds are thinned so there will be enough food for the livestock through the winter months. Often the ones chosen for butchering are the weakest and probably would not survive the intense cold.

The following was quoted from Paganet:

"Samhain, contrary to what some believe, is not a Celtic god of the dead. Instead, it is a Celtic word meaning "summer's end." The Celts, like many other cultures, saw the dark of the day or year as the beginning. Thus their days began at sunset and the winter half of the year, starting on November 1st, was the beginning of their new year, just as it is for many Wiccans or Pagans. The Celts were a pastoral people as opposed to an agricultural people. The end of summer was significant to them because it meant the time of year when the structure of their lives changed radically. The cattle were brought down from the summer pastures in the hills and the people were gathered into the houses for the long winter nights of story-telling and handicrafts. In the Druidic calendar, this was the time when barriers between man and the supernatural were lowered. Fires were lit to honor the descending sun god. On the eve of Samhain, the gates of the Abyss were unlocked and spirits from below flew free. Human souls that had been trapped in the bodies of animals were released by the Lord of the Dead and sent to their new incarnations.

"With the coming of Christianity, the early Church in England tried to Christianize the old Celtic festival by making the 1st of November "All Saints Day," and making October 31 "All Hallow's Eve" or more commonly "Hallowe'en." The reason many Christians associate Hallowe'en with Christianity is that in the eighth century Pope Gregory III established November 1st as the Roman Catholic feast day honoring the dead. Then, later in the ninth century, Pope Gregory IV decreed that the day was to be universally observed by the Roman Catholic Church which, at that time, held the greatest influence among the Christian populous because of its political strength. But the attempt to discourage the Pagan celebrations were so unsuccessful that the holiday was eventually banned from the Church of England's calendar until its reemergence in 1928.

"To Witches and Pagans, Samhain is the Festival of the Dead, and for many, it is the most important Sabbat of the year. Although the Feast of the Dead forms a major part of most Pagan celebrations on this eve, it is important to remember that nearly all Pagans consider the disturbance of the dead immoral, and at Samhain only voluntary communications are expected and hoped for. The departed are never harassed, and their presence is never commanded. The spirits of the dead are, however, ritually invited to attend the Sabbat and to be present within the Circle.

"Halloween represents the threshold between the world of the living and the realm of the spirits, and is a time when the veil between the worlds is very thin. The acknowledgement of the nature spirits that walk the earth on this eve can still be seen in the observance of children, and some young-at-heart adults, wearing masks and costumes and "trick or treating," a time honored ritual many of us have done, and probably more than once. The spirits are represented by the children as they walk the earth in their many guises celebrating, albeit unknowingly, the ancient tradition of this Sabbat.  

"In honor of Samhain, many Wiccans and Pagans offer a plate of the harvest fruits to the spirits in attendance, along with a goblet of wine. Candles are burned in remembrance of loved ones who have passed on. Apples and pomegranates are eaten to represent the opposites of life and death.  (Try cutting an apple cross-wise to see the pentagram of seeds within!) Many feel that this is the best date of the year to perform scrying, either with crystals, fire, or a bowl of water, especially in the moonlight. For some, Samhain is the time when the Wicker Man, created and charged at Beltane, is ritually burned in the Sabbat fire, sending him to Tir na Nòg for rest and renewal. As the gates open for him, the other spirits then cross over to visit; other traditions burn the Wicker Man at Lughnasadh. Fire jumping is usually done at this Sabbat, and is seen as a purifying act, although it can be dangerous if not done properly. Our focus at this time of the year is turned inward, and activities begin to move indoors, becoming centered around hearth, home, and family.

"Some ideas for this Sabbat: "Bob for apples. There were many divination practices associated with Samhain, many of which dealt with marriage, health, and the weather. Ducking for apples was a marriage divination based on the belief that the first to bite into an apple would be the first to marry in the coming year. This is similar to the wedding tradition of the throwing of the bride's bouquet for women and her garter for men. Apple peeling was another type of divination to determine how long one's life would be. The longer the unbroken peel, the longer the life of the one peeling it Carve jack-o-lanterns.   Take your children trick-or-treating; go yourself!    Finish any incomplete projects and pay off lingering bills (if possible) to close out the old year and begin the new year afresh.  Set aside some time for scrying or other form of divination.  Leave food out for the birds and other wild animals.  If you don't have a wicker man left from Beltane, make one from dried grass or grains of some kind. Burn it in your Sabbat fire. If you don't have a fireplace or firepit, burn him in your cauldron, barbeque grill or hibachi.  Put pictures of ancestors who have passed on your altar for your Sabbat rite. Light a special candle for them, to show them the way to return and celebrate with you.

Visit the graves of your ancestors or, if this isn't possible, the nearest cemetery. Be still here, and listen for the voices of those who have passed. Leave offerings of food and drink for them, and for the animals.   Tell ancestral stories and tales around the fire, or at the dinner table.   Have a mask-making ceremony in which you create masks to represent your ancestry.

"Colors traditional on this Sabbat are red, orange, gold, brown, black. Favorite decorative touches can include pumpkins and other late fall fruits, corn stalks and Indian corn, a scarecrow or wicker man, cauldron, crystals, candles. Foods and libations commonly used this night are apples, pomegranates, pumpkin, nuts, apple cider, mead, beer.

"As winter approaches and the Crone makes her appearance, we now look forward to Yule and the rebirth of the Sun. And, so the Wheel turns... "



Found online at http://www.tylwythteg.com/Hallow.html


This was written by a friend of mine a few years ago. It has floated aroubd manyeLists and bulliten boards. If you RIP this (and you are welcome to) - please include the credits. Thanks, This has always been one of my Favorites. I like stories that are Positive. Blessings, Eugene Pathways: An Essay on the Freedom of Religion © 2000-2006 DreamDancer Well, it had been yet another bad day in the office, and once again it was the fault of that new girl, MaryAnne. She is one of those Wiccans, a so called witch. How can anyone in their right mind make this claim, knowing that it goes against God and all of the teachings of the bible? She doesn't even have the common decency to keep her satanic symbol, her pentagram necklace hidden from the view of the decent, God fearing people in the office. She has some nerve. I find that I cannot hate her for this though, for I know that she has been deceived. Satan works his evil in ways that she cannot see. I've seen that so called Wiccan Crede that she has tacked to the wall above her computer. On the surface, it looks like a decent loving belief, but all one must do is look, look closely and see that by practicing this way, and not embracing Jesus Christ as savior, she is on the pathway to hell. As I've said, it was a bad day in the office. Three times in the past few weeks I have been called in to see my supervisor, and he has told me that I am not allowed to preach to MaryAnne the word of God, to show her the error of her ways. Today, my supervisor told me that if I continue to "harass" MaryAnne, he will be forced to terminate me. How can he say this? He himself is a God fearing man. And, how can he be so tolerant of the evil that he sees insinuating itself into our workplace? As I lay down to sleep last night, I asked the Lord for guidance. "God, grant me a true vision of you, so that I may better lead the faithless onto the righteous path," "Oh, a true vision of Me is it? Are you sure that you're ready, truly ready to see, my son?" I sat bolt upright in bed, and there, at the foot of my bed, white of hair and beard, in a long, flowing white robe, stood the Lord my God. I made to leap from the bed and fall to my knees in front of Him, but he stopped me with a gesture. "Kneel not before me at this time my son. Instead, rise and walk with Me, so that you may get a glimpse of what I truly am, as you asked of me in your prayer." He took my hand, and as I looked, my bedroom was no longer there, but a pathway thru the woods. We started to walk, and I was too awestruck for words. We took the path to the left, and we were then inside St.Catherine's Church, in the middle of a service. While still standing beside me, God seemed to expand and fill the whole of the church. I could see smiles of contentment forming on some of the parishioners faces. I felt blessed. God smiled upon me."The Catholics hold such pretty masses, don't they? I like to stop here in this church, because not only do they speak the words, but they live the life, thru teaching, helping the sick and poor, not only with handouts, but helping them learn to help themselves. Now let us walk on," We walked a bit further, and then we were in a mosque. At least I believed so, as I had never been in one before, but had seen pictures of them. The group of worshippers was not large, but I could see their rapt faces as they listened to the mullah speak. He was speaking to them of purity, both of the mind and the body, bringing them closer to Allah. And as he spoke, God, dressed now in the robes of the desert, walked among them and briefly laid his hands upon each set of shoulders. And, from their faces, I could see that these men knew that the words of the mullah were true, and that their spirits felt touched by God. And then we were back on the pathway. After we had walked a bit, we found ourselves in an African village.People with skin as black as night, the women with their breast shamefully bared, were dancing in a circle, to the rhythm of the drums being played by a group of men. Somehow though, I was not offended by the bared breasts, and the music seemed to seep into my soul. God was then a mighty lion, and He let forth a mighty roar. The villagers did not seem to hear, but the drums increased their pounding, and the dancers danced with a frenzy. And then we were back on the pathway. We walked a bit more, and were on the top of a cliff. There sat, painted and covered with feathers, an old Navajo man. As I watched, he seemed to change into the form of an eagle and take flight, and we were flying with him, soaring high into the air, seeing the vista spread out below us. And God, in the form of an eagle Himself, seemed to guide this other eagle thru the air, over mountains and thru valleys, until he came upon a group of men. As I watched, the old Navajo man was no longer an eagle, but a young boy instead, and he sat at the feet of these men, to listen to the words of his elders. And then we were back on the pathway. We traveled a bit, and then we were in a forest clearing. I knew this place. It was known as a place of devil worship and evil. In the center of the clearing roared a great bonfire, and kiwi torches outlined a circle of sorts. Inside this circle, in a circle themselves, stood 7 men and 6 women,dressed in robes of varying colors, their arms raised to the moon. Was that one woman MaryAnne? I really couldn't be sure. And God walked among them in the circle, touching each one. He seemed not to be an older man now, but as he made each of three turns around the circle, he was first a young girl, bouncing with energy, then a woman of middle years, with a tender smile for all Her children, and finally, an old woman, body bent, but holding Her head up with pride. And a woman stepped forward, and yes, it was MaryAnne, and lifted her head to the sky. "Great Goddess, Mother of us all, thank you for joining us tonight. Stay if You will, go if You must. Know in our hearts You will always be welcome.Blessed be!!" And we were back on the pathway. As we walked along, ahead in the distance I saw the most beautiful man. Yes, beautiful,though I would never normallythink of a man this way. With blonde hair, and a golden robe, he seemed to radiate sunshine. God and this golden man nodded to each other as they passed, sharing a smile together. "My Lord" I asked, "was that an angel?" "Well, yes, he is known as that to some. He is also known to some as a god himself. That was Lucifer" And His words caused me to stumble. I couldn't believe that we had just passed the ultimate evil. God looked at me, and He knew my mind. And he chuckled a bit."Think about it logically My son. The Lucifer that you know is a fallen angel, cast out of heaven for challenging Me. If I am the all powerful being, above all others, how could he do this? How could I allow it?" "But, in the bible...." I stammered. "The Bible is a wonderful book, as are the Koran and the Torah and many others, but they are just books, written by the hand of man, not written by Me. And, it's a bit confusing as well if the truth be known, but that's not up to Me to fix. These books are wonderful, but only as guidance, for each man and woman must think for themselves." And, I believed He was right in this. "Now, come forth, we must journey a little more before you go back" and He took my hand once again. As we followed the pathway, we soared thru the stars, listening to the music of the heavens, we became a little flower and a mighty oak, we became a babbling brook, and a mighty ocean. We flitted from flower to flower as a little honey bee, and ran across the plains as a mighty stallion.And, all too soon the pathway returned us to my home. God held my hand a moment longer, and smiled into my face. "My son, you prayed tonight for a true vision of Me. For vision, you must only open your eyes and see what there is to see. Good night to you". And then He was gone, and I was back in my bed. A dream I thought, only a dream, that couldn't have been real. At that time, a bolt of lightning lit up my room thru the window, and thunder crashed thru the sky, and I thought I heard, from seemingly far away, "Remember, the Lord works in mysterious ways My son". This morning as I entered the office, I went to the machine for a cup of coffee, and standing there, I spied MaryAnne. As I approached her, I could see her barely cringe, and I could see in her face that she was expecting yet another onslaught from me and my book. She seemed to cast her eyes about about for a way to escape, but there was none. I walked up to her and smiled. "I think I owe you a bit of an apology" I said. "I've been a bit narrow minded of late,and I really had no right to subject you to what I did. It's not up to me to say how you find your path to your spirit, and I was wrong to think that was so," MaryAnne just stood there, not knowing what to say. "So, I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry, and I hope you will forgive my trespass. God bless you MaryAnne, and...uh.... Blessed Be?" You know, I always thought that it was just a saying, about peoples jaws dropping to the floor, but MaryAnne did her best at that moment to prove me wrong.

Paw Prints

Paw prints in the dirt, a strong steady pace set by one determined. The prints draw closer together as the path splits, a decision made, the prints resume their even spacing. Down a gully and over a tree, up the hill cresting the ridge. Two sets of prints meet, circle, together the prints lope down a path . Splashing through the stream to the sandy beach, irratic paw prints showing joyous playing. Up the tall hill to where the moon shines down, two sets of prints close together where they sat. As the dawn arrives bringing a new day, two sets of prints go opposite directions slowly. Two sets of paw prints, two hearts beating with love shared, but one Spirit dancing together. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This was written by Whitewolfmoon This and other good pagan poetry can be found at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/8051/

Letter From The Goddess

To: All My Children of the World Date: Eternity From: Your Goddess Mother Idiotic Religious Rivalry and Fear My Dear Children (and believe me, that's all of you), I consider myself to be pretty patient. I mean, look at the Grand Canyon. It took millions of years to get it right. And how about evolution? Boy, nothing is slower than designing that whole Darwinian thing to take place, cell by cell and gene by gene. I've even been patient through your fashions, civilizations, wars and schemes, and the countless ways you take Me for granted until you get yourselves into big trouble again and again. But today, I want to let you know about some things that are starting to tick Me off. First of all, your religious rivalries are driving Me up a wall. Enough already! Let's get one thing straight These are your religions, not Mine. I'm the Whole Enchilada; I'm beyond them all. Every one of your religions claims there's only one of Me. But in the very next breath, each religion claims it's My favorite one. And each claims I wrote its ritual personally, and all the other writings are man-made. Oh Me, how do I even begin to put a stop to such complicated nonsense? Okay, listen up now - I'm your Mother, and I don't play favorites among My Children. Also, I hate to break it to you, but I didn't write that stuff. I've always been more of a "doer" anyway. So all your rituals, were written by men and women. They were inspired, remarkable people, but they also made mistakes here and there. I made sure of that, so that you would never trust a written word more than your own living Heart. You see, one Human Being to me-even a bum on the street-is worth more than all the holy rituals in the world. That's just the kind of Girl I Am. My Spirit is not a historical thing, It's alive right here, right now, as fresh as your next breath. Holy rituals and religious rites are sacred and powerful, but not more so than the least of You. They were only meant to steer you in the right direction, not to keep you arguing with each other, and certainly not to keep you from trusting your own personal connection with Me. Which brings Me to My next point about your nonsense You act like I need you and your religions to stick up for Me or "win souls" for My Sake. Please, don't do Me any favors. I do need you, but I can stand quite well on my own, thank you. I have been here for thousands of years! I don't need you to defend Me, and I don't need constant credit. I just want you to be good to each other. The thing is, I want you to stop thinking of religion as some sort of loyalty pledge to Me. The true purpose of your religions is so that you can become more aware of Me, not the other way around. Believe Me, I know you already. I know what's in each of your hearts, and I love you with no strings attached. Lighten up and enjoy Me. That's what religion is best for. What you seem to forget is how mysterious I Am. You look at petty little differences in your rituals and say, "Well, if this is the Truth, then that can't be!" But instead of trying to figure out My Paradoxes and Unfathomable Nature-which, by the way, you never will- why not open your hearts to the simple common threads in every religion? You know exactly what I'm talking about. A. Love and respect everyone. B. Be kind. Even when life is scary or confusing, take courage and be of good cheer, for I Am always with you. C. Learn how to be quiet, so you can hear My Still, Small Voice (I don't like to shout). D. Leave the world a better place by living your life with dignity and gracefulness, for you truly are My Own Child. E. Hold back nothing from life, for the parts of you that can die will surely die, and the parts that can't, won't. F. So don't worry, be happy (I stole that last line from Bobby McFerrin, but he stole it from Meher Baba in the first place). Simple stuff. Why do you keep making it so complicated? It's like you're always looking for an excuse to be upset. And I'm very tired of being your main excuse. Do you think I care whether you call me by any of my thousands of names, or even The Void or Nirvana? You can call Me and My Special Ones any name you choose, if only you would go about My business of loving one another as I love you. How can you keep neglecting something so simple? I'm not telling you to abandon your religions. Enjoy your religions, honor them, and learn from them, just as you should enjoy, honor, and learn from your parents. But do you walk around telling everyone that your parents are better than theirs? Your religion, like your parents, may always have the most special place in your heart; I don't mind that at all. And I don't want you to combine all the Great Traditions into One Big Mess. Each religion is unique for a reason. Each has a unique style so that people can find the best path for himself or herself. But My Special Children - the ones your religions revolve around - all live in the same place (My Heart) and they get along perfectly, I assure you. The Priests must stop creating a myth of sibling rivalry where there is none. My Blessed Children of Earth, the world has grown too small for your pervasive religious bigotry and confusion. Air travel, satellite dishes, telephones, fax machines, rock concerts, diseases, and mutual needs and concerns connect the whole planet. Get with the program! If you really want to help Me celebrate life, commit yourselves to figuring out how to feed your hungry, clothe your naked, protect your abused, and shelter your poor. And just as importantly, make your own everyday life a shining example of kindness and good humor. I've given you all the resources you need, if only you would abandon your fear of each other and begin living, loving, and laughing together. Finally, I'm not really ticked off, I just wanted to grab your attention because I don't like to see you suffer. But I gave you Free Will, so what can I do now other than to try to influence you through reason, persuasion, and a little old-fashioned guilt and manipulation? After all, I Am the original Mother. I just want you to be happy. I really Am, indeed, with you always. Always. Trust In Me. Your One and Only, You Know Who from Blessings Light and Dark in the Goddess of 10,000 Names! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It never ceases to amaze me the wonferful creative people we have in our community. I don't know who wrote this but if I did I would say, "Thank You." If anyone reading knowes who wrote it, please email and let me know .


I be from the same as you…….heavens above amongst the chosen stars of Earthly delights beyond compare. For I am Earth, aliken to an Earth Tree. Many roots below to places of which some know. Of branches a plenty to reach out and hold. Giver of life from the magical well deep, deep below. Crystiline rocks, mystical waters flow. Touching, rushing from my fingers and toes. I am the Winds of the 4 Corners didn’t you know? Elemental shifts guided by moonlight Even of the darkest days into the night. There follows a trace scent upon the breeze of me Paths of each direction I take, hosted flight unto Pegasus A destiny chance of a landing occurs. Kissing my face as the winds envelope me always directing . I am Fire of warmth and The Light… Cast upon you spellbound within rapture and delight. I burn within your veins reaching deep into your soul Firelight of passions lust I am a giver of the light to show Unto those who’ve lost their ways. I am Water of fresh and the sea Of varied temptations mixed of terror and delight My sounds of movements rock and lull I emerge from the depths of Neptune deep Dancing the dance from the pull of the moon Currents run swift and brooks trickle on so Waves crashing loud and low Magical mysterys do flow. So goes the mystery of enchantment of such earthly delight! Who am I you kindly ask of me. Why didn’t you listen? I am you and you are me. Look deeper inside….let the slow arrow of mystical delight shed it’s power of vision upon you. Look to the mirror, you will see. All that I am and be is reflected from thee. We are all Elemental creatures of the 4. Writen by the beautiful and talented author Lady D Check out her other blogs at: http://lostcherry.com/user/211007 I should add that I intend to use this in ritual.

I whispered on the wind

I whispered on the wind..."Goddess, speak to me." And a Raven Schreeched. But I did not hear. So I yelled, "Goddess, speak to me!" And the thunder rolled across the sky. But I did not listen. I looked around and said, "Goddess let me me see you." And a star shone brightly. But I did not notice. And then I shouted, "Goddess show me a miracle!" And a life was born. But I did not know. So I cried out in despair, "Touch me Goddess, and let me know you are here!" Whereupon the Goddess reached down and touched me. But I brushed the butterfly away and walked away unknowingly. Listening and remembering the innocence of our inner child, opens our eyes to the wonder and magick all around us. ~anon~

The Politics of Dancing

An ongoing dispute in the Pagan Community is just that: Community. What makes us a community? What (if any) are our goals? What can the individual group, coven or solitaire do to aid the community? What point do we draw the line on groups that claim our banner yet are neither Pagan nor do they serve as an asset to our Community? For those who are plain just disgusted by the "$19.95 witches" then I hope I can allay your worse fears by saying that (neo-)Paganism, while still a "counter-fad" to many people is growing beyond that. In a few years time most of the "fadders" will have gone on to the next "counter-fad", but a few (1 out of 10? maybe) will remain to become serious practitioners and valued members of our community. It is a sad fact that Wicca and Neo-Paganism attracts its share of freaks, degenerates and sexual predators. This harms us. The reluctance of people to take a stand against such individuals, while somewhat understandable considering our history as a persecuted group, has reached the point where political correctness and apathy is harming us. To quote Issac Bonewits, "The enemy of our enemy is not our friend". This applies to Satanists as much as those would profit under the banner of Paganism. We all know of merchants to display the Christian fish icon for economic purposes who are no more Christian than Star Hawk. A warning can be given to those new to the Craft who are impressed by props, robes, and someone knowing a few Goddess names. Some people who claim the title of High Priest or Priestess are little more than sexual predators, and I do not use that term lightly. These people are plain out scum. They have no moral code and prey upon the unknowing in forming little cults based upon their "knowledge", which is usually nothing more than having read a few books (usually the worst ones). These people are not Pagan. Even some established groups are not immune to such things. There was a MAJOR controversy (to phrase it lightly) about one particular HP of a MAJOR longtime group and sexual initiations with under-aged females in Atlanta about 5 - 6 years ago. I do not personally know if the allegations are true, but I do believe that the particular HP was at minimum careless about the appearance of impropriety. Whether or not he pulled a "Clinton", I do not claim to know. If intelligent knowledgeable people want to incorporate sex into their rituals, and are open about it, and let other people know that it not the norm or that it is a form of Tantra (there are VERY few Tantrists out there) not Wicca, well... the Karma Sutra has been around for a few 1000s of years and it IS powerful magic. I know and have worked rituals in such a form, but not as an orgy, but as two thoughtful knowing witchy adults using sex to raise energi to an incredible height for a specific purpose. But that requires a learned basis for entering into the ritual - not ignorance or game playing. Unfortunately that is rare. For those who fear that community means a letting go of individual freedom or local autonomy by the creation of a centralized political power structure, that is called bureaucracy. We, who are the Elders of tomorrow must be careful not to lay the groundwork for such a structure to take hold in the future - think about 100 years from now; the early Christians would be appalled by the bureaucracy that now characterizes Christianity 2000 years later, but they didn't have the historical perspective to think about it; we do. It is important for us today to state that a centralized power base is neither our intention nor our goal. Bureaucracy is a danger that we must watch for and one all too common in many groups and covens. However, a total lack of organization on issues of concern, from the rights of pagan parents in divorce cases and other government proceedings (such as Child Welfare Departments), safety from discrimination in the workplace and in home ownership/renting, the rights of Pagans incarcerated to practice the Craft as a bona fide religion, harms us and threatens us as a group, as families, and as individuals. Organization on the smaller local level is imperative and badly needed. It is my opinion that Community stands for a means of gathering our strengths in a mutually beneficial way. Not by telling others how to worship or how their rituals are wrong, but by encouraging others in open discussion and face-to-face gatherings, by giving to the overall community we can give ourselves a community that we can take strength from. We have to look for the commonalties of our celebration of the Lord and Lady not our differences. This has to come from a grass roots level. It has to start with the single person. It starts with education, both within our community and to the outer world. That also means coming out of the "broomcloset". I recently spoke to a group of Social Work majors at the local University I attend about Wicca and stressed that it is their job to be open to those with different religious ideas from their own. It means getting out and supporting such things as Pagan Pride days and local festivals. It means letting your government know about your concerns politically. It means attending local school board meetings. It means taking a stand. It means fighting the "Hollywood" image of the Craft that is the mindset of 99% of the general population by substituting our very real and very human faces there. I didn't say it would be easy. Blessings all, Eugene Chapman aka Tramanor


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting MM all, I posted this because in many ways it represents the reasons why I work to help with Pagan Pride Day. Many of you who have been to a PPD before have seen a memorial (and our PPD is dedicated) to Tempest Smith(tempestsmithfoundation.org/). For those of you who do not know Tempest's tragic story, it is one where WE as a community failed. And it cost Tempest her life. You have seen the bumper sticker's slogan before: NEVER AGAIN. That is what PPD is about. I am not one who believes that the darkness of the corners can provide safety. Itis time that we proclaim ourselves as Pagans Proud, who are firmly dedicated tothe proclamation: NEVER AGAIN!!! As a last parting thought that is in no way meant to denigrade the fate of so many women, it needs to be said that it was not only women who were jailed, tortured, and murdered -- so were many men. BB, Eugene Each year they parade her about... the traditional Halloween Witch. Misshapen green face, stringy scraps of hair, a toothless mouth beneath her deformed nose. Gnarled knobby fingers twisted into a claw protracting from a bent and twisted torso that lurches about on wobbly legs. Most think this abject image to be the creation of a prejudiced mind or merely a Halloween caricature. I disagree, I believe this to be how Witches were really seen. Consider that most Witches: were women, were abducted in the night, and smuggled into dungeons or prisons under the secrecy of darkness to be presented by light of day as a confessed Witch. Few, if any, saw a frightened normal looking Woman being dragged into a secret room filled with instruments of torture, to be questioned and tortured until she confessed to anything suggested to her and to give names or whatever would stop the questions/torture. Crowds saw the aberration denounced to the world as a self-proclaimed Witch. As the Witch was paraded through town en-route to be burned, hanged, drowned, stoned or disposed of in various other forms of Christian love, all created to free and save her soul from her depraved body, the jeering crowds viewed the results of hours of torture. The face bruised and broken by countless blows bore a hue of sickly green. The once warm and loving smile gone, replaced by a grimace of broken teeth and torn gums that leers beneath a battered disfigured nose. The disheveled hair conceals bleeding gaps of torn scalp from whence cruel hands had torn away the lovely tresses. Broken twisted hands clutched the wagon for support, fractured fingers with nails torn away locked like groping claws to steady her broken body. All semblance of humanity gone, this was truly a demon, a bride of Satan, a Witch. I revere this Halloween Crone and hold her sacred above all. I honor her courage and listen to her warnings of the dark side of man. ~ Anon ~ Do NOT Let This Happen!!! - Speak out Proud and Loud!
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